8th Grade OnLevel Summer Reading Assignments

On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
The following items need to be completed for the novel The Outsiders by
S.E. Hinton. All assignments are due Friday, August 21st :
1. Read and annotate The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton for the
following concepts: theme, characterization, point of view,
plot elements and symbolism.
2. Complete two evidence-based response questions and color
code the response
3. Complete one narrative response
4. Complete an objective summary over the novel
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
Summer Reading Assessment
Evidence-Based Response to Literature Questions
Directions: Answer two of the following questions using the “Evidence-Based Response to Literature”
format described on pages 2-3. Each answer should be written in paragraph form. The answer to each
problem should address all parts of the question and should include a thesis statement, Lead in to
text evidence, Text evidence, a Citation and an Explanation supporting your thesis and the text
** Each EBR (Evidence-Based Response) should be color coded to show you have included each
element of this type of writing. Below are the colors you should use:
Red- Thesis Statement
Purple- Lead in to text evidence
Green- Text Evidence
Blue- Citation
Orange- Explanation
1. Identify the antagonist of the story. Cite, in MLA, a part of the story that shows the
antagonist creating problems for the protagonist. Describe the conflict that is occurring.
2. Define the term foreshadowing. Find and cite an example of foreshadowing in your
book. What does this clue reveal about later parts of the book?
3. Define the term mood. Choose your favorite paragraph from the book that reveals a lot
of information about a setting or a character with the use of imagery. What is the mood
of this passage? Use a thesaurus to find three synonymous terms to identify the mood of
the passage.
4. Cite three sentences from your book that contain “challenging vocabulary words.” Find
3 synonyms for each vocabulary word.
5. Find and cite a simile or a metaphor in your book. Explain which type of figurative
language is being used, simile or metaphor. Rewrite the example of figurative language
in literal terms.
6. Explain a series of plot events that show a “cause and effect” relationship from your
story. Identify a theme or lesson that the reader can learn based on the outcome?
7. What is an idiom? Find an idiom and cite it in MLA. Look up the phrase using a search
engine. Identify the meaning of the phrase and its origin.
8. Describe one of the supporting characters in the book. How do these characters interact
with the main character? What do they do in the story that impacts the plot of the story?
9. Define the term flashback. Does your book have a flashback? If so, cite it and explain
how this helps the reader understand background information related to the plot or
characters. If your author does not use flashback, pick a part in the text where a
flashback would be appropriate, and create your own. Explain why you chose to add that
flashback when you did.
10. Explain what point of view the author is using throughout the narration of the text. Be
sure to include a description of point of view in terms of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person AND
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
whether it is Limited or Omniscient. If the perspective changes throughout the text, this
is also something you should discuss. Cite a passage in MLA that shows the narrative
perspective/point of view.
Process for an Evidence-Based Response to Literature
Step 1: Address the prompt: it is crucial that your answer is a clear attempt to answer the question
that is being asked. To do this, you may use the language from the prompt/question in the topic
sentence. For example, if you were answering question #3, you may begin: The mood of a passage
in literature is the general feeling that the reader has while reading it. The reader may relate to or
identify with the characters, action, conflict or setting in order to derive the mood of the piece.
Step 2: Lead in to your evidence. Instead of simply adding a quote into your paragraph, weave the
evidence into your discussion by building a sentence that uses the quote. For example: In this
passage from the novel, the narrator states,
Step 3: Include a piece of evidence to use in your response; in the world of English Language Arts,
this simply means utilizing a quote from the text and citing it in MLA format. Example: “One
by one they straggled in at last and took shelter under the tent, cold, scared, and streaming with
water; but to have company in misery seemed something to be grateful for” (Twain 118).
Step 4: Provide a logical explanation which addresses the question and references the evidence that
you have included: explain the evidence; explain how your understanding of the quote may
contribute towards answering the prompt; provide personal insight or reference to personal
experience; elaborate; answer the question using the quote as your evidence. Example: In this
part of the novel, Tom Sawyer and his friends find themselves in a cold and dreary scene after
running away from home for an adventure. The narration reveals that Tom and his friends are still
immature. Their petulance over their discomfort in being away from home during the storm allows
the reader to infer that they still crave the security of adults—even though they ran away initially to
be independent. Although they were glad to have one another close by underneath the tent, the
dominant mood of the scene is morose as the children are brooding due to the dark and gloomy
environment. Three other terms that may be used to identify the mood of this part of the novel are:
melancholic, sullen and sulky.
*Hint: The bottom line is that you cannot be wrong if your response is relevant (addresses the
prompt), discusses all elements of the prompt (responds to all parts of the question), and is
based upon evidence and sound logic (quote from the text AND your understanding of how it
helps to prove your point).
