Briefing note on 2 year old trajectory funding for Schools Forum

Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
At the March 2014 Schools Forum meeting proposals were put forward for the use of the Early Years trajectory funding allocated to the county by Central
The proposals were developed for investment over a 2 year period from April 2014 to March 2016. They included proposals for a range of programmes
including direct work with the sector and commissioned activity. Funding was allocated across a range of projects with £1,281,550 allocated to 2014/15 and
£1,253,782 to 2015/16
The projects have been monitored through regular meetings with the operational leads and overseen by the Cross Sector Provider Group and the Free
Entitlement to Early Learning Tier 3 Steering Group (FEET3).
The purpose of this paper is to detail the progress made in the eight projects as at March 2015 and to confirm proposals of the second year of funding. We
are requesting that Schools Forum vote to agree the second year of funding and to agree the requested carry forwards where justification has been given.
1.To devise and deliver Early Language; a multi-agency cross county early language programme, designed
to focus on promoting sustainable improvements in early language development in settings and in the
2.To deliver an enhanced Book Start offer for funded 2 yr olds through EY settings
3. Resources and equipment for 250 settings and 100 childminders aligned to training sessions
4. Development of 2 yr old provision in areas of need and in organisations new to 2 yr olds delivery.
5. Topic based training for EY sencos; includes delivery, venue cost and supply
6.NNSP programmes including tracking, using new technology, developing early maths/early mark
making/EAL, working to improve the home learning environment
7. Increasing the number and quality of childminder places for 2 yr olds provision in areas of need
8. Early language bids from other providers
2015/16 funding
Carry forward
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
1.To devise and deliver Early Language; a multi-agency cross county early language programme, designed to
focus on promoting sustainable improvements in early language development in settings and in the home
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
£110,000 spent by
Feb. 1st
£120,000 organised
March devolvement
£20,000 requested as carry forward so that the Northamptonshire Inclusion Mentoring Partnership can
provide support/training for settings for supporting children with alternative communication e.g. Makaton
As part of our support to Early Years settings to improve the quality of the providers supporting
vulnerable 2 year olds in Northamptonshire, all PVI settings and schools currently taking 2 Year olds, or
considering taking 2 Year olds in the future, had the opportunity to be supported in ‘Developing and
Enhancing Early Language’ (DEEL). The programme started with a close partnership with ‘I CAN – The
children’s communication charity’ through their ‘Early Talk’ training. The EY Team and some partners
(Bookstart, Libraries and Area Support Officers) were trained as I CAN licensees to enable the
programme to be rolled out across County. Children and families with EAL have been supported
through the development of an EAL tracking tool that supports settings in identifying next steps for
Settings signing up to the DEEL programme have named a Communication Champion who is trained
and supported to lead on developing Speech, Language and Communication in their setting.
High quality materials purchased from I CAN have supported Communication Champions in their role,
and supported them in cascading the training and the main messages to their staff and parents.
A suite of training was delivered to support Communication Champions in their role:
Session 1:
‘Early Talk / Speech and communication development / Working with parents’.
To develop and enhance the skills of Communication Champions in understanding and supporting
the development of speech, language and communication skills in children under 3 years, and in
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
developing effective working partnership with parents to ensure that the vital skills in developing
early communication are prioritised.
Resources given to Communication Champions for setting use / Home learning
 I CAN materials – Early Talk box - Working with parents
 I CAN materials – Early Talk box - Working with under 3s
Numbers attending Session 1:
160 (159 Communication Champions)
Being monitored through DEEL visits to settings and final Session 6
Sample DEEL session I1 (Feb. 2015):
100% Delegates agreed ‘The course will directly Impact on pupil learning and progress’
100% Delegates agreed ‘The quality, delivery and presentation of the course was of high standard’
100% Delegates agreed ‘The trainer was knowledgeable in the subject being trained’
100% of Delegates agreed that their knowledge and understanding of all 7 elements of the course
had increased after the training
Sample Comments:
Great course, very informative, lots of useful information and ideas.
Session 2:
Partnership training to support the development of a high quality book area.
Joint training with Learning Resources for Education (LRE), Bookstart and the
Early Years Team.
Good practice in ‘Gifting the Bookstart 2 YO resource to support home learning.
To support practitioners in developing and maintaining a high quality book area to support
children’s learning and development.
The first theme of Personal, Social and Emotional Development supports new experiences,
feelings and behaviours linked to children in the EYFS.
The theme will be changed in February to reflect a focus on Rhyme and developing early
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
phonological awareness to support practical implementation of practice shared at the DEEL
Rhyme training.
