Electroweak physics at the LHC with ATLAS Arthur M. Moraes University of Sheffield, UK (on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration) APS April 2003 Meeting – Philadelphia, PA Outline LHC and ATLAS. W mass measurement Improvements in the measurements of the mass of the top quark (mt). AFB asymmetry in dilepton production: sin2θefflept(MZ2). EW single top quark production: direct measurement of Vtb. Triple gauge boson couplings (TGC). Conclusion. A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 LHC (Large Hadron Collider): • p-p collisions at √s = 14 TeV • bunch crossing every 25 ns (40 MHz) low-luminosity: L ≈ 2 x 1033cm-2s-1 (L ≈ 20 fb-1/year) high-luminosity: L ≈ 1034cm-2s-1 (L ≈ 100 fb-1/year) Process σ (nb) Events/year (L = 10 fb-1) W → eν 15 ~ 108 Z → e+ e― 1.5 ~ 107 - tt 0.8 ~ 107 Inclusive jets pT > 200 GeV 100 ~ 109 A. M. Moraes W, Z, top, b, … factory! • Large statistics → small statistical error! • Huge discovery potential for new physics: Higgs and Supersymmetry. EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 ATLAS: A Toroidal LHC AparatuS 7,000 tons • Multi-purpose detector coverage up to |η|=5; design to operate at L= 1034cm-2s-1 • Inner Detector (tracker) Si pixel & strip detectors + TRT; 2 T magnetic field; coverage up to |η|< 2.5. ~22m • Calorimetry highly granular LAr EM calorimeter (| η | < 3.2); hadron calorimeter – scintillator tile (| η | < 4.9). ~44m • Muon Spectrometer Lepton energy scale: precision of 0.02% ( Z → ll) air-core toroid system (| η | < 2.7). Jet energy scale: precision of 1% ( W → jj; Z ( ll) + jets) Absolute luminosity: precision ≤ 5% ( machine, optical theorem, rate of known processes) A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 W mass measurement • W mass is one of the fundamental parameters of the SM (αQED, GF, sinθW) GF 1 2 sin W 1 R • Precise measurements will constrain the mass of the SM Higgs or the h boson of the MSSM; • At the time of the LHC start-up the W mass will be known with a precision of about 30 MeV (LEP2 + Tevatron) MW (GeV) MW MW = 80.446 ± 0.040 GeV (LEP2 – PDG) experimental lower bound on MH • Equal weights in a χ2 test: M W 0.7 10 2 mt At the LHC ∆mt~ 2 GeV current LHC MH (GeV) MW should be known with a precision of about 15 MeV (combining e/μ and CMS data). (achievable during the low-luminosity phase at ATLAS) • constrains MH to ~25% . A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 W mass measurement Sources of uncertainty: • Statistical uncertainty: < 2 MeV for L ≈ 10 fb-1 pp W X W l l σ = 30 nb (l=e,μ) 3x108 events (L ≈ 10 fb-1) • Systematic error a) physics: W pt spectrum, structure functions, W width, radiative decays and background. b) detector performance: lepton scale, energy/ momentum resolution and response to recoil. • Lepton energy and momentum scale: ~0.1% at Tevatron ~0.02% at LHC – ATLAS (tuned to Z l l , l=e, μ) Detector resolution + pile-up will smear significantly the transverse mass distribution. (method limited to the low-luminosity phase!) • p.d.f.’s & radiative corrections: improve theoretical calculations! A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 Top mass SM dominant decay • Together with MW, mt helps to constrain the SM Higgs mass. - mt = 175.3 ± 4.4 GeV (global fit – PDG) • tt production is expected to be the main background to new physics processes: production and decay of Higgs bosons and SUSY particles. • Precision measurements in the top sector are important to get more clues on the origin of the fermion mass hierarchy. - tt leptonic decays (t→bW) single lepton: W→lν, W→jj 29.6% (2.5 x 106 events) di-lepton: W→lν, W→lν 4.9% (400,000 events) • Top events will be used to calibrate the calorimeter jet scale (W→jj from t→bW). NLO pp t t = 833 pb at LHC > 8x106 events at (L ≈ 10 fb-1) - gg → tt (~ 90%) qq → tt (~ 10%) (~7 pb at Tevatron) Best channel for mt measurement will be tt→WWbb→(lν)(jj)bb (mt = mjjb ) ∆mt ~ 2 GeV L ≈ 10 fb-1 ∆mt at LHC will be dominated by systematic errors! • Jet energy scale: ~3% at Tevatron ~1% at LHC – ATLAS (including W→jj from t→bW) • Final