ANATOLIA WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION CONTROL IN BLACKSEA Dr. Ömer Faruk Mutlu October 23 – 25, ANKARA 1 TURKEY Total area 780.000 km2 Population 72 million 34 % of total population of Turkey live in rural areas. According to year 2001 agricultural census results; 71 % of rural population in our country have operations of agricultural activities. 2 Agricultural Structure Area (million ha) % of agricultural area Total Area 66.9 Agricultural Area 21.8 Cereals 15.2 69.9 Vegetables – Flower 0.6 2.7 Permanent crops 2.4 11.0 Fallowing Lands 3.7 17.2 Irrigated Area 5.2 23.9 Natural meadow Unused potential areas 14.6 1.9 3 STOCKBREEDING Total Cattle Total Poultry NUMBER(Million) DISTRIBUTION 10.6 297 Turkey 5.9 Duck 0.8 Goose 1.3 Total Sheep 25.3 Goat 6.6 Donkey 0.3 Mule 0.1 Horse 0.2 NUMBER < 1 year 2.6 < 2 year 2.9 > 2 year dairy cattle 4.6 Other cattle 0.5 Broilers 238.1 Egg 58.8 Adults 12.6 Lamb 12.7 4 PROJECT AREA 5 OBJECTIVE The Project will reduce, over the long-term, the discharge of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and other agricultural pollutants into the surface and ground waters of Turkey and the Black Sea through integrated land and water management and ecologically sustainable use of natural resources. 6 OBJECTIVE increasing the use of environmentally friendly agricultural practices and thereby reducing nutrient discharge particularly from agricultural sources to the Black Sea strengthening national policy and local regulatory capacity to meet European Union (EU) standards for agricultural nutrient pollution control 7 Main Components of the Agricultural Pollution Control in Blacksea Manure Management Nutrient Management Water and Soil Quality Monitoring Organic Farming Nitrate Directive Implementation 8 MANURE MANAGEMENT By October 20, 2007, a total of 126 farm type manure storage (for more than 10 cattle) and 77 household type manure stores (for up to 5 cattle) have been completed. Six large central manure storage and handling facilities, Samsun, Amasya, Tokat and in Çorum microcatchment have been completed. Machinery (container carriers, solid manure spreaders, manure mixers, liquid manure vacuum tankers and loader tractors have been procured and are in use. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BIOGAS Biogas introduction studies were launched. Within this scope 2 demonstration facilities are under construction. 29 BIOGAS 30 BIOGAS 31 NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Soil Analysis Manure Analysis Manure Application Software 32 SOIL AND MANURE ANALYSİS Project Provincial Teams were trained related to Soil Sampling Techniques. All needed chemical substances for analysis in the scope of the Project was provided to Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute. Soil and manure analysis was launched and 400 soil and 20 manure analysis from the project fields had been analyzed. Soil and manure analysis will be accelerated according to application of manure management. 33 Soil sampling from the fields within the Project Scope. 34 35 36 Water and Soil Quality Monitoring The team has developed a detailed lab handbook for procedures so that analysis procedures by all labs are harmonized . The labs are provided with necessary chemicals and supplies, instrument capacity strengthened. Both regional and provincial labs are taking necessary samples and conducting water and soil analysis. The data gathered so far will be used to develop a baseline. 37 Water and Soil Quality Monitoring Within project microcatchments, there are 33 points for surface water samples, 32 points for ground water sampling and 2 points from natural fountains. Water is being analyzed monthly and quarterly for pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity , suspended solids , nitrate, TN, TP and fecal coliform. 