Numbers attending Session 2:
Impact: See December session sample
Developing and Enhancing Early Language Programme (DEEL)
‘Developing and enhancing book areas’
Please rate how useful the different parts of the session were for you as the Setting
Communication Champion
Not useful - Low
Introduction to Learning Resources for Education
and tour
Delegate evaluations from December training
Bookstart Resources and Website.
Delegate evaluations from December training
Developing and enhancing your book area
Delegate evaluations from December training
High - Very useful
Action Planning
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
What will you develop or
change when you return to
your setting?
Make book corner more homely and inviting.
Make information packs for parents
Training for staff
Room book areas need to be completely overhauled
make more cosy and inviting
Included mirrors and feelings books
Will this session make a
difference to how you gift
Bookstart Bags? How?
Will share more with parents and children
Yes, explain more about how books will impact on their
children especially preparing them for school
Yes – get parents in for short talk and show children bags
before taking home
Yes host coffee morning and explain how to make them
more beneficial for children
Yes – wasn’t aware of this building will be visiting again
Yes report back to setting about LRE
Has it been useful to see
the resources that are
available at LRE? Which do
you think you may use to
support you in your role as
Communication Champion?
Session 3:
DEEL Early Phonics and Rhyme Training
To develop and enhance the skills of Communication Champions in understanding and supporting
the development of early Phonics and Rhyme.
To support knowledge and understanding of the Rhyme Challenge for Bookstart
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Resources given to Communication Champions for setting use / Home learning
 Rhyme Challenge bag (Bookstart)
Numbers attending Session 3: Currently 82 (2 further sessions to complete and add)
Impact: Still running – but very positive feedback so far
Session 4:
Outdoor Learning - Supporting Parents with storytelling (March / April)
To develop and enhance the skills of Communication Champions in supporting parents to develop
skills for ‘Storytelling’.
This is a joint piece of training led by the Outdoor Learning centre staff at Everdon and
The training will take place in Country Parks.
Resources given to Communication Champions for setting use / Home learning
Storytelling bag including resources and information
Session 5:
‘Early Talk / Speech and communication development – Positive approaches in
communication development. (May / June)
Review of Communication Champion role, case studies and data
To identify risk factors that impact on the development of communication skills.
Review of Communication Champion role, case studies and data
Evaluation of DEEL training and impact
Next steps for communication Champions and settings
Session 6:
Attendance at the multi-agency EY Market Place events in June 2015. This
will strengthen partnerships and raise awareness of all the teams within Northamptonshire
who support children with early Language and communication skills. (June)
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
This training has also been cascaded to Library staff in partnership with Bookstart. Customer Advisers
are being trained for this partnership working.
Communication Champions are also supported by a funded place for a focused language development
visit to the NNSP settings.
Spring Term – support to Communication Champions to develop links with Children’s centres / Health /
set up parent champion meetings. Request and explanation to provide case studies / attend Market
Place event / develop outreach. This will provide the basis for extending Multi- agency working and
prepare settings for next steps in 2015-2016 planned around existing Communication Champions
becoming Enhanced Early talk Mentors.
Support planned for LRE to develop materials for settings to borrow for 2 Year olds / families with EAL to
develop Home learning support partnerships.
Plans for 2015-16
Request to amalgamate £250,000 from Project 1 and £250,000 from Project 2 as it has become
evident over 2014-2015 that these Projects support and depend on each other. It would be
easier if one ‘Project’ could cover both initial proposals. Funding would then be more
straightforward. The new proposal could be worded as a combination of the current Proposals 1
and 2 i.e. To devise and deliver Developing and Enhancing Early Language; a multi-agency
cross county early language programme, which includes access for EY Providers to training,
resources and equipment , designed to focus on promoting sustainable improvements in early
language development in settings and in the home
Completion of cycle of training for DEEL – Last session 5 / Market Place to be funded from 2015
-2016 Trajectory Funding
Build on current CC skills – extended training requirements
Repeat of DEEL Programme to other settings – target 300 settings having a Communication
Champion by April 2016. This would cost £217,300 if in line with 2014-2015 (Materials already
Extend current DEEL training to other setting members so as to ensure sustainability and
succession planning for Communication Champions
Provide DEEL training for 2x Cohorts of Childminders (Saturday training to be planned in)
Extend specific Assessment Tool and materials (carried over from 2014-2015). This will be a
requirement for all new Communication Champions to trial. It will be developed in line with
current Provision mapping development work and support the developing EY Assessment
Extend training to current Communication Champions who wish to extend their skills in
supporting SLC. They could then form an Early Language Mentoring Partnership – with
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
specialist Hubs to support other settings with SLC, and Enhanced Communication Champions
would be developed, This would strengthen sustainability of the programme for the future and £
would be attached to support these Mentors. I CAN offer Accreditation to Settings, and the cost
per setting for Early Talk Accreditation at Supportive or Enhanced level is £250. Settings would
have to work with I CAN to show the effectiveness of their work. This would strengthen links
between Settings / Schools and Children’s centres as outreach work could be developed
linking with Communication Champions in the Library Universal Services for Children’s Centres,
and would also support parents in accessing services and supporting with SLC as Parent
Communication Champions. (e.g.100 Accredited Settings = £25,000)
Communication Champions would need to be trained as Early Talk Accreditation Mentors to
support these accreditations. The cost for this £100 each per level, so if they are trained in both
supportive and enhanced this would be £200. (e.g.100 CC trained = £20,000)
Links with University are strong – possible idea to allocate funding to evaluate the impact of the
focus on 2YO in effectively driving forwards improvement and outcomes for children – with one
focus on effectiveness of them supporting home learning / development of Parent Champions /
Early Language Hubs and Mentoring.
