Effective Leadership in Practice Portfolio

Effective Leadership Program Module 2 2014
Effective Leadership in Practice
Subject Outline
Successful completion of this subject is recognised as equivalent to 6 (unspecified) credit
points within the University of Wollongong, Health & Behavioural Sciences Faculty, Graduate
Certificate in Health Leadership and Management when it follows successful completion of
GHMB 935.
Effective Leadership in Health (GHMB 935)
This subject aims to support the application of Kouzes & Posner’s (2012) exemplary leadership
behaviours into practice. The purpose of this is to facilitate growth in the leadership capacity of
participants through assisting them to develop their leadership skills and by providing a high support
and high challenge learning environment.
Module 1 Effective Leadership in Health focussed on raising awareness and deepening appreciation
of the antecedents, enabling factors and consequences of effective leadership within the context of
Module 2 Effective Leadership in Practice focuses on the application of what has been learned in the
first module. Leadership development plans are implemented and reflected upon in order to build
confidence in leading others in the workplace towards providing the highest quality of patient centred
Participants will be encouraged to seek opportunities to lead and to experiment in the application of
exemplary leadership practices in their day-to-day work. Participants will be supported to make the
challenges meaningful for them, the patients in their care, their work team, their service and the
organisation. The Kouzes and Posner Effective Leadership Behaviours will guide this exploration.
The focus of this exploration will be the concept of compassionate care.
Participating in Action Learning Sets will offer opportunities for the exploration and clarification of
workplace issues, including learning from others through the use of enabling questions. Exploring
ways of fostering leadership behaviours within others and generating innovation and creativity in the
workplace will be facilitated through the active learning sets.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the subject, participants will be able to:
understand the connection between leadership and effective workplace cultures
contribute to the facilitation of learning in the workplace using a variety of techniques
critically analyse the impact of effective leadership on the working environment.
critically analyse one’s own experience of practicing exemplary leadership behaviours
critically analyse the impact of effective leadership on the care our patients receive
identify and describe the impact of their own leadership development on patient care and
Participants will be encouraged to use a variety of techniques for leadership in practice. The active
learning sets are designed to foster growth, through support and challenge. Participants are
responsible for committing to applying, analysing, examining, questioning, reflecting and finally
making sense of their experiences. This subject requires participants to provide evidence of their
learning and achievements in practice through their contribution to the active learning sets, reflection
on the achievement of their goals and the completion of a portfolio of their leadership development.
2014 ELP Module 2
Four workshop days
Day 1
Introduction to module 2
Exemplary Leadership Behaviours
Leadership in the workplace – reflection on learning
Enabling questions
Compassionate care
Action Learning Sets; structure, purposes functions
Day 2
Emotional intelligence and leadership
Workplace change and change in the workplace
Perspective taking
Action Learning Sets
Day 3
Giving and receiving feedback core skills for leadership
Coaching and mentoring
Action learning Sets
Day 4
Power - sources and types
Resilience self and others
Leadership in Action - ‘Best Leadership’ stories from Health Leaders
Day 5
Celebration of Learning
Stories of Leadership, patient care and teamwork
Workshop Days, Time and Venue
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Sutherland Hospital Auditorium
Sutherland Hospital Auditorium
Sutherland Hospital Auditorium
Garrawarra Functions Room
Workshop Attendance
Attendance at a minimum of three workshops is compulsory. Your colleagues rely on your input to
enhance their learning, and the Action Learning Set requires the participation of all members. All
participants are expected to present to their action learning set at least once.
Program Coordinator
Margaret Martin
Manager Leadership Development & Workplace Capabilities
SESLHD Nursing and Midwifery Directorate
Phone: (02) 9947 9855
(02) 9947 9856
Email: margaret.martin@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
University of Wollongong Facilitator
Maria Mackay
Director of Clinical Learning/ Senior Lecturer
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Faculty of Science Medicine and Health
University of Wollongong, Batemans Bay Campus
Phone: (02) 44721899
Email: mmackay@uow.edu.au
2014 ELP Module 2
Kouzes, J.P. and Posner, B. (2012) The leadership challenge (5th edition) San Francisco: JosseyBass
‘Tool Kit’
 Leadership Practices Inventory (Note copyright)
 Personal Leadership Development Plan (Assignment 2, Module 1 – revised if required))
 Values clarification exercises
 Models for reflection (e.g. Borton, Gibbs, Mezirow)
 Circle of Influence/circle of concern
 Concept analysis and mapping
 Claims concerns and issues
 Stakeholder analysis
 Culture analysis tool
 Role clarification
 The use of group engagement activities e.g. ‘post it’ notes
 Use of cards to frame and focus discussion
 SMART Goals
 ‘Dreaming’ exercises
 Giving and receiving feedback
 Mind-mapping
 The use of ‘creative activities’ to explore concepts and ideas
 Use of enabling questions and facilitation skills
Consider the frameworks that have been offered to assist you in your development, such as Johari
Windows, Belbin’s Team roles, Challenge Support Matrix, the 4 A’s and of course Kouzes and
Posner’s Leadership Challenge.
