In the Shadow of the Apocalypse Book I

In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In the Shadow of the
Book I - The Foundations of Tyranny
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
A Profile of Tyranny and Apocalyptic Destiny
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In the Shadow of the Apocalypse
Ohr Light Press
Copyright © 2012 by Yamim Keitz.
All Rights Reserved
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 ~ Table of Contents ~
Introduction - Page 5
The Age of Aquarius, the 7th Age of Man - Page 6
Earth history You Didn’t Learn in School - Page 15
A Message From Across Time - Page 24
The Bene Elohim - Builder Gods? - Page 35
Origin of Species - Page 47
Ancient Evidence of High Technology - Page 50
Biblical Races and the Divine Council - Page 55
Lessons in Antiquity - Page 64
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In The Shadow of the
Book One: The Foundations of Tyranny
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Introduction
The Apocalypse spoken of by many cultures and people
groups is a subject of concern throughout the world. As we
are now well into 2012, people who normally would not be
concerned with prophesies and religions, find themselves
anxious over the developments engulfing the world in which
we live, and are desperate to find answers to them. We now
find ourselves digging into ancient religious and secular texts
to see if they hold the answers to the questions they have.
Much of our anxiety stems from our view of ourselves and
particularly our own history. In reality, human beings have little or no clue as to the real origins
of our species and our pre-historic history. Most people accept the ‘official’ view of science
without so much as a blink of the eye. The truth is that our origins and history have been hidden
from us.
It is my purpose in writing this series of books to open up the eyes of everyday people who find
themselves wondering why the world is in so much turmoil and educate them to the alternative
viewpoints developed by leading scholars, scientists and historians regarding our ancient history.
Concern for the coming Apocalypse is the ‘awakening’ of humanity to the truths of antiquity.
For if one is to understand the reason why the world is falling apart, one MUST understand our
own ancient history.
You will not understand the times in which we live until you begin to allow yourselves to be ‘deprogrammed’ from mainstream culture and idea’s. It is in the writings of antiquity that the keys
to understanding why we are standing in the Shadow of the Apocalypse. The texts and traditions
of ancient Sumer, the Mayans, the American Indians, the Hindu’s, the Jewish people,
Christianity, Islam and many others are essential reading to get a grasp of what our real history is
all about and why we are coming face to face with a unimaginable evil so ancient that it is
shrouded in the mists of antiquity and regarded by modern man as mere myths or legends of
superstitious people.
Though I am from Jewish extraction, I believe that all religions tell histories of the days of
antiquity that are essential in seeing the Big Picture. If you only see history through the lens of
one religious expression, you will not see the entire picture. The Hebrew bible, for instance,
contains important events and idea’s that are critical to the Big Picture, but does not contain all
the information necessary to construct the whole. Pieces from the Vedic texts, Sumerian seals,
Meso-american cultures and even the New Testament are essential to fill in the gaps.
As we journey through time into the past, into hoary antiquity, we shall begin to build a
foundation from which we can begin to understand our place in history and our destiny as well.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The Age of Aquarius, The 7th Age of Man
If you don’t follow astrology, you may have no idea what the
Age of Aquarius is. Basically, each of the twelve different
astrological signs, each has an age associated with it. These ages
change over time depending on which of the signs appears
during the morning of the spring equinox. Currently, most people
agree that we are in the Age of Pisces.
The dawning of the Age of Aquarius (as the song goes) one
theory states will start on December 21, 2012, the last day of the
Mayan Long Count calendar. The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning
water. Aquarius is depicted as a man carrying in his right hand a pitcher of water, the Water
Bearer, the eighth sign of the Zodiac.
A phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes creates a period of 25,920 years in
what is called the Great Year. The Great Year is divided into twelve Great Ages each of
approximately 2160 years. Because of the "orb of influence," or "orb," which describes the fact
that a change in sign makes itself known several degrees before the actual change (also known as
the "cusp"), there is some flexibility to the 2160 figure. An interesting side note is that our
moon’s diameter is 2160 miles, giving weight to the reality of a cosmic Designer.
Astrologers typically give an “orb of influence” of up to 5 degrees for a planet entering a 30
degree sign; the correlating orb for an age that last 2160 years would be a period of about 360
years. Given that the different signs of the zodiac are of varying sizes, there is no fixed number
of years per sign.
Our galaxy has a center which all the stars take millions of years to revolve around, and it is
located in the starriest part of the Milky Way, as seen from Earth. On four occasions within the
Precession Cycle our galactic center aligns with the sunrise of a solstice or equinox. The last
time it occurred was on a fall equinox 6,450 years ago, approximately the dawning of Old World
While the Great Ages certainly go back to the formation of the Earth itself, the Ages that are
known to us are:
Leo (Lion) Paleolithic 10,800 BCE -8,640 BCE. Religious Symbolism: The Egyptian Sphinx was constructed at
this time and many cultures worshiped the Leo's planet the sun. Events: Global warming raised the sea level 300
Cancer (The Crab) 8,641 BCE - 6480 BCE. Religious Symbolism: Widespread evidence of the mother goddess in
the Near East in all shapes and forms is always related to the sign Cancer. Events: The beginning of civilization,
with domestication of farm animals including pigs, goats & even bees.
Gemini (the Twins) 6480 BCE - 4320 BCE. Religious Symbolism: Multiple gods, such as the pantheon of gods in
Ancient Greek and Sumerian literature, are believed to have appeared in the Gemini age. Events:Writing and trade
developed. Gemini can be seen as two people holding hands.
Taurus (The Bull) 4,320 BCE -2,160 BCE. Religious Symbolism:When Moses descended from the mountain with
the ten commandments, his followers were worshipping a golden bull calf as was widespread in Egypt. The giving
of the Torah may be the beginning of the new age of Aries. Events: Bull worshiping cults began to form in Assyria,
Egypt, and Crete which relates to Taurus symbolizing the bull.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Aries (The Ram) 2,160 BCE -1 CE Religious Symbolism:The symbol of Aries can be seen as representing the
power of multiple gods streaming down into a single god-head as was happening with Judaism. Events: Aries
represents a Fire (war) symbol which represents the expansion of China, Persia, Greece and Rome.
Pisces (The Fishes)1 CE -2012 CE Religious Symbolism:The Age of Pisces is characterized by the rise of
Christianity which is popularly symbolized by the fish symbol. Events: The Age of Pisces is mainly marked by the
continuous research of mankind about the truth hidden behind what's perceived by five senses.
Aquarius (The Water Carrier) 2012 CE -4172 CE Religious Symbolism:There is an expectation that the
Aquarius age will usher in a period of group consciousness. This can be seen with globalization and the world wide
web. The emergence of active intergovernmental organizations and global solidarity movements.
Independent researcher John Major Jenkins has written a book titled Maya Cosmogenesis 2012
which shows that the Maya not only understood precession, but that their 2012 end-date
predicted a special event in our universe.
Jenkins, considered by many as the foremost Mayan cosmologist, believes that the Mayan Long
Count Calendar is based on precession of the equinoxes and solstices. Jenkins believes that the
Maya related precession of the winter solstice sunrise against the Milky Way - an event which is
currently developing and supposedly instrumental in mankind's spiritual renewal. On December
21st, 2012 CE the horizon of Earth at the Equator will be entering the Age of Aquarius.
On Dec 21, 2012, which is a winter solstice (Northern Hemisphere) this center will align with
our sun once more. Jenkins presents a mass of astrological, monumental and mythological
evidence to show the importance of this event for the Maya, and how their calendar runs out on
this day for a reason.
Ancient Mayan 5 Ages of Man
According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche'
Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes
the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth
world where men were placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start
of a 13th b'ak'tun.1 The previous creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 20, 2012, followed by the start of the fourteenth b'ak'tun,, on December 21, 2012 AD.
The Astrological Ages in relation to Mayan Cosmological World Ages up to 2012
Mayan Third World Age8240 BCE - 3114 BCE
Mayan Fifth World Age2012 AD - 7138 AD
Mayan Fourth World Age3114 BCE - 2012 AD
The Ancient Mayan believed that modern man replaced the previous society by the flood in 3114
BCE. In 2300 BCE Noah's flood is believed to have occurred.
The Mayan were not the only culture that believed in past world ages that ended in a global
cataclysm. Cultures from around the globe have independent and varying beliefs about such
world ages. There is a major consensus that we are either entering the Fifth or Eight World Age.
TheAustralian Aborigines, Aztec, Hindus, Hopi, Icelanders, Greek Hesiod, Inca, Maya,
Nahuatls, Navajo, Pueblo, Tibetan, Tollers believe we are entering the fifth age of man. The
1 August 11, 3114 BCE Gregorian Time
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Borneo Aborigines, Buddhist, Etruscan, Iroquois, Sibylline, and Zoroastrian believe in 7 past
The Jewish kabbalists believed that creation perpetuates through cycles of time. The Hebrew
Bible - the Tanakh speaks of cycles of seven. Every 7th day is a Shabbat, a day of rest, every
7th year a shmittah rest, every 49 years begins a fiftieth year of rest call a yovel or jubilee. The
list goes on: 7000 years is the Messianic Age, when a great teacher from the Jewish nation arises
to lead humanity into a new era.
Helen Blavatsky a theosophist2 of the 1800’s states that:
“Theosophists, at any rate, some of them who understand the hidden meaning
of the universally accepted Avatars, Messiahs, Sosioshes, and Christs - know it
is no end of the world but the consummation of the age, i.e., the close of a cycle,
which is now fast approaching...again the messianic cycle...of the man
connected with is a cycle, historical and not very long but very
occult...lasting 2155 solar occurred 2410 and 255 BC...or when the
equinox centered into the sign of Ram and again into that of Pisces. When it
enters in a few years the sign of Aqarius, psychologists will have some extra work to do, and the
psychic idiosyncracies of humanity will enter on a great change”
The Elites (Freemasons, Occultist and Globalist) believe every age has a great teacher - the Age
of Pisces had Jesus, evidenced by the well known symbol of Christianity, the Fish and the New
Testament’s portrayal of his disciples as fishermen - and that a new teacher, a messiah figure will
arrive to guide humanity into the Age of Aquarius - a new utopian age. For the elite that is. We
ordinary folks however are to be chattel in the new era ruled by the elites, which through my
writings are referred to as the Illuminati, the Illumnati Network or the Black Nobility.
Freemason and globalist Zbigniew Brezinsky in his book Between Two Ages3 states that
“The Technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a
society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values....soon it will be
possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up to date
complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.”
The globalist elite believe that it is essential to establish a New World Order, a one world system
for the new age which begins at the end of 2012. This system would encompass all social orders
- political, economic, religious and scientific, controlled by a small cadre of global elite, who
believe that the earth and it’s resources are theirs alone and that they are the heirs of the New
Order. The will be our masters - our gods.
“Can the unity of the world be accomplished by freemasons? Yes. And by Freemasons only.”4
What the American Indian Cultures Say
An interesting parallel exists between the ancient Hebrew Culture and the cultures of the
American Indians. As many people have learned, the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (known
as America)5 are spiritually connected to their tribal lands and are very protective of what is left
2 Proponent and scholar of the ancient Mystery Religions.
3 Published in 1970, ppgs 72, 83
4 The Archania of Freemasonry by Albert Churchward
5 The name Turtle Island comes from the Aboriginal Creation story Turtle Island was renamed North America after a Spanish
explorer, Amerigo Vespucci.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
of them. The Creator is extremely concerned about the land/earth and how it must be looked
after. The Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) tells us that God told the Israelites not to defile the land
(Numbers 35:33-35) by blood violence (among others) because there is no expiation that can be
offered for this sin. Deuteronomy 29:20-27 tells us that exile from the land is because of
covenant disobedience. Exile from the land allows the land to heal itself. There is a deep mystery
concerning the connection between the land/earth and humanity, but that is for another time.
The Hopi maintain a complex religious and mythological
tradition stretching back over centuries. Hopi legend tells that
the current earth is the Fourth World to be inhabited by Tawa’s
(the name for the Sun Spirit) creations. The story essentially
states that in each previous world, the people, though originally
happy, became disobedient and lived contrary to Tawa’s plan;
they engaged in sexual promiscuity, fought one another and
would not live in harmony. In some stories, these former
worlds were then destroyed along with their wicked inhabitants, whereas in others the good
people were simply led away from the chaos which had been created by their actions.
One Hopi tradition says that Tawa destroyed the Third World in a great flood. Before the
destruction, Spider Grandmother sealed the more righteous people into hollow reeds which were
used as boats. Thus, the most obedient were led (usually by Spider Woman) to the next higher
world, with physical changes occurring both in the people in the course of their journey, and in
the environment of the next world.
Hopi tradition tells of sacred tablets which were given to the Hopi by various deities. The most
important was said to be in the possession of the Fire Clan, and is related to the return of the
Pahana, the Lost White Brother of the Hopi. The Pahana or Elder Brother left for the east at the
time that the Hopi entered the Fourth World and began their migrations. However, the Hopi say
that he will return again and at his coming the wicked will be destroyed and a new age of peace,
the Fifth World, will be ushered into the world. The Hopi say they will recognize the Pahana
when he returns because he will bring the broken piece of the sacred text that was given to the
Hopi people. It is said that he will return from the East and bring the People a new religion which
is not really new.
The message of the Hopi People is generally the same message that we find in the Tanakh - a
message of hope and peace for all people. The end of violence and war and it’s companions
famine and disease. We see certain aspects differently, such as who Pahana is and his religion,
topics we will discuss later on in our series.
The Nine Prophecies of the Hopi Indians as told by a Hopi Elder
“This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but
not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs - men who struck their enemies
with thunder.”
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
“This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices.
In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes — the white men bringing
their families in wagons across the prairies.”
“This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun
the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes — the coming of the white
men’s cattle.”
“This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron.” This refers to the coming
of railroads.
“This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider’s web.”6
“This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in
the sun.”7
“This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying
because of it.”8
“This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people,
come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.”
“And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above
the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the
ceremonies of my people will cease.
The Ninth sign is also called the Blue Star Kachina Prophecy, there are some who believe that
Comet Hale-Bopp was the fulfilment of this prophecy, others believe the Ninth Sign was the
U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it
appeared to be burning blue. Still others await the fulfilment yet since the ceremonies of the
Hopi people still endure.
It is said of the Blue Kachina:
“When the Blue Star makes it’s appearance in the heavens, the 5th world will emerge. This will
be the day of purification. It will come when the Saquasohuh (blue) kachina dances in the plaza
and removes his mask.”
“In the Final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two
brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. Poganghoya is the guardian of our
North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South pole. In the final days the
Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural
rotation which is counter clock wise.”
The Red Kachina Prophecy
The Hopi prophecy tells us of the coming of two heavenly bodies, one called the Blue Kachina
which precedes the second, the Red Kachina, also known as the Purifier.
The Prophecy continues and says :
6 Referring to the Electric Grid
7 Referring to concrete and asphalt roads
8 Oil Spills, particularly the BP spill.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
“And the twins will be seen in our northwestern skies and they will come to visit flying in their
Patuwvotas (flying shields) to see who still remembered the original teachings. They will bring
many of their star family with them in the Final Days…”
This part of the prophecy appears to be saying that UFO’s will be seen in conjunction with this
Harbinger Event which may bring about Disclosure concerning ‘alien’ life. My personal belief is
that UFO’s are a product of advanced Illuminati technology, kept hidden from the public.
Though there is a real probability of that they are based on alien technology, I feel most of the
UFO’s we currently see are of human manufacture.
Concerning the Red Kachina:
“When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close
and sit in our heavens watching us. Watching us to see
how well we have remembered the sacred teachings.”
“This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in
our heavens In this way we will know Creator is not a
dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to
spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things
unseen will be felt very strongly.”
“Many things will begin to occur that will not make
sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state. There will be many
doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to
remind us of our past creations. All living things will want to be present for this day when time
ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World.”
The Hopi People also foretold the advent of World War 2, Atomic weapons, of a time when men
will desire to be women and women men, the discovery of DNA, tele-communications, crop
circles and much more.
In looking at these prophesies, I feel that Pahana is a extraterrestrial being. The Hopi’s call him
the Elder White Brother, which is not like the white men currently on earth. Many ancient
peoples speak of an elder race who came from the heavens who are called shining ones, hense
the reference to ‘white’ as in shining white light. Most of the cultures who have had contact with
these beings, speak of them as saviours or enlightened ones. However, at least one small culture
recorded that these shining ones were enemies of humanity - the Hebrews. We will delve into
that aspect later on.
New Light and a New Humanity
Jewish tradition teaches us that the Children of Israel received a written text from outside our
world and agreed to accept it as the Law of the new born nation with the responsibility to
safeguard it for future generations.
In 2012 our Milky Way galaxy will complete it’s 26,000 year procession and a larger 104,000
year cycle on December 21, at 11:11 am (8th of Tevet 5773 of the Hebrew Calendar) This will
produce what is called the galactic alignment, which shall be the dawn of a new age or era for
humanity. There will be an alignment of 13 planets including the earth, sun, the Milky Way, the
Pleiades, Sirius and more. There is also the possibility that the earth will experience a pole shift
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
during this time frame. The tilting of the earth will allow us to face Hunab-ku.9 This will allow
us to receive the energy from the galactic core from it’s SOURCE.
This alignment will allow a stream of new light, which emanates from the center of the galaxy,
to shine on the earth without any interference of the planets. It is believed that this new photonic
light will transform humanity at the genetic level to evolve. According to the Mayan tradition
this event will significantly influence our consciousness raising it to a extremely high level.
According to both the Maya and the Jewish sages this new light or energy cannot be absorbed
by wicked people and will cause their ultimate doom. The Gemara in Nedarim 8:2 states that:
“In the World to Come, there will be no Gehinnom (hell).
Rather, HaShem will remove the sun from it’s sheath and the
righteous will be healed by it, while the wicked will be
punished by it…”
The Gemara bases this on a passage from the book of Malachi that speaks of a day burning like
an oven when the righteous – those who revere the Name of HaShem - are healed by what is
termed the Sun of Righteousness.
The wicked are trampled down. The passage stresses keeping of the Torah which is actually the
biblical definition of righteousness. The Hebrew word orot meaning lights has a gematria of 613
which is the number of Torah commandments. The gematria of tzedek meaning righteousness
and kli meaning vessel are 194. The association indicates that righteousness requires a vessel.
When some turns to the Torah life they become a fitting vessel for this divine light.
The Rabbi’s have told us that the SUN represents the human intellect that illuminates a person.
The Hebrew word for sun is ‘chamah‘ which is spelled with a chet, mem, hey. The word for the
mind is spelled in reverse of chamah – Hey, Mem, Chet
Footsteps of the Messiah
Unknown to many people, there is a very strong connection between the Mayan Wisdom
Traditions and the Jewish Traditions. The Mayan 2012 prophecy also parallels the Jewish
tradition called, “The Footsteps of the Messiah.” As noted above the Mayan and Hebrew
calendars are similar.
