DORKS & DICE Foggy Bog The XYZ Affair Peter J. Hagen 7/25/2010 Dark forces conspire to throw a band of adventurers into a series of betrayals and deaths. Will the heroes discover the truth in time? Will they make life-long friends of the residents of Foggy Bog or enemies? Will the heroes defeat their unknown nemesis, or die unwittingly? Shadows of the Wyrmling Moderate (XP: 275/350/450) (3 PCs/4 PCs/5 PCs) SETUP Festival Map The characters are at the Fall Festival. Residents are frolicking. Mid-morning, Algerotix makes an unwelcome visit. Encounter: 3+3+0 Frost Goblin Cutter 1+0+0 White Dragon Wyrmling 0+0+1 Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet Players place their miniatures within circle of festival pavilions. Read: Cooked meats waft upon the breeze, water pouring from the ancient aqueduct. Residents stand in the clearing between the earth tone pavilions, overlooked by a single young color-bearer from a perch on the aqueduct. The residents stir nervously, backing away toward the town, pointing to the aqueduct. Standing on the perch, claw upon the boy’s shoulder, is Algerotix. The White Dragon Wyrmling uses the surprise round for bravado. Skip ahead to next flavor-text unless a player-character speaks Draconic, read: This town belongs to the Mountains but I shall allow your foul presence if your sacrifices are worthy. Today we choose the sacrifices! 2 Whether a player-character can or cannot speak Draconic, read: Algerotix bellows: pushes the boy off the perch. Goblins appear in the foliage. The residents flee in terror. TACTICS Algerotix immediately moves to the ground. He will use his breath weapon at the first opportunity of two or more enemies. Algerotix will not change targets unless the current target drops. The goblins stay at the foliage line, throwing javelins. They keep their distance until forced to draw their short swords. They work in pairs. The acolyte stays near Algerotix, keeping the dragon from being overwhelmed. FEATURES Boulders: Athletics DC 10 and 4 movement or Acrobatics DC 10 and 2 movement to end in space: Athletics DC 15 or Acrobatics DC 15 to pass through Foliage: Concealment and difficult terrain 3 Rock Outcropping: Athletics DC 10 and two hundred movement: no cost for flying Pavilions: blocks line of sight and line of effect Aqueduct: Water cascading provides concealment and difficult terrain. River: difficult terrain; normal terrain Athletics DC 5 or Acrobatics DC 5 FOLLOWING COMBAT Residents gather in the clearing. Two nobles approach you: one introduces himself as Lord Rockton: thanks you. “Go to the River’s Mouth, the merchant’s store in town. Speak with Kaylithia. Tell her to provide you what things we can. Know you what that foul beast spoke?” Skip if someone knows: Mekah says, “The Wyrmling spoke of the mountains and of others.” Read: Rockton looks at you. “Will you go: I fear my men are not to the task? Mekah, discover where the danger might lurk. Meet these adventurers at the River’s Mouth afterwards.” Mekah runs to town. Rockton turns to you, “Will you hunt adventure in my service?” River’s Mouth & Trek Mekah arrives at the River’s Mouth: There is a ruin tower, less than a day’s march. Rumors and stories of monsters; what kind, I know not. Lord Rockton fears another attack. He bids haste and waits your return at the manor. 4 The Trek: Level 1 Complexity 1: 4-success before 3-failures Primary Skills: Endurance and Nature DC 5 Secondary Skills: any reasonably argued DC 10 Reward: none Failure: -1 movement, extended rest negates Arrival: It is night, soon: the wind blows: cold air fills your lungs. Ahead is the ruin, a grasping hand half-buried in the mountain. The rotted floor reveals a cavern mouth. Descending unhampered: ascending is Athletics DC 5. Cold darkness prevails in the cavern: echoes of waves lapping against stone. Descend + Perception DC 5: Crushed bones are on the cavern floor, and tracks. The Tower Beyond Challenging (375/475/575) SETUP Tower Cavern Map Encounter: 3+0+0 Frost Goblin Cutter 3+1+0 Goblin Blackblade 0+0+1 Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet Players place their miniatures at the center of the map. Acolyte and Cutters on west 5 end: Blackblades to the north and south ends. Players can retreat off the map only on the eastern edge; return as they wish; resets after any extended rest. TACTICS Acolyte is concerned with enemies getting near; will not move unless necessary. Cutters