Int'l Teach Bibliography - Thomas Jefferson School of Law

for use with
Fundamental Perspectives on
International Law
by William R. Slomanson
6th ed. Wadsworth 2011
Contents of this web page:
Internet Resources
Articles (2000 to present)
Articles (1980 to 1999)
Older Articles (pre-1980)
Older Books
All Rights Reserved
Last rev: 01/06/14
Internet Resources [alphabetically by subject]
* Environmental Law Teaching <>
* Human Rights (Teaching Online) <>
* Int’l Law Ass’n Preliminary Report on The Teaching of International Law
* Panel on International Law In the American Law School
* Professors’ Int’l Law course web pages
* Refugees: moot court exercise
* Teaching a class on the Internet <>
* Website construction options for teachers
Books/Pamphlets [alphabetically by subject]
* Sprudzs, International Legal Research Perspectives (Buffalo, NY: Hein, 1988)
* Edwards, International Legal Studies: a Survey of Teaching in American Law
Schools (New York: Columbia Law School, 1965)
* Edwards, International Legal Studies: a Survey of Teaching in Political Science
Departments (Wash., DC: Amer. Soc. Int’l Law/Amer. Pol. Sci. Ass’n, 1963)
* Woolsey, Introduction to the Study of International Law: Designed as an Aid in
Teaching, And in Historical Studies.(4th ed.1981)
* Lantis, Kuzma & Boehrer (ed.), The New International Studies Classroom: Active
Teaching, Active Learning (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000)
* Klare, Peace And World Security Studies: a Curriculum Guide (6th ed. Boulder,
CO: Lynne Reinner, 1994)
* M. Cardozo, The Practical State of Teaching and Research in International Law
1974: A Report for the American Society of International Law (Wash., D.C.: ASIL, 1977)
* Agrawala, & Saxena (eds.), Preparing Students for Practice in International Law: On
Teaching the Law of International Transactions: New Horizons of International Law
and Developing Countries (1983)
* Patnogic, Promotion, Dissemination And Teaching of International Refugee Law:
A Guide (2nd ed. Sanremo, Italy: Villa Nobel (1989)
* R. West, Teaching Law: Justice, Politics, and the Demands of Professionalism
(Cambridge, Eng: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013)
* Lachs, The Teacher in International Law (2nd ed. Hague, Neth: Martinus Nijhoff, 1986)
* Jackson & McGeorge, Teaching International Business Transactions, ASIL Bulletin
No. 8 (Wash., D.C.: Amer. Soc. Int’l Law, 1995)
* Howard (ed.), Teaching International Environmental Law: Ideas and Experiences
from the Seminar Room and the Lecture Hall, ASIL Bulletin No. 6 (Wash., D.C.: Amer.
Soc. Int’l Law, 1994)
* Gamble, Teaching International Law in the 1990s (Wash., DC: Amer. Soc. Int’l
Law, 1992)
* Gamble & Joyner, Teaching International Law: Approaches and Perspectives,
ASIL Bulletin No. 11 (Wash., D.C.: Amer. Soc. Int’l Law, 1997)
* Ellen Hey, Teaching International Law: State-Consent as Consent to a Process of
Normative Development and Ensuing Problems (The Hague: Kluwer Law International,
* Ku, et al., Teaching International Law to Undergraduates: Papers Presented by
the ASIL Panel at Annual Meeting of the .American Political Science Association,
August 29, 1996, ASIL Bulletin: Educational Resources on Int’l Law #10 (1997)
* Gonick & Weisband, Teaching World Politics: Contending Pedagogies For a New
World Order (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992)
* Dupuy, The University Teaching of Social Sciences: International Law (Lanham,
MD: UNESCO, 1967)
Articles (2000 to present) [alphabetically by subject]:
* Cerone, Caveat Doctor: International Law and the Criminalization of Teaching it, 34
Suffolk Transnat’l L. Rev. 487 (2011)
* Jukier, Challenging the Existing Paradigm: How to Transnationalize the Legal
Curriculum, 24 Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 775 (2006)
* Caplow & Fullerton, Co-teaching International Criminal Law: New Strategies to Meet
the Challenges of a New Course, 31 Brook. J. Int'l L. 103 (2005)
* Atwood, Silveira, LaViolette, and Tom Oldham, Crossing Borders in the Classroom: A
Comparative Law Experiment in Family Law, 55 J. Legal Educ. 542 (2005)
* Joyner, Dissecting the Lawfulness of United States Foreign Policy: Classroom
Debates as Pedagogical Devices, 9 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L. 331 (2003)
* Quansah, Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges: Perspective of a Developing
Country - Botswana, 55 J. Legal Educ. 528 (2005)
* Freeland, Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges - The Globalization of Legal
Regulation, 55 J. Legal Educ. 500 (2005)
* Rivera-Ramos, Educating the Transnational Lawyer: An Integrated Approach, 55 J.