The Torah codes connect the phrase ‘end of the redemption’ with the Hebrew equivalent of
2012, which is the Hebrew calendar year of 5772. This combination appears in the Torah text
that discusses the keeping of the Torah laws and the fear of heaven.10
In another Torah Code table from the above noted book, shows that the words ‘melech
mashiach’ (king messiah) with the years of redemption – 5760, 5766, 5772. The year 5772
(2012) appears next to melech mashiach in a 2 letter EDL skip. Also part of this table are the
words Mikdash and Eliyahu. At the top of the table the words ‘im shamo’a tishma bekolo’ (if you
will harken to my voice) appear which directly connects Eliyahu (Elijah the prophet) with the
appearance of the Messiah from a passage in Sanhedrin 98:1
The phrase time of trouble in Hebrew gematria is 772. The gematria of the phrase time of clarity
is also 772. And the gematria for 2012 is also 772. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 30 is the
9 Mayan word for the center of the galaxy
10 The Mayan Culture and Judaism by Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson and Professor Robert Haralick, pg 44 and 46. I highly
recommend this book.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
reference to the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. If we are deducing this correctly the time of trouble for
the nation of Israel is in 2012, which on the Hebrew calendar begins on Roshashana in 2011,
which is this year. The meaning of the gematria can be suggested to indicate that 2012 may be a
time of trouble for the wicked who are trying to destroying Israel, but for the righteous, it will be
a time of clarity.
A New Humanity
There is a electro-magnetic plasma field that envelops our solar system that has become
measurably thicker in recent years. This change will impact humanity at is most fundamental
base - it’s sociological and physiological levels. Humanity is linked to Earth’s resonance field,
called the Schumann Cavity Resonance. Up until 1986, this resonance was recorded at a constant
7.8 Hertz. Humanity’s physiology matches the Earth’s resonance, which match’s the Sun’s,
which match’s the solar system’s, which in turn match’s the galactic core which is in step with
the pulse of the universe. In 1986, this resonance began to increase and some experts believe that
it will continue to increase until it reaches 13 Hertz in 2012.
The Hebrew Bible teaches us that there is a intimate connection between mankind and the earth:
“…the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of
life, and man became a living being.” [Genesis 2:7]
Throughout history it humanity has had a deep connection to the land or earth. Many cultures
refer to their lands as the motherland or fatherland. There are numerous legends and stories of
people who would rather die than give up their land. The land of Israel for many centuries laid
fallow and desolate because it’s true inhabitants did not occupy Eretz Israel. Only when the
Jewish people began to return to the Land of Israel did it begin to flourish again. Mark Twain
wrote about the Holy Land during his visit in 1867:
“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent
mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a
tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil,
had almost deserted the country.”
The creation of Man is inextricably tied to creation as a whole. The increasing resonance may be
a cosmic software program which could culminate in the re-organization of human DNA and an
evolutionary leap forward in conscienceness and spiritual awareness. Humanity would literally
go through a ‘systems upgrade.’
The resurrection of the dead is a fundamental principle of the Jewish faith. Even the Islamic and
Christian religions see the promise of the resurrection of the dead as fundamental to their belief
systems. This belief in the resurrection is not simply the raising of the old human forms but a
change in physiology. The New Testament tells us that in the resurrection the body is:
“… sown in corruption, but it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in
glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a
spiritual body. And so it is written, the man Adam became a living being. The last Adam became
a life-giving spirit. [1 Corinthians 15:42-45]
After the cataclysmic events of the End of Days, there will reign a new humanity, with a changed
and evolved DNA. But before that time prophecy indicates a great upheaval that will devastate
the earth and humanity and possibly bring it to the point of extinction. This time period is fraught
with uncertainty, danger and tyranny. During this period, the Hebrew Scriptures paint a picture
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
of extreme danger and persecution for the Jewish nation and particularly for those who adhere to
the Torah and stand by the Jewish people. The book of Daniel draws attention to a evil leader
who will oppress and subjugate the people of Israel, but ultimately is destined for oblivion. We
believe this person is very much alive and in control of America.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Earth History You Didn’t Learn in School
In order to understand the gathering and consolidation of power and control over the earth in our
present day we must first understand our ancient past, employing the old adage that if you don’t
learn the lessons of history, you are doomed to repeat it’s mistakes. And believe me when I say
that if humanity as a whole were aware of our true history, there would be a massive world-wide
revolution against the current power brokers and their ilk.
Our future as a race lies buried beneath millenium of rocks, earth and water and in the pages of
texts which describe a civilization so old, it is spoken of as legends, instead of the authentic
history of the Ante-Diluvian society.
America as the New Atlantis
In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon11, who described himself as the Herald of a New Age, was
at the helm of the secret societies in England and is accredited with the formation of
Freemasonry. When Bacon penned his classic work, The New Atlantis he believed that America
and Atlantis were one and the same. This view was shared by many of Bacon’s contemporaries.
Atlantis is the subject of a legend about an advanced island civilization that was destroyed or
lost. Stories about Atlantis are first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, in which
its characters say it was destroyed by an earthquake or a tsunami about 9,000 years before the
time in which Plato wrote (about 11,699 years ago).
About 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato set down a dialog where he recounted a story
from an ancient Greek poet and statesman called Solon. Solon had journeyed to Egypt in search
of wisdom to help his beloved Greece, which was beset with factions and troubles. Solon took
councel from the priests of the city of Sais. An old priest told him, “ O Solon, Solon, you Greeks
are never anything but children. There is no old opinion handed down among you, or any
science that is white with age...” The priest then recounted the story of the lost city of Atlantis
which lay west beyond the Straits of Gibralter.
Throughout the centuries many explorers, researchers and treasure hunters have sought out the
location of the Lost City of Atlantis. Scholars have put out various theories regarding it possible
locations. All these efforts have not led to any firm conclusions of it’s location. However, these
explorers have discovered many other related cities, often sunken in the seas or oceans of the
world. Several of these structures are pyramidal in nature. According to sources, Atlantis
archetechture is pyramidal.
Sunken Cities – Evidence of Ancient Cataclysms
11 His father was Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and his mother was one of the most highly educated and
accomplished women of her time. As a child he showed more than unusual promise and attracted the attention of Queen
Elizabeth, who called him her ‘young Lord Keeper’ and ‘baby Solomon’. He was given a privileged private education by the
best teachers of the time, which took place mainly at York House, the Lord Keeper’s London residence—a thriving hub of
State business that adjoined York Place, the Queen’s Palace of Whitehall.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In support of this idea is physical evidence on a world
wide scale. Everyone has heard about the legend of the
Lost City of Atlantis and the Lost civilization of Lemuria,
believed to be a land mass that connected the Indian subcontinent with Australia. There are actually many such
legends throughout the ancient cultures of Earth. But are
they only legends? Or are they ancient memories of
terrible cataclysms? The facts is that they are not merely
stories. In the search for the Lost City of Atlantis and the lost city of Mu (Lemuria) explorers and
archeologists have uncovered physical remains of ancient sunken cities.
In the Mediterranean Sea alone there are 200 known sunken cities. Some of the more well know
sunken cities are:
1. The 9500 year old sunken city of the western coast of India, in the Gulf of Cambay.
2. The 6000 year old sunken city off the western coast of Cuba. The city lis 2500 feet below the
Off the waters of Okinawa Japan, beyond the
tiny island of Yonasuni, lies a giant 600' x 90'
pyramid structure dated to 8000 BCE. One
theory states that the people of Atlantis built
pyramids, practiced mummification, elongated
the skulls of their children, and constructed
corbel vault architecture.12
The ruins under Peru’s Lake Titicaca, the
highest lake in the world.
The Hindu traditions speak of Atala, a sunken
Paradise lying in the Far East.
Corrobarating evidence of the dating the destruction of Altlantis is compelling. Many sources
put the destruction at 11, 600-12,000 years ago - Plato, Manetho, Hindu traditions on the Yugas,
the Codex Troano of the Mayas, Hindu traditions and others.
The are two issues of prime importance connected to these sunken cities. First off, these cities
are older than any cities that archeologists have uncovered to date above the ground. During this
time period, modern historians and archeology experts believe that primitive man was barely
assembled into tribal groups, let alone building large cities. Second and most profound of all is
the fact that these cities are sunken below the oceans. How did they get there?
Ancient City of Tiahuanaco
12 Charles Berlitz, author of The Bermuda Triangle, claimed he had found a submerged pyramid “twice the size of the pyramids
of Cheops” (Giza) in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The stone ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the
ancient city of Tiahuanaco. The others structures are the
Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the
Subterranean Temple.Defying logic, these stone structures amaze
and confuse archaeologists because it is highly unlikely that any
of the stones in Puma Punku were cut using ancient stone cutting
techniques, at least not those of which we are aware. The stone
structures in Puma Punku are made up of granite, and diorite.
Interesting enough, the only other stone that is harder that
those two is the diamond. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting
techniques, then they would had to have used diamond tools. One stone is said to weigh in
excess of 800 tons, and furthermore, we have noted that the nearest quarry is 10 miles away from
the stone structure's location. If dated correctly, these stones would place Tiahuanaco around
12,000-14,000 years ago, predating the Mesopotamian civilization of the Sumerians (4,0006,000 years ago).
Another mysterious fact about these stone structures is their weight. One stone is said to weigh in
excess of 800 tons, and furthermore, we have noted that the nearest quarry is 10 miles away from
the stone structure's location. Even with modern day technology and machinery, archaeologists
Atlantis was referred to as an island which existed beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Straits of
Gibralter) by Plato. Typically when we think of an island we think of a small land mass
surrounded by water. So when we think of Atlantis we think of it in those terms.
Manly P Hall, considered by Masons as Freemasonry’s greatest philosopher, believed Atlantis
was a vast empire comprised of a commonwealth of nations, which would one day be rebuilt. He
also taught that the ancient wisdom of Atlantis was contained in the writings and teachings of
Freemasonry and all the secret societies.
Turtle Island
Also very noteworthy is the wisdom of the indigenoius peoples of Canada and America who
refer to Turtle Island, as an ancient designation for North America.These tribes are traditionally
known as the Original Nations of Turtle Island, or the First Peoples or First Nations.13 This
establishes that the idea of a ‘continental island.’
The Mayas tell, in their myths of origin, of a mysterious island or continent called Aztlan from
where they originally came.
Many critics of Atlantis insist that, besides Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, there is no
other independent evidence provided by ancient authorities on the matter. Nothing could be
farther away from the truth. Indeed, the ancient myths and traditions of most nations center on
the legend of the Flood and on the destruction of Paradise, the original focus of Civilization that
is none other than Atlantis.
The Pillars of Atlantis
13 Canada and the United States that have erected themselves on Turtle Island, under the conceptual foundation of the Doctrine
of Christian Discovery and Domination, to maintain their illegitimate claims of dominance over the originally free nations
and peoples of Turtle Island.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Proclus, a commentator on Plato's works, affirms that Crantor also visited Sais Egypt, as Solon
had done 300 years before, where he was shown a golden pillar inscribed with hieroglyphs that
recorded in detail the history of Atlantis exactly as they had told it to his famous predecessor.
Manetho, the Egyptian chronicler, confirms the existence of such pillars and claims that, shortly
before the Flood, Thoth-Hermes inscribed in pillars the epitome of the ancient wisdom, so that
the ancient knowledge should not be lost in the cataclysm, an act which demonstrates knowledge
of the coming destruction.
Herodotus (Hist. II:58) personally saw, in Tyre, in a temple of Hercules, "two pillars, one of pure
gold, the other of emerald, which shone with great brilliancy at night." Such Pillars of Hercules
were erected by the Phoenicians just about everywhere they settled. But they did it particularly at
crucial straits linking two seas, as was the case of Gibraltar and the Bosphorus. The twin pillars
commemorated, according to experts, the two founders of Atlantis, Hercules and Atlas.
Alexander, the Great, personally inspected, according to his historians, many such giant pillars of
gold bearing strange scripts in the extremities of India. He went beyond the pillars of Hercules
and Dionysus14 as the limits of his campaigns in the Orient (the Indies), and even left his own
pillars as a testimony of this.15
Josephus, the Jewish first century historian, reports that Seth (Set), the son of Adam, “in order
that wisdom and astronomical knowledge should not perish in the cataclysm [the Flood] made
two pillars, one of stone the other of brick in which he inscribed this knowledge for posterity,
said pillars existing in the land of Siriad16 [Egypt]to this day.”
Plato affirms, in his Critias, that the Atlantean kings inscribed in golden pillars their laws, edicts
and judicial decisions, in a strange ritual involving the sacrifice of a bull dedicated to Poseidon.
This type of ritual is characteristic of the Indies, where it is called Gomedha This sacrifice
commemorates the death of Paradise (Gomeda-dvipa), which seems to be no other than Atlantis
itself. A well-known instance of such inscribed pillars in India is the Pillar of Delhi, erected by
King Ashoka, to commemorate his victory over his enemies. Though made of steel, the Pillar of
Delhi is a peerless technological feat of antiquity, one that many experts associate with Atlantis.
The pillar is forged from a single piece of steel, and is stainless, having defied the centuries
without any oxidation at all. No one in antiquity could have matched this feat of the Hindus,
which certainly obtained this sophisticated technology in Atlantis.
Another puzzling technology that proves the superior metallurgical skill of the Atlanteans is the
"orichalch" that Plato mentions as covering the walls of Atlantis. Rather than the foolish idea of
"mountain copper" - for copper ores, as indeed most metals, normally come from the mountains the true etym of the name is as in the Latin spelling aurichalcum, that is, "golden copper", or
"golden bronze". In reality the word pertains to brass, an alloy of copper and zinc that resembles
gold, just as Plato states. Brass was only developed again in modern times, due to insuperable
technological difficulties. And the secret of its technology was passed on by the Hindus, who got
14 Dionysus is the divine alias of Atlas, the elder twin of Hercules
15 One way to look at this is that the sets of the Pillars of Hercules and Atlas in Gibraltar, marking the western border, we also
have their eastern counterparts in the extremities of the Indies, marking the eastern extreme.
16 "In 80 A.D., when Josephus wrote the history of the Jews, the land of Siriad was a part of Egypt in which the religion of
Sirius was practiced, and there can be little doubt that Josephus was referring to the Great Pyramid. The late David Davidson
who wrote the most extensive works on the Great Pyramid ever published brought out that ancient writers called the Great
Pyramid 'The Pillar of Enoch', a son of Seth. - Whiston.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
it directly from Atlantis, where else? The fact that Plato knew of it, and attributed its technology
to Atlantis can, hence, hardly be doubted.
Plato tells how the walls of Atlantis were clad with gold, silver, bronze, tin and orichalch. This
fact attests Atlantis' enormous mineral wealth, at an epoch when no one else had yet developed
these sophisticate technologies. Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was used in enormous
quantities during the Bronze Age. The sources of these metals and, particularly, tin, have never
been adequately identified. The Koltepe mines in Anatolia (Turkey) were a puny affair, those of
Tartessos (Spain) were purely legendary, and those of Cornwall (England) were discovered only
after the Bronze Age had declined. All that tin traditionally came from the legendary "Islands of
Tin", the Cassiterides. These mysterious islands were also called Tarshish, Tartessos, "Islands of
Metals", etc.. Their existence is stated in the Bible and other sources which are hard to doubt. As
we detail elsewhere, Tarshish was in reality the same as Punt (Indonesia), even today the world's
greatest supplier of tin. So, if Plato is indeed right, we are led to conclude that Atlantis was in
fact Indonesia.
Cataclysm, Flood or Nuclear War?
Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds - The
The History Channel broadcasted a documentary which
discussed ancient nuclear wars in the Indian subcontinent
which were based on the literary evidences in ancient Vedic
texts and epics like Mahabharatha and the modern findings
of archaeological excavations at sites like Mohenjo Daro and
Harappa, Pakistan.17
According to David Davenport, an expert of Sanskrit who spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu
scripts and evidence at the ancient site of Mohenjo-Daro18, declared in 1996 that what was
uncovered at the site of Mohenjo Daro corresponds exactly to the destruction at Nagasaki, Japan
when it was destroyed by an atomic bomb near the end of World War II.
Davenport published his startling findings in an amazing book, "Atomic Destruction in 2000
B.C.", Milan, Italy, 1979. Davenport reported that:
There was an epicenter about 50 yards wide where everything was crystallized, fused or
melted...Sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast.
The horrible, mysterious event of 4,000 years ago that leveled Mohenjo Daro is recorded in an
old Hindu manuscript called the Mahabharata, which has been guarded by holy men for
centuries. The text reads:
“...white hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose in infinite brilliance
and reduced the city to ashes. Water boiled…horses and war chariots were burned by the
thousands…the corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer
looked like human beings…”
17 A certain undeciphered text appears on structures in Mohen Jo Daro that are almost identical with a written text on the
Monoliths on Easter Island, thoausands of miles away.
18 Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Professor Antonio Castellani, a space engineer in Rome, also stated that, it's possible that what
happened at Mohenjo Daro was not a natural phenomenon.
The ruins of the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and
Harappa are extremely radioactive. They had been ruined
with a nuclear blast. Huge stratums of clay and green
glass were found, melted under the high temperature.
Similar stratums of green glass can also found in Nevada
deserts after every nuclear explosion. Evidense of melted
sand turned to glass can be found all over the planet. The
real Mount Sinai in modern day Saudi Arabia is covered
with black glass reminiscient of a nuclear blast.
Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons. All the skeletons were
flattened to the ground. It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still
among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and
The Mahabharata, the great ancient Indian epic, contains many legends about the powerful force
of a mysterious weapon. One of the chapters tells of a shell, which sparkled like fire, but had no
smoke. "When the shell hit the ground, the darkness covered the sky, twisters and storms leveled
the towns. A horrible blast burnt thousands of animals and people to ashes. Peasants,
townspeople and warriors dived in the river to wash away the poisonous dust."
Astounding mysteries of India's ancient times can be found in the town of Shivapur. There are
two enigmatic stones resting opposite the local shrine. One of them weighs 55 kilograms, the
other one is 41 kilograms. If eleven men touch the bigger stone, and nine men touch the smaller
stone, if they all chant the magic phrase carved on one of the walls of the shrine, the two stones
will raise two meters up in the air and will hang there for two seconds, as if there is no
gravitation at all. A lot of European and Asian scientists and researchers have studied the
phenomenon of levitating stones of Shivapur.
Modern people divide the day into 24 hours, the hour - into 60 minutes, the minute - into 60
seconds. Ancient Hindus divided the day in 60 periods, lasting 24 minutes each, and so on and so
forth. The shortest time period of ancient Hindus made up one-three-hundred-millionth of a
More Mystery in India-Pakistan
Millions of soldiers died in the Mahabharatha war, a war
which lasted for only 18 days. The detailed description of the
adverse impact the war had on nature which was so obvious
even years after the war:
“36 Years after the great Mahabharata war – strong and dry
winds carrying gravels (rock fragments) still blew from every
side. The horizon was always covered with some kind of fog in
all directions. Blazing pieces of coal fell from sky to earth. The disc of the Sun was always
covered with dust.” [Mahabharatha – Vana Parva (Book 3)]
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The Vedic civilization spanned from around 10500 BCE, to around 3000 BCE.19
Mahabharatha20 – the longest epic in the world with around 100,000 verses, is the history of the
ancient world centered around ancient India at the end of the Dwapara Yuga – dating back to
anywhere around 3500 BCE to 6000 BCE – based on the astronomical dating proofs and the
drying up of the mighty Vedic river Saraswati which is said to have taken place at the end of the
Mahabharatha period.