Web-Based Sources
Participants are encouraged to use the internet to access the most current information on relevant
topics and information relating to effective leadership, workplace culture and patient care.
Internet sources should only be used after careful critical analysis of the currency of the information,
the role and standing of the sponsoring institution, reputation and credentials of the author, the clarity
of the information and the extent to which the information can be supported or ratified by other
authoritative sources. Participants are advised to use acceptable websites only. These include
Australian, State and Local Government sites and various patient support associations.
The examples below are neither prescriptive, nor exhaustive. You are encouraged to explore for
The ‘Four Pillars’ of health reform in NSW
 The Clinical Excellence Commission http://www.cec.health.nsw.gov.au/home
 NSW Agency for Clinical innovation http://www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/
 Bureau of Health Information http://www.bhi.nsw.gov.au/
 Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) http://www.heti.nsw.gov.au/
The Australian Resource Centre for Healthcare Innovations (ARCHI) is the knowledge sharing hub for
Australian health professionals and health service managers who are working to deliver better patient
Clinical Information Access Programme (CIAP)
Transformational Leadership
2014 ELP Module 2
Leadership training
Interpersonal Communication
Communities of Practice
Workplace culture
Leadership and management
Harvard Manage Mentor
Recommended reading
Covey S R 2013 The 7 habits of highly effective people; Powerful lessons in personal change (25th
edition) Simon and Schuster, New York.
De Bono E 2014 Six Thinking Hats Penguin Australia, Melbourne
Goleman D 2000 Leadership that gets results Harvard Business Review Reprint R00204
Rock D 2006 Quiet Leadership: Help people think better – don’t tell them what to do, Collins New
Rock D and Cox C 2012 SCARF in 2012: updating the social neuroscience of collaborating with
others. Neuroleadership Journal (4) reprint pp1-14.
2014 ELP Module 2
The assessment for this unit will be in three parts.
The aim of the assessment is for you to apply your leadership skills in practical ways within the
context of your work. This will be achieved by you focussing your leadership on developing ways in
which ‘compassionate care’ is enacted in the ward or unit you work in.
Compassionate care is a concept that encompasses person centred approaches to patients and
colleagues which are based on empathy and the CORE values. The principle of compassionate care
is that by being more person centred (rather than process driven) we can build a system in which
caring has primacy. It has arisen from international and local concerns that the health system has lost
sight of the importance of caring for people. The Garling Enquiry (2008) and the Francis report (2013)
cite many examples of where the system let patients down through lack of compassion and care.
All three elements of the assessment must be completed in order to achieve a pass in the
subject. It is imperative that the portfolio is commenced at the beginning of module 2.
2000 words
Due date
Goals and Plans
5pm August 22nd
Part A
Reflective Activity (approx. 1300 words)
Write a personal reflection on how you have developed as a leader since commencing the Effective
Leadership Program. Analyse any changes (in yourself) you have noted and support this with
evidence from a comparison of your initial and current scores in the Leadership Practices Inventory
and feedback from colleagues. Identify your strengths and areas which you would like to develop.
Develop a personal definition of compassionate care with reference to the literature.
Review your personal values and analyse them in relationship to the NSW Health CORE values. In
your analysis include a brief discussion of the relevance of values to health leadership.
Part B
Use of personal development plans (approx. 400 words)
In module 1 you wrote goals for your own leadership development. Develop a plan for the
enhancement of compassionate care in your work context which allows you to enact those leadership
development goals. (You may need to revise or re-write your goals if they were not specifically
focussed on your own development as a leader.)
Part C
Planning for change (approx. 300 words)
Describe how your plan will be implemented within the timeframe set. Identify and outline the
elements of the change process you will need to undertake. (e.g. stakeholder engagement).
Develop a timeline (or Gant Chart) that provides structure to the implementation of your plan. The
completion of the plan should be targeted for November 2014.
This assignment will be graded Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. See marking guide for details.
NOTE: The marked assignment forms part of your portfolio and must be submitted with it. It will NOT
contribute to the word count of the portfolio.
2014 ELP Module 2
Effective Leadership in Practice Portfolio
3500 words
Due date: 5pm November 7th 2014
The portfolio is a collection of evidence which is accumulated over time, relating to your attempts to:
a) implement your personal leadership development plan and
b) lead a workplace change aimed at enhancing a culture of compassionate care.
All elements in the marking guide must be addressed in your portfolio.
Key elements of the portfolio include reflection, analysis of your own leadership behaviours and how
they impact on the culture of your workplace and patient care. It is critical that the portfolio is
developed and built on over the course of the second module.
