Project Charter Template - Wiki

10.2 Document Management
This document sets out the framework and processes for document management within
Macquarie University Property. The objectives of this document are to ensure consistency in
documentation and warrant that relevant and pertinent documentation is captured for ease of
retrieval, both whilst in use and for future reference and archiving.
The objective of this procedure is to set out systems and procedures for processing of
documentation within Macquarie University Property.
10.2.1 Template Creation Process
To create a template, the following process is to be undertaken:
1. Need for Template or Procedure is discovered by Unit. Area approver (see Delegates Authority table below)
confirms whether document exists and then updates or delegates to staff member to create or refine Procedure
or Template.
2. Area approver (see Delegates Authority table below) reviews and approves refined or created document.
3. If required (e.g. impacts other areas of the department), Director or alternative manager is also to sign off (see
Delegates Authority listing below).
4. Area approver emails a copy of the approved document to Document Manager (or approved Admin personnel)
with text approved for release.
5. The Document Manager (or approved Admin personnel) will give the document its required unique ID and record
in document register (TBC). The updated document will be uploaded to its final file location on the Policy &
Procedures drive (i.e. made ‘live’) and notification of document update will be sent to Macquarie University
Property office (method TBC).
Delegates Authority
To ensure consistency and that the minimum amount of forms required to competently perform the office tasks, each
document loaded live must have the relevant Delegates’ Authority (e.g. Director or appropriate manager). The table
below denotes who is to approve the document:
Approval Required By
Allan Walker
Theresa Han
Kylie-Peta Ongley
Aloka Gunawardena
Kate Henderson???
Gavin Carrier
Mark Middlebrook
Allan Walker
John Durbridge???
Hilary Bekmann
Tony Johansson
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
Consider Potential Impact On...
All MQP units
IT, Admin, Communications
HR, Admin
Projects, Contracts, Finance, Procurement, Sustainability
Development, Contracts, Finance, Procurement, Sustainability
Projects, Development, Contracts, Finance, Sustainability
Projects, Development, Services, Contracts
Development, Projects, Procurement , Contracts
Development, Projects, Procurement, Contracts
V: 12
Approved forms are uploaded to MQP (“P” Drive) under “P:\PROCEDURES_&_TEMPLATES “. This is orchestrated
through a Document Manager (Document Controller or selected Admin Staff).
While documents are under development they are
edited in
When documents are superseded they are saved to the folder P:\PROCEDURES_&_TEMPLATES\z_SUPERSEDED
for archive and reference purposes under the same sub folder structure as they were in the
For all documents referenced within Procedures & Templates that are sourced from external sources the link to the
website where these documents are installed will be used rather than saving a copy to the Procedures & Templates
folder. Documents referenced by MQP but updated by external sources do not need to have the standardised footer
and header added to them.
Charts and Maps created on software that may not be available on all machines will be saved into PDF format for the
publicly available versions. (e.g. Visio charts). The footer format shown below can be used for these documents or
copied as closely as possible if required.
The following Footer will be required at the bottom of all approved Macquarie University Property documents (apart
from Document types listed below e. g. onwards)
Free Text Title
Delegates Authority
Date released
Approver: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Document Name: Section 10.2 Document Management v12
Version No#
V: 1
Location: N:\MACQUARIE UNI\05 PROCEDURES MANUAL\Procedures\Section 10.2 Document Management v12
Excel Documents
The following Footer will be required at the bottom of all approved Excel Macquarie University Property documents:
(See below for details on each item)
Location: N:\MACQUARIE UNI\05 PROCEDURES MANUAL\Procedures\Section 10.2 Document Management
Approver: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Date: 15-02-2011
V: Draft
Free text titling
Procedure and template titling is up to the discretion of the policy or procedures creator. The following guidelines may
 Use free text title to describe document as clearly as possible to eliminate the need to open the document to
confirm it is the document user is searching for.
 Make Free text title a short as viable, this ensures it will not once saved in file structure exceed the maximum
amount of characters available to define the path to a document.
Date Released
Each document loaded to this space will have the date approved by the relevant Delegate. This date will be generated
by the Document Manager (or approved Admin personnel) after the form has been approved.
