MAE 3241: AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT MECHANICS Thin Airfoil Theory Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk OVERVIEW: THIN AIRFOIL THEORY Fundamenta l Equation of Thin Airfoil Theory : 1 g x dx dz V 2p 0 x x dx c • • • • • Coordinate Transforma tion c x 1 cos q 2 dx sin qdq x c 1 cos q 0 2 Transforme d Equation 1 2p g q sin qdq dz V 0 cos q cos q 0 dx p • • • In words: Camber line is a streamline Written at a given point x on the chord line dz/dx is evaluated at that point x Variable x is a dummy variable of integration which varies from 0 to c along the chord line Vortex strength g=g (x) is a variable along the chord line and is in units of In transformed coordinates, equation is written at a point, q0. q is the dummy variable of integration – At leading edge, x = 0, q = 0 – At trailed edge, x = c, q =p The central problem of thin airfoil theory is to solve the fundamental equation for g (x) subject to the Kutta condition, g(c)=0 The central problem of thin airfoil theory is to solve the fundamental equation for g (q) subject to the Kutta condition, g(p)=0 SUMMARY: SYMMETRIC AIRFOILS Fundamenta l Equation of Thin Airfoil Theory : 1 g x dx dz V 2p 0 x x dx c Symmetric airfoils : dz 0 dx Coordinate Transforma tion c 1 cos q 2 dx sin qdq x x c 1 cos q 0 2 Transforme d Equation 1 2p g q sin qdq 0 cos q cos q 0 V p SUMMARY: SYMMETRIC AIRFOILS 1 2p g q sin qdq 0 cos q cos q 0 V 2p 1 cos q g q 2V sin q 0 g p 2V 0 sin p g p 2V 0 cos p • Fundamental equation of thin airfoil theory for a symmetric airfoil (dz/dx=0) written in transformed coordinates • Solution – “A rigorous solution for g(q) can be obtained from the mathematical theory of integral equations, which is beyond the scope of this book.” (page 324, Anderson) • Solution must satisfy Kutta condition g(p)=0 at trailing edge to be consistent with experimental results • Direct evaluation gives an indeterminant form, but can use L’Hospital’s rule to show that Kutta condition does hold. SUMMARY: SYMMETRIC AIRFOILS c G g x dx • Total circulation, G, around the airfoil (around the vortex sheet described by g(x)) 0 • Transform coordinates and integrate p c G g q sin qdq 20 G pcV • Simple expression for total circulation L r V G pcr V2 • Apply Kutta-Joukowski theorem (see §3.16), “although the result [L’=r∞V ∞2G] was derived for a circular cylinder, it applies in general to cylindrical bodies of arbitrary cross section.” • Lift coefficient is linearly proportional to angle of attack • Lift slope is 2p/rad or 0.11/deg cl 2p dcl 2p d EXAMPLE: NACA 65-006 SYMMETRIC AIRFOIL dcl/d = 2p • Bell X-1 used NACA 65-006 (6% thickness) as horizontal tail • Thin airfoil theory lift slope: dcl/d = 2p rad-1 = 0.11 deg-1 • Compare with data – At = -4º: cl ~ -0.45 – At = 6º: cl ~ 0.65 – dcl/d = 0.11 deg-1 SUMMARY: SYMMETRIC AIRFOILS c c 0 0 xdL r V M LE 1 p r V2 c 2 M LE 2 2 M LE p cm ,le 1 2 r V2 Sc 2 c cm ,le l 4 cm , c 4 cl cm ,le 4 cm , c 4 0 • Total moment about the leading edge (per unit span) due to entire vortex sheet xg x dx • Total moment equation is then transformed to new coordinate system based on q • After performing integration (see hand out, or Problem 4.4), resulting moment coefficient about leading edge is –p/2 • Can be re-written in terms of the lift coefficient • Moment coefficient about the leading edge can be related to the moment