Portfolio Instructions Your name Composition and Rhetoric I

Portfolio Instructions
Your name
Your name
Composition and Rhetoric II
Composition and Rhetoric I-II
Lone Star College-Montgomery
Lone Star College Montgomery
Dr. J. Emmons, EdD
Dr. J. Emmons, EdD
May 2015
Table of Contents
Paper list: 1301
N/D + reflection
C/C + reflection
Def/ Exemp + reflection
Visual Analysis + reflection
C/Effect+ reflection
Research + reflection
Eight Modes
1302: Short Story Test
Original Short Story
Blake Essay
Draft of Research Paper
Research Paper with Works Cited
Critical Approaches Test
Oedipus Test
Much Ado About Nothing Essay
Pictorial Essay
Tables of contents
Reflection open N/D
Narrative/ descriptive paper (rough draft behind)
Reflection open C/C
C/C (rough draft behind)
See Above/ Organization of 1302 Assignments/Essays
Note: The syllabus is always subject to change.
Portfolio Guidelines
Dr. Janet Emmons, EdD
1. For reflections, identify and define the type of paper.
2. Talk about the paper, including why that topic.
3. Tell what has been learned in doing this paper.
4. Include a broad conclusion with “so what?” (how has helped now and in the future).
5. Format must be MLA; double-spaced, Times New Roman 12.
6. Length at least one page.
7. The portfolio must have an outside cover and cover pages for each semester. These may
be in any font and/ or color.
8. All work is to be in sleeves.
9. The order of each semester's actual portfolio is as follows:
Inside cover page (right hand side)
Behind cover page, facing out, the syllabus
Facing syllabus, table of contents
First reflection (on left, facing first assigned paper).
Note: Do not add page numbers to graded papers. Only number reflection pages.
This continues for the complete collection of assigned papers.
Note: all rough drafts of papers are behind final papers, except for research paper materials.
These should be in a sleeve in the back of that semester's papers.
In May, the work from both semesters is to be place in one portfolio. This allows the students
to have a finished presentation for interested persons, usually college deans or department