In the forest areas between the Indian mountains of Rajmahal and the Ganges, the explorer De
Camp came upon unknown charred ruins. A number of huge masses appeared fused together and
hollowed at various points "like lumps of tin struck by a stream of molten steel." The result could
not be due to ordinary fire.
Similar reports have come from other travelers in the jungle areas, reports of ruined buildings
with walls ‘like thick slabs of crystal," likewise holed, split and corroded by some mysterious
Here are eyewitness reports that raise the compelling question: Did nuclear war wipe out large
sections of the civilized world in the upper regions of the Ganges during the third millennium
The ancient text of the Mahabharata21 recounts in detail how aircraft were used to launch a
weapon that devastated three cities. The record is frightenly similar to an eyewitness report of
an atomic detonation. It describes the brightness of the blast, the column of rising smoke and
fire, the fallout, intense shockwaves and heatwaves, the appearance of the victims, and the
effects of radiation poisoning
The historical text decribes the following characteristics of the war:
An iron thunderbolt contained ‘the power of the universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its
Clouds roared upward. Blood-colored clouds swept down onto the earth.
Fierce winds began to blow. Elephant's miles away were knocked off their feet.
The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.
Corpses were so burnt that they were no longer recognizable. Hair and nails fell out. Pottery
broke without cause. Birds were turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected.
Thousands of war vehicles fell down on all sides . . .
Thousands of corpses burnt to ashes.
Never before have we seen such an awful weapon, and never before have we heard of such a
19 The event mentioned Abhijit (Vega Star) becoming the Pole Star.
20 This large historic documentation has 18 books of which Book 16 – The Mausala Parva is the one which contains numerous
references to the nuclear weapons and its after math effects including radiation.
21 Although it dates in its present form to 500 BC, textual evidence indicates that it refers to events that occurred 1500 to 2500
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Until we started to experiment with radioactive substances, no person on earth could have
described radiation sickness, for the simple reason that such a disease did not exist. Yet
radiation sickness, in clinical detail, is described: the hair loss, vomiting, weakness and eventual
death—classic symptoms of radiation poisoning.
More significantly, it states that one could save himself by removing all metal from his person
and immersing himself in the water of rivers. The reason can only be in order to wash away
contaminated particles—the exact procedure followed today.
Now the reason for the occurrences of such drastic changes in nature could be only one of the
following three events:
· An asteroid or comet impact
· A massive volcano
· The aftermath of a massive nuclear war
Volcanoes are ruled out in this part of the world. And we have no literary evidences of any
asteroid or comet impact during that period. However what we have is the literary evidence of a
massive war that took place during that period of time – and the adverse effects on nature are
described in the texts to be a result of the war itself.
Here (Chapter 22) the Vedic text also speaks of Krishna who describes the war he fought with
the Salwa King who had attacked Krishna’s city Dwaraka. It is said that the Salwa King had a
Vimana (aircraft) called Saubha Vimana which the king used for both travel and aerial warfare.
Krishna says that:
The sound of this Salwa’s spacecraft was inaudible and this
flying car made up of costly metals used to vanish creating
illusion!....It was capable of going anywhere at will,
bewildering my eyes, reappeared at Pragjyotisha (a nearby
city). Then it suddenly drowned me with a mighty shower of
Angered by the destruction of his city Dwaraka by Salwa’s
aircraft, Krishna then decides to destroy it completely and
brings out his favorite weapon which he describes as
“...the weapon of fire, blazing and of celestial origin, of irresistible force, and incapable of being
baffled, bursting with energy, capable of penetrating into anything and everything.”
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 A Message From Across Time
Lying literally at the center of the world, halfway between the North Cape of Norway and the
Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, and halfway between the east coast of China and the west
coast of Mexico is the Giza Plateau and the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid intersects at the
30th paralel both longitide and latitude.
The Great Pyramid of Giza22 is is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza
Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the
oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the
only one to remain largely intact. It was finished in a highly
polished limestone and it’s capstone was believe to be made of
pure gold. The massive stones and casings were fitted to
within 2000ths of an inch, a tolerance that even a razor blade
could not be inserted between the stones.
The official story is that the pyramid was built as a tomb for
fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over an 20-year period concluding
around 2560 BC. The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over
3,800 years.
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface;
what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered
the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative
theories about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques and age. Most accepted construction
hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and
dragging and lifting them into place, by thousands of slave workers. This idea, however, taxes
the boundaries of reality.
The term Pyramid comes from a compound word comprised of two distinct ideas. The Egyptian
name for the Pyramid is Khuti, or lights. This term was translated into Egyptian from the Hebrew
term Urim, or "the lights." The Hebrew term Urim appears in the Torah in just seven instances. It
is almost always associated with one of two stones on the breastplate of Aaron and they were
used to provide righteous judgment in the Holy of Holies. Urim-middin is a compound word
meaning "the lights, the measures." The Greek word Pur means light source and when translated
into Greek the word becomes "Purim-midden" and we transliterate that into Pyramid.
There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the
bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished. The so-called[1] Queen's
Chamber and King's Chamber are higher up within the pyramid structure. The Great Pyramid of
Giza is the only pyramid in Egypt known to contain both ascending and descending passages.
The main part of the Giza complex is a setting of buildings that included two mortuary temples
in honor of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller pyramids for
Khufu's wives, an even smaller "satellite" pyramid, a raised causeway connecting the two
temples, and small mastaba tombs surrounding the pyramid for nobles.
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid at Giza
22 Also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The story that is feed to the public is that the purpose of pyramids was that they were tombs of
the ruling class, tombs of pharoahs. This is simple dis-information given the historical fact that
not a single remains of any pharoah has ever been found in any of the pyramids. Additionally,
the public has also been deliberately mis-informed that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
The historical record indicates that the technical proficiency required to build them was beyond
the capabilities of early Egypt.
According to standard Egyptological thinking, the Great Sphinx, which is contemporaneous with
the Giza Pyramids, was carved from the limestone bedrock on the orders of the Old Kingdom
Pharaoh Khufu around 2500 BCE.
This however does not line up with the geological evidence. Robert Schoch23 discovered that the
Sphinx, and on the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure (the pit or hollow remaining after the Sphinx’s
body was carved from the bedrock), heavy erosional features that he concluded could only have
been caused by rainfall and water run-off.
Quite an pill to swallow given that the Sphinx sits on the
edge of the Sahara Desert and the region has been quite
arid for the last 5000 years.24 But Robert concluded that
the oldest portions of the Great Sphinx, (which he refers to
as the core-body), must date back to an earlier period (at
least 5000 B.C., and maybe as early as 7000 or 9000
B.C.), a time when the climate was very different and
included more rain.
Back in the early 1990s, when it was first suggested that the Great Sphinx was much older than
the traditionally accepted view. Egyptologists challenged the assertion - “Where is the evidence
of that earlier civilization that could have built the Sphinx.” They were sure that sophisticated
culture, what we call civilization, did not exist prior to about 3000 or 4000 B.C. Now, however,
there is clear evidence of high culture dating back over 11,000-12,000 years ago, at a site in
Turkey known as Göbekli Tepe (which is the oldest known religious site in the world) where
massive carved stones were supposedly crafted and arranged by prehistoric people who had not
yet developed metal tools or even pottery. These megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000
Many people have said that the Great Sphinx cannot be so old, in part because the head is clearly
a dynastic Egyptian head and the dynastic period did not start until about 3000 B.C. In fact, if
you look at the current Great Sphinx you may notice that the head is actually too small for the
body. It is clear to me that the current head is not the original head. The original head would
have become severely weathered and eroded. It was later re-carved, during dynastic times, and in
the re-carving it naturally became smaller. Thus, the head of the Great Sphinx is not the original
head. In fact, the Sphinx may not have originally been a sphinx at all. Perhaps it was a male lion
- an ancient Ariel.
23 Dr. Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned
his Ph.D. (1983) in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. He also holds an M.S. and M.Phil. in Geology and
Geophysics from Yale, as well as degrees in Anthropology (B.A.) and Geology (B.S.) from George Washington University.
24 Furthermore, structures securely dated to the Old Kingdom show only erosion that was caused by wind and sand which is
very distinct from the water erosion.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The Sheer Marvel of the Great Pyramid
In our modern high-tech society, we lack the technical expertise to construct the Great pyramid
and other monuments and Megaliths of the ancient past. We lack the construction profiency. The
astronomical and mathematical knowledge that went into the building of the Great Pyramid
rivals that of any known today. The built-in mathematics of the structure boggles the human
The length of the diagonals of the pyramid's base total 25,827 inches equal to the number of
years for the cycle of the procession of the equinoxes.
The length of each base is 365,2422 Hebrew cubits, the number of days in the solar year.
Twice the length of the base divided by the height in cubits equal 3.14159, or pi. By
multiplying the altitude of the Great Pyramid by ten raised by the ninth power, one arrives at
the figure 91, 840,000 the distance of the earth from the sun. The reason for applying this
equation is that for every ten feet up the angle of slope, nine feet is gained in altitude.
Also encoded within the Great Pyramid is the speed of light (299,792458) in millions of
meters per second.
The triangulated distance between Giza, Nazca and a third point of equal length results in a
pyramidal shape which is an exact replica of the Great Pyramid on a massive scale.
Double pi, a mathematical fixture of the Great Pyramid, also encodes the latitude of another
grid formation, celestial and not on the earth. This one is a 5 sided pyramid located in the area
know as Cydonia Mars! The face on Mars has become quite famous in the last 30 years,
which can now be mathematically proven to be a structure in the Giza matrix system.
Geographers and mathematicians have now found that the Great Pyramid was not just a stone
structure stuck randomly on the plateau of Giza, but is situated exactly at the center of gravity
of the Earth.
The Grand Gallery leading up to the Kings Chamber was constructed with computer presicion
as a observatory focused upon a particular section of the stars. The ‘star shafts’ point to four
specific stars - Orion, Sirius, Beta Ursa Minor and Draco.
The Science and Mathemathics were Beyond Egyptian Achievement
Carl Munck, a colleague of Richard Hoagland, who has been studying the mathematics of the
Giza Plateau for decades, shows that the geo-mathematics derived from the Giza plateau with it’s
nine pyramids connects mathematically with the monumental structures all over the planet.
Places such as Cuicuilco & Teotihuacan in Mexico, Stonehenge in England, Monks Mound at
Cahoki illinois, New Hampshires Man in the Mountain, Emerald Mound Mississippi, Poverty
Pointe Complex in Loisiana, the Leopard Mound in Florida (another Sphinx except on a
enormous scale), Bimini’s Shark Mound, the Pyramids of China, Maachu Picchu of the Incas
and many others. This geo-mathematical matrix also works with the other monuments within the
matrix, including Giza, a truly monumental achievement unmatched by even our technology in
This radian based ancient matrix system consists of ancient structures all across the globe. These
monuments include megalithic stone works, pyramids, circular works, effigies, and ancient earth
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
mounds. Each structure is a point in a remarkable global matrix which explains a global
positioning system involving the mathematical precisions of the Earth.
In order to read this matrix one must first change the current Prime Meridian back to the
pyramid fields at Giza. For longitude the ancient builders referenced their original Prime
Meridian that ran from pole to pole marked by The Great Pyramid at Giza. Today it can be
found at 31 degrees, 08 minutes, and 00.8 seconds to the east of our modern Greenwich Prime
Meridian. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same equator that we use
The Great Pyramid and the Temple of Solomon
Another unknown but amazing facet of the Great Pyramid is it’s connection to the Temple of
Solomon, built by the Israelites some 3000 years ago.
The height of the Great Pyramid is 481 feet hight. Therefore it’s radius is 962 feet. If you
multipy that by pi (3.14159265) the result is 3022 feet which is the circumfrence of the Great
962 is the actual date of the dedication of Solomon’s Temple - 962 BCE. The perimeter, 3022
feet, is actually the number of years between 962 BCE and 2016 CE, an important date in
eschatology. 3022 biblical years consisting of 360 days each, converts to 2,978 years of 365.242
days each. 2978 - 962 = 2016. The end-point of 2016 is incorporated into the most obvious
feature of the Great Pyramid, it’s height. 2016 is the Jewish year 5776, which is the height of the
Great pyramid in inches - 962 feet = 5776 inches.
Originally the Great Pyramid was covered with a 144,000 white granite casing stones, giving it a
smooth and shimmering appearance. Likewise the area of the Temple Mount is 144,000 square
meters.26 Consider that the walls of New Jerusalem, spoken of in the Christian New Testament
are stated as being 144 cubits in diameter (Revelation 21: 17)
Ley Lines
The Great Pyramid is also a scale model of the earth which was then used by the Builders to
measure the earth. The Builders also built structures along a circle in perfect alignment with one
another along a 25,000 mile path, a Ley Line. The Giza Pyramid ley lines runs through the Grand
Mosque of Mecca where the Kaaba is located, the Baalbek temple structure of Lebanon (N to S),
Uruk Iraq to the east, a large hexagonal city, which is contemporary with Ur of the Chaldees and
the Vatican to the west.
A dozen of the most important ancient sacred sites all lie in a
straight line on what some geologists believe was once the equator.
This amazing discovery is described in detail by Jim Alison on his
web site ( Some geologists
calculate that the North Pole was located in Alaska less than a
hundred thousand years ago (Wilson 2001, 314). Alison calculates
that the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid were located on that
ancient equator which he now locates using sacred sites. The three
25 Carl Munk, The Code
26 In the Shadow of the Temple, the Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem by Meir Ben-Dov, page 77
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
oldest known civilizations were also located on that same great circle: Sumer, Egypt and the
Indus River Valley civilizations. (See “Ancient Gods and Their Mysteries: Will They Return in
2012?” for references.)
Alison is an expert on geography and geometry and he loves the accuracy with which some
ancient architect laid out these sites. What Alison now calls his line of ancient sites is the great
circle which I still call the Old Equator. Jim Alison calculates the pole of his great circle as 59
degrees 42 minutes N and 139 degrees 17minutes W, located in Alaska’s Yukon. This is about a
30 degree shift from 90 degrees N, the current location of the North Pole. The following table
from Alison’s web site last year calculates the precision of the alignments. The Great Pyramid,
Petra and the ancient Nazca Lines are located dead on the Old Equator, or 6,215 miles from the
pole. Most of Alison’s sites are within ten miles of this ley line, surely the most impressive of
many ley lines.
Starting at the Great Pyramid, the Old Equator goes thru Petra in Jordan , Sumer, Persepolis in
Persia, Mohenjo Daro in the Indus River Valley, the mouth of the Ganges River, Angkor Wat in
Cambodia, the New Guinea highlands, Easter Island, Nazca Peru, Machu Pichu in the Andes, the
mouth of the Amazon River, and Timbuktu and Siwa in Africa. Draw this great circle on your
globe! The three oldest writing scripts and oldest city states were located at Egypt, Sumer and
Mohenjo Daro near the beginning of the Mayan Fifth Age of Man. Note that all three
civilizations were very different except for the intensive irrigation of wheat and barley. Both the
Sumerians and the Egyptians wrote that beer was the elixir of the gods. The first domestication
of plants occurred between Sumer and Petra in the Fertile Crescent. Rice was first domesticated
near Mohenjo Daro. Taro, yams, sugar cane and bananas were first domesticated in the very
remote highlands of New Guinea, where ancient canals are signs of intensive irrigation. Corn,
sweet potatoes and the potato were first domesticated in the Peruvian Alto Plano south of Machu
Pichu. Thus, most of the food plants for humans and other animals used today were domesticated
near the Old Equator before 3000 BC.
The Builders of the Ante-Diluvian World
We have been told that the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Egypt. But where is the
ancient Egyptian documentation describing the technology they used to build those pyramids?
How those massive blocks were lifted and placed so accurately? The absence of any
documentation lends credence to the view that the ancient Egyptians did not build it.
We have been told the Egyptians used only primitive tools to construct the great Pyramid but
there is abundant evidence to the contrary, such as machined quarry milling marks as fine as
those made today with moden high tech tools.
To believe that twenty thousand highly skilled laborers stacked each stone with laser precision in
just twenty years is an impossible feat even for today's engineering technologies.27
The Builders
There are numerous theories regarding the building of the vast megaliths and structures
throughout the planet including the Pyramid of Khufu or the Great Pyramid as it has come to be
known. Notable is the popular theory that an alien race built the Pyramid and then left the planet
27 This is the historical claim.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
to return one day in the far distant future. This theory, while immensely popular, is rejected by
the author based on evidence and research. The answer to this question does not lie with an
unknown race beyond our solar system or galaxy, but is found right here on earth, by our own
ancient ancestors.
There is evidence that the anti-diluvian world was a very advanced
society. Various archeological discoveries of ancient high technology
have been hidden from the public and most of these sites are closed
off. As we noted in previous chapters there are numerous ancient
sunken cities and pyramids, some 8000 years old, others up to 9500
years old and even a few older that that.
The actual positioning and alignment of the stones of the Great
Pyramid to the stars with the degree of accuracy necessary would have been impossible without
lasers and infrared telescopes - and therefore the existence of an technologically advanced
society is nessessary even before a project like the Great Pyramid can even be planned let alone
built. Our modern society views the ancients as primitive peoples, have little technology.
However, it the truth be known the exact opposite is true. The oldest civilization, often spoken
of as legendary, was in fact more advanced then than we are today.
Given the witness of truthful archeology and science and matching that to the written records at
our disposal, it was not alien races that built the amazing Great Pyramid, but man himself during
a golden age which time forgot.
Enoch and the Historical Record
Within the pages of the Hebrew Bible, we find a veiled reference to the Giza Pyramids.
Jeremiah the prophet tells us over 2700 years ago that it was HaShem28, the God of the Israelites,
who takes credit for building the Great Pyramid in Egypt:
“...O great and mighty God. The Lord of hosts is His name; great in counsel and mighty in deed,
whose eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, giving to everyone according to his ways
and according to the fruit of his deeds; who has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt,
and even to this day both in Israel and among mankind; and You have made a name for Yourself,
as at this day.29
In the 19th chapter of Isaiah it is spoken of in a mystery:
In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the
Lord near its border. It will become a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of
Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a
Champion, and He will deliver them. Thus the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt, and the
Egyptians will know the Lord in that day. They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and
will make a vow to the Lord and perform it. The Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so
they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them. (Isaiah 19:19-22)
The only structure that can fulfill this passage are the Giza Pyramids which lie in the middle of
Egypt. But how can it lie in the middle of Egypt and also be at it’s border at the same time? The
key to understanding this is in understanding ancient Egyptian history and geography. The Great
Pyramid lies at the apex of the Nile Delta. In ancient days, Egypt was divided in two - Lower
28 HaShem literally means the Name, referring to YHVH the sacred name of the Creator in the Hebrew Bible.
29 Jeremiah 32:18-20
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Egypt which encompassed the Nile Delta and Upper Egypt. The Great Pyramid sits precisely on
this ancient border.