38 Water Quality Monitoring Baseline nitrate 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 TR833_02 TR833_04 TR833_07 TR833_08 TR833_10 TR833_11 TR833_14 Average 13,63 31,65 29,50 10,00 0,50 Max 14,2 32,5 29,5 10 0,5 Min 12,6 30,8 29,5 10 0,5 Average Max Min Ground water Nitrate Pollution results for samples taken 39 from Çorum microcatchment (Values in mg/L) Water Quality Monitoring Baseline nitrate 5 TR 83 4_ 06 TR 83 4_ 07 TR 83 4_ 08 TR 83 4_ 09 TR 83 4_ 01 0 TR 83 4_ 0 TR 83 4_ 0 4 90,00 80,00 70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 Average Max Min Ground water Nitrate Pollution results for samples taken 40 from Amasya microcatchment (Values in mg/L) Water Quality Monitoring Baseline nitrate 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 TR832_02 TR832_03 TR832_04 TR832_07 TR832_08 TR832_09 TR832_10 TR832_15 Average 13,39 1,68 6,46 3,52 1,18 4,86 11,30 2,30 Max 41,2 4,14 20,6 12,5 2,34 15,8 34 4,54 Min 0,32 0,11 0,08 0,13 0,06 0,13 0,22 0,06 Average Max Min Ground water Nitrate Pollution results for samples taken 41 from Turhal microcatchment (Values in mg/L) Water Quality Monitoring Baseline nitrate 150,00 100,00 50,00 0,00 TR831_12 TR831_13 TR831_14 TR831_15 TR831_16 TR831_17 TR831_18 TR831_19 11,31 33,68 26,47 56,50 68,20 82,80 6,86 8,64 Max 25,9 93,1 35 62,9 117 101 7,16 10,1 Min 3,52 3,66 9,8 50,1 41,5 49,4 6,56 7,17 Average Average Max Min Ground water Nitrate Pollution results for samples taken 42 from Samsun İlyaslı microcatchment (Values in mg/L) Nitrate pollution monitoring sampling stations (surface waters / ground waters) 548/yer ground water,izlemesi 1026 surface water and total 1574 Nitrat (yüzey suları altı suları) örnekleme noktaları sampling stations. 548 yer altı,1026 yüzey, toplam 1574 43 ORGANIC FARMING With respect to organic farming, the project organized training for 38 farmers and 32 provincial staff from the four project provinces in Izmir where organic fruit production is well established. Subsequently three training sessions were organized for training of the trainers on organic farming. An accredited control and certification services company had been contracted to initially help in organizing the organic fruit growing in the project area and later in certification. 44 ORGANIC FARMING 3 Organic walnut field had been established in 3 different microcatchments with 10 hectare, 1 hectare and 30 hectare dimensions. In a microcatchment, 40 hectares walnut field belong to 77 farmers, had been converted into Organic Farming. Interest to Organic Farming and related requests to Project Management continuously increases. 45 ORGANIC FARMING An accredited certification company contracted for organic 46 Farming. ORGANIC FARMING Works after harvest 47 ORGANIC FARMING First organic transition product 48 TRAINING In the scope of the project, inner personnel trainings and farmer trainings were carried out. In Project provinces, project provincial teams have been trained continuously. Besides, trainings related to project were not limited to the project provinces and participation from other provinces was provided. Until now, more than 800 farmers have been informed about the project, nitrate pollution and manure management. In the coming months, farmer trainings will focus on manure and nutrient management. 49 TRAINING Training materials Laboratory analysis handbook Soil analysis handbook Nutrient Management Nutrient Management Plan Manure Application Software Manure Manure Management Compost management Determination and control of Agricultural Pollution Water pollution monitoring studies Soil sampling and evaluation of analysis results Soil sampling and evaluation of analysis results Biogas Climate change 50 An instantaneous view from one of the continuous 51 farmer trainings FINANCE AND APPLICATION HISTORY AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION CONTROL (GEF – GRANT) GEF (GRANT) : 7.000.000 $ PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION : 2.560.000 $ TOTAL : 9.560.000 $ CALENDAR PROJECT ACTIVITIES LAUNCHED IN JANUARY 2005 AND WILL BE FINISHED BY THE END OF 2012 52 DISBURSEMENTS GEF Grant (USD) Public contribution (USD) 2005 475.612 176.870 652.482 2006 1.050.278 304.018 1.354.296 2007 (until October) Grand Total 1.004.450 354.523 1.358.973 2.530.340 835.411 3.365.751 53