Problem Set 2

Physical Oceanography, Fall 2011
Problem 2. Due September 15
1) Using the equation of state (equation 2.1) in Knauss, calculate the following:
a) Calculate density and sigma for T = 30ºC, Salinity = 10 at the sea surface (0 db).
b) Calculate density and sigma for T = 10ºC, Salinity = 28 at depth of 4000m (4000 db)
c) Calculate density and sigma for T = 5ºC, Salinity = 35 at the sea surface
2) Compute the density and sigma for the same range of values using the more accurate
UNESCO * empirical density calculator.
3) How do the values of density computed with equation 2.1 and the online calculator
compare? Why would they be different?
4) Locate the points in 1b and 1c above on the TS diagram below (Contours are of sigma).
and then determine how much the
temperature would have to change to cause the same change in density as a decrease in
salinity of 2 PSU.
5) Using equation 2.1 in Knauss, calculate