Unit 21 & 29: 30 Second Advertisement For Telelvision


30 Second Advertisement for TV

Advertisement Idea – Reference to the idea that you have came up with for your advertisement. For the advertisement idea, I took inspiration from a pervious video that was apart of the commissioned brief for

Millennium Forum Pantomime, Aladdin. The footage that was used in this 30-second advertisement was used in other videos for the client. The main purpose for doing this advertisement was to promote the pantomime and to encourage more people to attend the show, and to also promote the

Millennium Forum Theatre.

Synopsis of the Advertisement – Reference to a short paragraph describing what the advertisement will be about. The Aladdin Pantomime advert is an entertainment/promotional video; it is intended to promote the Millennium Forum, the pantomime and the actor that are involved with the production. There are scenes of the actual Aladdin production of the actors carrying out the pantomime. For the advertisement, the footage will be edited down to 30 seconds as it states this on the assignment brief.

This will help to promote the pantomime Aladdin further, with the PR videos that were assigned in the client brief.

Video Recording and Playback – Reference to the camera equipment that you will use to create your production.

The camera equipment I will use for my advertisement will be the JVC and DSLR cameras, which were supplied by the NWRC media department. I have already had experience using these cameras alongside with the crew, who shot the footage for the assigned PR videos; the footage from these videos will be used as evidence in my advertisement.

Audio and Recording and Playback – Reference to the audio equipment that you will use to create your production. For this advertisement, I will not be using the audio that was gathered during shooting, I decided to use music from the Aladdin pantomime in London.

If I were using audio, it would be brought of the JVC cameras during the filming production.

Lighting Equipment – Give reference to all lighting equipment that will require for your production. For the Aladdin pantomime advertisement and other videos, the lighting was supplied by the Millennium Forum

NDY2 Creative Media Production

Unit 21 & 29 Single Camera + Ad Production

Tutor: Conor Glynn

Student: Aisling Sweeney studio lighting. However, if we were to use any other lighting, it would be lighting from the NWRC media department such as soft boxes. The lighting was very important for filming the full production of the pantomime.

Sound and Visual Effects – References to the audio you will intend to use for your production aesthetically pleasing. In the postproduction/editing stage, I will not be using any filters for my production;

I decided to use the original footage with no filters. The music used in the advertisement was taken from a soundtrack that was used in various

Aladdin pantomimes.

Talent/Actors – Reference to the actors/actresses you will be using to promote your product. The actors/actresses in the Aladdin pantomime production are listed below as “potential interviews” as we carried out a cast interview video before the advertisement, our journalist/interviewer

Orlagh Mullen, interviewed the cast members and asked them various questions about their experiences in the pantomime. For the advertisement, there is an evidence of various scenes of the actors performing during the show.

Scripts/Storyboards – Scripts refer to the dialogue your actors will be saying and Shooting scripts refer to the scenes that you wish to shoot, on the day and where it will take place. In the advertisement, there will be no script needed, as I have no need for dialogue. However, in various PR videos at the ending, the actors had a script to talk about the booking information to end each of the videos, this provide further information on how the general public can book tickets for the pantomime. For the scenes, I directed the crew on what exactly to film on the day from cast interviews with the actors to voxpops with the public. A shotlists/storyboards was created to make sure that these tasks were carried out and gave the crew/myself an idea of what to film and to follow the clients’ instructions. This also insured that the process was done as quickly as possible and that all filming went smoothly.

NDY2 Creative Media Production

Unit 21 & 29 Single Camera + Ad Production

Tutor: Conor Glynn

Student: Aisling Sweeney

Shots Used – Refers to the shots that were used during the production process. Here is a list of the shots that were used during the filming of the

Aladdin pantomime.

 Close-up Shot

 Mid-Shot

 Over the Shoulder Shot

 Extreme Wide Shot

 Wide Shot

 Extreme Close-up Shot

NDY2 Creative Media Production

Unit 21 & 29 Single Camera + Ad Production

Tutor: Conor Glynn

Student: Aisling Sweeney

Location Plans Refers to the places in which you wish to shoot the production. For the Aladdin PR videos, all the filming took place inside the Millennium Forum theatre, Derry-Londonderry.

For the “Santa Coming to Foyleside” video, this was the only filming that was not taken place in the Millennium Forum, as the event took place in the Foyleside shopping centre.

Crew – Refers to the people that have help you with the filming for your production. For the Aladdin PR videos and the actual production of the filming the same people were used in all the filming. Here is a list of the crew/people who were involved in the production of the Aladdin pantomime videos. (Also link to the crew profiles on the Aladdin pantomime website - http://aladdinpantoproject.weebly.com/team-profiles.html


Aisling Sweeney – Director/Producer, Runner, Pre


Caoimhe McLaughlin – Co. Director/Producer,

Runner, Pre Production

Shane Barr – Executive Producer, Photographer,

Camera-Operator, Editor

NDY2 Creative Media Production

Unit 21 & 29 Single Camera + Ad Production

Tutor: Conor Glynn

Student: Aisling Sweeney

Jamie Keys – Camera Operator/Lighting and Sound

Eli Doherty – Camera Operator/Lighting and Sound

Adam Cassidy Camera Operator/Lighting and Sound

Jake Bradley Camera Operator/Lighting and Sound

Tomala White Camera Operator/Lighting and


NDY2 Creative Media Production

Unit 21 & 29 Single Camera + Ad Production

Tutor: Conor Glynn

Student: Aisling Sweeney

Equipment/Production Technology – This is a list of all the equipment used for the production . The equipment that was used for the Aladdin PR videos are as listed below:

 X2 JVC Cameras

 X3 DSLR Nikon Cameras

 X2 Tripods

 X1 GoPro

Post – Production Technology – This references to the editing of the advertisement and the software that will be used. To edit the advertisement, I will be using final cut pro, Before carrying out the editing, I will search through any archive footage and the pervious footage used for the PR videos to see it will work for the advertisement, this will give me a better layout of what I want to be included in the advertisement, and also, using pervious edited PR videos from the

Aladdin pantomime, it will give a good template of how the advertisement should look at client standards.

Advertisement Purpose – This refers to the reasoning behind the making of your advertisement. The purpose of this advertisement is for promotional/entertainment purposes/ to promote the pantomime, Aladdin and the Millennium Forum.