Strengthen links for settings with Learning Resources for Education so as to support developing
high Quality book areas and early Language resources e.g. Support packages for 2 YO / EAL
provided through the funding
Possible funding / temporary employment of Speech and Language Therapist/s and/or
additional team member to enhance Communication Champions work and to lead on the
Enhanced Accreditation work to ensure that this is sustainable.
Close work with NIMP / Outdoor Centres / NNSP to enhance work
Planning Early Language Conference
159 Communication Champions trained. Impact of the DEEL Programme will be collated in the Summer
Term 2015 when a full cycle has been completed.
 Individual Training sessions are evaluated and scored to show impact. Final Impact will be
collated at Session 5 in Summer Term 2015, which is a requirement to attend so that overall
impact of the DEEL programme can be monitored. (samples included above)
 Communication Champions are requested to track 4 children over the training period to show
how outcomes for 2 YO are enhanced. This information will be reviewed at Session 5, and
followed up in individual settings
 Case studies around impact are to be requested for presentation at the Market Place in June
Targets set by Communication Champions are reviewed at visits and these will all be collated at the end
of July 2015.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
2.To deliver an enhanced Book Start offer for funded 2 yr olds through EY settings
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Plans for 2015-16
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
The money has been devolved to the Library Service so we are not showing an underspend. However
the Library Service have not spent all the money as planned because Booktrust supplied them with the
majority of the additional 2 year Bookstart Bags required without charge, as they were supportive of the
evaluation we were undertaking.
The carry forward will be used to develop storytelling for targeted 2 year olds, both orally, using small
world resources as well as animated storytelling. The engagement of parents within this would be crucial
to support their children in the home learning environment and the development of their own literacy
skills. Liaising with Settings, but using Library and Childrens Centre venues, it is also envisaged that
this programme would look to engage with prisons to develop this family literacy for 2 year olds.
Communication Friendly Book Space at LRE set up to showcase good practice to settings.
Partnership Development Days in December 14, Jan 15 and March 15 set up to support this and 2
year Bookstart Bag use
Share boxes for Early Years Settings developed to support targeted 2 year olds in EY settings
selected with accompanying guidance.
Share Bags created with books for 2 year olds with accompanying guidance for Childminders at 4
Pilot Libraries in Wellingborough, Corby, Central and Daventry Libraries following consultation with
Bookstart 2 year Bags for children with free EY supplied - promotion to Children’s Centres and EY
Settings. Process of ordering and monitoring set up. Delivery where necessary of resources.
Invitation developed to support links between Settings and Childrens Centres around gifting of 2
year Bag with families.
Evaluation of Bookstart 2 year Bag with families developed with University of Northampton.
ICAN Facilitator Training undertaken to deliver ICAN training for Libraries to set up Communication
Champions. This training to Libraries was delivered 10.2.15. Communication Champion support in
Libraries set up.
Rhymetime Challenge gifted to Communication Champions through Early Phonics/Rhymetime
Challenge training.
To deliver an enhanced Book Start offer for funded 2 yr olds through EY settings, Children’s
Centres and Libraries. Using evaluation from University Northampton this may inform additional
materials such as for additional needs similar to Bookstart Star and access to resources via
other partners. Consideration will also need to be given to how parents are engaged in using the
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
bags and extended activities in the home...
Continued development of Share Boxes and Story Sacks delivered to settings to reflect needs
of 2 year olds
 Development and expansion of Share Bags in Libraries with additional play resources for
 Continuation of delivery of Rhyme Challenge to settings and to Libraries with Communication
Champions. Training delivered to support this.
 ICAN training to ensure all Libraries have Communication Champions with access to further
 Extend areas of good practice for communication/book areas into 8 Library hubs.