coefficient about the quarter-chord point • Center of pressure is at the quarter-chord point for a symmetric airfoil EXAMPLE: NACA 65-006 SYMMETRIC AIRFOIL • Bell X-1 used NACA 65-006 (6% thickness) as horizontal tail • Thin airfoil theory lift slope: dcl/d = 2p rad-1 = 0.11 deg-1 • Compare with data – At = -4º: cl ~ -0.45 – At = 6º: cl ~ 0.65 – dcl/d = 0.11 deg-1 • Thin airfoil theory: cm,c/4 = 0 • Compare with data cm,c/4 = 0 CENTER OF PRESSURE AND AERODYNAMIC CENTER • Center of Pressure: Point on an airfoil (or body) about which aerodynamic moment is zero – Thin Airfoil Theory: • Symmetric Airfoil: cp c x 4 • Aerodynamic Center: Point on an airfoil (or body) about which aerodynamic moment is independent of angle of attack – Thin Airfoil Theory: c • Symmetric Airfoil: x A.C . 4 CAMBERED AIRFOILS: THEORY Fundamenta l Equation of Thin Airfoil Theory : 1 g x dx dz V 2p 0 x x dx c • • • • • Coordinate Transforma tion c x 1 cos q 2 dx sin qdq x c 1 cos q 0 2 Transforme d Equation 1 2p g q sin qdq dz V 0 cos q cos q 0 dx p • • • In words: Camber line is a streamline Written at a given point x on the chord line dz/dx is evaluated at that point x Variable x is a dummy variable of integration which varies from 0 to c along the chord line Vortex strength g=g (x) is a variable along the chord line and is in units of In transformed coordinates, equation is written at a point, q0. q is the dummy variable of integration – At leading edge, x = 0, q = 0 – At trailed edge, x = c, q =p The central problem of thin airfoil theory is to solve the fundamental equation for g (x) subject to the Kutta condition, g(c)=0 The central problem of thin airfoil theory is to solve the fundamental equation for g (q) subject to the Kutta condition, g(p)=0 CAMBERED AIRFOILS 1 2p g q sin qdq dz 0 cos q cos q 0 V dx p Solution : 1 cos q g q 2V A0 An sin nq sin q n 1 Compare : 1 cos q g q 2V sin q • Fundamental Equation of Thin Airfoil Theory • Camber line is a streamline • Solution – “a rigorous solution for g(q) is beyond the scope of this book.” • Leading term is very similar to the solution result for the symmetric airfoil • Second term is a Fourier sine series with coefficients An. The values of An depend on the shape of the camber line (dz/dx) and EVALUATION PROCEDURE 1 2p g q sin qdq dz 0 cos q cos q 0 V dx p 1 cos q g q 2V A0 An sin nq sin q n 1 1 p p 0 A0 1 cos q dq 1 An sin nq sin qdq dz cos q cos q 0 p n 1 0 cos q cos q 0 dx p PRINCIPLES OF IDEAL FLUID AERODYNAMICS BY K. KARAMCHETI, JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., NEW YORK, 1966. APPENDIX E PRINCIPLES OF IDEAL FLUID AERODYNAMICS BY K. KARAMCHETI, JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., NEW YORK, 1966. APPENDIX E CAMBERED AIRFOILS dz A0 An cos nq 0 dx n 1 dz A0 An cos nq 0 dx n 1 f q B0 Bn cos nq n 1 B0 0 Bn p f q cos nqdq p 2 • We can solve this expression for dz/dx which is a Fourier cosine series expansion for the function dz/dx, which describes the camber of the airfoil • Examine a general Fourier cosine series representation of a function f(q) over an interval 0 ≤ q ≤ p p f q dq p 1 • After making substitutions of standard forms available in advanced math textbooks 0 • The Fourier coefficients are given by B0 and Bn ADVANCED CALCULUS FOR APPLICATIONS, 2nd EDITION BY F. B. HILDEBRAND, PRENTICE-HALL, INC., ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., 