How is taking an AP Spanish beneficial? AP Language Most college degrees require 120-130 credit hours (40-43 classes). AP Language (4-6 classes by a score of 3+) Number of credit hours awarded 9-16 credit hours Explanation of Credit Hours in college: In college, usually, 1 class equals 3 credit hours. Science classes are generally 4 credit hours because of a lab component. AP EXAM CREDIT EXPLANATION Many students are confused about how much credit is earned by various AP courses. The chart below [using statistics from Georgia Tech] shows the amount of credit earned by scoring a 3 or higher on some of the most popular AP courses offered at Central. AP COURSE AP Spanish Language AP Calculus AB AP English Lang or Lit AP US History AP Euro/World History/Human Geography AP Economics AP Environmental AP Biology, Chemistry, Physics AP Psychology NUMBER OF CLASS CREDITED BY A SCORE OF 3+ NUMBER OF CREDIT HOURS AWARDED 4-6 classes 1 class 1 class 1 class 1 class* (depends on the school) 1 class 1 class w Lab 9-16 credit hours! 3 credit hours 3 credit hours 3 credit hours 3 credit hours* 2 classes w/ Labs 1 class* 8 credit hours 0-3 credit hours* (depends on the school) 3 credit hours 4 credit hours Most college degrees require 120-130 credit hours (40-43 classes). The degree credit hours divide like this: Major = 30 credit hours (10 classes) Minor = 20 credit hours (6 classes) Elective s = 20-30 credit hours (68 classes) Core Classes = 40 credit hours (13-14 classes) AP Score Equivalencies at Auburn AP TEST Score on AP Test 5 Foreign Language 4 3 1-2 8 lower division 8 lower division 4 lower division No Credit hrs equiv. to hrs equiv. to hrs equiv. to 1010 & 1020 1010 & 1020 1010 AP Score Equivalencies at UGA Georgia AP Score Equivalencies Georgia Tech French AP Score: 4 or 5 = 6 hours German AP Score: 4 or 5 = 6 hours Latin Spanish AP Score: 4 or 5 = AP Score: 4 or 5 = 6 hours 6 hours How does your child pass an AP Spanish exam? • Every week they are expected to learn 40 new vocabulary words. • They read for comprehension and answer questions. • They learn to tune their ears by listening to 1 minute videos on current events. Who? What? When? When? What happened? Why? • Along with reading and listening they are required to keep an entire conversation in Spanish (40 vocab, reading , and listening is imperative). $$$$$ Check the Internet for the credit awarded by your school! Compare and decide what class is worth taking and where to put your AP Exam money! Who? What? When? When? What happened? Why?