 Stories for Families Programme to be developed around storytelling, small world resources and
animated storytelling in libraries, Children’s Centres and prisons
877 2 year Bookstart Bags for children with free EY have been received by Children’s Centres for gifting
to targeted families. Evaluation is being undertaken by University of Northampton from October 2014 to
April 2015 to report May 2015 using 4 settings and their families. This will then inform use of 2 yr
Bookstart Bags with home learning and development of resources.
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
281 Settings have received Share Boxes for 2 terms along with a Story sack, therefore receiving with a
collection of 28 books = 15,736 books as a total sent to settings..
Evaluation is collected from each termly delivery. “ Great selection, children really enjoyed the story
sack....we as practitioners are also discovering new titles and authors”
“They compliment our own libraries and the bilingual books are always welcome “
This evaluation will be extended for 3rd term to incorporate specific questions regarding use of 2 year
resources with families and linked with Communication Champions.
Rhymetime Challenge has been given to 78 Communication Champions from settings who have
attended the /Early Phonics Rhyme Challenge in Feb15 /March 15. Evaluation from the training is in the
process of being compiled but going forward Rhyme Challenge will be evaluated to assess increased
confidence of practitioners to develop early language using rhymes and evaluate the role of
parents/carers in using rhymes to support SL&C in the home. Each Rhymetiime Challenge Pack comes
with evaluation forms for the parents to use.
47 Early Years Settings have visited the Communication area at LRE as part of the 3 Development
Days. Development Day evaluation showed that 100% rated the sessions as 4 or 5 - 5 being the
highest rating.
Actions to take back to settings reflected “engaging with parents around Bookstart Bags” and “more
work on Book Corner/better quality books”. and “ more books and resources for 2 year olds”
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Share Bags – take up within the Pilot libraries has been limited with only 7 issues. Content will be
improved with additional resources by NCA and better promotion by Libraries.
ICAN Training – Library Communication Champions. 19 Libraries now have Communication Champions
All ‘Champions’ were asked to fill in a confidence sheet as to how they rated their confidence pre and
after training against specific criteria rated on a score of 0 (Low) to 5(High). They were also asked to rate
training and outline action planning going. With the exception of Question 4, the average confidence
level that attendees rated themselves as gaining was up 3 levels against the specific criteria post
training. For Question 4 it was 2 levels.These action plans will be evaluated within each library as to how
they are implemented. Library staff will also input regular impact stories via Library data.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
3. Resources and equipment for 250 settings and 100 childminders aligned to training sessions
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Current spending
stands at £238,500
£11,500 is to be
devolved to I CAN
when exemption
cleared so that
Champion resource
packs can be made
ready to support their
DEEL training.
Childminders are to
receive specific
resources as a whole
pack as given to
settings is
inappropriate as has
multiple copies of
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
Funding has been used in line with that indicated in the Trajectory Funding Briefing paper. All settings
enrolling with DEEL, have had a lump sum of £1500 devolved to their setting. This is in addition to
materials purchased for Communication Champions through the money provided in the project 1.To
devise and deliver Early Language; a multi-agency cross county early language programme,
designed to focus on promoting sustainable improvements in early language development in
settings and in the home
159 Communication Champions have been supported in 2014-2015, and each has had £1500 devolved
to their setting, as originally identified in the Trajectory Funding paper.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
The funding may be used in the following ways:
to cover supply costs to attend initial and future DEEL courses. (Communication Champions
are expected to access all other DEEL courses, so that they can enhance Speech, Language
and Communication within the setting, and improve outcomes for 2 Year Olds in Communication
and Language.)
for appropriate resources to support settings in specifically focusing on improving outcomes for
2 Year Olds in Communication and Language.
to enable the Communication Champion to disseminate training to all staff e.g. through an
additional staff meeting
to enable the Communication Champion to have time to monitor and record the impact and
outcome of their work
Communication Champions have/will have a linked visit from the EY Team, so that the targets that were
set at the initial training are monitored. Settings are expected to identify what they have used the
funding for and the difference that it has made to their setting, children and outcomes. These visits will
be completed by July 2015, and a report will be compiled on the development within the setting and the
impact of the programme.
As the training and organisation of DEEL has been very intensive, the roll out to Childminders is not as
advanced as originally planned. Childminding Consultants have been trained in Session 1 and Session
2, so that they know key messages. Resources are to be bought in March for the Childminders who
take 2 YO and then training will follow in April / May / June.
Plans for 2015-16
Please see Proposal 1 above as this shows amalgamation of the current Proposals 1 and 2 for
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Please see Proposal 1 above as this shows how impact will be measured for 2014-2015.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
4. Development of 2 yr old provision in areas of need and in organisations new to 2 yr olds delivery.
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Plans for 2015-16
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
3 applications to date
(20.02.20150 were unable to be
considered as all funds have
been allocated
27 settings have received funding with 2 pending approval
3 childminders creating 2 or more new places,
21 PVI settings creating between 4 and 40 new places and
3 schools creating between 24 and 40 new places.