1976 ADVANCED CALCULUS FOR APPLICATIONS, 2nd EDITION BY F. B. HILDEBRAND, PRENTICE-HALL, INC., ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., 1976 ADVANCED CALCULUS FOR APPLICATIONS, 2nd EDITION BY F. B. HILDEBRAND, PRENTICE-HALL, INC., ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., 1976 CAMBERED AIRFOILS p 1 dz A0 dq 0 p 0 dx • Compare Fourier expansion of dz/dx with general Fourier cosine series expansion p 1 dz A0 dq 0 p 0 dx p 2 dz An cos nq 0 dq 0 p 0 dx • Analogous to the B0 term in the general expansion • Analogous to the Bn term in the general expansion CAMBERED AIRFOILS c G g x dx 0 p c G g q sin qdq 20 • We can now calculate the overall circulation around the cambered airfoil Recall general solution for g q : 1 cos q g q 2V A0 An sin nq sin q n 1 p p G cV A0 1 cos q dq An sin nq sin qdq n 1 0 0 p G cV pA0 A1 2 • Integration can be done quickly with symbolic math package, or by making use of standard table of integrals (certain terms are identically zero) • End result after careful integration only involves coefficients A0 and A1 CAMBERED AIRFOILS L r V G • Calculation of lift per unit span p G cV pA0 A1 2 p L r V c pA0 A1 2 2 cl L p 2 A0 A1 1 r V2 S 2 p 1 dz cl 2p cos q 0 1dq 0 p 0 dx dcl 2p d • Lift per unit span only involves coefficients A0 and A1 • Lift coefficient only involves coefficients A0 and A1 • The theoretical lift slope for a cambered airfoil is 2p, which is a general result from thin airfoil theory • However, note that the expression for cl differs from a symmetric airfoil CAMBERED AIRFOILS dcl L 0 cl d cl 2p L 0 p 1 dz cl 2p cos q 0 1dq 0 p 0 dx L 0 • From any cl vs. data plot for a cambered airfoil • Substitution of lift slope = 2p • Compare with expression for lift coefficient for a cambered airfoil • Let L=0 denote the zero lift angle of attack – Value will be negative for an airfoil with positive (dz/dx > 0) camber p 1 dz cos q 0 1dq 0 p 0 dx • Thin airfoil theory provides a means to predict the angle of zero lift – If airfoil is symmetric dz/dx = 0 and L=0=0 Lift Coefficient SAMPLE DATA: SYMMETRIC AIRFOIL Angle of Attack, A symmetric airfoil generates zero lift at zero Lift Coefficient SAMPLE DATA: CAMBERED AIRFOIL Angle of Attack, A cambered airfoil generates positive lift at zero SAMPLE DATA Lift (for now) • Lift coefficient (or lift) linear variation with angle of attack, a – Cambered airfoils have positive lift when = 0 – Symmetric airfoils have zero lift when = 0 • At high enough angle of attack, the performance of the airfoil rapidly degrades → stall Cambered airfoil has lift at =0 At negative airfoil will have zero lift AERODYNAMIC MOMENT ANALYSIS c c 0 0 xdL r V xg x dx M LE g q 2V A0 cm ,le cm ,le cm ,le M LE 1 cos q An sin nq sin q n 1 M LE 1 1 r V2 Sc r V2 c 2 2 2 c 2 xg x dx 2 V c 0 1 2V cm ,le p • Total moment about the leading edge (per unit span) due to entire vortex sheet • Total moment equation is then transformed to new coordinate system based on q • Expression for moment coefficient about the leading edge • Perform integration, “The details are left for Problem 4.9”, see hand out p c 1 cos q g q sin qdq 0 A2 A A 0 1 2 2 2 • Result of integration gives moment coefficient about the leading edge, cm,le, in terms of A0, A1, and A2 AERODYNAMIC MOMENT SUMMARY cm ,le cm ,le p A2 A0 A1 2 2 cl p A1 A2 4 4 cm , c 4 p 4 A2 A1 c p xcp 1 A1 A2 4 cl • Aerodynamic