There is a tradition recorded in the pages of Antiquities of the Jews, written by the Jewish
Historian, Josephus. This tradition tells us two very important things. First that the Adamic preflood civilization, through the line of Set (Seth) were experts in the field of astronomy. And
second that a building project was undertaken to preserve their wisdom. The text reads:
“They were also inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly
bodies and their order. And [so] that their inventions might not be lost before they were
suffiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the
force of fire, and at another time by the violence and force of water, they made two pillars - one
of brick, the other of stone. They inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar
of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain and exhibit those
discoveries to mankind and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by
them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.” 30
The land of Siriad is the ancient designation for Egypt. Josephus tells us that this ‘pillar’ of
wisdom still existed in his day (First Century CE). Many who have read this text assumed that
hidden at Giza was a library of texts containing this information (which very well could be true).
But, thier wisdom shines through to us today - instead of a library which every treasure hunter
has been searching for - the wisdom of the ancients was encoded in the very construction of the
pillar itself.
According to some, the only human capable of orchestrating the construction of The Pyramid is
the biblical patriarch Enoch. One only need read the scientific information available in the Book
of Enoch and undertand the import. No other faith, myth, wives tale, or any other attempt at
creation science even comes close to containing the scientific information provided in Enoch.
The Egyptian historian Manetho stated that the Pharoah who is recognized as the builder of the
Great Pyramid, Khufu (Cheops in Greek), was of a “different race.”31 Herodutus, Greek historian
of the 5th century BCE said that the builders of the Great Pyramid were shepherds,32 a class of
persons deemed as an abomination to Egyptians, according to the Torah.
The Seventh Generation
Some biblical scholars believe legend of Enoch begins with the Sumerian King List. This is a list
of rulers before the Flood, and is preserved in several forms, including Berossus. Here one of the
kings, often given as the seventh (as Enoch is in the Genesis account), is called Enmeduranki or
Enmeduranna. The Book of Yashar (the true record or writing) tells us that Enoch indeed was a
king over the sons of man. It is possible that the Sumerian Kings List is a written record of the
patriarchs of the Bible, but that is not my current understanding for reasons I will outline later.
Chapters 1-11 in the the book of Genesis is a condensed history of the pre-flood society and that
which came directly afterwards. As such, the information that is offered is of vital importance.
Biblically, Enoch is the 7th generation of Man, who lived 365 years and walked with God.
30 Antiquities of the Jews, Book I, Chapter 2.3
31 Watken's Arts and Antiquities of Egypt, p. 54
32 Euterpe S128
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
James C. Vanderkam reasons there is ample reason for believing that the biblical
and pseudepigraphic Enoch are reflections of Mesopotamian traditions about the
seventh antediluvian king Enmeduranki of Sippar, a king who was associated
with the sun god and with divination. Oral and written traditions teach that
Enoch, the seventh pre-flood patriarch in the Bible, taught a solar calendar and
received revelations about the future.
According to ancient Sumerian texts, it was at Eridu's temple that Enki, as
guardian of the secrets of all scientific knowledge, kept ME's - tabletlike objects
on which the scientific data were inscribed. One of the Sumerian texts details how the goddess
Inanna (later known as Ishtar), wishing to give status to her 'cult center' Uruk (the biblical
Erech), tricked Enki into giving her some of those divine formulas. Adapa, we find, was also
nicknamed NUN.ME, meaning He who can decipher the ME's. Even a millennia later, in the
days of the ancient Assyrians, the saying 'Wise as Adapa' meant that someone was exceedingly
wise and knowledgeable.
The wide knowledge imparted by Enki to Adapa included writing, medicine, and - according to
the astronomical series of tablets UD.SAR.ANUM.ENLILLA ('The Great Days of Amu and
Enlil') - knowledge of astronomy and astrology.
“...It is almost certain that the biblical 'Enoch' was the equivalent of the Sumerian first priest,
EN.ME.DUR.AN.KI ('High Priest of the ME's of the Bond Heaven-Earth'), the man from the city
Sippar taken heavenward to be taught the secrets of Heaven and Earth, of divination, and of the
calendar. It was with him that the generations of astronomer-priests, of Keepers of the Secrets,
These details show how the biblical portrait of Enoch may have been compiled from
Enmeduranki: each is seventh in the antediluvian list; the biblical 365 preserves the affinity to
the sun, rather than the sun god; walking with God suggests the intimacy between the Divine and
man and his choseness as King/Pharoah over the sons of man.
One cannot rule out the possibility that like Enmduranki and Enoch, Adapa too was the seventh
in a line of sages, the Sages of Eridu, and thus another version of the Sumerian memory echoed
in the biblical Enoch record. According to this tale, seven Wise Men were trained in Eridu,
Enki's city; their epithets and particular knowledge varied from version to version.
Rykle Borger, examining this tale in light of the Enoch traditions,34 was intrigued by the
inscription on the third tablet of the series of Assyrian Oath Incantations. In it the name of each
sage is given and his main call on fame is explained; it says thus of the seventh: 'Uta-abzu, he
who to heaven ascended'. Citing a second such text, R. Borger concluded that this seventh sage,
whose name combined that of Utu/Shamash with the Lower World (Abzu) domain of Enki, was
the Assyrian Enoch.
According to the Assyrian references to the wisdom of Adapa, he composed a book of sciences
titled U.SAR d ANUM d ENLILA - 'Writings regarding Time; from divine Anu and divine
Enlil'. Adapa, thus, is credited with writing Mankind's first book of astronomy and the calendar."
The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury Trismegistus [Hermes], and that
he taught the sons of men the art of building cities, and enacted some admirable laws. He
33 - Zecharia Sitchin, When Time Began
34 'Die Beschworungsserie Bit Meshri und die Himmelfahrt Henochs' in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 33
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
discovered the knowledge of the Zodiac, and the course of the Planets (which is pointed out in
the Book of Enoch) and he taught the sons of men, that they should worship God. According to
Freemasonry, Enoch was the inventor of writing, and that he taught men the art of building, and
that, before the flood, he feared that the real secrets would be lost - to prevent which he
concealed the grand Secret, engraven on a white oriental porphyry stone, in the bowels of the
Manly Hall, one of Masonry’s top scholars says that Enoch constructed an underground temple
[at Moriah] consisting of nine vaults, one beneath the other, placing in the deepest vault a
triangular tablet of gold [a 'white oriental porphyry stone' in one version] bearing upon it the
absolute and ineffable name of Deity. 36
It is reasonable that the biblical patriarch Enoch was given the astronomical and geographical
information necessary to design the Pyramid. But he could never have been able to ensure the
astronomical accuracy in the end using just stoneage chisels and hammers. Even if twenty
thousand men could stack the estimated 2.4 million blocks of stone in a precise arrangement,
astronomically aligned to the four directions of the compass, they could not have possibly
arranged the interior geometry of passages and distances in the same amount of time.
The early Church historian Eusebius stated that Enoch was Atlas, king of Atlantis. Atlas is
identical with the Egyptian god, Temu (or Atum), whose symbol was the sacred hill or island
that rises above the waters (Atlantis), symbolism that is remeniscent of the rising phoenix in
many cultures around the globe, including that of Freemasonry and even America.
Temu37 like Enoch (in Enochian literature) was personified as the great predynastic king who
was renowned for being the first man to have become divine (resurrection?). He was depicted as
a bearded initiate-king, wearing the crowns of North (Lower) and South (Upper) Egypt, and
carrying the sceptre and ankh. But, uniquely, he is shown wearing the red crown of the North
inside the white crown of the South, which is the reverse of the headwear of all other gods and
According to ancient Egyptian tradition, all the Egyptian wisdom teaching was derived from
Temu, including language, hieroglyphic writing, numerology, cosmology, geomancy, and the
seven liberal arts and sciences.
What is it’s Purpose?
The Pyramidian38 (the capstone) of the Great Pyramid has a perimeter precisely 12 cubits long.
The presence of pi (3.14) points us to a circle. Together they refer to a 12 zone circle - the
Zodiac. The four angles of the pyramid refer to the Four Prime Signs of the Zodiac - The Bull
(Taurus), the Lion (Leo), Scorpio and Aquarius. In ancient world Scorpio was represented by the
Eagle and Aquarius by an Angel or Man. The four are known as the Four Guardians of Heaven
and are described in the Book of Ezekiel as Cherubim or Seraphim. They embody the procession
of the constellations, which are approxiamately 26,000 years in duration. In Hebrew Gematria
Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia
Manly P. Hall, Masonic, Hermetic, Quabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy
Temu is actually a title, meaning 'Initiate'.
A pyramidion is the uppermost piece or capstone of an Egyptian pyramid in archaeological parlance.They were called
benbenet in the Ancient Egyptian language which associated the pyramid as a whole with the sacred benben stone. In Egypt's
Old Kingdom, pyramidions were generally made of diorite, granite, or fine limestone
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
26 is the value of the Ineffable Name of God. It’s half 13, an
important number in the Mayan Calender, is the value of two
very important Hebrew words, echad meaning one and ahavah,
meaning love. God who created the heavens and earth is one,
and His character is one of love, and the act of Creation itself is
an act of love.
In correlation with the prophecy of the Great Pyramid, the
nearby Sphinx may hold its own symbology of past and future
happenings. According to ancient Egyptian and Coptic traditions, one of the earlier forms of the
Sphinx, before it was carved into its present configuration, is that it had the front paws of a lion,
the back legs and tail of a bull, the face of a human, and along its sides where today one can see
the remains of stone incendiary boxes, fires were lit at night to give the Sphinx the appearance of
having the flaming wings of an eagle.
Most significantly, in the Precession of the Equinoxes, the distant Age of Leo 12,000 years ago
saw the burial of the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx's front paws. Recent archaeological and
geologic surveys conducted by John Anthony West and Robert Schoch have demonstrated that
the Sphinx does indeed date to such a remote time period
It is noteworthy that the Celestial Pyramid of the Book of Revelation is likened to a Bride (i.e.
humanity), as the text plainly states. What is not plain is that both the Great Pyramid and the
human body are connected. We are the ultimate life created by God, in His image. Both the
Pyramid and Humanity are harmonious in design, both utilizing the root of pi (1.272) and the
Golden Section.
Leonardo daVinci's painting Vitrivian graphically shows the sacred
demensions of the human body in the classic template and problem called
”squaring the circle”. As the circle and the square, the spiritual and the
physical are equal when the circle circumference has a diameter of 1 and
the square lengths have sides of 1.272 or the square root of 1.618 or the
Golden Section. This in itself tells us that the Great Pyramid and it’s story
are important for humanity, especially today.
Given the evidence, our conclusion is that the massive undertaking of the
Great Pyramid was under the watchful eye of God, not directed by some
alien race for some nefarious purpose. He, as the prophet recorded, set
signs and wonders in Egypt, which have awed countless multitudes for millenia.
The Builders, are pointing us to a critical astronomical cycle of our planet, the procession of the
equinoxes/constellations over a 26,000 year cycle.
Why is it so important to draw attention to this 26,000 year cycle?
The Great Pyramid is a coded message from across time from a very ancient people regarding
something so important, they built massive structures designed to outlast millenia to convey that
The ancient traditions tell us that Enoch, aside from being a man of science was also a prophet. It
is quite reasonable to assume that his construction project also foretold of pointed to a time
(5772-5776) of dramatic change, a time popularly known as the End Times. This time period
would be fraught with terrible events but with hope of deliverance at the end of the tunnel.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The Giza Plateau is an astronomical clock and the Sphinx are its hands. When the lions heart on
the Sphinx lines up with Regulas, the Lions Heart in heaven, then the new age begins. In the
Hebrew mind, a day begins in darkness which slowly passes into the Light. So shall be the End
Times. The years between 2012 and 2016 will bring about a paradigm shift for humanity. The
Mayans & Toltecs believe that in 2012, their god will return from the heavens. Many have
speculated that this time frame will signal the return of the Nephelim of Genesis Chapter 6.
Others say that the AntiChrist (the occult Messiah) will reveal himself. Regardless of specifics,
antiquity has spoken to us of the importance of this time.
Herald it’s coming. Heed it’s message.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 The Bene Elohim - Builder Gods?
One of the most fasinating, but highly controversial subjects that is connected
to the Great Pyramid is regarding alien gods who are said to have been the
builders of the great stone megaliths and pyramids throughout the world. The
hieroglyphics at the Egyptian Temple at Edfu speak of builder gods who set
the plans and foundations for all future pyramids and temples. The
hieroglyphics and pictures portray giants as leading the construction of these
projects. These Egyptian texts tell us that the builder gods built the pyramids
to mirror the ‘buildings of the sky’ or buildings of heaven.39
The Edfu Temple texts, believed to predate the Egyptians themselves, explain
something of additional significance, reminiscent of nephilim activity before and after the Flood
- The most ancient of earth’s temples and monuments were built to bring about the resurrection
of the destroyed world of the gods (elohim - Hebrew), the corrupted ancient antidiluvian world
destroyed by Divine Decree.
The Inca and Mayan prophecies foretell of an world-wide awakening to the knowledge of the
ancient past, of the builder gods and of their return. In fact this story is not isolated to just the
Maya and Inca, but appears in many of the traditions of the peoples of the earth.
The Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Quiche Indians of Guatemala recorded:
The first race of men before the Flood possessed all knowledge; they studied the four quarters of
heaven and the round surface of the earth. (Delia Goetz and Sylvanus G. Morley, Popul Vuh)
On the African continent numerous tribes have legends or traditions of ancient travelers from the
skies. The African Legends of:
The MASAI: The Gods sent some of their children to earth. The Gods came from above the
clouds and brought plants and animals with them.
The JA-LUO: Apodho came down to earth accompanied by his wife, bringing with him all
cultural assets.
The MADI-MORU: The first people lived in the Heavens. Until that connection was cut, there
was a lot of traffic from the Heavens to Earth.
The GANDA: The primal women came from the Heavens.
The NYORO: When God established the Earth, he sent the first human couple down from the
The KIVU-PYGMIES: Our ancestors fell from the Heavens.
The KULUWE: The first humans came from the Heavens, arriving with seed, rake, axe, tools
The BENA-LULUA: God sent four of his sons to earth.
39 It is well known that the text of the Book of Revelation decribes the Heavenly Jerusalem - 1500 miles x 1500 miles x 1500
miles. Some believe this is decribing a cube (which is the shape of the holy of holies in the Tabernacle). But the dimensions
can also describe a pyramid which is geometrically linked to a cube.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The ASHANTI: Seven people created by God climbed down to earth. After conceiving other
people, they returned to the Heavens.
ZIBA: God Rugaba travels upwards to the heavens and then through the darkness.
The NANDI: God Tororut lives in the heavens. He looks like a human but has wings that can
cause lightning. (One of their Gods is called Chepkelienskol, which when translated
literally, means the thing with the 9 ray-beam legs.
It should also be noted that many Native American peoples have similiar traditions, such as the
Rattlesnake Prophecy of the Cherokee Nation.
2012 and the Ancient Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies
The Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies,40 are a series of apocalyptic prophecies made the
Cherokee tribe during 1811–1812. The prophecies are very similar to Mesoamerican belief, and
are viewed by scholars as likely referring to the return of the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl
in the year 2012. Like the Maya, the Cherokee calendar ends mysteriously in the year 2012 when
astronomical phenomena related to Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Pleiades cause the powers of the
star systems to awaken.
Segments of the Rattlesnake Prophecy reads:
At this time [2012] of the fingers striking Jupiter that
Orion Star System will awaken. And the Pleiades and
Orion will war once again as in old. Jupiter and
Venus will awaken to its destiny of Time/Untime of
cycles. Orion will war with Pleiades, Jupiter will war
with Venus.…
In the year…[2012] an alignment will take place both
on the Cherokee calendar and in the heavens of the
Rattlesnake Constellation.… It is the time of the double headed serpent stick. It is the
time of the red of Orion and Jupiter against the white blue of Pleiades and Venus.…
In the year…[2012] the Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation will take on a different
configuration. The snake itself will remain, however; upon the Rattlesnake shall be added
upon its head feathers, its eyes will open and glow, wings spring forth as a winged
rattlesnake. It shall have hands and arms and in its hands shall be a bowl. The bowl will
hold blood. Upon its tail of seven rattles shall be the glowing and movement of Pleiades.
The Rattlesnake shall become a feathered rattlesnake or feathered serpent of Time and
Untime [Quetzalcoatl?].
And upon the Rattlesnake is also the Milky Way. A crossing of the Milky Way shall be
seen at these times [2012].
And the Cherokee calendar shall end in the year 2012…[with] the coming of the Pale
One once again.
The Rattlesnake Constellation of course is Draco the Serpent.
40 Also known as the Chickamaugan Prophecy or the Cherokee Star Constellation Prophecies.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The most notable record of an alien visitation is recorded in the pages of the Hebrew Bible and
other extra-biblical sources, such as the books of Enoch41 and Jubilees. The accounts speak of
fallen angels (literally ‘messengers’ in Heb.) who came to the earth and corrupted mankind and
caused a great deal of misery. The Book Jubilees places the blame for the Flood squarely upon
the fornication of the Watchers with human women and the iniquity and bloodshed of the
Genesis 6 and the Watchers
The two names which we are most familiar for the rebel or
fallen angels are the Watchers and the Anunnaki. Watchers is
the Biblical name and Anunnaki is the Sumerian name.
The Watchers were race of divine beings known in Hebrew
as irin meaning those who watch or those who are awake,
which is translated into Greek as egregoris or grigori,
meaning watchers. The term watchers can be translated with
various shades of meaning, and depending on it’s translator
can be also taken to mean ‘observers’ or ‘sentinels’, or ‘sleepless ones.’ Whether they are
vigilant watchmen or simply curious, they watch.
The great sin of the Watchers is that they went beyond just watching and according to the ancient
texts, and took human women and had sex with them. This union created hybrid creatures which
wreaked havoc on the planet. The Watchers had crossed a line and violated Divine decree.42
The Watchers progeny, according to Hebrew tradition, are named as nephilim, a Hebrew word
meaning those who have fallen or the fallen ones, translated into Greek as gigantes, or giants.
The ‘giants’ translation may have come from the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew
Bible. Where nephilim was gigantes which looks like giant but in modern Greek would be
titans. In Greek mythos, the Titans were the supernaturally powerful offspring of gods and
The name watchers appears in the book of Daniel.43
“I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and a
holy one came down from heaven,”
“This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and by the demand of the holy
41 The books of Enoch greatly esteemed by the very earliest Church fathers, were expunged from the set of canonical sacred
books by the Council of Laodicea (364 AD) along with forty two others which includes The First and Second Book of Adam
and Eve (they are still part of the Canon of the Ethiopian church). These books in their present version are dated usually at the
second century BC. They were considered by Augustine, as works of hoary antiquity and deal with prediluvian events, about
which only intriguing hints may be found in Genesis. That several texts dealing with very ancient events were once in
circulation to be later completely lost, also follows from references in the Pentateuch to vanished books, such as The Wars of
the Lord.