365 new places in total since September 2014 (some in conjunction with Capitol Funding)
Due to more numbers of applications than funding available for the period 2014/15 and it is likely more
applications will be submitted before year end, it may be necessary to redefine the amounts applied for
to correlate with number of places created. For example up to £10,000 for smaller numbers of new
places created and £20,000 for higher numbers of new places created. Guidance can readily be
updated to include any changes to criteria agreed.
EYIT to continue to monitor through Improvement Visits to ensure the provision for 2 yo is of quality.
Continue to provide Let Them Be Two and Progress Check training in order to support practitioners
pedagogic knowledge and understanding. Ensure there is a specific focus on the settings who have
been successful with TF applications and who create new places by providing award overview to all
Number of new places created is embedded in to both the application and the assessment process and
therefore data collected ongoing.
Aim to make some specific audit visits once settings have had time to embed the changes to provision
and spend the monies awarded. Specific questions could be asked and could include:
 You aimed to create?? new places for 2 yo. How many places are now taken up by funded 2yo?
 You proposed to spend £??? on ...(details of aims of the grant applied for) Have you been able
to do this? Please describe how spent if you have spent it differently. ETC
Such questions will provide both quantitative and qualitative information.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
When funding approval letter is sent to successful applications we also send a contract for the recipient
to sign where we stipulate that they may well be selected for an official audit. We will audit a percentage
of successful applications 6 -9 months after receiving funds.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
5. Topic based training for EY sencos; includes delivery, venue cost and supply
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Plans for 2015-16
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
The Solihull trainers did not have the capacity to deliver training for 3 cohorts in the year 2014-15 so the
third cohort is to be delivered early April 2015 which requires a carry forward of 11K. Thus the 11K is
already committed to fund the delivery of the training, venues and money to setting to support the
implementation costs.
 Solihull training delivered to 18 settings in two cohorts
 Each setting will have had £500 implementation money to support them with embedding the
Solihull approach.
 EYIT and colleagues from Portage and SEN EY’s team and Child minding consultants from NCA
attended a taster session to raise awareness of the potential to support children, families and
practitioners with the Solihull Approach in order that they can monitor the impact on improving the
emotional wellbeing and behaviour of children, practitioners and families in the settings.
 Settings have been asked to complete feedback form following each session ‘Solihull in Action’
 Setting improvement Contacts have been asked to follow this up in visits and discuss the impact.
 Topic based training has been delivered and course evaluations scrutinised. Still a course to run
in March. Have widened the original audience to include practitioners working directly with the
children ( Key person) as well as the SENCo in direct response to the requirements of the new
SEND code of practice Sept 2014.
 Child minders taking two year olds are invited to attend, thus the offer has included a Saturday
training session for each topic. This to be reviewed as numbers are greater on weekday training
events, however we want to be inclusive for all providers.
 It was agreed that money should be devolved to local clusters through NIMP (Northamptonshire
Inclusion Mentoring Partnership). The NIMP is in process of forming an association and thus it
was agreed to devolve the money to the Association with clear remit that a member of the EYIT
will monitor the spend and the impact of the money on practitioner levels of confidence to support
children with SEND and impact on outcomes for children with additional needs. This is to support
settings to respond to local need and develop their expertise in order to meet the anticipatory duty
of the SEND code of practice Sept 2014
Evaluation has shown that the Solihull is very high cost and has very limited impact in terms of the number
of settings who are able to access it. It is therefore proposed to change the focus for training in 2015/16.
We propose a focus on children’s mental Health and Emotional wellbeing especially as this funding is
through the Two Year old Trajectory funding and therefore is supporting practitioners to work with the most
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
vulnerable 2YO who may have already been exposed to trauma.
The following tables indicate costings for courses that could be offered. These plans will need to be
discussed to ensure that they are responding to identified need so may be subject to change.
Course theme
Speech Lang
Play cognition
and learning ,
small steps
achieving the
children’s mental
particularly those
who have
Physical and
2 day basic
30 x 200
Number of
of places
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
BSL signing
Use the
team to
One page
profiles and
900 of a
book intro
BSL for
PECS and Signing which are more specialist and expensive but would support children with
communication difficulties particularly when they are pre verbal..