moment coefficient about leading edge of cambered airfoil • Can re-writte in terms of the lift coefficient, cl – For symmetric airfoil • dz/dx=0 • A1=A2=0 • cm,le=-cl/4 • Moment coefficient about quarter-chord point – Finite for a cambered airfoil • For symmetric cm,c/4=0 – Quarter chord point is not center of pressure for a cambered airfoil – A1 and A2 do not depend on • cm,c/4 is independent of – Quarter-chord point is theoretical location of aerodynamic center for cambered airfoils CENTER OF PRESSURE AND AERODYNAMIC CENTER • Center of Pressure: Point on an airfoil (or body) about which aerodynamic moment is zero – Thin Airfoil Theory: c xcp • Symmetric Airfoil: 4 • Cambered Airfoil: c p xcp 1 A1 A2 4 cl • Aerodynamic Center: Point on an airfoil (or body) about which aerodynamic moment is independent of angle of attack – Thin Airfoil Theory: c x A.C . • Symmetric Airfoil: 4 • Cambered Airfoil: c x A.C . 4 ACTUAL LOCATION OF AERODYNAMIC CENTER x/c=0.25 NACA 23012 xA.C. < 0.25c x/c=0.25 NACA 64212 xA.C. > 0.25 c IMPLICATIONS FOR STALL • Flat Plate Stall • Leading Edge Stall • Trailing Edge Stall Increasing airfoil thickness LEADING EDGE STALL • NACA 4412 (12% thickness) • Linear increase in cl until stall • At just below 15º streamlines are highly curved (large lift) and still attached to upper surface of airfoil • At just above 15º massive flow-field separation occurs over top surface of airfoil → significant loss of lift • Called Leading Edge Stall • Characteristic of relatively thin airfoils with thickness between about 10 and 16 percent chord TRAILING EDGE STALL • NACA 4421 (21% thickness) • Progressive and gradual movement of separation from trailing edge toward leading edge as is increased • Called Trailing Edge Stall THIN AIRFOIL STALL • • • • Example: Flat Plate with 2% thickness (like a NACA 0002) Flow separates off leading edge even at low ( ~ 3º) Initially small regions of separated flow called separation bubble As a increased reattachment point moves further downstream until total separation NACA 4412 vs. NACA 4421 • NACA 4412 and NACA 4421 have same shape of mean camber line • Theory predicts that linear lift slope and L=0 same for both • Leading edge stall shows rapid drop of lift curve near maximum lift • Trailing edge stall shows gradual bending-over of lift curve at maximum lift, “soft stall” • High cl,max for airfoils with leading edge stall • Flat plate stall exhibits poorest behavior, early stalling • Thickness has major effect on cl,max AIRFOIL THICKNESS AIRFOIL THICKNESS: WWI AIRPLANES English Sopwith Camel Thin wing, lower maximum CL Bracing wires required – high drag German Fokker Dr-1 Higher maximum CL Internal wing structure Higher rates of climb Improved maneuverability OPTIMUM AIRFOIL THICKNESS • • • • Some thickness vital to achieving high maximum lift coefficient Amount of thickness influences type of stall Expect an optimum Example: NACA 63-2XX, NACA 63-212 looks about optimum NACA 63-212 cl,max MODERN LOW-SPEED AIRFOILS NACA 2412 (1933) Leading edge radius = 0.02c NASA LS(1)-0417 (1970) Whitcomb [GA(w)-1] (Supercritical Airfoil) Leading edge radius = 0.08c Larger leading edge radius to flatten cp Bottom surface is cusped near trailing edge Discourages flow separation over top Higher maximum lift coefficient At cl~1 L/D > 50% than NACA 2412 MODERN AIRFOIL SHAPES Boeing 737 Root Mid-Span Tip