Full Example Response for Question #3:
The mood of a passage in literature is the general feeling that the reader has while reading it.
The reader may relate to or identify with the characters, action, conflict or setting in order to
derive the mood of the piece. In this passage from the novel, the narrator states that “one by
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
one they straggled in at last and took shelter under the tent, cold, scared, and streaming with
water; but to have company in misery seemed something to be grateful for” (Twain 118). This
scene reveals that Tom and his friends are still immature. Their petulance over their
discomfort in being away from home during the storm allows the reader to infer that they
still crave the security of adults—even though they ran away initially to be independent. In
this part of the novel, Tom Sawyer and his friends find themselves in a chilly and dreary
scene after running away from home on an adventure. Although they were somewhat relieved
to have one another close by underneath the tent, the dominant mood of the scene is morose
as the children are brooding due to the dark and gloomy environment. Three other terms that
may be used to identify the mood of this part of the novel are: melancholic, sullen and sulky.
Framework for an Evidence-Based Response to Literature
Step 1: Address the prompt with your thesis statement (use the language from the prompt/question in
order to clearly introduce the topic being discussed in the first sentence):
Step 2: Lead in to your evidence. Instead of simply adding a quote into your paragraph, weave it into
your discussion by building a sentence that uses the quote. For example: In this
passage/excerpt/part/scene from the novel, the narrator states/claims/explains/describes/portrays/etc.
Step 3: Include a piece of evidence to use in your response; in the world of English Language Arts, this
simply means utilizing a quote from the text and citing it in MLA format—Example: “company in
misery seemed something to be grateful for” (Twain 118).
______________________________”(Author’s last name page number).
Step 4: Provide a logical explanation which addresses all parts of the question and references the
evidence that you have included: explain the evidence; explain how your understanding of the quote
may contribute towards answering the prompt; provide personal insight or reference to personal
experience; elaborate; answer the question using the quote as your evidence.
*Hint: The bottom line is that you cannot be wrong if your response is relevant (addresses the
prompt), discusses all elements of the prompt (responds to all parts of the question), and is based
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
upon evidence and sound logic (quote from the text AND your understanding of how it helps to prove
your point).
***Each EBR should be submitted on lined paper or typed on a word document.
Each writing piece should be color coded. ***
Narrative Portion of the Summer Reading Assignment
After reading and annotating the novel The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton, choose one
narrative writing prompt below to complete. While completing this prompt,
remember the elements of a narrative response that make it intriguing to the
reader (figurative language, dialogue, indirect characterization/“showing” not
1. Select one scene with more than one character in it from the novel. Rewrite the
scene from another character’s perspective. Be sure to keep dialogue in the
scene the same. You may add your own figurative language and word choice;
however, make sure it follows the characterization of that character’s
2. At the end of the novel, we are left with Ponyboy writing his English semester
theme essay. Based on what you know about each character, write a beginning
to a story that takes place five years later. Make sure to mention all of the
characters who are present in the end. Think about where they will be in their
lives based on what you know about them in the book. Include elements such
as dialogue, figurative language and indirect characterization (“showing” not
Helpful Hints for Writing a Narrative Response:
1. Clarity. Make sure ideas are clearly distributed between sentences and paragraphs.
Example: Although I have never been to the races before, I was very excited to behold
them, yet also somewhat nervous, because of the type of people who go there.
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016
Improved: I'd never been to a horse race. I was excited to go, but also a little nervous,
since I wasn't sure about the people at the track.
2. Don't describe each and every one of your own movements.
Example: As I went in the door, I turned and saw a TV. I looked around and saw posters
on the wall. As I went further in I noticed everyone was watching M*A*S*H.
Improved: I immediately noticed the posters on the wall, though everyone else's eyes
were focused on a TV playing M*A*S*H.
3. Avoid second person narration. An important part of a narrative essay is the fact that the
narrator or characters have experienced the events described.
4. To interest the reader, dynamic word choice is key. Avoid sounding too clinical. Use the same
slang, figurative language and phrases your character would use.
Objective Summary of Chapter ____
One of the ways that you can show learning and comprehension of any text is by being able to write a
summary of it. In fiction, this typically means that you are able to describe an overview of the plot. In
doing so, you will explain the events, setting and interaction between the characters.
Directions: Reread Chapter ____. Write a one-page summary of the text in the space provided below.
Be sure to include details about the things that happen, the setting, and how the characters interact. The
best responses will finish with a statement identifying a theme—or lesson the reader may learn—from
reading this chapter.
On Level 8th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 20152016