One page profiles are a prerequisite for an application to the High Needs Panel in Northamptonshire for
children with High Level of needs. Also it is part of the requirement for an EHC plan. Thus Training for
practitioners is an identified need both from NCC teams and the practitioner’s responses in the
Impact of training would be monitored
 through training evaluations
 Observations and discussions through EYIT Annual SSEV visits
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Number of
score 1-4,
4 being
strongly :
The course
will directly
impact on
learning and
score 1-4,
4 being
strongly :
Quality of
was a high
score 1-4,
4 being
strongly :
The trainer
in the subject
being trained
score 1-4,
4 being
strongly :
The course
covered all
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Solihull x
Behaviour 62
ASD x 3
Lang &
Com x 3
Early ID of 75
SEN x 3
Above is the analysis of course evaluations so far.
Comments from evaluations re Solihull Course
I could not improve the session
Would like to see more TaMHS related training
I had never heard of the Solihull approach, all information useful especially brain development and the
importance of attachment.
Children’s brain development and how our actions or non actions impact on their ‘connections’ and looking
at what is underlying their behaviour
Really enjoyed the training it will help me support the families attending the parent group
Comments from evaluations re Behaviour Course
Thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot
Really thought the presentation was good and well thought out.
Brilliant –it will make me think about how I come across to the children when I stressed
Professional, engaging and enjoyable. Excellent powerful messages
Very enjoyable course, lovely to listen to other practitioners ideas and strategies. I think the STAR chart is
more user friendly thatn the ABC chart.
A really Informative course, found the brain information really fascinating.
Even better if:
Maybe more of a connection with SEND issues
A follow up session so we could share how we adapted our practice
Think it would be beneficial for basic behaviour training and should say this on course description
Comments from evaluations re ASD Course
Fantastic course, have learnt so much and such a great help.
Was great to start bits and have resources to take away; also , clips/videos had high impact.
I found the course really helpful and opened my eyes as to how children must feel with ASD and gave me
some great ideas for moving forward with all children in my setting.
Excellent information- thoroughly enjoyed the days course andf will be taking newly gained knowledge
back to colleagues.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
There were several wow moments of realisations of insightful pieces of knowledge which the trainer
shared with us. Very knowledgeable and well delivered.
Even better if:
Possible information on where to find activity ideas for ASD for future reference.
I feel everyone placed in a setting would benefit from this course.
More tutors so get a variety of peoples experiences
Maybe a few more activities
Put on course again so other staff can attend
Feedback from a practitioner during a feedback session on Qualifying SENCo Training was that
information on the ASD training was beginning to be generalised. Following an initial assessment the
practitioner identified that the child might be best supported using a visual schedule and a choice board.
The practitioner commented that this was really effective and also they are now using the song choice
board to enable children who are not confident to speak to support them in making individual choices at
song time. This is a direct impact of training.
Training has been of a high quality
Practitioners recognise it will impact on outcomes for children in their setting
Anecdotal evidence is beginning to evidence this
 EYIT to continue to monitor through Setting Self Evaluation Visits. Ensure there is a specific focus
on inclusion and how children with SEND are included and their needs met through the Graduated
 EYIT to continue to liaise with Portage SEN and EY’s team to monitor the level of confidence
within the settings to support children with specific needs.
 Continue to analyse course feedback to ensure high quality training.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
6.NNSP programmes including tracking, using new technology, developing early maths/early mark making/EAL,
working to improve the home learning environment
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
NNSP now established
Training programme in place
Website, Facebook and twitter in place
Partnership with Local Authority and University
Linking with local authority for the DEEL programme, the Let them be two programme and “Getting to
good “ programme
Fairfields School have joined the NNSP so we can deliver high quality training and share good practice
with children with special rights.
Early Years conference delivered and was very successful:
137 people attended.
48 different settings/organisations ( primary schools, academy’s, university, college, children’s centres,
nursery schools, nursery units, LA, PVI, museum)
44 different job roles(SEN, child –minder, head teachers from primary and nursery schools, lecturers,
family workers, EYP and EYA from PVI and Nursery schools/units)
Training programme 2014-2015 delivered.
Total Settings Attended = 53
Total Number of Attendees = 109
Areas that were successful have been identified and 2015-2016 programme adjusted accordingly.
“Generic visits” were not popular so these have not been included in the new programme.
Bespoke programme has been developed for a primary school and feedback from the programme has
been positive.
I just wanted to tell you how positive all the staff were about the training last Wednesday. They really
enjoyed the activities and it helped to achieve a positive mind about change so thank you very much.
Plans for 2015-16
Develop a Training programme which reflects the training needs of the early year’s practitioners and
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
settings/ schools across the EYFS.
Strong partnership working with LA to
 Identify those providers which need support with developing high quality provision for 2 year
 Identify those practitioners that attended the “Let Them be Two” training to continue the training
with an “enabling environment” for 2 year olds.