10.2.2 Project Document Filing
All documentation related to construction, refurbishment and maintenance projects is to be retained, either as an
electronic version (preferred) or hard copy where a signed or contract original is required by central records for
reference purposes.
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
V: 12
Document Filing Types
All documentation related to construction, refurbishment and maintenance projects is to be retained, either as an
electronic/digital version (preferred) or paper/hard copy ((where a signed or contract original is required by central
records for reference purposes).
Paper / hard copy: use of paper files within MQP and the University as a whole are being depreciated in
favour of electronic documentation and scanned copies of documents. All documentation received in nonelectronic format must be must be scanned or alternatively requested in electronic format (PDF etc.) to
conform to electronic document records keeping practices.
Existing paper files are currently set up in TRIM. This method is depreciated to be replaced with Alfresco.
The process of converting documents from paper to electronic (scanning) is to be completed in accord with
GA36 When
converting documents from hard copy to soft copy, the State Records recommends a minimum retention
period for the hard copy documents of 3 months. At the time of digitisation a cover sheet stating the location
of the electronic copies and date destruction is due. Destruction at the end of this period must be recorded in
the register (location TBC).
Either Manila files or Lever arch files can be used to store paper files prior to scanning. (PM Discretion)
Electronic: All electronic documents used within MQP will be saved onto the P:\ as other shared drives
are gradually depreciated. For details of sub folders and the appropriate place to save documentation,
see the following information or contact the local administration staff member for details.
Personal or Confidential Filing: Local PC drives (C:\) are not backed up and therefore are not to be
used to store work related documentation. Personal items or documents in the process of being created
can be stored on the N:\ drive. This N:\ drive is accessible only to an individual staff member and is
backed up along with the shared P:\ drive.
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
V: 12
No documents are to be saved to the C:\ drive, All project documentation is to be saved onto the
P:\Project drive or the N:\Drive (or Project Server once instigated).
Non Project Filing: There are standardised filing structures set up for saving and retrieving non project
documents. The following structure will be used (TBA). Refer to Amalgamated Shared Drive Chart in the
Reference section in this procedural guideline for further details.
Full Project Template: A full project template is shown below (TBA). Refer to Project Directory
Chart in the Reference section in this procedural guideline for further details.
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
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Email: The default email client is Gmail and can be accessed via All work-related pertinent email correspondence is to be
saved to document repository as a PDF (Adobe Professional). A copy can be retained in Gmail for
personal reference.
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
V: 12
Outlook may be used as a viewer or portal to display Gmail items by setting up an IMAP link. (See
in-house IT to facilitate this) P:\SUPPORT\HOW_DO_I\OUTLOOK\How to use Outlook for MQ
10.2.3 Project Setup
For details on how to set up a project electronically, please refer to the Project Server procedures.
10.2.4 Document Naming Conventions (Non policies and Procedures)
Saving of documents to the project folder with sub folders will give the document context and minimise the need to
appropriately name the specific file. Below is a guide as to how to maintain consistency with project documentation
Description + Example
Finance Items
[Ref number (e.g. invoice/purchase order number)]_ Optional free text to describe
e.g. 1000001_2011-08-22_installation of widget.doc
Project Documents
[date yyyy-mm-dd]_[Free text to describe document]_[version number]
e.g. 2011-02-08_Document description goes here_01.xls
All drawings are to comply with AS1100 Technical Drawing Standards
All text shall comply with ISO3098/1 Type B as defined in AS11100
Drawings to include north point where appropriate
Standard Sizes A1 reducible to A3
Format is to be AutoCAD 14 or DXF
Project Photos/Images
[Major Account Number/Project Number]_[general data captured by camera e.g.
date, sequential number]
e.g. 109000054 .jpg
Project Room Images
(e.g. Building/space audits)
F = From Front
B = From Back
L = Left
R = From Right
[Building]_[Level+Room]_[Direction~]_[date yyyy-mm-dd] ]_[Free text to describe
e.g. Y3A_2102_L_2011-02-08_Compactus.dwg
Non Project Documents / Other
[date yyyy-mm-dd]_[Free text to describe document]_[version number]
(Other office documentation) e.g. 2011-02-08_Document description goes here_01.xls
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
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10.2.5 Project Completion
As with other official records, project files are to be retained for a specific length of time, depending on the
documentation held within. Retention requirements for project records are as defined in relevant (General
Disposal Authorities)
Some relevant examples are:
GDA23 - 7.1.2 Construction Records (Principle Records e.g.
