Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Structure Committee Re: Development of Organization Structure For the Measuring Success CONSORTIUM July 2014 Charge of the Ad Hoc Structure Committee The Measuring Success Project report produced for the CONSORTIUM in April 2014, noted the ongoing concern of CONSORTIUM members with the CONSORTIUM’s lack of structure. The future, ongoing services and success of the CONSORTIUM hinge upon the development of a formal organizational and reporting structure. While the CONSORTIUM has served its members well as a basis for networking and discussion, the lack of structure and functions has hindered its ability to produce documentable results and attract new members. As a result, an Ad Hoc Structure Committee was formed for the purpose of developing a recommended structure for the future governance and operation of the CONSORTIUM. Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Structure Committee The Ad Hoc Structure Committee met in June and July 2014 to discuss the needs of the Measuring Success CONSORTIUM and to develop a possible structure that would provide the foundation for the CONSORTIUM’s future operations. The following are the recommendations of the committee: Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals The committee reviewed the vision statement, mission statement and strategic goals for the CONSORTIUM, as contained in The Measuring Success Project report, dated 2014. The committee indicated that the vision statement is appropriate as written, however, the group felt that the mission statement could be “tightened up” somewhat. It is recommended that the vision and mission statements be reviewed at the beginning of each CONSORTIUM meeting to ensure that the work of the CONSORTIUM remains on-focus. The committee also recommends that these statements be reviewed for their continued relevance at least once every 3 years. Fiscal Administration and Nonprofit Status Initially, the CONSORTIUM was a loosely formed organization, comprised solely of individuals from the nonprofit sector interested in program improvement, the development of measurement tools for reporting program results, and improving accountability. In the early days of the CONSORTIUM, this was accomplished primarily through networking and information sharing. As the CONSORTIUM continued its work, volunteer groups were formed on an as-needed basis to provide more intensive forms of assistance to some of the organizations involved in the CONSORTIUM. It eventually became evident that the CONSORTIUM would, on a case-by-case basis, need funding to continue its work. Because of the lack of a formal structure and the volunteer nature of the organization, it was decided that the group would not pursue status as a recognized nonprofit organization and would not seek 501(c)(3) status through the Internal Revenue Service; however, the CONSORTIUM also recognized that nonprofit status is a prerequisite for obtaining funding through foundations, local government, or other funding sources. As a result, the CONSORTIUM engaged in a relationship with the Nonprofit Resource Network at Millersville University, wherein the Nonprofit Resource Network acts as fiscal agent for the CONSORTIUM. This relationship enabled the CONSORTIUM to apply for grants and contracts, with all funding processed through, and managed by, the Network as a service to the CONSORTIUM. At present, there is some question as to whether the Nonprofit Resource Network will continue its relationship as the CONSORTIUM’s fiscal agent. Even if the CONSORTIUM adopts the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Structure Committee, the Committee would not recommend the CONSORTIUM pursue 501(c)(3) status as an organization for a number of reasons, including expense and other federal requirements. The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) was suggested as a possible organization to approach as a new fiscal agent. TFEC engages in similar relationships with other groups in the community; however, it must be noted that there is a fee associated with this service and the CONSORTIUM would technically become a project of TFEC. The Nonprofit Resource Network did not charge a fee. The Ad Hoc Structure Committee suggests that research be conducted to determine what a relationship with TFEC would entail contractually and financially, and that research also be conducted to determine other organizations that might be willing to engage with the CONSORTIUM as fiscal agent, and the fees those organizations may charge for that service. Administration In the past, the organization has operated without benefit of formal administration. The Committee recommends that the organization engage someone to act as the organization’s administrator. While this person could be a volunteer, the committee feels that a part-time paid staff person would offer greater stability to the CONSORTIUM. To support the position, the CONSORTIUM would need to secure funding to pay for the staff position, necessitating grant writing efforts. The administrator would be accountable to the MSC Steering Committee. With input from the Steering Team, the administrator would be responsible for: Development of meeting agenda Meeting notices and reminders Development an annual calendar, with input from the Steering Committee and the CONSORTIUM at large, Solicitation of materials and team reports for each CONSORTIUM meeting Attending and documenting the operations of other teams Tracking ongoing interest in discussion groups and advising the Steering Committee of inactive groups for determination of whether group should be continued to disbanded Advising the CONSORTIUM of possible grant/funding opportunities Grant writing ??? Steering Committee The Ad Hoc Structure Committee recommends that a formal Steering Committee be developed. The committee would be comprised of a group of interested and committed CONSORTIUM members who are willing to guide the work of the CONSORTIUM. The Steering Committee would be responsible for: Supervision of the CONSORTIUM’s administrator Executive-level decision making. Oversight of the organization’s operations to ensure the accountability of the CONSORTIUM and that the CONSORTIUM’s work remains on-track and relevant Approval of formal projects that the CONSORTIUM will engage in Ensuring that project committees are accountable and produce results Recommending termination of projects and discussion groups when results are not produced within an agreed upon period of time or progress is not evident Approving pursuit of grant/funding opportunities Ensuring that the CONSORTIUM continues to uphold its strategic goals, mission and vision Engaging the CONSORTIUM in a review of strategic goals, mission and vision at least once every 3 years to ensure they are still valid and relevant to the work of the CONSORTIUM Working with the administrator to develop a calendar to guide the work and administration of the CONSORTIUM Approval of the agenda for each meeting Working Teams The Ad Hoc Structure Committee recommends the development of working teams that can be activated, as necessary, in response to the needs and current work of the CONSORTIUM. Members would activate a team based on a group of members who have common interest. Initially, the Structure Committee recommends the establishment of the follow teams: Tools, Techniques and Practices Team: This team will identify and present the tools, techniques and practices used by nonprofit organizations that may be of benefit to CONSORTIUM members: Techniques and Practices Identification of key areas of concern regarding measurement that exist among CONSORTIUM participants Identification and sharing of techniques and practices that may be of interest or benefit to CONSORTIUM members Locating individuals with experience in areas of concern and invite them to attend and make a presentation to the CONSORTIUM. Providing a venue for intraorganizational story telling, with an opportunity for participants to learn from the experience of others Tools Identification of measuring tools that may be of interest to CONSORTIUM members Providing support, feedback and assistance to the development of evaluation tools and processes Offering access to useful tools and techniques for measuring program success Dissemination of information about tools to CONSORTIUM members Website Team: The CONSORTIUM’s website was considered to be a critical component of the original plans for the Measuring Success CONSORTIUM. As originally conceived, the website would be used for members to share information as well as the results of their outcome achievement, and aid in the development of benchmarks. Over the course of the CONSORTIUM’s work, it has become evident that, while the website could provide a valuable tool for members and the public, it requires a significant level of support for administration and upkeep. Funding will be required to develop and maintain the website. The Ad Hoc Structure Committee strongly recommends that the CONSORTIUM develop a website team. This team would be responsible for: Developing a plan to ensure the best possible use for the website. Securing funding for support of the website Development and maintenance of the website Making recommendations to the Steering Committee for information and categories of interest to CONSORTIUM members and inclusion of such information on the website Recommendation and implementation of changes to the website, as approved by the Steering Committee and CONSORTIUM members Ensuring an appropriate vetting process is conducted prior to placing tools, case studies, techniques, etc. on the website Addition of Other Teams: The CONSORTIUM may wish to consider the addition of other teams, as the needs of the group changes. For example, a Bridge Team could be activated at some point in the future, should there be sufficient interest or on as needed basis. The Bridge Team might serve as a “bridge” between practitioners, funders and policy makers for the purpose of collaborating to maximize resources and achieve the mission of each collaborating agency. Conclusion The development of a formal structure is needed to support the strategic goals and ongoing work of the CONSORTIUM. The ongoing commitment of CONSORTIUM members is also needed to ensure the viability, functioning and relevance of the group. A strong Steering Committee, as well as the addition of an administrator are vital to the ongoing and effective operation of the CONSORTIUM. The continuance of a general CONSORTIUM membership, along with the development of the recommended teams will add the structure needed to enhance and maintain a strong and relevant organization. With the exception of a paid administrator position, participation on the Steering Committee and all teams should be voluntary; however, in order to work, team members should be committed to their roles and achievement of their goals. Submitted on behalf of the Ad Hoc Structure Committee Susan D. Wokulich, Chair