Characteristics of Champions An ability to cope with and control anxiety. Confidence Mental toughness/resiliency Sport intelligence An ability to focus and block distractions Competitiveness A hard-work ethic An ability to set and achieve goals Coachability High levels of dispositional hope Optimism Adaptive perfectionism Source: Psychological characteristics and their development in Olympic champions. Gould, D., Diffenback, K., & Moffett, A. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 14, 172-204. US Olympic champions (N = 10), their coaches, and a significant other (parent, guardian) were interviewed. A number of psychological inventories were also administered. Champions were characterized by the above traits. A number of individuals also influenced the athletes' psychological development, with the coach and family being particularly important. (main site) (nutrition store) 533567729 (weight loss) (home biz) Page 1 of 1