Syllabus Course: Spanish 4 Year: 2015-2016 Teacher: Jennifer Viedma Phone: 612-668-9576 Email: Office hrs/ Before and after school. Please check with me first so I know that you are Availability: coming. Course Description/Overview: Spanish IV is an elective course. This course is taught in Spanish and is designed to (1) practice and refine speaking ability with an emphasis on conversational skills; (2) teach and practice more advanced grammar skills; (3) expose students to literary texts in Spanish; (4) further improve reading comprehension and writing skills; (5) further increase knowledge of the culture, literature, art and music of the countries where Spanish is spoken through reading on these subjects in Spanish. It is recommended that a college bound student complete three to four years of the same foreign language during high school. Although this class is not an MYP or IB course, the curriculum centers around thematic units and big ideas, with a focus on reading culturally-relevant and level-appropriate literature. Washburn’s course goals are also aligned with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Minnesota and Minneapolis standards, as well as IB objectives (standards can be located at Required Materials: Paper, writing utensil, folder/binder, books purchased by student **Students are asked to buy books because we do not have enough for all students. A purchased book is yours to keep when the book is completed. Any student who is unable to purchase their books will be provided a copy by Washburn. Policies Attendance: Learning Spanish happens best when you are engaged in Spanish. Each class is designed so that you will listen, speak, read and write in Spanish. To ensure you are engaged, you are required to arrive to class on time. In order to assess our progress, pop quizzes will be frequently administered in the first 5 minutes of class. If you are late without a pass you will not be allowed to make up these points. Bathroom/Hallway: Each student will be required to use their planner to leave the room. Students are expected to use the bathroom, get a drink, refill water bottles, and visit their locker during the 5-minute passing time. Students will be not allowed to leave during the first or last ten minutes of class time and may only leave during work time. Don’t even ask if I’m giving new information or instructions. Late work: For some students, this course will move at a fast pace. Due to this, it is important to keep up with the work in a timely manner. Any late assignments (turned in without a stamp) will receive a grade reduction of one letter grade and no credit will be received 3 days after the due date. Extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Washburn High School 2015-2016 Excused absences/makeup work: Just like attendance, another way to be engaged in Spanish is to do the work. If you are absent, it is your job to make up the work you missed. Use other students in the class and the class website as a resource. Talk to Profe before or after school (NOT right before or during class). A student with an excused absence on the day a task is assigned will have 3 days to complete any missed work in order to receive full credit. Make-up quizzes and assessments will not be administered during class. Participation: Same as attendance and absences/makeup work, actually listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish is the only way you will learn Spanish. Participation is key. The expectation is that you speak and engage in Spanish the whole class with classmates and with Profe. In order to be successful in this class, it will be necessary to practice your Spanish outside of the classroom. There will be many opportunities, including Concordia Language Villages, DuoLingo, etc. The more you engage in Spanish, the more you learn Spanish! Re-Dos and Retakes: Re-Dos and retakes are not available for summative assessments. Extra credit: This class is graded mostly on raw ability in Spanish. Therefore, no extra credit will be given. School-wide Washburn Policies (see Student Handbook) Electronics: There are no electronics (cell phones, iPods, etc.) allowed during class unless I have allowed it for a class assignment. According to the Washburn Student Handbook, on the first offense the device will be confiscated and turned over to the student’s dean. It can be retrieved from the dean at the end of the hour. Second offense, the device will be confiscated and turned over to the dean, and the student will be able to retrieve it at the end of the day. On the third offense, the device will be confiscated and turned over to the dean, and the child’s parent will have to come and retrieve the device. Plagiarism: The World Language department will not tolerate plagiarism in any form. For a general definition of plagiarism please see the Washburn Student Handbook. Also note that the use of any online or electronic translation device to complete an assignment is plagiarism. This is not your work. If the teacher suspects plagiarism, you will be asked to justify your work. If you cannot justify your work within the parameters of the World Language Department’s expectations, you will receive a 0 for the assignment. Course Units and Summative Assessments: Quarter 1: La Llorona and other folklore La Guerra Sucia Quarter 2: Biancanieves y los 7 Toritos Quarter 3: La Guerra Sucia Quarter 4: Todo lo que brilla (workers’ rights in Ecuador) Functions: Define the reason for folklore in all cultures Debate cultural similarities and differences between the United States and Latin America with regard to folklore Refine speaking skills independently learning about and sharing folklore Read and analyze a novel about La Llorona and Functions: Analyze the role and history of bullfighting and how it is seen as a form of art Identify the different aspects of bullfighting Debate animal cruelty and rights in Spain and the United States Write a children’s book about an ethical issue Functions: Compare and contrast different forms of government Write a formal letter utilizing a variety of tenses Read and analyze a novel about the Dirty Wars in Argentina Functions: Research workers’ rights in various Latin American countries Discuss the imbalance of power in many governments Read and analyze a novel about workers’ rights in Ecuador Present on a topic of workers’ rights Washburn High School 2015-2016 compare and contrast it with other folklore Texts read: La Llorona de Mazatlan” and other folklore from Latin America Texts read: “ Biancanieves y los 7 Toritos” Texts read: “ La Guerra Sucia” Texts read: “Todo lo que brilla” Grading Scale and Grade Make-Up: MYP world language classes use an 8-point rubric system in all of their assessments. These will be shared with your child early in the school year. This will be how the students will be assessed throughout the year. The rubric grades will then be transferred into a numerical grade on a 100% grading scale. A 93-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69 A- 90-92 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62 F 0-59 Summative: 80% Tests, Writing, and Speaking Assessments Formative/Participation: 20% Exit cards, quizzes, class work, participation Students are required to complete EVERY summative assignment given. If the student does not complete an assignment, they will receive a (F) on their transcripts. If the student does not complete the work in 30 days, the quarter grade will remain an F. In short, the student will fail the entire quarter if he/she doesn’t complete every summative assignment. Please note that any plagiarism (as defined in the policy section of this syllabus) will result in a 0 for that assignment, with no opportunity to recuperate that credit. Grading modifications may be made for students with IEP or 504 plans. Washburn High School 2015-2016 Spanish IV: Parents/Guardian: Please sign below to verify that you have read and understood the policies of Spanish IV. Student name:_________________________ Parent signature:__________________________ Date:_____________ What is the best way to reach you? Please provide an email and/or a phone number. _________________________________________ ______________________________________ Additional: I give permission for my student to be photographed in class: Yes_________ No________ I give permission for my student to watch an R-rated movie that is linked to the curriculum we are studying.(This may not happen but just in case). Yes_________ No________ I give permission for my student to go on a “walking field trip” in which we walk to somewhere in thecommunity for a cultural experience. Yes_________ No__________ I am interested in the following opportunities for my student: ______Concordia Language Villages Weekend (language camp) ______Hosting a foreign exchange student during the school year or summer. Additional comments that you would like us to know about your student: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Students: Please sign to indicate that you have read and accept what has been outlined in the syllabus. Washburn High School 2015-2016 Signature:______________________________ Date:_______________ Washburn High School 2015-2016