state gluon radiation (~1%) A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 Determination of sin2θefflept(MZ2 ) [%] • sin2θefflept is one of the fundamental parameters of the SM! • precise determination will constrain the Higgs mass and check consistency of the SM. • sin2θefflept will be determined at the LHC by measuring AFB in dilepton production near the Z pole. AFB = b { a - sin2θefflept( MZ2 ) } a and b calculated to NLO in QED and QCD. σ ( Z → l +l - ) ~ 1.5 nb (for either e or μ) y cuts – e+e- ∆AFB ∆sin2θefflept ( | y(Z) | > 1 ) ( statistical ) ( statistical ) | y( l1,2 ) | < 2.5 3.03 x 10-4 4.0 x 10-4 | y( l1 ) | < 2.5; | y( l2 ) | < 4.9 2.29 x 10-4 1.41 x 10-4 A. M. Moraes L = 100 fb-1 • Main systematic effect: uncertainty on the p.d.f.’s, lepton acceptance (~0.1%), radiative correction calculations. sin2θefflept( MZ2 ) = 0.23126 ± 1.7 x 10-4 (global fit PDG) Can be further improved: combine channels/experiments. EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 EW single top quark production ( not yet observed! ) q’ q q’ q W b t b b W g t - g W-gluon fusion σWg~ 250 pb b q W b t W - q’ t b W* process σW*~ 10 pb Wt process σWt~ 60 pb ( lower theoretical uncertainties! ) for each process: σ ∝ |Vtb|2 • Probe the t-W-b vertex Process S/B S/√B ∆Vtb/ Vtb – statistical ∆Vtb/ Vtb – theory • Directly measurement (only) of the CKM matrix element Vtb at ATLAS (assumes CKM unitarity) W-gluon 4.9 239 0.51% 7.5% Wt 0.24 25 2.2% 9.5% W* 0.55 22 2.8% 3.8% • New physics: heavy vector boson W’ • Source of high polarized tops! • Background: tt, Wbb, Wjj A. M. Moraes Systematic errors: b-jet tagging, luminosity (∆L ~ 5 – 10%), theoretical (dominate Vtb measurements!). EW physics at ATLAS L = 30 fb-1 APS April 8, 2003 Triple gauge boson couplings • TGC of the type WWγ or WWZ provides a direct test of the non-Abelian structure of the SM (EW symmetry breaking). W • It may also indicate hints of new physics: new processes are expected to give anomalous contributions to the TGC. • New physics could show up as deviations of these parameters from their SM values. W L = 30 fb-1 γ/Z L = 30 fb-1 ▓ SM • This sector of the SM is often described by 5 parameters: g1Z, κγ, κZ, λγ and λγ, (SM values are equal to g1Z = κγ = κZ = 1 and λγ = λγ = 0, at the tree level). TGC vertex λ1 = 0.01 ▓ SM ∆g1Z = 0.05 Gauge, C and P invariance • Anomalous contribution to TGC is enhanced at high √s (increase of production cross-section). A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 • Variables: Wγ: (mWγ , |ηγ*| ) and (pTγ, WZ: (mWZ , |ηZ*| ) and (pTZ, θ* ) θ* ) sensitive to high-energy behaviour: mWV, pTV sensitive to angular information: |ηV*|, θ* • SM: vanishing helicity at low |η| Non-standard TGC: partially eliminates `zero radiation’ Parameters Statistical Systematic (at 95% C.L.) (at 95% C.L.) ∆g1Z - 0.0064 + 0.010 ±0.0058 ∆κZ - 0.10 + 0.12 ±0.024 λZ - 0.0065 + 0.0066 - 0.0032 + 0.0031 ∆κγ - 0.073 + 0.076 - 0.015 + 0.0076 λγ ±0.0033 ±0.0012 Systematic uncertainties: • At the LHC, sensitivity to TGC is a combination of the very high energy and high luminosity. • Uncertainties arising from low pT background will be quite small: anomalous TGC signature will be found at high pT. L = 30 fb-1 Using max-Likelihood fit to mWV |ηV*| • Theoretical uncertainties: p.d.f.’s & higher order corrections A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003 Conclusions: LHC will allow precision measurements: unexplored kinematic regions, high-statistics (W, Z, b, t factory); ATLAS: valuable precision measurements of SM parameters; W mass can be measured with a precision of 15 MeV (combinig e/μ and ATLAS + CMS); Top mass: ~ 2 GeV (combined with ∆mW~15 MeV, constrains MH to ~ 25%); sin2θefflept( MZ2 ) can be determined with statistical precision of 1.4x10-4 (competitive to lepton collider measurements!) EW single top production: direct measurement of Vtb; measurement of top polarization (Wg with statistical precision of ~ 1.6%); Sensitivity to anomalous TGC’s: indicative of new physics! A. M. Moraes EW physics at ATLAS APS April 8, 2003