Approved Plans & specifications)
GDA23 - 7.1.5
Fit-outs (non structural)
GDA23 - 7.1.6
Upgrades or installation of services
GDA23 - 7.1.8
GDA23 - 7.1.8
Administrative and supporting documentation
relating to upgrades or installation of services.
Asbestos management in construction
GDA23 - 7.5.1
Naming of buildings and structures
GDA28 – 4.0.1 Records relating to the hiring and use of
consultants, contractors, vendors, suppliers,
employees from external
bureau services or the services of shared
service providers.
Records include:
- determinations of the need for services
- specifications and conditions of engagement
- invitations and receipts of bids
- letters of engagement
- correspondence and negotiations, including
minutes or
notes of meetings with main stakeholders
- draft versions of agreements containing
changes/alterations or formally circulated for
- final, approved versions of agreements
- performance and evaluation reports
- variations to agreements.
Retain for minimum of 7 years after
building or structure disposed of,
then destroy.
Retain for minimum of 7 years from
completion of work, then destroy.
Retain for minimum of 7 years from
completion of work, then destroy.
Retain for minimum of 7 years from
completion of work, then destroy.
Retain for minimum of 99 years from
removal or disposal of asbestos, then
Retain for minimum of 10 years after
building/structure disposed of, then
(A) For specialty
Retain minimum of 12
years after expiry or
termination of
agreement or after
action completed,
whichever is later,
then destroy
(B) For standard
contracts or
Retain minimum of 7
years after expiry or
termination of
agreement or after
action completed,
whichever is later,
Note: Specialty contracts include contracts
under seal and deeds to property.
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
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Legal issues or case records: a minimum of 15 years
Research data: retention requirements range from 5 years to permanent, depending on the nature of the
 Finance records:
o If originals are sent to Finance, destroy when the reference ceases
o If originals are kept within MQP, retain for 7 years
Standard practice is to retain a file for the longest time frame required to cover all its contents. For example,
if a project file was to be retained for 5 years but had legal issues on the file also, it would have to be retained
for 15 years.
Email Archiving: Project emails not already copied to the network drive can be saved to PDF individually
and copied across to the network drive. Syncing Gmail with Outlook via IMAP and installation of Adobe
Professional enables printing and entire Outlook folder into a single PDF with emails and attachments. These
attachments are saved with the ability to open attachments in their native format.(Process TBC)
Externally stored project documentation: Documentation created, managed and complied by an external
consultant Project Manager is stored in a method unique to the company in question (e.g. Aconex, or other
project document management software) will be required to be imported into our file storage facilities at the
conclusion of the project.
At the conclusion of the project as part of the handover process this documentation must be provided by the
consultant Project Manager on CD, USB, portable hard drive or Drop Box (or equivalent large file sharing
facility) dependant on size. The documentation received will then be saved to the network drive under the
appropriate project (and where feasible combined with existing file structure).
10.2.6 Staff leaving Checklist
As part of the staff member leaving checklist, a session with Document Controller is required to confirm that all
relevant files have been transferred across to relevant project and shared drives.
This will include but not limited to the following:
 Go through email and separate or remove all personal email
 Go through email and remove all not vital emails (meeting acceptances, meeting arrangements, etc)
 Ensure all emails have label (Gmail) or are in the correctly labelled folder (Outlook)
 For projects that are:
o Ongoing – The cleansed folder will be forwarded to the project manager taking up the project
o Completed – The cleansed folder will be converted to PDF and saved to network drive under the
appropriate folder. (Process and software in development and testing currently)
 Transfer any project related files on the local machine (PC), USB’s, or other portable devices to the
combined network drive under the appropriate project folder.
When a staff member’s employment is terminated or left and the individual has retained project related documentation
in their personal email account, an email is sent to Tim Sprague requesting access to their
account. This will enable any outstanding files to be filed to the shared drive as required.
10.2 R1 – Amalgamated Shared Drive Chart
10.2 R2 – Project Directory Chart
Document Name: Document Management.docx
Location: Document1
© Copyright Macquarie University
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