Legal Educ. 534 (2005)
* Nagan and Visser, The Global Challenge to Legal Education: Training Lawyers for a
New Paradigm of Economic, Political and Legal-Cultural Expectations in the 21st
Century, 11 ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L. 9 (2004)
* Valcke, Global Law Teaching, 54 J. Legal Educ. 160 (2004)
* Mirow, Globalizing Property: Incorporating Comparative and International Law Into
First-Year Property Classes, 54 J. Legal Educ. 183 (2004)
* T. Stanton, Globalization and the Internationalization of Legal Education in the
United States: An Annotated Bibliography, 29 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 23
* Chesterman, The Globalization of Legal Education, 2008 Sing. J. Legal Stud. 58
* Podgor, Incorporating Transnational Law in First Year Criminal Law and Procedure
Classes, 56 J. Legal Educ. 444 (2006)
* Gevurtz, Incorporating Transnational Materials into Traditional Course, 24 Penn St. Int'l
L. Rev. 813 (2006)
* Knechtle, Innovative Ways of Teaching International Law, 97 Amer. Soc. Int’l L. Proc.
217 (2003)
* Grossman, Integrating International Law into the First-Year Curriculum, 24 Penn St.
Int’l L. Rev. 835 (2006)
* Torres, Integrating Transnational Legal Perspectives into the First Year Curriculum, 23
Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 801 (2005)
* Tushnet, Integrating Transnational Legal Perspectives into the First Year Curriculum,
24 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 735 (2006)
* Clermont, Integrating Transnational Perspectives Into Civil Procedure: What Not to
Teach, 56 J. Legal Educ. 524 (2006)
* Slaughter, The International Dimension of Law School Curriculum, 22 Penn St. Int'l L.
Rev. 417 (2004)
* Edelman, Internationalizing Legal Research, Writing, and Oral Advocacy, 24 Penn St.
Int'l L. Rev. 829 (2006)
* Silver, Internationalizing U.S. Legal Education: A Report on the Education of
Transnational Lawyers, 14 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 143 (2006)
* Bogdan, Is There a Curricular Core for the Transnational Lawyer?, 55 J. Legal Educ.
484 (2005)
* Edelman, It Began at Brooklyn: Expanding Boundaries for First-year Law
Students by Internationalizing the Legal Writing Curriculum, 27 Brook. J. Int’l L. 415
* Mills & McLendon, Law Schools as Agents of Change and Justice Reform in the
Americas, 20 Fla. J. Int’l L. 5 (2008)
* Pistor, Lawyering Across Multiple Legal Orders—Rethinking Legal Education in
Comparative and International Law, 24 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 809 (2006)
* Maxeiner, Learning from Others: Sustaining the Internationalization and
Globalization of U.S. Law School Curriculums, 32 Fordham Int'l L.J. 32 (2008-2009)
* Klabbers, Legal Education in the Balance: Accommodating Flexibility, 56 J. Legal Educ.
196 (2006)
* Bernstein, On Nourishing the Curriculum with a Transnational Law Lagniappe, 56 J.