 Identify “Getting to Good” providers, tailoring training for those providers
 Identify settings that need support with the DEEL programme
 Develop robust system to identify impacts and outcomes
Re-look at evaluation sheet to identify any changes needed in order to identify impacts
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Impacts measured so far have been:
 interest in website, twitter and Facebook
 numbers attended NNSP programme over the year: practitioners and the settings/schools
Total Settings Attended = 53
Total Number of Attendees = 109
numbers attended which course to look at timings and types of courses that were most used
overall service rating
impact on practitioners at the training through comments (please see separate report)
september NNSP termly report
december report withSeptember-November.docx
Annual Service Rating April '14-Jan'15
Numbers = individuals
“I had a fantastic fun afternoon and
came away feeling inspired and full of
ideas. (…) I was particularly interested
in planning processes and how
profiles are written.”
“It has been really refreshing to hear
all the great ideas and gives us lots of
opportunity to think of our practice, to
listen to everyone’s thoughts and I
think the whole thing was really good
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
and the content was perfect.”
noted what impact the workshop/training will have on practice/setting-this is an area we want
to work more closely with LA, as they are able to track through the practitioners
comments and look at the practice- particularly those settings that have 2 year olds and
those settings that are “getting to good”
noted what other training people required to feed into following years programme
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
7. Increasing the number and quality of childminder places for 2 yr olds provision in areas of need
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Carry forward requested
The money was devolved to Northamptonshire Childminding Association so there is no underspend.
However, because the funding was not released until June, many of the activities could not start until
September – ie after the co-ordinator’s induction period.
NCA therefore have some carry forward and have adjusted their plans in order to account for a larger
budget for the second year to cover planned activities.
Progress in 2014-15
Training sessions held to support childminders with registration process and process for claiming
Individual phone support given
Promoted the offer and childminding at external events. Have produced promotional materials to
use at these - eg Rhyme Times at libraries, Baby Shows, Job seeker events
Adverts placed in local magazines about the funding and eligibility checker and how parents can
use the funding with childminders
Links made with libraries to promote childminders
Developed a tracking system for childminders on uptake of registration for funded places
Produced case studies to promote use of childminders to parents – this is ongoing
3 Fun Days held in June and July in Country Parks to promote the funded places to childminders
and parents and encourage childminders to register
Working in partnership with agencies who come in contact with eligible parents and Children’s
Centres to promote the offer to parents and to promote the use of childminders as one of the
options for providing this care eg food banks, Homestart, Job Centre Plus, Churches etc
Film to be shot in Mar to show childminders caring for two year olds – will be used to promote
childminders to parents and to attract new childminders where needed
Marketing campaign planned for ensuring parents consider childminders as an option for funded
places and to help childminders promote themselves more effectively to eligible parents
Successful conference held in September with focus on two year olds
Have worked with Library Service to promote Share bags to childminders and are now about to
introduce Story Sacks specifically designed for use with two year olds – we are purchasing these
and they will be borrowed by childminders from local libraries
IT training for childminders at libraries is being planned
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Plans for 2015-16
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Additional support visits offered for childminders who are not good or outstanding but are based in
areas of need or can care for eligible children (under normal NCA contract)
Improved parent section on NCA website to inform parents of the funding and eligibility criteria
Interview on Radio Northampton to promote childminders and to tell parents about the funding and
how to check if they are eligible
Organisation of Five to Thrive workshops to be held in June and July for childminders registered to
offer funded places – 2 further workshops to be held in other parts of the county dependent on
demand at the first two sessions
Four Fun Days to be held for childminders across the county to highlight activities suitable for two
year olds
Fun Days to be held at Children’s Centres for targeted parents (ie those eligible but not claiming
yet) to promote childminders as an option for free offer
Marketing of childminders to parents through local radio, press and social media
Marketing Toolkit to be developed to help childminders with vacancies to reach eligible parents
More changes to NCA website to make it even easier for parents to find childminders registered for
two year olds
Conference planned for September 2015 to improve quality of care for Two Year Olds
Recruitment of good or outstanding childminders as ambassadors to promote funding and
childminders to parents in their areas and support childminders caring for two year olds
Resource pack to be developed for childminders caring for two year olds to support high quality
E- learning module to be developed for childminders caring for two year olds
We will continue to attend events attended by eligible parents and liaise with partner organisations,
(including health visitors) to promote the free offer and to promote childminding as both childcare
option and to recruit new childminders in areas of need
133 childminders have attended 10 Information evenings run by NCA on the Free Childcare and
Education Offer and how to register and claim funding. Most of those who have attended have gone on
to register.