42 Gen 6:1-4 presents a mixing of categories — of gods and mortals — and the procreation of a hybrid category of demigods
which it is in the nature of the myth to suppress. Mary Douglas has pointed out the preoccupation of ancient Israelite thought
with the suppression of anomaly in dietary laws and in the laws of kinship. These "purity laws", as she calls them, serve to
keep "distinct the categories of creation." The same tendency is at work in Genesis 6:1-4. The sexual mingling of the sons of
God and the daughters of men creates an imbalance and a confusion in the cosmic order. The birth of the demigods threatens
the fabric of the cosmos.... The natural conclusion of Gen 6:1-4, according to the logic of the myth, is the deluge — the
destruction of humanity and the concomitant annihilation of the disorder. The cosmic imbalance is resolved by a great
destruction, out of which a new order arises.
43 Daniel 4:13 and 4:17
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
ones: to the intent that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and givith it to whomever he
will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”
It has been assumed by many that the Watchers are so named, because they were set to the task
of watching over humanity. However, in the Book of Enoch, where he is taken to the first and
sixth heavens by the angels, these beings are watching the stars and the heavens - counting and
measuring the motions of stars and planets, cycles of time, climatology and seismology.
This fits in very well with the idea that the Watcher race, at least some of them, were responsible
for the building of the Sphinx and other massive stonework projects in the Age of Leo, and
perhaps gave a great measure of their knowledge to the astronomer-priests of Sumer, Akkad and
Babylon, priests such as Chanoch, the biblical patriarch known popularly as Enoch.
Genesis Apocryphon mentions the Nephilim, and makes reference to the bene elohim (sons of
God) and the daughters of men introduced in Genesis 6. The copy of the Genesis Apocryphon
discovered in 1947 at Qumran, dates back to the 2nd century BCE, but it was obviously based on
much older sources. When scholars released its content, the document revealed that divine or
celestial beings from the skies had landed on planet Earth. More than that, it told how these
beings had mated with Earth-women, the daughters of men, and had begat giants.
Ancient Jewish texts such as the Book of Enoch discuss alien beings having come to the earth
from the heavens precisely at Mount Hermon which is located at 33.33 degrees.44 Ancient
Mayan prophecies discuss alien beings returning to earth from the heavens at a time
corresponding to 33.33. We will discuss this very important point in more depth later on.
The Book of Jubilees remarks that Yared (Jared), a pre-flood patriarch, was so named as a
prophecy because in his days the bene elohim (angels) descended upon the earth - yawrad
meaning descend. It is interesting to note that the river Yarden (Jordan -meaning the place of the
descent) comes from that same root word denoting descent, coming down or falling.
The source of the Jordan river is Mount Hermon, the exact point of descent (and first contact) of
the Watchers. Mt. Hermon resides in the ancient land formally known as Sidonia. Sidon is the
Greek name (meaning 'fishery’) for the Ancient Phoenician port city of Sidonia (also known as
Saida) in what is, today, Lebannon (located about twenty five miles south of Beirut). Sidon is
considered the 'seat’ of the Phoenician Civilization. Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the
most powerful City-state of ancient Phoenicia and first manufactured the purple dye which made
Tyre famous and was so rare and expensive that the color purple became synonymous with
The super-human angelic beings descended, created hybrid offspring with human women, the
nephilim and mighty men of renknown, preserved in ancient myths. This is the source for the
dispersion of alien technology, and the hermetic knowledge that influenced and corrupted human
civilization since the days of Noah.
Etymology of NephilimWho are these beings? A clue to their identity is found in their name-Nephilim. The word itself is Hebrew, and it is first used in Genesis 6:4.
There were giants in the earth in those days: and also after that, when the sons of God came in
unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.
44 Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man, lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east
... 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.*
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Although Nephilim is often translated giants in the many versions
of the Bible, little other information about the word is given. The
name Nephilim is of an uncertain origin. No one can say for sure
what the etymology is. Most researchers say it is Hebrew from the
Semetic root npl (meaning to fall). It is possible that it predates
Hebrew and the language of Canaan.45
Some bible commentators trace the word nephilim to the Hebrew
root niphal meaning distinguished ones. This corresponds perfectly with the men of renown
(literally, men of the name) at the end of Genesis 6:4. Generally it is not a generally accepted
translation, but the prestigious Koren Chumash does in fact use the term distinguished ones
instead of the literal, sons of God.
Others have sought the root of the word in the Hebrew consonants npl as found in Psalm 58:8.
Here it means miscarriage. Accepting this theory, the Nephilim would be those superhuman
beings that resulted from miscarriages. Genesis Rabbah (26:7) confirms this translation:
“Nephilim denotes that they hurled the word down, themselves fell (naflu) from the world, and
filled the world with abortions (nephilim) through their immorality.”46
Most scholars, however, trace the word nephilim to the Hebrew root naphal meaning to fall.
Therefore the Nephilim are the fallen ones.
Because of some uncertainty in the translation of the word in it’s original Hebrew, more and
more Bible versions are now leaving the original word untranslated. This also does justice to the
fact that the definite article precedes the word in the original. “The Nephilim were on the earth...”
The same definite article is also found in the other biblical passage where the word Nephilim
occurs, namely, Numbers 13:33. “We saw the Nephilim there...
When the Greek Septuagint was composed,47 nephilim was translated as Gegenes and in some
copies it was translated as Gigantes. Gigantes nor Gegenes translates to giants; rather it means
born of the earth or more specifically born of gaia. In the Greek myth, the Gigantes made war on
the gods, but were destroyed in the ensuing battle.
Although there is no etymological evidence to justify giants as an accurate translation for
nephilim, such a translation is not without merit. In more senses than one, Nephilim were giants.
Josephus, the noted Jewish historian of the first century CE, described these giants as having
“bodies so large and countenances so entirely different from other men that they were surprising
to the sight and terrible to the hearing.” Adding, that in his day, the bones of the giants were still
on display.
Post Flood Appearances
45 The Canaanites and Hebrews spoke the same basic language. It was a Semitic language and spoken by the Phoenicians and
Philistines. So Nephilim may not an exclusively Hebrew word.
46 The term "Nephilim" is understood as teaching that "they hurled (haphilu) the world down, themselves fell (nephelu) from
the world, and filled the world with abortions (nephilim) through their immorality.
47 Meaning when the Hewbrew Torah was translated into Greek. Contrary to popular belief, the Hebrew Bible was not
completely translated into Greek under Ptolemy. Only the five books of Moses were translated, the remainder were probably
translated by the Church and credited to Judaism to help prop up the Septuagint as the product of Rabbinical Authority, in an
effort to win over Jews to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
And there we saw the giants [nephilim], the sons of Anak48, which come of the giants: and we
were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
In Numbers 13:33, quoted above, the term Nephilim is also associated with the Anakim at the
time of the Exodus.49 The Nephilim, as well as being genetically human and angelic, apparently
procreated amongst themselves at the same time, as well as procreating with homo sapiens,
resulting in the creation of a subclass of giants known as the gibborim. Not quite as tall as the
Nephilim — who were likely giants among giants, dozens, perhaps hundreds of feet tall, if the
midrashim are to be believed — the Gibborim were probably more the size of Goliath, in the 812 feet tall range.50
Deuteronomy 2:11Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites called
them Emims.
Deuteronomy 2:20(That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt therein in old time;
and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims;
Deuteronomy 3:11For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold his
bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was
the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man.
Deuteronomy 3:13And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto
the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of
giants.2 Samuel 21 In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with
six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot--twenty-four in all. He also was descended
from Rapha. When he taunted Israel, Jonathan son of Shimeah, David's brother, killed him.
The Rephaim51 were the next generation of giants, the new Nephilim outbreak, and were of
Amorite descent. The Rephaim lived on the east of Jordan.
48 Heb. 'Anakim (Deut. 2:10, 11, 21; Josh. 11:21, 22; 14:12, 15; called "sons of Anak," Num. 13:33; "children of Anak," 13:22;
Josh. 15:14), a nomad race of giants descended from Arba (Josh. 14:15), the father of Anak, that dwelt in the south of
Palestine near Hebron (Gen. 23:2; Josh. 15:13). They were a Cushite tribe of the same race as the Philistines and the Egyptian
shepherd kings. David on several occasions encountered them (2 Sam. 21:15-22). From this race sprung Goliath (1 Sam. 1
Chr. 11:9-47; 29:24.) The band of six hundred whom David gathered around him when he was a fugitive were so designated.
They were divided into three divisions of two hundred each, and thirty divisions of twenty each. The captians of the thirty
divisions were called "the thirty," the captains of the two hundred "the three," and the captain over the whole was called
"chief among the captains" (2 Sam. 23:8). The sons born of the marriages mentioned in Gen. 6:4 are also called by this
Hebrew name."
49 The rabbi’s obtained five other names for the Nephilim by which to describe them using etymological word-play. Two of
these are rather supernatural sounding: Gibborim: ... the marrow of each one's thigh bone was eighteen cubits long; Anakim:
... their necks reached the globe of the sun.
50 The word nephilim only appears twice in the Tanakh (Gen 6:4; Num. 13:33), but these hybrids are also referred to as gibbor
(Gen 6:4; Num. 13:33; Job 16:14) and rephaim when they reappear in a more limited fashion after the flood (Gen. 14:5;
15:20; Deu. 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13; Jos. 12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18:16; II Sam. 5:18, 22; 21:16, 18, 20, 22; 23:13; I Chr. 11:15;
14:9; 20:4, 6, 8; Isa. 17:5; 26:14). They were also known by the proper names of Rephaim, Emim, Anakim, and
51 The relevant data are the following: the occurrence of 1) rephaim, meaning the shades of the dead; the occurrence of 2)
rephaim, referring to a gigantic race which inhabited parts of Palestine and Jordan before Israelite times; references to yelidiy
ha-raphah (with variants) who are usually understood as descendants of Raphah, who would be the ancestor of the Rephaim;
a geographical name, "Valley of the Rephaim;" personal names containing the element rapha or raphah,. In addition to the
above, there are related matters which might be relevant: references to the Anaqim who, like Rephaim, were thought to be a
prehistoric race of gigantic stature; appearing only twice are the Emim, apparently a specialdesignation for the Rephaim of
the territory later occupied by the Moabites; similarly the Zamzummim are the Rephaim of the Ammonite area; finally, the
word Nephilim is also used for the giants of old.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The giant Og was descended from the Rephaim. They were conquered by Chedorlaomer (Gen.
14:5), and their territories were promised as a possession to Abraham (15:20). The Anakim,
Zuzim, and Emim were branches of this bloodline.
In the Ras Shamra texts found in the Canaanite city-state of Ugarit, the Rephaim are described as
being simultaneously divine beings, human beings, cultic functionaries of the Amorite god Ba'al,
mighty warriors, riders of chariots, and healers, or "ones who are healed". Some scholars also
believe that that they were part of an aristocracy.
The Amorites, who worshiped the god Ba'al, also believed that Ba'al was gigantic in stature:
Ba'lu the Saviour, was extremely tall. An Ugaritic myth tells us that when another god tried to sit
on the throne of Ba'lu 'his feet did not reach the foot-stool, his head did not reach the top of the
back. Therefore Baal is a Nephilim of some degree. In the Hebrew Bible the Amorites are
described as such: “Yet I destroyed the Amorite before them [Israel] whose stature was like the
cedar’s..” (Amos 2:9).
Ba'al was the Amorite/Canaanite war, storm and fertility god, whom they believed made his
presence known in, among other things, the yearly rains that came and made the fields bring
forth their bounty each year. When the rains ended at the end of the rainy season, it was thought
that Ba'al had died and gone down to the underworld, not to return again until the rainy season in
the following year. During the intervening time, he remained in the underworld, among the
spirits of the dead.
The Rephaim were believed by the Amorites to be Ba'als acolytes, accompanying him both in
the storm and into his journey into the underworld after the rains ceased. As a result, "since these
minor deities follow Ba'al in his descent to the underworld, they later became identified with the
shades of the dead, as in Biblical Hebrew and in Phoenician." L'Heureux points out that, since
greater gods in the Canaanite pantheon are described with the singular term rapha, then the term
rephaim most likely refers to an assembly of lesser gods. This concept compares favorably with
the Hebrew conception of elohim which most believe is meant to indicate an assembly of divine
beings, or angels, in contrast to the singular El, which is used exclusively of YHWH, the head of
the divine assembly. In short, Rapha is to rephaim as El is to elohim.
One of the more interesting features of the text is that the rephaim seem to be a special class of
spirits: kings, heroes, warriors, rulers.” Concerning the meaning of rapha and how it fits into the
concept of underworld deity, Gray believes that the basic meaning of rapha is to heal or, more
likely, to be healed. However, since it has to do with the dead rephaim, and since these dead
rephaim are, along with Ba'al, resurrected at the beginning of each rainy season, I suggest that
the Rephaim are not merely healed but, along with Ba'al, resurrected, and the fertility of the land
resurrected with them. Thus the basic concept behind the word rephaim is "those who have been
The rephaim deities of the Ugaritic texts, then, were seen as the resurrected spirits of ancient
warrior kings. But resurrected into what? And how does this apply to the Rephaim giants? The
Rephaim were seen by the Amorites52 as both divine and human, as human incarnations of the
divine rephaim, just as the Amorite king was considered to be the incarnation of their state god,
52 L.A. Waddell, a explorer and scholar, believed that the Amorites were the Sumerian/Aryans under a different name.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
These Rephaim of Earth were believed to be the earthly incarnations of the divine (or fallen)
Rephaim of the underworld. Moreover, since these were the spirits of ancient warriors, kings and
heroes from ancient times, it was probable, since the Rephaim giants were specifically noted by
Moses as being the return of the antediluvian Nephilim, that the Rephaim were in fact the
reincarnations of the demonic spirits of the Nephilim giants who had been destroyed in the
Flood. Thus, inherent in the very name Rephaim was the confirmation that the Rephaim were
indeed the return of the Nephilim.
After King David there is no mention of the Nephilim in the Holy Land. They are referred to as
shades and the dead. Og was the last of the Rephiam according to the Bible. Today the Valley of
the Rephiam is a part of Israel just south of Jerusalem.
Ancient Evidence - Cities of the Giants
Deuteronomy 3:4 states that the Argob, which Jair seized from the giant King Og, contained
sixty cities built by the huge Rephaim. To those who never saw it, it seemed incredible that an
oval-shaped district only twenty-two miles long and fourteen wide could accommodate that
many cities. But archaeologists and other travelers to that region can still vouch for it. For the
ruins, even after all these centuries, not only remain, but, in fact, still stand in a great state of
preservation. The streets observes Cyril Graham:
“...are perfect, the walls perfect, and, what seems more astonishing, the stone doors are still
hanging on their hinges. . . . Some of these gates are large enough to admit of a camel passing
through them, and the doors are of proportionate dimensions, some of the stones of which they
are formed being eighteen inches in thickness. The roofs also are formed of huge stone slabs
resting on the massive walls. All betoken the workmanship of a race endowed with powers far
exceeding those of ordinary men; and [all] give credibility to the supposition that we have in
them the dwellings of the giant race that occupied that district before it was invaded by the
Israelites. We could not help being impressed with the belief that had we never known anything
of the early portion of Scripture history before visiting this country, we should have been forced
to the conclusion that its original inhabitants, the people who had constructed those cities, were
not only a powerful and mighty nation, but individuals of greater strength than ourselves.”
Gilgal Refaim
Another archaeological site is a construction of concentric stone
circles and reputedly built by giants. The Circle of the Giants - Gilgal
Refaim. 5200-year-old monument believed by some to have been
built by the Nephilim of the pre-flood era. The fact remains that
Israeli archaeologists are totally mystified by the Gilgal Refaim. No
other complex built in the Middle East resembles it and it predates
the official age of pyramids by over 500 years. The indigenous
nomads of the time did not engage in this kind of megalith building,
so outsiders were probably the builders. According to the Bible, the only outsiders living on the
Golan Heights back then were giants.
In the late 1980's a group of British archaeologists may have uncovered skeletal evidence for
giants in Jordan. At the site of Tel es-Sa'idiyeh, archaeologist Jonathan Tubb and a team from the
British Museum unearthed the remains of some extremely tall people."
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
According to an Arabic manuscript found at Baalbek and quoted by Alouf in his informative
History of Baalbek “after the flood, when Nimrod reigned over Lebanon, he sent giants to
rebuild the fortress of Baalbek, which was so named in honour of Baal, the god of the Moabites
and worshippers of the Sun.”
The great platform at Baalbek is extremely ancient. The current temple ruins at the site were
built by the Romans. The original platform may be from a pre-flood culture. This platform is
made up of megalithic stones precisely cut and placed to form a foundation for an ancient temple
from the distant past. This ancient temple floor has three huge quarried stones each of them
weigh about one thousand tons. They are called the Trilithon. These blocks show more erosion
than the later Roman additions.Today we are at a lost to explain how ancient men cut and moved
such huge behemoths. Roman engineers never moved anything so large. The people that lived
near by the temple believed that the great stones were cut and assembled by Djenoun, a
Manipulation of the Genome
In his book “Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenges of Bioethics,” the former
chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics, Leon Kass provided a status report on where
we stand today regarding transhumanism. He warned in the introduction that “Human nature
itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic ‘enhancement,’ for
wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently
amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists are
zealously prophesying a posthuman future. For anyone who cares about preserving our
humanity, the time has come for paying attention.”
Not to be outdone in this regard by the National Institute of Health, DARPA and other agencies
of the U.S. military have taken inspiration from the likes of Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings. In a
scene reminiscent of Saruman the wizard creating monstrous Uruk-Hai to wage unending,
merciless war, we find billions of American tax dollars have flowed into the Pentagon’s
Frankensteinian dream of “super-soldiers” and the “Extended Performance War Fighter”
program. Not only does the EPWFP envision “injecting young men and women with hormonal,
neurological and genetic concoctions; implanting microchips and electrodes in their bodies to
control their internal organs and brain functions; and plying them with drugs that deaden some of
their normal human tendencies: the need for sleep, the fear of death, [and] the reluctance to kill
their fellow human beings,” but Chris Floyd in an article for CounterPunch a while back quoted
the Daily Telegraph and Christian Science Monitor, saying “some of the research now underway
involves actually altering the genetic code of soldiers, modifying bits of DNA to fashion a new
type of human specimen, one that functions like a machine, killing tirelessly for days and nights
on end…. mutations [that] will ‘revolutionize the contemporary order of battle’ and guarantee
‘operational dominance across the whole range of potential U.S. military employments.”
