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Electronic Jeepneys: Sustainable Transport in the Philippines

1. Concept of electronic jeeps and how they work.
An electronic jeepney is a public transportation vehicle powered by electricity rather than
traditional fossil fuels. Jeepneys, recognized for their unusual design and colorful decorations,
are popular transportation in the Philippines, particularly in urban areas. An electronic jeepney is
designed to be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional
jeepneys which are frequently connected with air pollution and other negative environmental
repercussions. With Electronic jeepneys, it may significantly decrease emissions and assist in
minimizing the consequences of climate change by employing electricity as a power source.
Emissions of greenhouse gases, enhanced air quality, and noise reduction are interconnected
concepts crucial for promoting sustainability and reducing the negative environmental impacts of
human activities. Agaton et al. (2020) found that adopting e-PUVs can substantially reduce air
pollution and its associated health consequences. Electronic jeeps emit zero emissions while in
operation and operate solely on electricity.
Moreover, unlike traditional diesel-powered jeepneys, which can contribute to poor air quality
and respiratory problems, electronic jeepneys do not emit hazardous pollutants. An electric
jeepney will assist lessen the country's dependency on fossil fuels and improve local air quality,
according to Paringit, as reported by Arayata (2020). During operation, electronic jeepneys emit
no hazardous contaminants, making them a cleaner and healthier mode of transportation.
Lastly, electronic jeepneys can help reduce noise pollution in urban areas compared to
traditional jeepneys. E-jeepneys are powered by electric motors that operate discreetly,
reducing noise pollution. This can contribute to a peaceful and enjoyable urban environment for
all, especially those who live or work near busy roads. Overall, electronic jeepneys are a
promising step toward a more environmentally conscious and sustainable future for public
transportation in the Philippines and beyond.
Agaton, C. B., Collera, A. A., & Guno, C. S. (2020). Socio-Economic and Environmental
Analyses of Sustainable Public Transport in the Philippines. Sustainability, 12(11), 4720.
Arayata, M. C. (2022, May 2). PH introduces locally-made e-jeepney. Philippine News Agency.