The Effective Leadership in Practice portfolio will demonstrate that the participant has:
1. used structured reflection to support their learning and professional development
2. strengthened their capacity to apply Exemplary Leadership Practices in work role;
3. developed skills in facilitation through working with colleagues in visioning, planning and goal
4. actively worked towards the achievement of their leadership goals and measured progress
towards their attainment
5. experimented with using elements of the ’toolkit’
The following tools MUST be used
 Leadership Practice Inventory
 Personal Values clarification
 Reflective model (e.g. Gibbs, Borton, Mezirow etc.)
 Stakeholder analysis
 Goal setting
 Action planning
At least 5 of the following must also be used either as an individual or group exercise. Some
group exercises must be included.
 Post-it notes and theming of ideas
 Use of cards to focus on a specific element of an issue
 Mind mapping
 Claims concerns and issues exercise
 Listening for intent
 Circle of influence / concern
 Creativity
 ‘Dreaming’ exercise – the ideal workplace
 Team roles and team culture analysis tool
 Multiple intelligences
 Learning styles
6. demonstrated an understanding of the connection between Exemplary Leadership Practices and
leading transformation in the workplace;
7. explored the impact of their own leadership development on
a. themselves as individuals,
b. their patients and the care they receive
c. their teams and team-working
d. their workplace cultures
The portfolio may be supported by photographs, evidence from workshops, team exercises or other
examples of leadership activity.
Note: Your marked Assignment 1, Module 2, (Goals and Plans) must form part of this portfolio. It is
NOT included in the word count.
No extensions will be granted. The portfolio requires consistent work across the semester, and must
be submitted by the due date regardless of the state of completion.
2014 ELP Module 2
Submission: May be made either through soft copy or hard copy
Posted items must be sent as certified mail.
Electronically to
Hard copy to
Hand in at workshop 4 (November 7th)
or post to:
Margaret Martin
Nursing and Midwifery Practice & Workforce Unit
Primrose House
190 Russell Avenue
Dolls Point NSW 2219
Submission and presentation requirements
 Submission must be made by 5 pm on or before the due date (November 7th 2014)
 Electronic or hard copy submission (not both)
Where appropriate to the presentation style:
 Double spacing
 Page numbering
 Name on each page
 2cm right hand margin
 Font: Times New Roman 10 or Arial 11
 Adherence to University of Wollongong academic writing and referencing guidelines
Marked portfolios will be returned on or by December 4 th 2014.
Best leadership story
Due date:
November 7th 2014
During workshop 4 (November 7th) participants will explore each other’s best leadership story.
This will be a story of a time that the participant felt they led well and made a difference through their
leadership to the patient or the team (or both).
You will prepare a written summary (on a template which will be provided at workshop 3) of this
leadership story and bring it to the workshop where it will be shared in small groups.
Themes will be extracted and shared with the larger group.
Submission of your written story on the template will be required for a grade of satisfactory to be
No extensions of the due date will be given.
2014 ELP Module 2
Assignment 1: Goals and plans
Personal leadership development (to date) is
analysed using a structured reflective process
The Kouzes and Posner framework is used to
identify strengths and provide focus for
personal leadership development plan
Critical reflection is used to review and revise
existing personal leadership plans to ensure
that they are focused on the development of
The relationship between personal and
organisational values is analysed in the
context of leadership development
A personal definition of compassionate care is
developed with reference to the literature
A plan of action for enhancing a culture of
compassionate care is evident which
incorporates elements of change management
Ideas are presented logically and clearly
There is evidence of literature being used to
support ideas and action planning processes
There is appropriate referencing and
integration of supporting literature
Submission and presentation requirements
are observed
An unsatisfactory grade will be awarded if 3 or more of the above criteria are scored at the level of
Marker: __________________________________________Final Grade: ______________________
2014 ELP Module 2
Assignment 2: Portfolio
Give examples of the ways in which the
personal leadership development plan from
module 1 was implemented
Describe how applying the effective leadership
practices has impacted on the way you lead in
the workplace
There is analysis of the direct or indirect
impact of your personal effective leadership on
patient care
Discuss and support with evidence (from both
experience and the literature), the impact of
effective leadership behaviours on workplace
culture and the team
Active reflection on your own effective
leadership behaviours has been used to inform
future leadership development
Describe the aspects of workplace culture you
aimed to change in terms of enhancing a
culture of compassion, and analyse the
effectiveness of the steps you took to achieve
Provide evidence of use and development of
skills in facilitation and working with colleagues
in visioning, planning and goal setting
Utilised parts of the tool kit as described in the
subject outline
Analyse challenges and successes in the
implementation of the planned change
Provide evidence of active reflection on own
skill development and leadership
Ideas are presented logically and clearly
Appropriate referencing and integration of
supporting literature
Adherence to submission and presentation
An unsatisfactory grade will be awarded if 3 or more of the above criteria are scored at the level of
2014 ELP Module 2