
Progress on the Silicon Drift
Tracker R&D program
Rene Bellwied (Wayne State University) for the SDT group
WSU (R. Bellwied, D. Cinabro, V. Rykov, Y. Guo)
BNL Physics ( F. Lanni, D. Lissauer, V. Jain)
BNL Instrumentation (W. Chen, Z. Li, V. Radeka)
Linear Collider Workshop, UT Arlington, Jan. 9-11, 2003
Proposed layout for LC tracker
Silicon Drift technology benchmarks
Hardware R&D plans
Software update
Summary and Outlook
Silicon detector option for LCD
(small detector, high field B=5T)
Central tracker: Five Layer Device based on Silicon Drift Detectors
Radiation length / layer = 0.5 %, sigma_rphi = 7 mm, sigma_rz = 10 mm
Layer Radii Half-lengths
---------------------20.00 cm
26.67 cm
46.25 cm
61.67 cm
72.50 cm
96.67 cm
98.75 cm
131.67 cm
125.00 cm
166.67 cm
56 m2 Silicon, Wafer size: 10 by 10 cm,
# of Wafers: 6000 (incl. spares)
# of Channels: 4,404,480 channels
SDD’s: 3-d measuring devices
Low anode capacitance
= low noise
3d information with
1d readout
Pixel-like by storing
2nd dimension in SCA
Low number of RDO
channels based on
charge sharing
R.Bellwied, June 30, 2002
Typical SDD Resolution
Can be improved
faster drift,
stiffer resistor chain
for voltage gradient,
different anode
and better starting
STAR-SVT characteristics
216 wafers (bi-directional drift) = 432 hybrids
3 barrels, r = 5, 10, 15 cm, 103,680 channels, 13,271,040 pixels
Pixel count determined by # of ‘time buckets’ in Switched Capacitor Array
Resolution: 8 micron and 17 micron respectively, two-track: 150 micron
Very high resistivity NTD n-type Silicon with no driving capability. At least
preamplification stage has to be on detector
Radiation length: 1.4% per layer
 0.3% silicon, 0.5% FEE (Front End Electronics),
 0.6% cooling and support. Beryllium support structure.
 FEE placed beside wafers. Water cooling.
Future: 5 barrels, 6000 wafers, 4,400,000 channels, 0.5% rad.length per layer
resolution: 7 micron and 10 micron respectively.
Proposed wafer R&D
Present: 6 by 6 cm active area = max. 3
cm drift, 3 mm (inactive) guard area
Max. HV=1500 V, max. drift time=5 ms
anode pitch = 250 mm, cathode pitch =
150 mm
Future: 10 by 10 cm active
Max. HV=2000 V
Anode pitch, cathode pitch have
to be optimized to give better
position resolution (more
channels = more money)
Stiffer resistor chain dissipates
slightly more heat on detector,
but requires no off detector HV
support and allows a more
linear drift in drift direction
(better position resolution)
Details of mask design
Future: stiffer implanted resistors, no outside power supplies
R.Bellwied, June 30, 2002
Proposed Frontend (FEE) R&D
Present: bipolar PASA &
CMOS-SCA ( 16 channel per
die, 15 die for 240 channels on
beryllia substrate )
Multiplexing on detector,
8-bit ADC off detector (3m)
Future: 0.25 micron (DSM)
radiation hard CMOS
technology for all three stages
in one single chip (PASA, SCA,
10-bit ADC)
Proposed mechanical R&D
Present: Be angled brackets with
Beryllia hybrids mounted
Future: carbon fiber staves
with TAB electronics wraparounds
R&D for new wafer layout
Improve position resolution to 5mm
Improve radiation length
Decrease or increase anode pitch from 250 to 100mm or 400 mm ?
Stiffen resistor chain and drift faster.
Reduce wafer thickness from 300mm to 150mm
Move FEE to edges or change from hybrid to SVX
Air cooling vs. water cooling
Use 6in instead of 4in Silicon wafers to reduce #channels.