Legal Educ. 578 (2006)
* Genty, Overcoming Cultural Blindness in International Clinical Collaborative:
The Divide between Civil and Common Law Cultures and Its Implications for
Clinical Education, 15 Clinical L. Rev. 131 (2008-2009)
* Acquaviva, The Perils of Teaching and Practising International Law, 8 J. Int’l
Crim. Just. 1001(2010)
* Aceves, Predicting Chaos? Using Scenarios to Inform Theory and Guide Practice, 45
Va. J. Int'l L. 585 (2005)
* Belsky, Preparing New Students for Legal Practice in a "Flat World”, 24 Penn St. Int'l
L. Rev. 787 (2006)
* Bederman, Review Essay International Law Casebook: Tradition, Revision, and
Pedagogy, 98 Amer. J. Int’l L. 200 (2004)
* Rumsey, The Skills They Need: International and Foreign Legal Research, Legal
Reference Services Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 1 & 2, Pages 133-149 (2009)
* Bentley & Wade, Special Methods and Tools for Educating the Transnational Lawyer,
55 J. Legal Educ. 479 (2005)
* Holloway, Special Methods and Tools for Educating the Transnational Lawyer:
Exchanges, 55 J. Legal Educ. 514 (2005)
* Friel, Special Methods for Educating the Transnational Lawyer, 55 J. Legal Educ. 507
* Gidi, Teaching Comparative Civil Procedure, 56 J. Legal Educ. 502 (2006)
* Rosenblum, Teaching Human Rights: Ambivalent Activism, Multiple Discourses,
and Lingering Dilemmas, 15 Harv. Hum. Rts J. 301 (2002)
* Johns & Freeland, Teaching International Law Across an Urban Divide:
Reflections on an Improvisation, 57 J. Legal Educ. 539 (2007)
* T. Koh, Teaching International Law in Asia: My Adventure with International Law,
5 Singapore J. Int’l & Comp. L. 277(2001)
* Ku, Teaching International Law: Beyond the Law School Experience, 9 ILSA J. Int’l &
Comp. L. 345 (2003)
* H. Juwana, Teaching International Law in Indonesia, 5 Singapore J. Int’l & Comp.
L. 412 (2001)
* Schiffman, Teaching International Law to Undergraduates and Other Non-legal
Audiences: Practical Suggestions for Pedagogical Approaches, 9 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L.
321 (2003)
* BS Chimni, Teaching, Research and Promotion of International Law in India: Past,
Present and Future, 5 Singapore J. Int’l & Comp. L. 368 (2001)
* Magallanes, Teaching for Transnational Lawyering, 55 J. Legal Educ. 519 (2005)
* Sturgeon, Teaching Foreign And International Legal Research At Wuhan University
(Wuda) Law School, 37 Int'l J. Legal Info. 306 (2009)
* Yu, Teaching International Intellectual Property Law, 52 St. Louis U. L.J. 923 (2008)
* Gamble, Teaching or Get Off the Lectern: Impediments to Improving International Law
Teaching, 13 ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L. 379 (2007)
* Burand, Yelpaala, and Linzer, Teaching Transactional Skills and Law in an International
Context, 12 Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. 275 (2011)
* Grossman, Techniques Available to Incorporate Transnational Components into
Traditional Law School Courses: Integrated Sections; Experiential Learning; Dual
J.D.s; Semester Abroad Programs; and Other Cooperative Agreements, 23 Penn St. Int’l
L. Rev. 743 (2005)
* du Marais, Training Lawyers for a Globalized World in Economic Crisis, 61 J. Legal
Educ. 455 (2012)
* Reimann, Two Approaches to Internationalizing the Curriculum: Some Comments, 24
Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 805 (2006)
* Lebel-Grenier, What is a Transnational Legal Education?, 56 J. Legal Educ. 190 (2006)
Articles (1980 to 1999) [alphabetically by author]:
* Almond, The Teaching and Dissemination of the Geneva Conventions and
International Humanitarian Law in the United States, 31 Amer. Univ. Law Review 981
* Barrett, International Legal Education in U.S. Law Schools: Plenty of Offerings,
But Too Few Students, 31 Int’l. Lawyer 845 (1997)
* Barrett, Recent Development: International Legal Education in the United States:
Being Educated for Domestic Practice While Living in a Global Society, 12 Amer. Univ.
