grade breakdown

Deckert-Severino 09-10
Element Ads
PBL Project #2
The first thing that you and your group must do is choose an element that you would like to advertise. Once you have
chosen your element, write your group # on the line next to that element on the Smartboard. After you have chosen
your element, you will need to divide up group tasks and assigned group roles.
You need to elect a team captain for this project. Once you have selected your team captain, you will need to write their
name on the Smartboard on the appropriate slide next to your group’s number. The team captain is responsible for
ensuring completion of the project and making sure that all members are participating equally. The team captain will be
rewarded by having 10% added to their total grade for this project.
This project must be presented via powerpoint. In addition to saving on your space on the U drive, you should also keep
a back-up copy of your project on a flash drive as well. List below are the guidelines for your powerpoint. Each #d point
is a slide that needs to be created.
1. Title slide:
a. Name of your element
b. Group member names
c. Picture of your element (Whale 144)
2. Terms your audience may need to know
a. Atom
b. Ions
c. Isotopes
d. Elements
e. Compounds
f. molecules
3. Single atom of your element information slide (just like you would find the information on the periodic table)
a. Atomic number
(back of either Owl or Whale book)
b. Symbol
c. Name
d. Average atomic mass
4. Picture of the atomic structure of an atom or your element (Whale 142)
5. General chemistry information: is your chemical . . .
a. Metal, nonmetal or metalloid
i. Explain the properties of the class that your element belongs to
b. Alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, transition metal, boron group, carbon group, nitrogen group, oxygen
group, halogen, noble gas or hydrogen
i. Explain the properties of the group that your element belongs to
c. An ion
i. Explain what an ion is and whether or not your element is an ion
6. What is your element used for
a. On its own, what are the uses of your element
i. If the uses are common, you need to include pictures
b. How much does it cost to buy your element, give the price per unit of weight/mass
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Project Guidelines
Deckert-Severino 09-10
Element Ads
PBL Project #2
7. Isotopes of your elements
a. List all isotopes of your elements
i. give a picture of at least one of the isotopes
b. Explain why each is an isotope and how you determine what the isotopes are
8. Compounds created with your elements
a. What is a compound
b. What are the compounds found with your element (if there are more than 4, please only list the 4 most
common, or the 4 that you think your classmates would recognize)
c. What is each compound use for
d. Picture of the product of one of the compounds (Na & Cl = table salt, put a pic of table salt)
9. Covalent bonds
a. Does your element form covalent bonds?
b. If your atoms forms covalent bonds:
i. Explain what covalent bonding is
ii. give one example of a covalent bond formed with an atom of your element
iii. picture of the atoms bonded covalently (Owl 33)
10. Ionic bonds
a. Does your element form ionic bonds?
b. If your atom forms ionic bonds:
i. Explain what ionic bonding is
ii. Give one example of a ionic bond formed with an atom of your element
iii. Picture of the atoms in an ionic bond (Whale 147)
11. Ad campaign slide #1
a. Come up with a slogan and design for your element for a paper based advertisement that could be used
to sell it to the general public, you can use any of the information that you have gathered in your
previous slides
12. Ad campaign slide #2
a. Come up with a radio or TV commercial advertisement that could be used to sell your element to the
general public
13. Bibliography slide
a. Please list all sources that you used to help created your powerpoint, including the textbooks and all
Work ethic
Written Communication
Oral Presentation
Did you complete the assignment
Grammar, spelling, neatness, etc.
Did you include all the necessary info
Did all group members present equally, were you
professional in your presentation, were you
Did you work with your group
**I reserve the right to give extra credit to any group that goes above and beyond what I have asked for.
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Project Guidelines