Faisal Mamicpic Alih
Urban Environmental Management
School of Environment, Resources and Development
Paratransit services in general
Major source of mobility
Varies in types and sizes
depending on the urban setting
Serves as ‘gap-fillers’
Serves a complementary role in
the absence of formal transport
Paratransit in the Philippines
Tricycles, motorcycles, jeepneys
Jeepneys serve as major transport mode in middle-sized cities
In some cases they operate alongside buses and other modes
Utilizes modified trucks and manufactured in local shops using
second hand engines
Jeepneys cause of congestion and road accidents
Jeepneys contribute much to pollution
Jeepneys are obsolete
Jeepneys are polluters
Jeepneys need to be eradicated and changed with modern
transport systems
However, jeepneys provide vital access and mobility for people
especially those who are transport disadvantaged.
The Co-benefit Concept
Formulated because of the
pressing environmental
problems and the ‘alarming’
rate of climate change
Overlaps climate change and
air pollution measures
Measures include bus rapid
transit (BRTs) systems,
increasing energy efficiency,
and switching to cleaner
fuels or renewable energy
sources .
Multi-benefits refer to the socio-economic and environmental
benefits that paratransit offer/should offer
Multi-benefits provide a deeper understanding of the continued
popularity and patronage of paratransit
The emphasis is on the multi-benefits accrued from operations
and not on strategies which are otherwise termed co-benefits
Determining multi-benefits allows for more targeted co-benefit
strategies of paratransit taking into account its complex socioeconomic and environmental considerations.
To understand the service delivery of the jeepney paratransit
To explain the popularity of the jeepney paratransit system in
relation to the socioeconomic conditions of the city
To describe the multi-benefits accrued from paratransit operations
To explore the multi-benefit linkages that are essential in a
sustainable and inclusive urban transport system.
Cebu City is the
largest city in the
Visayas islands
The political,
business, service
and religious
center of central
People’s activities
• The insignificant difference may be
attributed to the fact that women and
men have equal travel opportunities.
Socioeconomic conditions
Population change
• The significant difference in women
and men’s travel frequency may be
due to gender differentiated roles.
Multi-centric character
Distance of places of
residence and places of
work and activities
Infrastructure conditions
Narrow roads
Poor quality of associated
transport infrastructure
Source: Cebu City (2008)
Route system
- Spread over the entire
city connecting fringe
areas to city center
- Designated by LTFRB
and city government
- Jeepney is only
authorized to ply one
Fare system
- Formulated by LTFRB
- Directly paid to driver
- Cost to the commuter
but benefit to driver and
their families
- Allows drivers’ families
to have control of daily
Utilized to determine service quality of transport
Service quality is a very important factor of travel demand
 Performed based on various socio-economic and environmental
 Includes both tangible and intangible multi-benefits
 Drawn from people’s perceptions by ranking, among other tools
Major Multi-benefit aspects
Environmental quality
 Livelihood opportunity
 Access provision
The multi-benefits are not achieved in a business-as-usual
A survey by Cebu City Traffic Operations and Management
showed that only 18% of jeepneys comply with Clean Air Act
emission standards
People do not perceive the benefit of less emissions
Perception on emissions varies negatively with operational
Different impacts on women and men as women travel more.
Jeepney system is more of a small enterprise than employment
Jeepneys are a major source of income for people from the
lower income brackets
Adequacy of income is vital for household needs to be
Wives can have more control of household finance with the
availability of adequate income
The major social benefit
of the jeepney system
Based on the opportunity
to use the system
Women and men are
able to carry out their
respective tasks and
further access
opportunities, goods and
services anywhere in the
More women positively
perceive the benefit than
men because of their
frequent utilization of
Operates in a wide service area
Available anywhere
Convenient transfers
Available anytime
Provides direct service to destination
Standardized low fare
Protection from the elements
Provides livelihood
Attributes that have potential multi-benefits
There is no feeling of safety
Poor physical quality makes the ride not comfortable
Does not reliably provide discounts to entitled commuters
Does not regularly operate on a 24-hour basis
Identifying multi-benefits provides a holistic picture of a wide
range of benefits that have been oftentimes overlooked and that
which should have been targets of policy measures.
A gender perspective in multi-benefit study allows for deeper
understanding of how women and men perceive the attributes of
service quality based on gender responsibilities.
Allows for Co-benefit strategies to target environmental quality,
livelihood and access in order to achieve a holistic set of benefits
Creates avenues for gradual change that would increase jeepney
multi-benefits through redesign and reengineering based on
efficiency and anthropometrics.
Transport policy and strategies should be geared towards
increasing public transport utilization and promoting universal
access and inclusiveness.
Study the jeepney with respect to other modes of transport such
as walking and related infrastructure in order to get a holistic
picture of the entire public transport system and its multibenefits.
Conduct more studies on social inclusion and determine how the
jeepneys are barriers to and potential vehicles for social
Given the multi-benefits on a range of socioeconomic and
energy-environment dimensions, studies should be performed
on how these dimensions be linked to co-benefit strategies and
on how the latter should be formulated in order to achieve the
Explore how the benefit of access as provided by jeepneys has
able to increase people’s incomes through the access to
employment and other goods and services.
It is not a crazy idea of studying the possibility and feasibility of a
Jeepney Rapid Transit system patterned after the Bus Rapid
Transit system but one which is able to serve areas where the
bus is not able to cover.