“At that moment, when the DNA/RNA system became understood, the debate between
Evolutionists and Creationists should have come to a screeching halt...”53
53 I.L. Cohen, Researcher and Mathematician; Member NY Academy of Sciences; Officer of the Archaeological Inst. of
America; "Darwin Was Wrong - A Study in Probabilities"; New Research Publications, 1984, p. 4
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
After the Watchers had instructed humans in the secrets of heaven, the Book of Yasher tells us of
their corruption of antediluvian DNA:
"[Then] the sons of men [began teaching] the mixture of animals of one species with the
other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord" (Jasher 4:18).
Some believe that the program of DNA corruption was intended to halt the coming of the
Messiah, a theory which is very popular among Christians, but an alternative theory for why the
Watchers may have blended living organisms exists. In an effort to harmonize the ancient
records, it may be that the motive for whatever the Watchers were doing with the DNA of
various species had to be understood within the context of their foremost goal, which was to
leave their plane of existence and to enter ours, a theory that is based on a reading of a passage in
the New Testament:
And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept
in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day (Jude 1:6)
Based on the Book of Enoch and 2 Peter 2:4, these Angelic beings are keep in chains in a place
called Tartarus awaiting final judgement.
And the key to creating or recreating man, as we have discovered in the twentieth century, is the
human genome. DNA manipulation of living tissue by the Watchers led to an unusual body made
up of human, animal, and plant genetics known as Nephilim, It should be pointed out that the
Greek antecedent of the word giants is the word gegenes, from which was derived the Greek
word gigantes (Genesis 6:4, LXX), from which we in turn derive the English word giant.
Moreover, gegenes, besides being the root of the word giant, is also the root of the words genes,
genetics, geneaology, and so forth. Thus, the choice of this word again suggests a genetic
component to the creation of these giants.”
The book of Job may elucidate this idea when it says, “Dead things
are formed from under the waters. . . .” (Job 26.5). The dead in this
text is rephaim and the phrase “are formed” is from the Hebrew
“chuwl”, meaning to twist or whirl as in a double helix coil or genetic
While modern ethics has prevented scientists from pursuing eugenics,
it is completely possible that genetic manipulation in human genetic
components might create a very different being from human DNA. A
hint of what might result from such a modification was seen in April 1997, when scientists at
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore revealed that they had discovered a gene in mice which
they called growth differentiation factor-8 (GDF-8).
When mice cells were altered genetically to delete this gene, the creatures that were conceived
from these altered eggs grew enormous muscles, becoming "super mice" for all practical
purposes. The scientists wrote in the science journal Nature:
“We disrupted the GDF-8 gene by gene targeting in mice. [Mice lacking the gene] are
significantly larger than wild-type animals and show a large and widespread increase in skeletal
muscle mass. Individual muscles of mutant animals weigh two to three times more than those of
wild-type animals.”
These animals, with the GDF-8 gene, were not only stronger, they were two to three times
larger. Imagine a human being so altered, who is stronger and two or three times larger than an
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
average person, and you'll see the modern equivalent of the ancient giants, the mighty men of the
biblical accounts.
Nephilim researcher Steve Quayle also points out that the ancient giants did not suffer from a
hormonal imbalance, commonly known today as gigantism, as those who suffer from gigantism
usually suffer from a number of debilitative diseases that make movement for them difficult and
painful. This is altogether different from the powerful, proportionally built, athletically superb
warriors portrayed in the Bible and other ancient texts. So, according to Quayle, there is
definitive evidence that genetic manipulation can in fact result in the development of a gigantic
version of a particular species — in this case, mice. But can the same thing be done with
The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis
story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as
humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, says:
“After the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, the sons of men taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord”(4:18).
This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that animals were included in whatever
cross-breeding experiments were being conducted. This activity ultimately resulted in judgment
from God.
The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their
DNA with women, they “began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish” (7:5,6).
The Hebrew Bible contains associated reference to genetic mutations, which developed among
humans following this activity, including unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes,
animal appetite for blood and even lion-like features among men (2 Sam 21:20; 23:20).
Though there has been a well orchestrated agenda to deny the real origins of humanity by the
elite oligarchy, the truth is coming out. As we shall see Humanity was a special creation of the
Creator. Adam and his chosen line ruled and reigned as kings on the earth. Jewish tradition tells
that humanity was created as a race of light with no need of high technology. They possessed
abilities that are referred to now as pychic and lived for centuries without the aid of technology.
A second line of humanity, through Cain, was taught high technology by the so called builder
gods who sought to enslave them and were directly involved in our fall and the judgement of the
flood. The bible and many ancient traditions tell us that these gods will return to recreate the
Nephilim menace and enslave humanity. They will return at a specific time, thru a ‘doorway’
spoken of as the Abyss.
Though what we have been speaking of smacks of sci-fi, it is the only thing that fits the
prophesies of all traditions, with one twist. While Judaism recognizes the wisdom of the nations,
it stops short of the idolatry of believing that these shining builder gods are benevolent or our
In fact they are our ancient enemy, a topic we shal deal with in upcoming chapters.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Origin of Species
In 1895 Darwin wrote his famous book Origin of the Species. In it he theorized that evolution
was a logical sequence of evolutionary steps. He proposed the theory that through natural
selection, one species can evolve into another over a long period of time. Man's first ancestor,
according to Darwin, lived 25 million years ago. Man walked upright 5 million years ago, and
modern man made his appearance only 100,000 years ago.
Sometime artifacts are found that break all the rules, these are called anomalous artifacts. There
are hundreds of them. Some evidence exists that man could be far older than previously thought.
“Modern” human remains have been found in rock strata 55 million years old.
Over 100 million years ago, in the limestone bedrock of the Boluxi river
in Texas, countless dinosaurs left their footprints to be fossilized
forever. The tracks of another creature are also found there. The tracks
are clearly that of modern man. The trail of the tracks of man and of the
dinosaurs lead into a limestone ledge. Digging into the ledge they found
human and dinosaur prints 18-inches from one another. The limestone
itself dates to the Cretaceous period 135-million years ago. A fossilized
human figure (X-rays clearly show bone, joints and ligaments) was
found in the same strata. There sites in Australia, which Homo Sapiens
(40,000 years ago), Homo Erectus (1 million-year-old), and Neanderthal
Man appear together in a contemporaneous environment? Then there is the
Tabun site where Homo Sapiens fragments were found in strata below
(which means older than) classic Neanderthal bones. This is but one of
several digs that has produced evidence of modern man before what is
accepted as one of his predecessors.
Modern anthropologists discovered a race or group of
people found in Australia called meganthropus. These people were
estimated to be between 7 to 12 feet tall, depending on what source you
read. Four jaw fragments and
thousands of teeth have been found
in China of gigantopithecus blacki.
Based on the size of the teeth and
deep jaws, its size has been
estimated at around 10 feet and as tall as 12 feet, 1200
10,000 years ago (8000 BCE) the Mullion culture
suddenly appeared along the Algerian coast with the
largest skeletal population in the entire prehistoric record. The Mullions also possessed the
largest cranial capacity of any population the world has ever known--approximately 2,000 cc
versus our present 1,400 cc. Skeletons found showed they were mostly women and children, who
worked with tools never before seen and with unknown domesticated animals. The Mullion
culture is believe by some to be Annunaki - the gods of the Sumerians.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
When the first Spanish chroniclers arrived with the conquistador Pizaro, the Inca explained that
Tiahuanaco had been constructed by a race of giants called Huaris before Chamak-pacha, the
‘period of darkness,’ and was already in ruins before their civilization began. They said these
giants had been created by Viracocha54, the god who came from the heavens (ie., a Watcher),
who was the builder-god of Tiachunacho (in Bolivia).
As concerning giants, the Book of Urantia does not state that there were the traditional giants as
we have come to understand the ancient records. However, it does say that there were Nephilim
and that these Nephilim were a result of the mating with indigenous humans.
Some archaeologists believe that the Adamites were extremely tall people,
considerably larger than modern homo sapiens. This reference to extremely tall
people is a result of the discovery of graves containing such people. There are also
discoveries of skeletal remains of which are are literally gigantic, such as this
human femur found in Turkey. There are numerous ancient and more modern
accounts of discoveries of giant skeletons. It’s clear from the facts that we have
much to learn about our own history and origins.
Still stranger are the abnormal skulls discovered all over the world which
are elongated. Many strangely "deformed" hominoid skulls have been
discovered in Mexico and Peru. One of them, the Starchild skull found in
Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing. The
scientific name for this is dolichocephally. Many skulls exhibiting this
condition were clearly the result of the practice of head-binding, also called
cranial deformation.
Skulls have been reportedly discovered in burial mounds by
archaeologists digging in a forest, near the southwestern Siberian city
of Omsk. Scholars at the Omsk Museum of History and Culture don't
have a conclusive answer as to the origins of the skulls, but
they have dated them and concluded that they're at least
1,600 years old. However, fearing that people may be too
shocked, due to the bizarre deformation of the skulls, the
Omsk Museum has apparently also decided to not display the strange skulls
publicly.”This really shocked and even frightened people, because the skull's shape
was unusual for a human,” said Igor Skandakov, director of the Omsk Museum of
History and Culture. An interesting parallel is the Annunaki gods of ancient Sumeria
displayed here to the right.
54 Kukulkan to the Maya and Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Discoveries of Ancient High Technology
In 1957, an unknown satellite was detected shadowing the Sputnik I
craft. It was in a polar orbit, something that neither the Americans or
Soviets were capable of at the time. This object was dubbed “The Black
In Disneyland of the Gods by John Keel, he reports in detail on this
“In February 1960 the US detected an unknown object in polar orbit, a
feat that neither they or the USSR had been able to accomplish. As if that wasn't enough, it
apparently was several sizes larger than anything either country would have been able to get off
the ground.
And then, the oddness began. HAM operators began to receive strange coded messages.
One person in particular said he managed to decode one of the transmissions, and it
corresponded to a star chart. A star chart which would have been plotted from earth
13,000 years ago, and focused on the Epsilon Bostes star system.
On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a
tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation's Long Island factory took a
photograph of it. People on the ground had been occasionally seeing it for about two
weeks at that point. Viewers would make it out as a red glowing object moving in an eastto-west orbit. Most satellites of the time, according to what little material I've been able
to find on the black knight satellite, moved from west-to-east. It's speed was also about
three times normal. A committee was formed to examine it, but nothing more was ever
made public.
Three years later, Gordon Cooper was launched into space for a 22 orbit mission. On his
final orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green shape ahead of his capsule, and heading
in his direction. It's said that the Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper
reported this too was also able to pick it up on radar traveling in an east-to-west orbit.
This event was reported by NBC, but reporters were forbidden to ask Cooper about the
event on his landing. The official explanation is that an electrical malfunction in the
capsule had caused high levels of carbon dioxide, which induced hallucinations.[1]"
The Antikythera Mechanism
The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical
calculator (also described as the first "mechanical computer")
designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was
discovered in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of
Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, in 1900. Subsequent
investigation, particularly in 2006, dated it to about 150-100
BC, and hypothesised that it was on board a ship that sank en
route from the Greek island of Rhodes to Rome, perhaps as
part of an official loot. Technological artifacts of similar
complexity did not appear until a thousand years later.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Ashoka Pillar
A testimony to ancient metallurgical skills in Delhi, India is called the
Ashoka Pillar. Standing over 23 feet, it averages 16 inches in diameter and
weighs about 6 tons. The solid wrought-iron shaft is made up of expertly
welded discs. An inscription on the base is an epitaph to King Chandra
Gupta II, who died in A.D. 413. Despite being well over a millennium and
a half in age, the Pillar's constitution is remarkably preserved. The smooth
surface is like polished brass with only occasional instances of pock-marks
and weathering. The mystery is that any equivalent mass of iron, subjected
to the Indian monsoon rains, winds and temperatures for 1,600 years or more would have been
reduced to rust long ago. Production of the iron and the techniques of preservation are
supposedly far beyond 5th century abilities. It is probably far older, maybe several thousand
years. Who were the mysterious metallurgists who made this wonder, and what happened to their
The Abaddos Temple
In 1848, an archaeological expedition working in Egypt
discovered strange hieroglyphs on a ceiling beam at an ancient
temple in Abydos, several hundred miles south of Cairo. The
hieroglyphs were carefully copied and brought back to Europe.
The mysterious images gave rise to heated debate amongst
Egyptologists. Eventually, however, they were dismissed as
bizarre objects that nobody could adequately explain and were
The conventional explanation for these mysterious carvings, fielded by modern Egyptologists, is
that they are just illusions. The most likely cause of these anomalous hieroglyphs is considered to
be due to re-facing and re-carving of the original temple stonework, and to weathering effects.
Recently, the respected Arab newspaper 'Al-Sharq Al-Awsat' published several photographs
taken at another Egyptian temple, the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. The photographs are of
carvings believed to be three thousand years old. They appear very similar to the carvings found
at Abydos. There is a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit, and nearby, other
modern-looking flying craft. So, there are in fact not one, but two almost identical sets of
carvings at Karnak and Abydos. What are the chances of that being due to identical palimpsest
effects at both locations?
Additionally, ancient craft can be seen in carvings of ancient
Sumeria as well, which appear as cigar shaped craft, a common
description of flying craft in UFO sightings of the Industrial
Age. Given the evidence of these ancient carvings and the Vedic
texts which describe them, our conclusion is that alien visitors
were responsible for these ancient aircraft.
The Golden Mirror of Russia
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Explorer and archeologist Johathan Gray ( has recently released
information, that if factual, confirms our belief that the pre-flood society was technologically
very advanced.
A discovery was made in a Russian mine at the depth of 4 miles. A security box was uncovered
which contained a golden mirror approximately 5 inches by 8 inches by ½ inch thick.
X-rays of the mirror revealed something that looked like a circuit board within. During further
testing, the artifact turned white and black lines of what looked like a foreign language appeared
on it. Photographs were taken of the writing and no one could tell what language it was. The
team decided to involve the military decoding people. But they would only get photographs of
the writing not the artifact. The de-coding people ran every word of the strange language through
their super computers and eventually a breakthrough came. But the translation would shock all
mankind andwas never going to be let out to the world, unless a copy could be smuggled out. In
Johnathans email he gave several excepts which literally blow the lid off the origins of humanity.
“This is the 800th year… I Jubal, the son of Lamech… want to leave this history to my children
and all those who follow me. “I want to tell the other side of the story, the true version, not the
religious foolishness of my great, great, great grandfather.“From the very beginning there were
some of us who knew that the false teachings of Adam had to be stopped. They were corrupting
our children. Arguments were a daily thing…. We just moved away from them….
“I remember as a child that we all… had a glow about us… Now it seems that we are not as
glowing… they lost nearly half their light. “He told us, because of the change, great fear came
upon them. Now it seems that we are not as glowing as the other group, but this came on so
gradually that no one thought much about it….
“Another thing I have noticed is the diminishing of ‘quickness of the mind’. We seem not to be as
sharp as we were in the beginning. We have to think things out and reason, whereas before we
just seemed to know the answer to whatever the problem was.
“The same with the ‘power of the mind’. We used to be able to do many things with our minds,
but have lost that power for some reason, but we just invent a machine to do the work, so it is no
“We made vehicles to transport us, when we could not transport ourselves with our minds
anymore. We devoted many years trying to restore our mental powers, but could not, so invented
things to make up the difference. “We were growing day by day and our inventions were
glorious to behind. The sad thing is that the time came when our children and grandchildren
didn’t believe us when we said that we used to have the power.
“Adam and his followers are constantly trying to get us to return to the old ways. Why would we
want to? He is living in the past.“Our technology and transportation is so great that we are the
marvel of the world. We have proven that we do not need the old ways of Adam.
“In fact, the rumor is floating around that soon we will be able to transport to the moon. We
have gone to the very corners of the earth. Why not the moon? The sky is the limit for our
55 International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He
has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions
to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world. He lectures internationally.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
“When my family and I flew to Zan the other day. We noticed that some of the lush foliage was
gone from the earth. I wonder what is causing that? With so many changes in my life, I wonder
what…” [end of translation]
The writing is describing the pre-flood world. Jubal is the son of the biblical Lamech who is
mention both in Genesis and in Sefer Yashar (translation - the Correct or True Record or book),
known as the Book of Jasher. Genesis 4:18-24 says
“Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then
building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the
father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father
of Lamech.”Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. 20 Adah gave
birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. His brother’s
name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes. Zillah also
had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain’s sister
was Naamah. Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear
my words.I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. If Cain is avenged
seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.”
Book of Yasher chapter 2 gives more details of these events. The passage refers to the two
daughters of Cainan whom married Lamech. Cainan was a very wise sage and a ruler from
Adam’s group of humanity and knew the prophecy of God’s impending judgement (the Flood).
During a hunting excursion Lamech, who is aged and who had taken his very young son Tubal
Cain with him because Lamech’s vision was poor. During the hunt, Adam’s son Cain was in the
same field and was accidently killed by Lamech, who thought he had shot an animal. The
passage implies that Tubal Cain was his eyes and mis-identified Cain, who was a long distance
off, as an animal. Once he discovered he had killed Cain, he struck Tubal-Cain in a fit of rage.
Lamechs wives hated him for killing both Tubal-Cain, Zillah’s son and Cain, son of Adam.
Jubal, Lamech’s son tells us that there were two divisions of humanity, one which was the
And what about this prophecy from Isaiah:
“The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the mountain
of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, OPEN THE GATES, YE RULER. I
[emphasis added]. . . . For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day
of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate. . . . And Babylon . . . shall be as when God
overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. . . . It shall never be inhabited . . . and monsters shall rest
there, and devils shall dance there and satyrs shall dwell there . . .” (Isaiah 13:1-3, 9, 19-22,
[Septuagint Version]).
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Biblical Races and the Divine Council
There is much confusion these days regarding the origins of mankind. The
sacred cow of atheism, Darwin’s theory of evolution, is taking a beating
and is no longer the undisputed king of the scientific community. Darwin
himself candidly admitted that he had no proof at all for his thesis- man's
supposed evolutionary descent from lower animals. He admitted once:
“The great break in the organic chain between man and his nearest
allies,which cannot be bridged over by any extinct or living species, has
often been advanced as a grave objection to the belief that man is
descended from some lower animal.56
Darwin admits there are missing links in the evolutionary theory. Those links still to this day
have not been conclusively established. Since Darwin first published his theory, one which
originates with the ancient Greeks 2500 years ago, other theories have put forth, such as the Star
Seed theory and the intelligent design theories. Within the last 40 years a great effort has been
made to advance a theory that humanity was given an evolutionary boost by extraterrestial
Strangely enough, the Hebrew Bible supports this theory, at least in part. The Genesis account
makes it clear that God created man, not evolved him. In chapter one, God made a strange
statement in regard to our creation - “Let us make man in our image...” We must take note of the
plural us that the singular God (elohim) speaks of. Christianity would try to convince us that this
is the Trinity, the triune Godhead of YHVH, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Most biblical scholars,
even Christian, do not support this interpretation. Jewish tradition teaches that the Us is a
pluralis majestatis. Rabbi Raphael Hirch states that the use of the pluralis majestatis is used by
kings to give direction to his subjects. We believe that the Us are the holy angels of the Divine
Council, subjects of the Great King - YHVH.
