
EIF2 Transition Plan and Long Term Sustainability Statement Project
The importance of a robust transition plan and longer term sustainability ‘statement of intent’ once
EIF2 funding has come to an end is recognised by the GSA (Asset Skills, ConstructionSkills and
SummitSkills). Due to the complexity and challenges this area presents in terms of its position of
innovation, as well as the range of partnerships (both industry and government) that drive and
nurture this area, Skyblue would like to provide expert resource to support this activity. This comes
in direct response to the identification of need by the Programme Board when Skyblue facilitated a
short introduction to the sustainability approach and guidance that has been previously and recently
issued by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. This work will help ensure that plans are in
place to effectively embed the legacy of EIF2 and reap the maximum benefits from the work that has
been done since EIF1 in fact back in 2011 though to March 2014.
1. EIF2 Transition Plan 1st May 2014 – 31st March 2015
2. Long Term Sustainability Statement of Intent Paper1 (to 2017, 2021 or 2025 as agreed by the
Associated Outputs that will be bi-products of this Project
 A single excel spreadsheet that lists all EIF2 workstream and sub-workstream
recommendations, draft, emerging and signed off action plans (a process that the EIF2
Programme Manager will actively support during February)
 A ‘timeline’ diagram / asset that captures any key energy efficiency foreseeable initiatives,
government or industry decisions or key ‘moments’ that would impact on the Transition Plan
2014-15 and Long Term Sustainability Statement (e.g. RHI Spring 2014, SSC organisational
review, or something more generic such as Scottish Independence vote September 2014 or
‘General Election’ 2015). These ‘moments’ or happenings would be included if we think they
may impact on the market for energy efficiency and the extent to which the supply chain
might decide to / not to invest in skills and training3
Proposed Workplan and Methodology
The approach would be as follows:
Plan the Approach (February 2014)
 Skyblue will design a process for capturing relevant intelligence, views, opinions and
direction through close liaison with the EIF2 Programme Manager. This will first be
presented verbally by Alan Graver to Catherine Gregson on the 6th of February; and followed
up with a face to face meeting on the 11th of February
 As part of this planning, Alan and Catherine will agree the precise mix and timing of tasks to
be fulfilled, suggested dates for meetings and workshops, suggested audience for each step
of the process, and milestones for managing the process between February and end April
Which would form the basis of a high-level plan and strategy for the GSA to continue to own and shape post EIF2 (if this is
the agreed governance for the work for future)
2 The GSA will provide direction regards time parameters for this longer term statement of intent on 11 th February 2014
3 Like a ‘map’ of macro activity / planned / possible developments with key dates in the future where they are expected to
or could happen
Green Skills Alliance – 11th February 2014
Skyblue will attend the GSA meeting in London on the 11th of February, and in support of the
‘sustainability’ agenda item being led by Richard Bayliss and Phil Stott seek to gain direction from
this group on 3 areas:
1. Governance – what is the home for a) the transition plan and b) the long term sustainability
2. Future Parameters – i.e. is the suggested timeframe to 31st March 2015 for the Transition
Plan acceptable; and longer term sustainability statement options (2017, 2021 and 2025 will
be debated with supporting rationale facilitated by Skyblue)
3. Criteria for decision-making – determining either during the meeting or after the meeting
by phone / email as preferred what will be the criteria applied by the GSA in determining
what will or will not be transitioned to the end of March 2015 for the purpose
If time allows, Skyblue would also seek any referrals or insights from the GSA regards:
1. Major happening / moments in the future that impact on the positioning of this work (to
help further populate the ‘timeline’ output previously described)
2. Other key contacts / organisations / funders / resource-holders who would need to be
engaged in the process that are not part of the GSA, Programme Board or EIF2 Delivery
Transition Plan Workshop – 5th March, London
An agreed number of delegates (c.10-12) will be invited by the Programme Manager to a facilitated
workshop in London 4th/5th March (tbc) that will allow for:
 The explanation of the purpose and parameters for the Transition Plan using agreed GSA
 The opportunity to discuss and populate transition plans at workstream and sub-workstream
levels (guidance will be provided on the day by Skyblue in this regard)
 To identify resourcing requirements – committed vs ‘required’ (i.e. to be confirmed because
the business case still has to be made to someone e.g. SSC SMT or equivalent) or
‘pending’(i.e. could be contingent on the outcome of a funding or investment decision
outside of the GSA community / SSCs (e.g. Universal Services, DECC, BIS/UK Commission,
European Commission etc as identified)
 Use of the ‘recommendations and action plan’ asset previously described so that discussion
is stimulated from an informed position
This workshop should lead to the creation of mini-transition plans for each workstream (or at least
drafted with gaps identified that can be filled afterwards through a follow-up process as required).
The idea is that these mini-transition plans are then brought into one Transition Plan document
ready for further review at a meeting with a slightly smaller group of individuals for a second
workshop (see next)
Resourcing and Long Term Sustainability Workshop
The Programme Manager will seek to bring a smaller group of decision-makers/key influencers
together on the 25th of March 2014 in London4 to:
 Review the Transition Plan in its latest draft form, to identify and fill gaps as necessary
 To identify specific resourcing required to transition in the way proposed for each area (and
/ or commit to going away and filling that aspect of the plan as a result of the workshop) – it
is really important that ‘all’ resource sources are considered by this group for this task (SSC,
public, industry, European, other as identified)
 Create the Long Term Sustainability statement for this work having agreed broadly the
transition plan, so essentially an opportunity to describe the intended trajectory after 2015
for each area that will be sustained i.e. what happens after end March 2015 to the ‘end’
point (agreed by GSA as either 2017, 20121 or 2025)
 Risks and Opportunities – that might impact on the long term sustainability trajectory of
activities that have been enabled through EIF2 investment
This workshop should lead to the ability for Skyblue and the EIF2 Programme Manager to refine the
earlier draft Transition Plan and start to bring together a draft Long Term Sustainability document
that can be reviewed by two groups within the remaining time for this process (GSA and Programme
Board see next)
Programme Board Review – 31st March 2014
Skyblue will update the Programme Board on the Transition Plan; and seek constructive feedback or
insight to fill any remaining gaps; and also share (verbally) the key themes being formed around the
Long Term Sustainability Statement; and seek contributions as required.
During April Skyblue and the EIF2 Programme Manager will refine the Transition Plan and Long Term
Sustainability Statement paper for final review and amends by the GSA. Precise dates will be
confirmed at the Planning Meeting with the Programme Manager 11th February, but will also seek to
complement Skyblue’s wider timeline for supplying the independent evaluation report that month
without impacting the quality of that important output
NB. at each meeting or workshop, Skyblue anticipates that referrals will be made that require
following up by either them or the EIF2 Programme Manager as agreed. So contingency is provided
within the budget for work of this nature which would be limited to email, telephone, literature
review activities where directed
For completion by the end of April, in line with the evaluation report.
Proposed Cost for this Service
 £12,000 fees in labour (consultancy time)
 Travel at cost anticipated to be no more than 10% subject £1,500 (nb. train travel for up to 2
consultants from Skyblue at the different workshops and meetings proposed)
 Costs above are EXCLUSIVE of VAT
 Total budget may therefore be £13,500 + vat or £16,200 subject to approval by our client
Likely to include Steve Geary, Richard Bayliss, Phil Stott and