stay with Acolyte and target the closes enemy with javelins. Blackblades work together focusing on one or two targets. FEATURES Stalagmites: blocks line of sight and line of effect Ledge: 20 ft high Athletics DC 10; Perception DC 5 Draconic letter Path to Ledge: normal movement Pool: waist deep; Endurance DC 5; Failure -1 to all rolls, rest negates; Perception DC 10 treasure Stream: swift ankle deep Whirlpool: 4-successes before 3-failures; Endurance DC 5; reward none; Failure unconsciousness automatic extended rest; player is deposited at fairgrounds by aqueduct FOLLOWING COMBAT Intimidate DC 5: quiet Hobgoblin delivered letter Letter & Draconic: mundane business talk Letter, Draconic & INT DC 5: conspiracy, traitor in town 6 Rockton’s Manor Characters return to town. Lord Rockton leans forward on his throne. “You have cleared out the tower, good. Have you learned anything else?” Skip, if conspiracy discovered: “Two days before the festival, Mekah was approached to write a letter in Draconic. I believe Algerotix is involved. The letter is actually a coded message offering both threats and reward for the interruption of the festival”. Read: Mekah speaks, “A mundane letter with a glance. Three townspeople are involved: Xanven, Yllakain, Zantiln. Xanven mentioned a travelling merchant needed a letter translated to Draconic. Yllakain delivered the letter to me and Xanven picked the letter up. Lord Rockton stands saying, “I fear this is not over. If willing, find these three in town, learn what they know”. Mekah adds, “I know the whereabouts of all three”. XYZ Encounters There is no set order for the Xanven, Yllakain, Zantiln encounters. Each encounter is a skills challenge worth experience. Players can return to a failed skill challenge after they have attempted one of the other two. After successfully completing two, immediate interrupt 1 takes place, followed by immediate interrupt 2, which replaces the uncompleted third encounter. Immediate Interrupt 1 Immediately after two of the three are successfully completed You make your way to the third person, an idea occurs to you. You might discover the truth of what is going on, if you can piece together the clues. Skill Challenge: Level 1 Complexity 4: 10 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills (Attribute Replacement): Intelligence or Wisdom DC 5 Secondary Skills: Any skill a player reasonably argues pertains to the discovery of the truth; DC 10 7 Success: Read: “You’re rooting out a specific person. Your nemesis has been following you. Nothing happened with the other two: it must be the third and your nemesis must know it. If you hurry, you might stop the evil plan”. Failure: Third encounter proceeds normally with immediate interrupt 2. Immediate Interrupt 2 Challenging (XP: 400/500/600) SETUP Feast Hall Map Encounter: 4+1+1 Human Soldier Players place their miniatures near the middle hearth. Read: You are in the Frog’s Gullet, where a townsperson told you to look for your quarry. You eye the patrons looking for a familiar face, near the back of the feast-hall, a rush of movement. If truth discovered, read: One of you yells out a warning. You see a blur, a blade that misses its target: a glimpse of a terrifying visage directed at you and the assassin vanishes. You turn to the doors. Soldiers block the exit. If truth not discovered, read: You see a blade thrust into flesh: a glimpse of a terrifying visage directed at you and the assassin vanishes. You turn to the doors. Soldiers block the exit. 8 TACTICS The soldiers focus to block the exit. At least three form a shield wall, the other two standing behind their allies firing crossbows. They hold their ground for three rounds and then charge into battle. Options: Fight Bribe: Diplomacy DC 15, 100 gold and assurance of free passage Intimidate: DC 20 after 3 rounds and assurance of free passage Bluff: DC 30 immediate exit for party and full XP FEATURES Floor: difficult terrain, prone patrons Fire: 1d6 damage, 2 ongoing, save ends Hearth: blocks line of sight and line of effect, provides cover Timber Walls FOLLOWING COMBAT Outside, no sign of the assassin: inside, you stare at the assassin’s target, eyes glazed. “Thank you,” says a young woman, “for trying to catch that wretch. My parents have been fleeing him for some time. I am tired of running. Please take this: it is all we have left, from when we informed for the guild. They are nothing but thieves and