We now have 312 childminders registered to offer free childcare and education places for two year olds
(280 offer funded places for three and four year olds). We have a database with details of all
childminders and this is updated whenever a childminder registers to offer funded places for two year
Numbers of funded two year olds with childminders have increased from 50 in Spring 2014 to 62 in
Autumn 2014. We have identified childminders registered to offer two year old places but not claiming
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
funding and are working with them to identify issues and help with marketing. This will continue in Year 2
70 childminders attended the Conference in September and feedback was extremely positive with many
childminders requesting additional training on issues relating to caring for two year olds. We are putting
on Five to Thrive workshops and another full day conference to offer further relevant training
134 childminders, 25 parents and 434 children attended the three fun days that we put on to encourage
more childminders to care register to offer funded places. We are planning further Fun Days this year
for childminders focussing on quality activities for two year olds and are also planning to hold fun days
for parents in areas of need
We have spoken to partner agencies and organisations to promote the funded hours and to encourage
parents to consider using a childminder for these. These include food banks, churches, family support
workers, Homestart, Job Centre Plus, housing associations, credit unions, nurse practitioners and the
portage team. We have many more planned and are currently preparing to meet with Children’s
Centres to plan joint activities to reach targeted families. These agencies have been supplied with
leaflets to pass on to parents.
We have spoken directly to 421 parents at events to promote the scheme and to talk about childminding.
13 of these have expressed an interest in becoming childminders and we have supplied information on
how to register and have offered support through this process.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
8. Early language bids from other providers
Allocation for 2014/15
Amount spent or allocated up to
March 2015
Carry forward requested
Possible £6k
February 2015
£55,947.68 devolved
3 other bids currently
awaiting submission
It is anticipated that this funding will be devolved to projects currently being submitted, but a
request is made for any £ not allocated to be carried forwards and used for funding towards the
EY Market Place planned for June 2015, so that this work can be showcased and presented to all
The Early Language bid applications will deliver targeted early language programmes or projects with a
Speech, Language and Communication development focus, aimed at increasing outcomes for 2 Year
olds. The bids have been accepted if they show settings and groups of professionals working together
and in partnership with the Local Authority, towards this aim. The bids have identified support for
Children with EAL, support for parents through home learning and Workshops e.g. “supporting your
child’s communication and language at home”. They have shown links with Children’s Centres, Health
colleagues and Speech and Language Therapists.
Reason for carry forward being
required and details of how it will
be spent
Progress in 2014-15
Plans for 2015-16
Details of impact so far and how
this will continue to be monitored
and measured
Allocation requested for 2015/16
Currently 6 substantial bids have been processed. These have been submitted by 3 Preschools and 3 Nursery schools.
There are currently other bids being submitted, so it is anticipated that the £100,000 will be
devolved and monitored through Early Language Programmes. It is intended that these will be
written up as Case studies and used to promote good practice in Northamptonshire.
The projects that have been started this year will take time to gather momentum and to establish
partnership working. As longer term projects, it is planned that they will be monitored by the EY Team
over 2015-2016. The work will be shared through briefing papers and Feature Focus articles, and may
be presented as part of the CPD offer for Communication Champions for 2015-2016.
 Impact measures have been requested as part of the briefings required by settings who have
received funding.
 There is a requirement to provide briefings on the projects in April 2015 / July 2015 / December
2015, and an Evaluation of the Project at the beginning of March 2016.
 Projects will be monitored by the EY Team at these regular intervals, and settings are expected
to keep and share data to show the impact of their work.
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015
Agenda item 6 – Appendix C
Changes requested for the use of
£100,000 for 2015-2016
As these are ongoing projects over the 2 years, EY team discussions have identified that this funding
would not be as effective if repeated in the same way for 2015-2016 with another round of bids. The
bids and subsequent identified projects have only been applied for by a small number of settings this
The EY Team would therefore like to request that the £100,000 that would have been allocated to
approximately 10 more projects is used to benefit all settings and providers through a planned Multiagency project called SAFER in the Early Years. It is proposed that this is a suite of training,
workshops and briefings providing toolkits, advice and support for practitioners working with vulnerable
2 year olds and their parents, including a focus on the following areas:
Social and Emotional development
Family and Community
Early Intervention / Identification / Awareness (to be agreed)
The project would be launched in September 2015 and rolled out across the county, promoting links with
other colleagues, stakeholders and partners e.g. Parents, Health, Children’s Centres, Schools,
University. It would strengthen practitioner’s skills in working with families with vulnerable 2 Year olds
and supports Early intervention and strengthens Safeguarding. This funding would also enable the
project to be promoted at the Multi-agency EY Market place event planned for June 2015, so that it is
seen as a cohesive and innovative project that could make a real difference to young children and their
Early Years 2 year old Trajectory Funding Update – March 2015