J. Int’l L & Policy 975 (1997)
* Blackett, Globalization and its Ambiguities: Implications for Law School
Curricular Reform, 37 Columbia J. Transnat’l L. 57 (1998)
* Booysen, Hercules, International Law as an University Course, 21 So. African
Yearbk of Int’l L. 147 (1996)
* Boyle, Of Ideals and Things: International Law Scholarship and the Prison-House
of Language, 26 Harvard Int’l L. J. (1985)
* Branson, Teaching Global Law: Law Around the World for Younger Students, 4
Update 24 (1980)
* Broms, International Law in the Law School Curriculum, in R St J Macdonald
(ed.), Essays in Honour of Wang Tieya, 79 (1994)
* Brown, The Teaching of International Law in the United Kingdom, in Cheng (ed.),
International Law: Teaching and Practice 167 (1982)
* Buckingham, Bringing the World to the Classroom: Computers as Masters or
Slaves?, 90th ASIL Proceedings 20 (1996)
* Buckingham, Why Not Teach International Law in High Schools?, ASIL Newsletter
20 (March-May 1995)
* Cheng, How Should We Study International Law?, 13 Chinese Yearbk Int’l L &
Affairs 214 (1994-1995)
* Chinkin & Romana, Learning about International Law through Dispute
Resolution, 40 Int’l & Comp. L. Q. 529 (1991)
* Cohen, Ethnocentrism and the Teaching of International Law, in R St J Macdonald
(ed.), Essays in Honour of Wang Tieya, 191 (1993)
* Crawford, Teaching and Research in International Law in Australia, Australian
Yearbk Int’l L 176 (1981-1983)
* D’Amato, International Law in the Curriculum, 2 Pace Yearbk of Int’l L. 83
* De Boer, Brilmayer & Siehr, Teaching Private International Law and
Comparative Law, in Lefeber (ed.), Contemporary International Law Issues:
Opportunities at a Time of Momentous Change 275 (1994)
* Dutheil de la Rochere, The Teaching of Public International Law in France, in
Cheng (ed.), International Law: Teaching and Practice, 183 (1982)
* Ferguson-Brown, Teaching Public International Law in South Africa: Problems
and Possibilities, 27 Comp. & Int’l L. J. of So. Africa 52 (1994)
* Gamble, The Decade’s Emphasis on Education in International Law, 87th ASIL
Proceedings 362 (1993)
* Gamble, International Law Teaching: Are We Making Progress?, 85th ASIL
Proceedings 102 (1991)
* Gamble, International Legal Scholarship: A Perspective on Teaching and
Publishing, 39 J. Legal Educ. 39(1989)
* Gamble, Re-examination of the Teaching of International Law, 78th ASIL
Proceedings 200 (1983)
* Gamble, The Teaching of International Law: Future Role for the Training of
Scholars and Practitioners, Contemporary International Law Issues: Sharing
Pan-European and American Perspectives 195 (1992)
* Gamble, Teaching of International Law: Innovative Techniques, in Contemporary
International Law Issues: Opportunities at a Time of Momentous Change 67
* Ginther, A Note on the Teaching of International Law in Austria, in
Cheng (ed.), International Law: Teaching and Practice, 199 (1982)
* Head, A Fulbright Lecturer’s Experience Teaching International Law in China,
ASIL Newsletter 8 (Sept-Oct 1994)
* Jefferson, The Bosnian War Crimes Trial Simulation: Teaching Students about the
Fuzziness of World Politics and International Law, 32 Pol. Sci. & Politics
589 (1999)
* Joyner, Teaching International Law: Views From an International Relations
Political Scientist, 5 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. Law 377 (1999)
* Kennedy, Primitive Legal Scholarship, 27 Harvard Int’l L. J. 1 (1986)
* Kennedy, International Legal Education, 26 Harvard Int’l L. J. 362 (1985)
* Kwiatkowski, The Organizational Problems of Combining Teaching and Research,
15 Euro. J. Educ. 355 (1980)
* Levie, Teaching Humanitarian Law in Universities and Law Schools, 31 Amer.
