Career Research Grid Name____________________ Date_________________________ OCCUPATION_____________________________ Research Question Research Information 1. Describe the occupation briefly. (Duties) (At Work Tab) 2. List the skills needed. Identify the SMART. (Personal Characteristics) (Education, Training, Experience Tab) 3. What school subjects are useful in this job (high school)? Identify the SMART. (Related School Subjects) (Education, Training, Experience Tab) 4. What post-secondary education is needed? (Related School Subjects) (Education, Training, Experience Tab) 1. What are the primary SMARTS (3) needed for this occupation. 2. How does that compare to your SMART profile? Which SMARTS match your top 3 and which SMARTS do you need to strengthen? 3. What is one thing you could do to strengthen (1) of the SMARTS needed for this occupation? Use the following websites to explore the occupations: (Education, Training, Experience tab) (use Personal Characteristics tab) Occupational Search Evaluation Student(s)___________________________ ______________________________ Occupational Title: ______________________________________________________ Criteria 1. Occupational Research Assignment 2. Presentation (if required) 3. Collaboration (if completed in pairs/groups) Criteria: Occupational Research: Criteria 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Rating 3 3 3 3 Sources Needed frequent assistance to access various sources Needed minimal assistance to access various sources Accesses sources easily but only gathers some relevant information Data Data is missing and is inaccurate Answers all questions but data is general and has some inaccuracies Purpose Communicates irrelevant information and is inappropriate for SMART representation Communicates irrelevant information or is inappropriate for SMART representation Answers all questions and includes some interesting facts but is missing some details Communicates relevant information appropriately to SMART representation Design Elements Uses a few design elements to communicate information Uses some design elements to communicate information Uses design elements to communicate key messages Presentation: Criteria 1 2 4 4 4 4 Easily accesses sources and gathers and records meaningful information efficiently. Answers questions accurately and gives details Communicates relevant information appropriately and effectively SMART representation Uses design elements to communicate an impact 3 4 Organization No sequence of information and can’t follow Student jumps around and is difficult to follow Information is presented logically and easy to follow Knowledge Lacks understanding and cannot answer questions Uncomfortable with information and answers only basic questions At ease with information and expected questions but does not elaborate Elocution Mumbles, pronounces incorrectly, speaks too softly. Voice is low and some incorrect pronunciations Voice is clear, most words pronounced correctly Information is presented logically and interestingly and is easy to follow Has full knowledge of information and answers questions with explanation and elaboration. Clear voice with correct, precise pronunciation.