Many people who are adherents of the biblical faiths of Judaism, Cristianity and Islam have
never been taught concerning the existence of a Divine Council of deified beings who direct the
affairs of the cosmos. And most also have no clue that that council was headquartered here on
earth. The Divine Council is no mere legend and serious biblical and semetics scholars take the
concept to be a powerful driving institution in ancient times. Understanding this concept will go
a long way in explaining many of the mysteries of the bible and the reason for the Fall of Man
spoken of in the beginning chapters of Genesis.
The Divine Council
In addition to associating humanity with the image of God, certain traditions describes the first
man as a member of the divine council, a term used by Hebrew and Semitic scholars for the
heavenly host, the pantheon of divine beings who administer the affairs of the universe. All
ancient Mediterranean cultures had some conception of a divine council. The divine council of
the Israelite religion, known primarily through the Psalms. In the JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh,
Psalm 82:1 is translated as:
56 Descent of Man by Charles Darwin, chapter 6
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
“God stands in the divine assembly; among the divine beings
He pronounces judgement.”
The (dt )ilm ("assembly of El / the gods”) of the Ugaritic texts
represents the most precise parallel to the data of the Hebrew
Bible. Translated shortly after their discovery in the 1930s, these
tablets contain several phrases describing a council of gods that
are conceptually and linguistically parallel to the Hebrew Bible.
The Ugaritic council was led by El, the same proper name used
in the Hebrew Bible for the God of Israel (e.g., Is 40:18; 43:12).
Psalm 82:1 uses the same expression for the council (dt)ilm), along with an indisputably plural use of
the word) elohim (“God, gods”): “God (elohim) stands in the council of El - among the gods (elohim)
He passes judgment.”
At Ugarit the divine council and its gods met on a cosmic mountain, the place where heaven and
earth intersected and where divine decrees were issued. This place was at the “source of the two
rivers (mbk nhrm) in the “midst of the fountains of the double-deep” (qrb )apq thmtm). This wellwatered mountain was the place of the “assembled congregation” (ph}r m(d).
In the Hebrew Bible, Israel’s God, YHVH, and his council dwells on mountains (Sinai or Zion; e.g.,
Ex 34:26; 1 Kings 8:10; Ps 48:1-2). A tradition preserved in Ezekiel 28:13-16 equates the “holy
mountain of God” with Eden, the “garden of God.” Eden appears in Ezekiel 28:2 as the “seat of the
It is believed that every nation has a guardian angel who is the chief administrator and protector
of that nation. In the tenth chapter of Daniel the story unfolds of the prophet praying for twentyone days before the angel Gabriel appears to say that “...from the first day thou didst set thine
heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, they words were heard, and I am
come for thy words” (Dan. 10:12).
A powerful Persian demon had opposed him, and not until Michael, the archangel, came to help
was Gabriel free to continue his journey. In Persian theology this opposing spirit would have
been identified as Ahriman. In the Book of Daniel he is simply called “the prince of the kingdom
of Persia” (Iraq/Iran). He was the Babel gatekeeper.
God also revealed to Daniel (chapter 7) other types of earthly influences: the Babylonian, the
Medo-Persian, the Greek, and the Roman, each of which was a mere human agency under the
control of supernatural powers or ‘princes.’
If you have read Psalm 82 in it’s entirety, you will have noticed that God is rebuking the Divine
Council for showing favor towards the wicked. We should realize that at least part of the Council
is not looking after our best interests. This should be taken seriously. The Christian texts state
that one should test the spirits because not all spirits are Man’s friend, even if they look friendly.
Sons of God
Genesis chapter 2 portrays the first man as an earthly extension of the divine council, and
Genesis chapter 6 presents a theomorphic view of humanity through the story of the Sons of God.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Michael Heiser draws attention to the fact that it is well known among Semitists and scholars of
the Hebrew Bible that the biblical phrase Sons of God has “certifiable linguistic counterparts in
Ugaritic texts referring to a council of gods under El and that the meaning of [this phrase] in the
Hebrew Bible points to divine beings.”
As is the case with other Semitic languages, the word “son” or ben in Hebrew can denote a
fellow of a group, class or guild. In the book of Samuel, Saul encounters a group of prophets
which are called the sons of the prophets, referring to the students of the prophets. Therefore, the
Sons of God in the Tanakh refers to the lesser gods of the divine council. These are the beings
who, according to the description provided in Job 38:7, “sang together” and “shouted for joy”
when God created the world.
Since their discovery in 1928, the religious texts of ancient Ugarit have made biblical scholars
increasingly aware of the original meaning of the designation “Sons of God” as a title for the
members of the divine council. The expression appears, for example, in reference to the deities
addressed by the Canaanite god Baal in KTU 1.4 iii: 13–14:
Valiant Baal re[plie]d; the Charioteer of the Clouds responded: “The Beloved came up
and insulted me; he arose and spat upon me in the midst of the ass[emb]ly of the sons of
El [bn ilm].”
The Irin or Watchers
Zecharia Sitchin in The Stairway to Heaven states: The Akkadians called their predecessors
Shumerians, and spoke of the Land of Shumer. It was in fact the biblical Land of Shin’ar.57 It
was the land whose name—Shumer—literally meant the Land of the Watchers. It was the
Egyptian Ta Neter—Land of the Watchers, the land from which gods had come to Egypt. So,
Sumeria could mean “Land of the Watchers,” and it is from this land that the Elohim or Shining
Ones, who governed the Watchers, also came.
Enoch in 1 Enoch 20:1-8 even gives us the names of these Watchers, and I noted that they were
all subtitled Shining Ones with the ending:
And these are the names of the holy angels who watch. Uriel, one of the holy
angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus. Raphael, one of the holy
angels, who is over the spirits of men. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes
vengeance on the world of the luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit,
he that is set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraqael, one of the
holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy
angels, who is over Paradise and the Serpents and the Cherubim. Remiel, one
of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise.
Clearly from the above text, it is clear that the Serpents are not snakes but celestial beings whom
are governed by God’s messenger, Gabriel.
The Human Race
Much ink has been used in trying to explain what the term, ‘made in the image of God’ really
means. Most definitions fall short of explaining the biblical term. I have found that the Semetics
57 Shinar (also Šin`ar in Hebrew and Sennaar in the Septuagint) may possibly be a corruption of Hebrew Shene neharot ("two
rivers"), Hebrew Shene arim ("two cities"), or Akkadian Sumeru which meant perhaps land of the civilized lords.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
scholar Michael Heiser58 who is an authority on ancient Middle East texts and languages, gives
one of the most meaningful definitions of the concept of being created in God’s image. Much of
the following information is based on his theory on the tzelem of God.
“Then God ['elohim] said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the
earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God ['elohim] created man in
His own image; in the image of God ['elohim] He created him; male and female He created
them. Then God [elohim] blessed them, and God [elohim] said to them, “Be fruitful and
multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the
air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”(GENESIS 1:26-28 NKJV)
The word tzelem (image) elsewhere always refers to a physical
representation or appearance while the Hebrew word "demut" (likeness)
denotes similarity in form and deed. For example, the Book of Ezekiel uses
tzelem when it refers to “men sculptured upon the walls, figures of
Chaldeans drawn in vermilion” (23:14) or when it accuses Israel of
fornicating with “phallic images” (16:17). The word often refers to idols (e.g., Num. 33:52;
Ezek. 7:20; Amos 5:26; 2 Chron. 23:17). It always signifies a concrete entity rather than an
abstract one. Since G-d does not have form it is believed this is meaning the image which was
seen by the prophets when G-d revealed Himself to them.
Michael teaches that the tzelem of God is term which is used in a functional sense - we are to
“image” God as opposed to a QUALITATIVE sense - the image is some quality or ability given
to us, some possessed attribute, such as intelligence, a view that falls on it’s face when we look
closely at it. For instance, chimpanzees display intelligence and can even learn basic words and
can use simple tools. If intelligence, a possessed attribute, makes one in the image of God, then
a chimpanzee is also an image of God. And what about a person with severe mental retardation
who lacks the intellect of a normal human and also displays poor motor coordination. Does that
mean he is not made in the image of God?When Scripture speaks of mankind being created in
the image of God, what is meant is that mankind has been created to represent God on earth. God
deliberately created mankind to rule the earth, and to accomplish this purpose, He created man as
His own image - He made man his co-regent / representative ruler. The image of God then, refers
to our unique status as human beings, rulers in God's stead, according to His own will. We are
created AS His image - to function as He would were He administering His own affairs directly.
Our abilities - unequally given to us in the providence of God are not THE image, but only a
means to carrying out His expressed and often secret end.
This status conferred to man could be the reason for the Nachash’s action’s in the Garden. Gan
Eden as it is referred to in Hebrew was literally the Headquaters of the Council and God had just
made Adam as Administrator over it, a position he possibly coveted. Isaiah notes for us that
Helel ben Shakar, or Lucifer in popular literature, desired to rule over the Council:
58 Mike Heiser is a scholar in the fields of biblical studies and the ancient Near East. He is the Academic Editor of Logos Bible
Software. Mike earned the M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
in 2004. He has also earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields: Ancient Israel and
Egyptology). His main research interests are Israelite religion (especially Israel’s divine council), biblical theology, ancient
Near Eastern religion, biblical & ancient Semitic languages, and ancient Jewish binitarian monotheism.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on
the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
The stars of God is another term used to refer to the Sons of God of the Divine Council. The
Mount of Assembly is referencing the location of Zaphon, used here in the original Hebrew
meaning of the north. Zaphon was the most sacred mountain of the Canaanites and the location
of the Divine Council.
The Serpent or Reptilian Race of the Nachash
In Genesis chapter 3 there is a conversation taking place between Eve and what is translated as
the serpent and thought to be a snake. An animal could not carry on a conversation, and therefore
it is not a lowly animal. And thinking it is a allegory, does injustice to the effort that it is relating
creation history. It is a real event, couched in cyrptic terms.
This was an intelligent, knowledgeable, and crafty being dwelling in the garden at the same time,
and along with Adam and Eve. In the Hebrew this being or person is called the 'Nachash.' The
Hebrew word nachash is translated to shine (like brass) or whisper (as in enchantment). The
Nachash was not a literal snake, but a Shining One, which there are numerous instances of
shining beings throughout the Hebrew Bible who speak to humans Scripture goes on to say that
the Nachash was higher in intelligence than any living thing of the field that YHVH Elohim had
It is our belief that the Nachash is either one several pre-Adamite races living on the planet, one
of the lower elohim of the Divine Council, or a Watcher.
Regarding the existence of pre-Adamite races we have numerous examples to draw from. The
skeletal remains of many pre-historic beings have been found - Neanderthal Man, Homo Erectus,
Cro-Maganon Man and many others. While modern science relegates these beings as primitive,
there is no conclusive proof that all of them were.
Scripture gives a hint that the descendants of the Nachash race are still on the globe today, for
the resultant curse of his deception to Eve is continuous hatred (conflict) between his 'off-spring'
(descendants of the Nachash) and the 'off-spring' of the woman with Adam (Gen. 3:15). The
Nachash and his descendants are cursed by God, and by their actions, will always be a shrewd,
adversarial, deceptive, attacking and a cunning race of people; we will likely only know them
through their iniquity.
Serpent or Reptilian Race
The Canaanites, desendants of Ham, Canaan and Nimrod, are implicated in many places
regarding the Shining Ones, the original serpent priests—another name for the Shining Ones.
The serpent was known in the language of Canaan variously as Aub, Ab; Oub, Ob; Oph, Op;Eph,
Ev. In the Mayan language “can” also means serpent, as in Cuculcan the bird serpent, and just
as in the ancient Sumerian Acan and the Scottish Can for serpent, which is where we get the
word “canny” referring to the cunning of the serpent. Vulcan (sounding like Votan and Wotan),
the Roman god of fire, comes from the Babylonian Can for serpent and Vul for fire, showing an
etymological link across thousands of miles and oceans and meaning, therefore,that Vulcan is the
shining serpent.
Indeed even the very center of the Christian world, the Vatican, comes from the words “vatis”
for prophet and “can” for serpent, making the Vatican a place of serpent prophecy. The name
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Vatican is ancient and predates Christianity, coming from the Latin Mons Vaticanus, meaning
Vatican Mount. In the Vatican-museum the crest of the Vatican is the oldest and central piece of
their collection.
The crest of the Vatican is ‘the serpent-dragon.’ It represents the
pagan god Marduk from Babylon; Roman Emperor Heliogabalus
introduced it to the Roman Empire in the 3rd Century. Just before the
Vatican had been formally established by Emperor Constantinus in
the early 4th Century with the crest of Marduk, who is one of the
In the Testament of Amram (manuscript B), an important text discovered at Qumran in 1947, we
have a remarkable insight into the aspect of these shining Watchers: “I asked them, “Who are
you, that you are thus empowered over me?” They answered me, “We have been empowered and
rule over all mankind.” They said to me, “Which of us do you choose to rule you?”I raised my
eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a viper, his cloak many
colored yet very dark. And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper,
andwearing exceedingly, and all his eyes….I replied tohim, “This Watcher, so is he?” He
answered me, “This Watcher….and his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King
of Evil.”
Nachash - the God of the Mayans?
In Meso-american traditions, Quetzalcoatl is said to return with his children. The god
Quetzalcoatl, is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. He is the god intelligence and selfreflection, a patron of priests.
As the Lord of the East he is associated with the morning star,
his twin brother Xolotl was the evening star (Venus). As the
morning star he was known by the name Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli,
“lord of the star of the dawn.” An other representation of
Quetzalcoatl is Ehecatl, the Wind God. His calendrical name is
Ce Acatl (One Reed).After the last world, the Fourth Sun had
been destroyed, Quetzalcoatl went to Mictlan, the land of the
death, and created our current world, the Fifth Sun, by using
his own blood to give new life to bones. Quetzalcoatl is also the giver of maize (corn) to
Quetzalcoatl is sometimes depicted as a white man (light, the shining ones) looking nothing like
the Mesoamerican people who worshipped him. Most often he is depicted as a feather serpent.
Feathers represent the ascension of human consciousness back to its origins - while serpent
represent human DNA.
The Hopi says “My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our
brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy.
we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.”e Pentagon, on the 77th m
The Ancient Hatred
The result of the conflict has taken a heavy toil on humanity. We have been deprived of contact
with God and our nature has been changed and cast us even lower on the ‘food chain.’ A change
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
is noted in Genesis. Prior to the fall Adam was called"eth-ha'adam" The Man to "ha'Adam" (with
article/command), to Adam after the fall(disobedience).
One glaring question concerning this conflict between the Nachash and Humanity needs to be
asked. Why? Why did the Nachash, through manipulation, want the Human race to disobey
God’s instructions which caused the Fall of Mankind and expulsion from the Garden of Eden,
the dwelling place of the Divine Council. This act shows the malevolence of the Nachash
towards the new race of Humanity. But why, what threat did Adam pose?
The Universe, as envisaged in the Talmud, is inhabited by two clases of beings - the Elyonim
(those from above) and the Tachtonim (those below).59 Jewish tradition also tells us that not all
the angels were overjoyed at YHVH’s new creation and spoke out against God’s plan to create
Islamic tradition goes further and tells us that when Allah (God) commanded all of the angels to
bow down before Adam (the first Human), Iblis (also known as Shaytan in Arabic or Satan in
Hebrew), full of hubris and jealousy, refused to obey Allah's command, seeing Adam as being
inferior in creation due to his being created from clay as compared to him (created of fire).
According to the Quran, God created Satan out of "smokeless fire or from the pure flame of fire"
but only created man out of clay.
“It is We60 Who created you and gave you shape; then we bade the angels prostrate to Adam,
and they prostrate; not so Iblis (Lucifer); He refused to be of those who prostrate.”(Allah) said:
“What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?” He said: "I am better than he:
Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay.”
From the rebellion of Satan against God was directly connected to our tragic fall. Satan, as so
many traditions indicate, is also referred to as the Serpent. Whether or not he is the same
Nachash in the garden is unimportant. The actions of the Nachash triggered a conflict which we
are still engaged in. The events of Genesis 6 are not, in my opinion, disconnected from the
Nachash/Adamite war, but is a calculated attack on humanity. This war between the two races
(‘seeds’) was now taken to a new level in the days of Jared, when a group of Watchers
descended at Mount Hermon and began polluting the human gene pool with transgenic hybrids
known as Nephilim in an attempt to destroy the image of Elohim.
And therein lies the mystery, the point repeatedly hidden from humanity
by principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in high places, an apt
description of the Illuminati Elite. The Illuminati, are the ruling families
of old, whose bloodlines are Nephilim. These super-rich elites are
working for our old arch enemies - the Nachash/Annunaki fallen angels.
Their ancient hatred for man compels them to try to completely
subjugate us and eventually to destroy us. Their offspring - the
Nephilim - hate us because we are, regardless of our current state, able to be resurrected by God.
They are the abominations, and God will destroy them completely during the End of Days.
59 Everyman’s Talmud by Abraham Cohen, pg 47
60 Quite often in the Quran, Allah speaks of himself in the plural - We.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
For instance, Gilgamesh complains of his hopeless situation as a nephilim, in the Epic of
Gilgamesh. Because he was 2/3 Nephilim and 1/3 Human, he would be consigned to roam the
earth as a demonic spirit upon the death of his physical body. He attempts to learn the secrets of
eternal life and immortality from Noah, but his destiny had already been sealed by the Anunnaki
who had created him.
Certain evidence suggests that Gilgamesh spent a good portion of his time creating more
nephilim of his own, by sexually accosting the brides of his kingdom on the eve of their
weddings, thereby assuring that every first born child in his kingdom, would have nephilim DNA.
This tradition would be later practiced by many royals throughout history. This is why the
tradition of the First Born, became so important to the royal classes for literally, millenia, and
possibly why only the firstborn were chosen for death in Egypt. The evidence shows that the
Illuminati bloodlines go all the way back - to ancient Sumer. Our next book in the series In the
Shadow of the Apocalypse – Book II, The Conspiracy of Tyranny will document the vast global
cabal which has seized our world since the days of Sumer.
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
 Lessons in Antiquity
The second Golden Age coincided with the period which immediately followed the Flood, the
first Golden Age being directly after Creation.
Traditions would later describe survivors of the Deluge as gods because they were members of a
superior civilization, which ceased to exist some time after the Great Flood. Egyptian records
would contend that the reign of the “gods” before the First Dynasty was one of superior and
miraculous powers. Ancient records indicate that after the flood mankind, established a highly
advanced society in Sumer. The biblical record states that this civilization was planted on the
plains of Shinar, which now is considered the seat of idolatry and sin.
The Jewish prince Daniel is said to have been taken by Nebuchadnezzar and brought … to the
land of Shinar, to the house of his god (Dan. 1:2). It is here that the setting for the book of Daniel
is established, point that is often overlooked. In the future Shinar shall one of the territories
from which HaShem “will again recover the second time with His hand the remnant of His
people, who will remain, from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath” (Isa.