Univ. Law Rev. 1005 (1982)
* Li, Teaching, Research, and the Dissemination of International Law in China: the
Contribution of Wang Tieya, 31 Canadian.Yearbk Int’l L. 189 (1993)
* Lillich, The Teaching of International Human Rights Law in US Law Schools, 77
Amer. J. Int’l L. 855 (1983)
* Macdonald, An Historical Introduction to the Teaching of International Law in
Canada, 21 Canadian Yearbk of Int’l L. 235 (1983)
* Mahalu, The Teaching of International Law in Anglophonic Africa, 24 Archiv des
Volkerrechts 196 (1986)
* McCormack & Simpson, Simulating Multilateral Treaty Making in the Teaching of
International Law, 10 Legal Educ. Rev. 61 (1999)
* Meron, A Report on the N.Y.U. Conference on Teaching International Protection
of Human Rights, 13 N.Y.U. J. Int’l Law & Policy 881 (1981)
* Nanda, Why Study International Law? A Decade of the International Legal
Studies Program at the University of Denver College of Law, 11 Denver
Journal Int’l Law & Policy 1 (1981)
* Onuma, Japanese International Law in the Postwar Period: Perspectives on the
Teaching and Research of International Law in Postwar Japan, 33
Japanese Annual Int’l L. 25 (1990)
* Orford, Citizenship, Sovereignty and Globalisation: Teaching International Law in
the Post-Soviet Era, 6 Legal Educ. Rev 251 (1995)
* Osakwe, Re-examination of the Teaching of International Law, Amer. Soc. Int’l
Law Proceedings 189 (1984)
* Reisman, The Teaching of International Law in the Eighties, 20 Int’l Lawyer 987
* Roundtable on the Teaching of International Law, in Amer. Soc. Int’l L.
Proceedings 102 (1991)
* Sanchez, A Paradigm Shift in Legal Education: Preparing Law Students for the
Twenty-First Century: Teaching Foreign Law, Culture, and Legal
Language of the Major US American Trading Partners, 34 San Diego L.
Rev. 635 (1997)
* Scharf & Barrett, Internationalizing the Domestic Curriculum (Durham, NC:
Carolina Academic Press, 1999)
* Shearer, The Teaching of International Law in Australian Schools, 9 Adelaide L.
Rev. 61 (1983)
* Simpson, On the Magic Mountain: Teaching Public International Law, 10 Euro.
J.I. L. 722 (1999)
* Sion, Educating for World View: A Primer on the Role of U.S. Law Schools, 13
Lawyer of the Americas 393 (1981)
* Snyder, International Legal Studies in the Century of the Earth, 9 Hofstra Law
Rev. 1127 (1981)
* Symposium on the Teaching of International Criminal Law, 1 Touro J. Transnat’l
Law 129 (1988)
* Teaching International Relations and International Organizations in International
Law Courses: Constructing the State-of-the-Art International Law
Course, Proceedings of The 87th Annual Meeting (Wash., DC: Amer. Soc.
Int’l Law, 1993)
* Tieya, Universal Approach to the Teaching of International Law, in Proceedings of
the United Nations Congress on Public International Law, New York, 13-17 March 1995,
at 320 (New York & The Hague: UN & Kluwer, 1996)
* Tolley, Project THRO: Teaching Human Rights On-line, 20 Human Rights Q.
* Trakman, Need for Legal Training in International Comparative and Foreign Law:
Foreign Lawyers at American Law Schools, 27 Journal Legal Education 509 (1976)
* Turp, The Teaching of International Law at the Universite de Montreal: the 19751985 Period, 11 Dalhousie L. J. 325 (1987)
* Van Panhuys, The Teaching and Study of Public International Law at Universities
in the Netherlands, 4 Netherlands Int’l Law Rev. (1963)
* Viera-Gallo, Ethical Issues in International Legal Education, 14 Amer. Univ. Int’l
L. Rev. 1391 (1999)
* Wang, The Teaching and Research on International Law in Presentday China, 10
Tulane Euro. & Civil L. Forum 61.(1995)
* Wetter, The Case for International Law Schools and an International Legal
Profession, 29 Int’l & Comp. L. Quarterly 206 (1980)
* Wojtan, Teaching Global Law: Using These Articles to Bring the World to Your
Secondary Class, 4 Update 34 (1980)
Older Books:
* Kirk, The Study of International Relations in American Colleges and Universities
(New York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations, 1947) (Columbia Univ. Prof. of Int’l