map skills revision lesson

Map skills Revision
L.O: To go through what we have
covered in map skills to prepare for
our assessment next lesson
Can you explain what a contour line is?
Can you explain what is shows us?
Do you know what colour layering is?
Do you know what a spot height is?
Do you know how to describe relief of the land?
Do you know how to draw relief using contour
• Do you know what a triangulation point is?
Map Symbols
• Can you describe and draw different map
symbols? Do you know what these are?
Can you describe and draw 3 different types of map symbol?
Can you explain why OS maps have symbols on them?
Human and Physical Geography.
• Do you know the difference between human
and physical geography?
• Can you give a definition of human and
physical geography?
• Can you say which are which below and why?
Longitude and latitude
• Can you explain why globes have lines of longitude and
• Can you say what a meridian is?
• Can you name 5 important meridians both longitude
and latitude?
• Can you say how we measure between lines of
longitude and latitude?
• Can you say what unit longitude and latitude are
measured in?
• Can you plot something's position giving longitude and
latitude readings?
4 figure grid references
• Can you plot something giving 4 figure grid
• Can you explain what a northing and an easting is?
• Can you explain the golden rule for 4 figure grid
• Do you know where in the box we always take the
reading from?
Six figure grid references
• Do you know why we sometimes use 6 figure
grid references instead of 4 figures?
• Can you give a six figure grid reference?
• Can you use six gigure grid references to plot
something on a map or find something
Compass points
• Can you name all of the four major compass
• Can you name the 8 compass points and lable
• Can you use compass points to describe
direction from one point to another?
• Do you know the three things maps should
always have on them?
• Do you know what OS stands for?
• Can you use a map to describe a route?
• Can you spot symbols on a map?