cutthroats”. She hands you a tied bundle. “If you can kill him, then do so and end our misery. We want only a simple life again, what is left of it. I can offer you one suggestion: he always seeks a high place to watch the entries to town and will not leave until he is sure of the kill. Take these things as reward for what you have done already and for what you can do”. Skill Challenge: 6 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills: Perception, Insight, Streetwise DC 5 9 Secondary Skills: Any reasonably argued pertains to the discovery of possible location DC 10 Success: Read: “Four places: the tower in the cemetery, the rock outcroppings, part of the aqueducts, and the large oak tree”. Failure: “Rockton might know”. If the party visits Rockton, read: “Well done, you are worthy adventurers. I fear still, for you. Your nemesis might seek to kill you individually. I suggest you search him out and kill him instead. In the meantime, feel free to rest here and eat”. If they ask about potential hideouts, read: “I know of four places that fit that description: the holy tower outside of town in the cemetery, the rock outcroppings to the south of town, the great oak to the north of town, and a section of the aqueduct before it goes deeper into the forest”. Xanven (1 of 3) Moderate (XP: 300/400/500) The warm fragrance of fresh bread fills the bakery shop. Xanven eyes you cautiously. “Bold adventurers in need of provisions,” he asks. Skill Challenge: 12 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate DC 5 Secondary Skills: Arcana, Bluff, History, Perception DC 10 Success: “Yes, a long time ago I was a lord’s baker. A curse fell upon his manor and his family died horribly. I have put it behind me: him and the evil he brought to my world with his sorcery”. Failure: “You had better leave and forget such foolishness”. Yllakain (2 of 3) Moderate (XP: 300/400/500) The butcher, Yllakain, smiles broadly, as you enter his shop. “What can I do for such a hearty band as you folks,” he asks. Skill Challenge: 12 successes before 3 failures 10 Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate DC 5 Secondary Skills: Nature, Bluff, History, Perception DC 10 Success: “Before I came here, I had a stint with some highway brigands. They held my family for ransom. I managed to rescue them; in the process, I killed some of them, including the son of that witch. My family and I have been on the run ever since”. Failure: “Buy something and go, or just go. I don’t have time for this”. Zantiln (3 of 3) Moderate (XP: 300/400/500) Candles of every conceivable color fill this store. Zantiln approaches, “Welcome, how many would like?” Skill Challenge: 12 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate DC 5 Secondary Skills: Religion, Bluff, History, Perception DC 10 Success: “I was in the priesthood at one time, but my mentor was corrupted. I doubt my own wisdom: she taught me all I knew. In the dead of night, I fled; and have never looked back”. Failure: “It is better if you leave, good day”. Four Encounters There is no order to these four encounters. Epiphany happens immediately after players have attempted all four encounters. Tower (1 of 4) Moderately Easy (XP: 200/300/400) SETUP Crypt Map Encounter: 11 2+1+1 Skeleton Trooper Read: An acolyte rushes up to you and says, “Bless you for coming. Yesterday, we placed strange fellows in the crypt below with the other bodies, until the ground thaws in spring. Now, ominous sounds emanate from within, a foreboding evil”. Players place their miniatures in the room at the bottom of the stairs. Place acolyte in same room between player miniatures. Read: The crypt is cool, musty and dark. You hear the skittering of rats and metal scraping against stone. TACTICS The Skeletons are at the back of the crypt. They ready an action to charge the first character that comes into view. The skeletons will press their advantage by moving to maximize their opportunity attacks. They comprehend no other tactics. The acolyte (Minion, AC: 10) is too terrified to take any actions. Adjacent players can use a minor action to slide the acolyte 1 space. FEATURES Stone Wall Stairs Stone Coffin: provides cover 12 Bloody Bundles: adjacent spaces difficult terrain, slick Oak Door FOLLOWING COMBAT Read: Several clergy approach you, carrying gifts. “Thank you for your assistance, may these things help you cleanse the world of all evil”. Outcropping (2 of 4) Challenging (XP: 400/500/600) SETUP Outcropping Map Encounter 4+1+1 Spiretop Drake Read: As you reach the wide ledge of the outcropping, you see a rainbow of glinting colors up the cliff wall in a bird nest. The birds, good-sized, see you and begin to squawk, circling over your heads. One suddenly dives at you, claws extended. Players place their miniatures on middle elevation. Drakes begin on highest elevation. TACTICS One drake readies an action for whenever a character pulls 13 out a small non-martial item: immediately attempts to snatch the item. Remaining drakes attack. If someone begins to climb the cliff to the highest elevation, then all drakes attack to defend the nest. Climbing characters must make an Athletics DC 5 for each hit. Climbing characters who wish to fight back must make Acrobatics DC 5 to not fall. The last remaining drake abandons the nest and flies off. FEATURES Cliff: +30 feet elevation intervals Tree (3 of 4) Pocket Challenge Moderate (XP: 300/400/500) Constant: XP & DC never changes Read: An unthreatening old man, canaries about him, steps out from behind the tree as you approach. A rusted-out shield leans against the tree. He laughs and wanders off, vanishing. As you look at the shield, your name appears above other writing on it. Allow one attempt per day. Each person whose name 14 originally appears must participate to earn XP. Character death removes the name. No one else’s name will ever appear on it. Skill Challenge: 12 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills: Insight, INT DC 5 Secondary Skills: History, Arcana, Nature, Religion DC 10 Success: It is a message showing a means for traveling other planes. Failure: Maybe tomorrow Aqueduct (4 of 4) Challenging (XP: 400/500/600) SETUP Festival Map 4+1+1 Dire Rat Read: You see the carcass of the dead Wyrmling, guts eaten out. Something has dragged the dead goblins into the foliage. Medium-sized rats appear earnestly closing on their next meal, you. Players place their miniatures in clearing at center of map. Place rats around characters. TACTICS Rats move to attack closes enemy. Rat will change target to attack most threatening person within two spaces. Epiphany Looking at Foggy Bog, you realize one more obvious place, the covered patio rooftop of Rockton’s Manor. 15 A Manor of Killing Very Challenging (500/600/700) SETUP Manor Map 1+1-2 Traps 2+0+1 Bog Assassin Read: Entering the manor interior garden, you see a handful of cloaked figures. “My gratitude for the aid you have given me,” says one of them. “I needed to know exactly which of the three was marked for death. Unfortunately, your usefulness has expired. Kill them all”. Players place their miniatures within two spaces of the southern wall. If necessary, place Rockton and Mekah against the northern wall to designate the traps. Players have ten rounds to disable the traps before they automatically kill their victims. Place assassins within four spaces of the northern wall. TACTICS Assassins move forward to attack, if not within melee they use misty step. They work together to take out a single enemy. When 10 hit points down, the assassin uses tear 16 the vein. They ignore anyone on a trap until no one else remains. On the second round, every assassin uses an action point. Imminent death potentially threatens Rockton and possibly Mekah. Any trap not disabled by the end of the tenth round automatically kills its victim. Any number of characters can help disable the trap. Thievery DC 25 to notice trap is not lethal. Skill Challenge: 4 successes before 3 failures Primary Skills: Thievery DC 5 Success: You have freed the person, who runs to safety. Failure: The person slumps into your arms. Heal DC 10 to notice the person is not dead, but in a deep slumber with shallow breathing. FEATURES Pillar: provides cover, loggia Foliage: provides cover and concealment, difficult terrain, raised 3 feet Pool: difficult terrain, raised 6 inches FOLLOWING COMBAT After several hours, word spreads through town that Lord Rockton and Mekah both survived the ordeal with the assassins. Lord Rockton summons you and all of the townsfolk of Foggy Bog to the steps of his manor. Even Kaylithia, who never leaves the River’s Mouth, is present, on the bottom steps with Mekah. Lord Rockton sings your praises and rewards each of you who have survived with both treasure and gold. The townsfolk cheer: a large festival erupts in your honor, congratulations and job well done. 17