More extensive radiation damage studies.
Detectors/FEE can withstand around 100 krad (g,n)
PASA is BIPOLAR (intrinsically rad. hard.)
SCA can be produced in rad. hard process.
Hardware deliverables in
present 3 year proposal
2003 hardware deliverables:
new drift detector wafer layout according to R&D goals.
Feasibility study of BNL stripixel technology vs. drift detectors.
2004 hardware deliverables:
large batch of prototype detectors, test radiation damage in test beam and with
sources. Beginning design of new frontend electronics
2005 hardware deliverables:
complete design for CMOS DSM type frontend with reduced power consumption
and potentially integrated ADC, test TAB bonding of frontend to detector prototype,
produce large frontend prototype batch. Extensive test beam requirements for
completed detector/FEE combination by end of 2005.
Stripixels:something new from BNL
Alternating Stripixel Detector (ASD)
Interleaved Stripixel Detector (ISD)
Pseudo-3d readout with speed and resolution comparable to double-side
strip detector on single-sided technology (Zheng Li, BNL report, Nov.2000).
Attractive for faster speed and easier to manufacture than double-sided strip
Need for test-beam in 2004/2005
Use particle beams in the momentum
range from 100 MeV/c to several GeV/c
Measure single particle and two-track
Check noise and repetition rate for
Check settling time and power
consumption for RDO power-off mode
during bunches
Simulation framework
 Detectors: SD and LD geometries as of March 2001.
 Resolutions: SD – r = 7 m, z = 10 m; LD - r = 100 m, z = 1400 m.
 Input data: tt -events at S  500GeV, “panpy-tt-500-010301-*D-sim-**.sio” files.
 Tracking: codes from the “hep.lcd.recon” package.
 Analysis:
Modified “TrackEfficiencyDriver” code (W. Walkowiak) from
“Snowmass-2001” CD tutorial.
 Acceptance: Barrel trackers (+VXD) with forward disk (Endcaps) hits removed
(smeared to “a parsec” = 100 m away).
 Framework: Local JAS analysis
 Tasks addressed: momentum resolution, tracking efficiency (ideal), missing energy,
ghost energy, track timing, comparative study with TPC.
 News since last meeting: detailed GEANT geometry files for two alternate layouts
of SDT provided, tracking efficiency and occupancy (with background)
Simulation update:
hit occupancy on single wafer
STAR central Au-Auevent: inner layer:
~15 hits/hybrid (2% occupancy)
30,720 pixels per hybrid, 40 pixels/hit
With same layout and LC
simulations including g
background according to T.
Around 2000 g/event leave
hit in Silicon, corresponding
to an occupancy of 13
(0.5% occupancy)
51,200 pixels per hybrid,
20 pixels/hit
Occupancy could be further
reduced by factor 2 by using
different SCA
Occupancies and tracking
efficiencies with background
For 100% hit efficiency: (97.3±0.10)%
Almost identical to no background !
Future SDT software R&D
1.) optimize 3d tracking code for solid state tracker, compare
performance to gas detector and other silicon technologies
2.) write slow simulator for detector response
3.) apply STAR tracking and pattern recognition for comparison
4.) simulate two track resolution
What’s next for the SDT ?
Three year NSF proposal: 2003-2005 for a total of $450 K ($ 80, 170, 200 K)
Hardware contribution per year (for BNL): $ 25, 50, 90 K
The project has to grow, we need more groups interested in SDD (as of now only
WSU and BNL expressed interest).
Prototype detectors for use in test setups at universities or other National Labs are
available through WSU/BNL.
People with mask design skills could work on new prototype layouts.
The wafer and frontend electronics R&D could be split in two projects.
Readout electronics and DAQ integration have not been addressed at all.
Software development and simulations needs a lot more manpower. Talk to us if
you’re interested (
Check out the web at: