curriculum vitae

IL-10 induced by Sulfuretin regulates severity of pancreatitis via modulation of adhesion
Ilju Jo, Gisang Bae, Sung-Joo Park
Department of Herbology, Wonkwang Oriental Medicine, BK 21 plus team in Wonkwang Oriental Medicine,
Habang Body-fluid Research Center (MRC).
Interleukin (IL)-10 is a well-known cytokine that plays a suppressive role in many pancreatitis models. However,
the detailed mechanisms to regulate AP are largely undiscovered. In this study, using sulfuretin which could
induce IL-10 on pancreatic acinar cells, we investigated the detailed role of IL-10 during AP in two models;
initial acinar cell injury and subsequent inflammatory cell infiltration. In acinar cell injury model, sulfuretin
inhibited the cerulein-induced acinar cell death on both IL-10 wild and K.O. mice, which means IL-10 is
independent of acinar cell injury. In inflammatory cell infiltration model, sulfuretin selectively inhibited ICAM1 and E-selectin, leading inhibition of infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils in IL-10 wild mice, but not in
IL-10 K.O. mice. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that IL-10 attenuates the severity of pancreatitis
through inhibition of infiltration of macrophage/neutrophil via down-regulation of ICAM-1 and E-selectin, and
suggest that sulfuretin could be a beneficial agent for AP.
(November 3, 2014)
1. NAME: Sung-Joo Park
2. Date and Place of Birth: August, 22, 1968 (Male), Wando, South Korea
3. Current address: Department of Herbology, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang
University, Iksan, 570-749 Jeonbuk, South Korea
4. Current Position: Associate Professor
5. Education:
1989-1995: School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
1995-1997: College of Medicine, Wonkwang University (Master of Medicine).
1999-2003: Department of Developmental Immunology, Osaka University Medical School,
2-2 ,Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan,(Ph.D. of Immunology).
- Director : Professor Hirano Toshio
6. Career:
2003-2004: Laboratory for Cytokine Signaling, RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and
Immunology - Director : Professor Hirano Toshio
Current: Associate Professor in Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
Director of Brain Korea 21 Plus Team
Chief of graduate school of Wonkwang oriental medicine
Chief Reviewe Board of National Research Foundation