Using 6-Sigma Experimental Design Tools in Product Improvement Testing MAESC May 11, 2005 Paul Babin, P.E., William Parker Using 6-Sigma Experimental Design Tools in Product Improvement Testing What is 6-Sigma? Experimental Design Rubber Plug Example Planning the Test Results – ANOVA Engineering Model Regression Analysis Synthesis of Models and Experiments What is 6-Sigma? 3.4 ppm 3.4 PPM -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6-Sigma Process Improvement Methodology Define the key processes that affect customers. Define Analyze the data, converting it to insightful information. Measure Analyze Control the process to assure that important improvements are sustained. Improve EXECUTION Measure the performance of key characteristics. Improve the process to achieve the results desired. Control Comparing Six Sigma, Lean, TOC ref Dave Nave, Quality Progress, March 2002 Program Six Sigma Lean Thinking Theory of Constraints Theory Reduce variation Remove waste Manage constraints Application Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Focus Problem focused Identify value Identify value stream Flow Pull Perfect Flow Focused 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify constraint Exploit constraint Subordinate constraint Elevate constraint Repeat cycle System constraints 6-SigmaTools by DMAIC Phase ref Implementing 6-Sigma, Breyfogle 2003 Define Project Selection Matrix Cost of Quality Project Charter Key process output variables Financial Metrics Voice of the Customer Analyze Box Plots, Pareto Charts, Control Charts Scatter plots, Comparison Tests Regression Analysis ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Improve Measure Key process input variables DOE (Design of Experiments) Full Factorial DOEs 2k Fractional Factorial DOEs Robust Designs Response Surface Methodology Improvement Recommendations Control Process Maps, SOPS, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Mistake Proofing Control Plan Change Management Experimental Design Statistical Methods that provide an investigator with a way to overcome the difficulties typically encountered including: Experimental Error (noise) Confusion of correlation with causation Complexity of the effects to be studies Adapted from Box, Hunter, and Hunter 1978 Design of Experiments Factors Process Experimental Error (Noise) Response Using DOE in a 6-Sigma Project Select an appropriate Response Variable Continuous Variable (ratio level) Measurable Identify possible factors and interactions Select factors and factor levels Plan the experiment (treatment combinations) Conduct the experiment Analyze the Results Recommend Improvements (or further testing) Example : Plug DOE Response Variable: Factors (and levels): Holding Pressure Tube Size (5 sizes) Tube Wall (thick and thin) Plug Material (old & new) Temp (high & low) Full factorial design 40 treatment combinations (5x2x2x2) Running The Test Insert Plug and condition for 24 hours Slowly increase air pressure Note the pressure at which the plug just starts to move Running the Test ANOVA Source DF SS MS F p Model 7 2660.45 380.06 13.01 <.0001 Error 32 934.65 29.21 Total 39 3595.10 R2 = 0.74 Source Nparm DF SS F P Size 4 4 1366.35 11.69 <.0001 Wall 1 1 313.60 10.74 0.0025 Matl 1 1 980.10 35.56 <.0001 Temp 1 1 0.40 0.014 0.9076 ANOVA Source DF SS MS F p value Model 7 2660.45 380.06 13.01 <.0001 Error 32 934.65 29.21 Total 39 3595.10 R2 = 0.74 Source Nparm DF SS F P value Size 4 4 1366.35 11.69 <.0001 Wall 1 1 313.60 10.74 0.0025 Matl 1 1 980.10 35.56 <.0001 Temp 1 1 0.40 0.014 0.9076 What does that mean? Validated Test Method. Reduced (but not eliminated) noise Discriminate between important differences Factors explained 74% of the variation Temperature not important No Interactions Engineering Model Predictive Model Press Fit Concentric Model Response: Holding Pressure Variables: Coefficient of Friction Elastic Modulus & Poisson’s Ratio Amount of Compression Cross Sectional Area Regression Analysis of Engineering Model : Average Test Pressure Observed vs. Predicted Engr Model vs. Average Test Pressure y = 0.833x + 3.9208 R2 = 0.809 50 Observed 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Predicted 40 50 Future Analysis – FEA models Comparing the Models Factorial Experiment Holding Pressure = Engineering Model b1 * Material + b2 * Size + b3 * Wall + error no temperature effect no interactions between factors R2 = 74% Holding Pressure = Nonlinear function of Amount of Compression Plug Wall thickness Coefficient of friction Young’s modulus Poisson’s ratio Plug length R2 = 80% (using averages) But where do we get all the parameters to plug in? Experimentation! Synthesis Engineering Models Describe behavior based on physical properties Provides a precise predicted average value Factorial Experiment Describe experimental variation Determine important factors Validate Engr Model 6-Sigma Product Improvement Understand and Reduce Variation $$$ References: Breyfogle, Forrest W. III, “Implementing Six Sigma – Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods, 2nd Edition”, Wiley, 2003. Box, George E.P., William G. Hunter, J. Stuart Hunter, “Statistics for Experimenters – An Introduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Model Building”, Wiley, 1978. Nave, Dave, How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints. Quality Progress, March 2002. ASTM D 2990 – Standard Test Methods for Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics. Brewer, Peter C., Jan E. Eighme, Using Six Sigma to Improve the Finance Function, Strategic Finance, May 2005. Questions? Extra Slides Test Methods ASTM D 2990 – Standard Test Methods for Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics. Viscoelastic Creep Note 8 – Precision and Bias Attempts to develop a precision and bias statement for these test methods have not been successful… 3 sigma = 99.73% 2700 ppm defective 99.73% within +/- 3sigma 2700 ppm defective Low er Specification Limit -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Upper Specification Limit 2 3 4 5 6 6 sigma = 99.999660% 3.4 ppm defective even with shift in mean Low er Specification Limit -6 -5 Upper Specification Limit -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Another 6-SigmaTool list ref Using Six Sigma to Improve the Finance Function, Brewer 2005 Define Surveys, CTQ Ranking Pareto Chart, Five Whys Technique Company-Wide definition Guidelines Data Collection Plan & Sheets Sigma Calculation Prioritization Matrix Analyze Process Mapping, Value Added Analysis Bottleneck Analysis, Fishbone Diagram Outside Suggestions Deductive Reasoning and FMEA Pareto Chart, Histogram, Dot Plots, Regression Analysis Discussion, Voting Improve Measure Brainstorming Outside Suggestions Voting Cost/Benefit Analysis Solution Prioritization Matrix Piloting Plan Control Standard Operating Procedures Project Library Control Chart Pareto Chart Balanced Scorecard Mistake Proofing