Many scholars and commentators connect Shinar with Sumeria and Babylon. Shinar is the place
of the first post flood one world government, led by a figure known as Nimrod. As is so often in
the Tanakh, the names of many famous or infamous personages are noted by their characteristics.
These ‘names may or may not be what they are actually called.
Nimrod comes from the Hebrew verb marad, meaning rebel. Thus Nimrod most likely is a
derisive term of a type, representative of a system that is epitomized in rebellion against the
Creator, the one true God. The scripture notes of Nimrod, the son of Cush:
“The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of
The Genesis account identifies the land of Shinar as the location of the Tower of Babel. This is
the ancient land of Sumer where many ancient documents have been discovered. Within these
documents are stories paralleling many of the Genesis accounts including creation, Noah and the
flood. in them we also find a story of the confounding of the languages, the result of humanities
In those days, the lands of Subur (and) Hamazi, Harmony-tongued (?) Sumer, the great land of
the decrees of princeship, Uri, the land having all that is appropriate(?), The land Martu, resting
in security, The whole universe, the people in unison (?) To Enlil in one tongue [spoke]. ...
(Then) Enki, the lord of abundance, (whose) commands are trustworthy, The lord of wisdom,
who understands the land, The leader of the gods, Endowed with wisdom, the lord of Eridu
Changed the speech in their mouths, [brought (?)] contention into it, Into the speech of man that
(until then) had been one.61
61 Translation from The Babel of Tongues: A Sumerian Version by Kramer, S.N., Journal of the American Oriental
Society 88:108-11,1968
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The biblical stories including creation, the fall of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, Noah and
the flood, the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages have been found in hundreds of
cultures throughout the world as the accounts below demonstrate:
in Central America:
And as men were thereafter multiplying they constructed a very high and strong Zacualli, which
means “a very high tower” in order to protect themselves when again the second world should
be destroyed. At the crucial moment their languages were changed, and as they did not
understand one another, they went into different parts of the world.62
in Polynesia:
“But the god in anger chased the builders away, broke down the building, and changed their
language, so that they spoke divers tongues.”63
American Indian, Crow:
"Then Little Coyote did something bad. He suggested to Old Man that he give the people
different languages so they would misunderstand each other and use their weapons in wars...
Old Man did what Little Coyote said, and the people had different languages and made war on
each other."64
This confounding of the single human language was the result of Nimrod’s open rebellion and
apostacy against God. A key understanding regarding Nimrod’s empire is the way the text reads:
“The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of
It does not say that this was the totality of his empire, but that how we have been interpreting it.
Those city-states were the start of his drive for power - for empire. In fact several sources state
that his empire extended outside of Mesopotamia. Alouf stated in his History of Baalbek:
“after the flood, when Nimrod reigned over Lebanon, he sent giants to rebuild the fortress of
Baalbek, which was so named in honour of Baal, the god of the Moabites and worshippers of the
The Sumerian city of Kish was also part of that empire but is not listed. The Sumerian King List
mentions five cities existing before the Flood; Eridu, Bad-tinia, Larak, Sippar, and Shuruppak.
The list states that Kish was the first city following the Flood to have kings. We believe that Kish
took its name from the man known in the bible as Cush, the father of Nimrod. The first kingdom
established after the Flood was Kish, and the name Kish appears often on clay tablets. The
Sumerian Kings List also tells us that kingship descended from heaven to Kish after the Flood.
Cush, the son of Ham, is also the original name of Eithiopia up until modern times. Other post
flood Sumerian cities assigned to Nimrod’s kingdom are Erech (Uruk), Accad from which the
Akkadian empire derived it’s name from, and Calneh. Asshur, the son of Nimrod went forth
from Shinar into Upper Mesopotamia and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and Resen the great
62 Don Fernando de Alvara Ixtlilxochitl, Obras Historicas Mexico, 1891, Vol. I, p. 12.
63 R. W. Williamson, Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia Cambridge, 1933, vol. I, p. 94.
64 Jane Garry and Carl Rubino, Facts About the World's Languages H.W. Wilson, 2001
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In mentioning the Sumerian Kings List, we should also state that that list mirrors the Genesis list
of Biblical patriarchs. The Ancient Sumerian Kings list is in fact the generations leading up to
Noah from Adam.
Author and life long student of Sumerian texts and history, Zechariah Sitchin stated that, The
Akkadians called their predecessors Shumerians, and spoke of the Land of Shumer. It was, in
fact, the biblical Land of Shin'ar. It was the land whose name - Shumer - literally meant the Land
of the Watchers to the ancient Egyptians. It was indeed the Egyptian Ta Neter - Land of the
Watchers, the land from which the gods had come to Egypt.65
According to H. Welsh, it is likely, arising from association with Ur, that Shinar signifies the
land of the Mesopotamian moon god Sin, one of whose temples was at Ur. Sin had a network of
temples spanning across the Fertile Crescent, including a prominent temple in Babylon and one
of its famous Gates, also a major temple in Harran, and probably another in the city of Jericho,
whose name means Place of the Moon God. This Moon God is now known as Allah, and
worshipped by over a billion muslims. Thus we understand that Allah (from the Babylonian
elah) has his origin in Sumer.
Sumerian History
The Mesopotamians saw the world being created for the benefit of the gods, not man. The Book
of Genesis counters this idea, declaring instead that God made the world for man's benefit. Many
scholars believe the ancient Hebrews recast the stories of Creation, the Garden of Eden, Adam
and Eve and the Flood to suit themselves. We, however, take the Sumerian accounts to be told
from the perspective of a bloodline bitter against the pre-flood Adamite society from which their
progenitor (identified biblically as Cain) was exiled. This age old hostility was foretold by God
in the third chapter of Genesis. And while the Sumerian stories predate any written biblical
material, the biblical tradition pre-dates Sumer.
One of the problems with the Genesis material is that only the most significant events are
recorded in ‘micro-form’ meaning we are only given small pieces of information concerning the
true record of man’s antiquity. To get more of the story we must depend on other sources. The
history of Sumer gives us a great amount of information which can help us decipher the biblical
The Sumerians called the uncultivated steppeland or plain of edin. The Sumerian edin, which
means “uncultivated steppe or plain,” and usually associated with the area today called
In the beginning according to the Sumerian myths, before man was created, two great rivers
flowed through an uncultivated steppeland or plain, the eden/edin, the Sumerian Buranum,
Akkadian Purattu (i.e., the Euphrates) and Sumerian Idiqna, Akkadian Idiglat (Genesis'
Hiddekel, the Tigris). Eventually in the midst of this eden/edin the gods built cities to dwell in
with city-gardens to provide sustenance for themselves. Some gardens were within city walls,
others were outside the walls; irrigation canals and ditches from the Euphrates and Tigris
provided water for these city-gardens. The gods' cultivated gardens were never called eden/edin,
this term was reserved for describing the steppeland or plain. The cultivated city gardens of the
Sumerian gods were in the midst of the eden/edin, or surrounded by the eden/edin, the
uncultivated steppeland or plain.
65 Zecharia Sitchin, Stairway to Heaven
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
In the Sumerian tradition, Nintur, the goddess of birth, the mother of mankind, decided to call
mankind home from a nomadic, vagrant existence, to have them build cities and temples, and
thus become sedentary and civilized." (pp. 130-131. Thorkild Jacobsen. "The Eridu Genesis." pp.
129-142 in Richard S. Hess & David Toshio Tsumura. Editors. I Studied Inscriptions From
Before the Flood, Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11.
Winona Lake, Indiana. Eisenbrauns. 1994)
Genesis tells of Cain’s exile for murder, from the Adamite society who becomes a nomadic
wanderer until he builds a city named after his son Enosh. Upon Cain’s sentence of exile, he
pleads with God that he would be in danger of being killed and subsequently recieves a mark,
which guarantees his saftey.
The Sumerian an edin-na (an = high + edin-na =plain) is rendered variously as a high desert,
steppe, or plain where shepherds graze their sheep and goats. This edin is characterized as being
a place of danger, inhabitated by snakes and other predatory creatures of the desert (leopards,
lions, and hyenas). Edin is not a pleasant, idyllic place of tranquility where man has no fear its
wild animals.
The Mesopotamians understood man had been created to care for the gods' city-gardens (at
Eridu and Nippur and Babylon) and present them their produce for their sustenance in the
Temples. These gardens which produced grain for bread and beer, fruit-trees, and assorted
vegetables were surrounded by uncultivated steppeland called the edin where shepherds grazed
their flocks (the gardens themselves were never called edin). The farmer was vigilant to keep out
of his garden-fields of grain, the shepherd of edin and his foraging flocks. Bandits are also
prevalent in the an-edin or high steppe.
The Mesopotamians equated the good-life with city dwelling. The Mesopotamian city-dwellers
regarded the edin as a place of lawlessness, filled with tent-dwelling nomads and bandits. The
wanderers of edin are murderers, no wonder then Cain the "wanderer" fears for his life, he has
"murdered" and become a wanderer, and wanderers in Mesopotamian eyes are equated with
lawless murderers.
“Generally, the town-dwelling population of southern Mesopotamia considered the open semidesert countryside to be a dangerous and lawless place...”66
The Hebrew Bible denies the notion that city life is the good life. Cain the violent wanderermurderer is the founder of the world's first city and one of his descendants, Lamech, boasts of
killing a man (Ge 4:23-24). A survey of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament reveals that
cities, particularly great cities are generally spoken of in a negative light.
The Land of Nod
We are told the Garden is watered by one stream that later becomes four streams. Where in
Mesopotamia does one river subdivide into four? The answer: The Euphrates is single stream
from Mari to the vicinity of Sippar. Upon reaching the latter location the great floodplain of
Lower Mesopotamia is encountered and here the single river subdivides into three major streams
who are joined by a fourth stream the Tigris, near Sippar. So Eden's four streams have been
66 p. 13. "Arali." Gwendolyn Leick. A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology. London. Routledge. 1991. Reprint 1997
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
The Garden in Eden watered by one stream then, is probably Mari and the land of Nod, east of
Eden (east of the Garden in Eden) becomes the great floodplain of Lower Mesopotamia. Cain
and the Sumerian Shepherd Kings
The genealogy of the Illuminati (Merovingian) bloodline has for centuries been shrouded in
mystery, and yet, diligent researchers have been able to definitively trace it back to the Shepherd
Kings of ancient Sumer. Subsequently, we have managed to fine-tune the focus of our
investigation further still and many indications (both ancient and modern) seem to suggest that
the role played by Chaldea was of pivotal importance.
Some scholars indicate that the so called Hittite empire is that of the Chaldean/Babylonians and
that is why Greek historians never mention it. The Egyptians referred to them as Kheta and the
Assyrians called the Hatti, and are referenced as such in the El Armana letters.
The ancient Hittite empire is believed to be composed of a priestly class, the Khaldi’s - a spelling
variant of our Anglicized Chaldees (or Culdees). The term Chaldees is a designation that refers
not nessessarily to the land of Chaldea (Mesopotamia/Sumer), but to a group of nomatic
religious mystics. These Chaldeans roamed from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Canaan and even into
eastern Europe.
They were the ones who carried and kept alive the ancient mystery religions of ancient Sumer the religions of the goddess Inanna/ Ishtar and of the sun god Utu (aka Shamash) as well as of
Marok, Marduk, Merodach, Bel or Baal. Sumeria’s deified kings were associated symbolically
with both the Sun and the Serpent, and were viewed to be “sons of the Sun”, or sons of God. The
religion of the goddess Ishtar was their main attraction - a prostitution religion of “Holy Sex.”
Their religions were the forerunners of our modern-day Freemasons—much of the Chaldean
dogmas have been preserved and are incorporated into Freemasonry.
Between 9000 and 5000 BCE, cities (pre-Sumerian Ubaid culture) appeared at evenly placed
spots in Mesopotamis, all of them built around the metal industry. The inhabitants were the first
known to forge copper and bronze; and are the first recorded to successfully smelt iron.
In concert with this there are loan words of a pre-Sumerian origin. Professional names such as
simug 'blacksmith' and tibira 'copper smith', 'metal-manufacturer' are not original Sumerian
words. Agricultural terms, like engar 'farmer', apin 'plow' and absin 'furrow', are neither of
Sumerian origin. Craftsman like nangar 'carpenter', agab 'leather worker' Religious terms like
sanga 'priest.' These pre-historic words most likely derive from the cultures mentioned in the
fourth chapter of Genesis - the Adamites from the line of Seth, the offspring from Cainite and
Nodite intermixing, which scholars call the Ubaid culture, a pre Sumerian culture.
The Greeks believed that the people who first worked with bronze and iron came from the Ararat
area, and they called them Khaldi.67 A very interesting point is that Cain’s offspring, specifically
Tubal-Cain were a worker in metals.
The Aryan Stock
It is now acknowledged by scholars that the Sumerians were what has become known as the
Aryans68 and their land referred to as Ari-iki (or Ur-ike) - Land of the Ari or Aryans, a land the
which Assyriologists suppose to be in Upper Mesopotamia. Upper Mesopotamia is the area
between the Euphrates and the Tigris from their sources down to Baghdad. Lower Mesopotamia
67 Accuracy in Genesis: New Perspectives Affirming the Scriptural Creation, (pg 41) by Herman Daily,
68 The term Aryan is derived from the Sanskrit term arya meaning “noble” or “spiritual.”
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
is the area from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf. L.A. Waddell has demonstrated a connection
between Sumer and the ancient Indus valley civilization.
In his works Aryan Origin of the Alphabet and Sumer-Aryan Dictionary (1927) L.A.Waddell
attempted to prove that the Sumerian language was of an Aryan origin, linked most closely to a
Proto-Indo-Hittite script. The non-Semitic origin of the Sumerian language was first established
in the late 19th century by Julius Oppert and Henry Rawlinson from which many different
theories were proposed as to its origin. Modern consensus is that Sumerian is a language isolate,
meaning a natural language with no demonstrable genetic relationship with other languages. It
literally appeared out of nowhere.
Waddell believed that ancient civilizations were the product of Sumerian (Aryan) colonists such
as the Indus Valley Civilization, Minoan Crete, Phoenicia, Dynastic Egypt and Bronze Age
Deities of Sumer
The Mesopotamian pantheon is quite tangled because different cultures and ages have added to
it. The Sumerians honoured about 1000 gods, about fifty of whom were considered the main
gods, but especially important were seven gods – the Great Seven. The functions of different
gods tended to vary by city states, but of the Great Seven: An was universally the god of heaven,
Enlil – the god of air and earth, and Enki – the god of water and wisdom; less important were
Utu – the Sun god, Nanna – the Moon god, Inanna – the goddess of love and war, and
Ninhursag, the mother of gods.
In the Akkadian culture which came after them, An became Anu, Enlil became Marduk (and also
Bel), Enki became Ea, Utu was Samas or Shamash, Inanna becomes Ishtar, and Nanna becomes
Sin the Moon god who later would become Allah of the Muslims. From the beginning of
Mesopotamian history till the end of cuneiform cultures Sin was considered the eldest of the
planetary gods.
The deified kings of Sumeria were most likely the descendants of the biblical Cain who was
driven from the Adamite community for the murder of Abel. Genesis states that Cain founded a
city and named it after his son, Enoch. The Hebrew Bible indicates that it was in the days after
Cain was exiled and when Adam’ grandson Enosh was born that “ began to invoke the
LORD by name.”
The Jewish sages indicate that this was a troubled stage for mankind based on Enosh’s name
‫ אֱ נוֹשׁ‬which is related to ‫ אנס‬meaning force and ‫ ענס‬meaning punishment. Chazal (the sages of
69 His key work on Sumerian hyperdiffusionism was published in 1929, the full title printed as The makers of civilization in
race & history, showing the rise of the Aryans or Sumerians, their origination & propagation of civilization, their extension
of it to Egypt & Crete, personalities & achievements of their kings, historical originals of mythic gods & heroes with dates
from the rise of civilization about 3380 B.C. reconstructed from Babylonian, Egyptian, Hittite, Indian & Gothic sources. In
this work Waddell attempted to establish an Aryan (Indo-European) origin of the Sumerians, identifying them as Indo-Hittites
or a branch of Anatolians who arrived in the Fertile Crescent during the late 4th millennium BC (ultimately having originated
as a Proto-Indo-European society in the Danube Valley) where they founded the Sumerian kingship. Having established
civilization in Sumeria, by Aryans, Waddell through archaeology, mythology and philology attempted to show ancient
Sumerian colonies across parts of Europe (especially Crete and Britain), Egypt and India. Waddell's chronology attempted to
correlate ancient rulers of Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley civilizations
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
Israel) states that Genesis 4:26 (“ began to invoke the LORD by name.”) actually means
that the Name of Lord became profaned, meaning that men and lifeless objects were called by
the name of God, and thereby idolatry began.
The city in question is admitted by all biblical authorities to be identical with the old Sumerian
seaport city of Unuk, in Lower Mesopotamia, on the Persian Gulf to the west of Lagash city. It
was latter called Erech by the Chaldeans and is the modern Warka, now left far inland by the
downward silting-up of the Euphrates delta. Now this city of Unuk or Enoch is recorded in this
second version of the Old Sumerian kings list in the Isin Chronicle to have been built by Kan, the
second Sumerian king and son of King Adar. And this is confirmed by many references in
Babylonian literature. Moreover, that city of Unuk (or Enoch) is specially recorded in the
Creation myths of the later Babylonians as having been built by Mar-Duk (a title which is
defined as " The Son of the Sun"):
“Lord Mar-Duk ... he built the city, [He built the city of Nippur], he built the temple, He
built the city of Unuk (Enoch), he built the temple of Anna. [Inanna]”70
The city of Enoch, UNUK--a city of which the historical King Kan (or Gan), the second
Aryan/Sumerian king and son of King Udu or Adar (Adam), was the traditional builder. His
name is spelt in the Hebrew ‫ ףין‬Qin, the same spelling as Cain. The Gin title for the second
Sumerian king in Udu's Bowl--the hard G and Q being interchangeable in Babylonian and other
languages. Moreover, this Sumerian Gin sign has the Semitic value of Qanu, which is in series
with the later Hebrew spelling of Qain ‫ ףין‬for the name rendered Cain in our English version.
According to the Sumerian King List, Bad-tibira was the second city to exercise kingship in
Sumer before the flood, followin Eridu, the first Sumerian city, supposedly built by the god Enki
(the Akkadian EA). Bad-tibra means the Wall of the Copper Worker (or Fortress of the Smiths).
This designation lends itself to identification with Tubal-Cain, the antidiluvian metal worker of
Genesis, and son of Cain.
The Sumerian Tongue
Three centers of civilization all arose in the ancient near east. They were Sumerian, Egyptian and
the culture of the Indus Valley (sometimes called Harappan). Sumerian is the first known written
language. Its script, called cuneiform, meaning wedge-shaped, was later also used for Akkadian,
Ugaritic and Elamite. It was even adapted to Indo-European languages like Hittite (which also
had a hieroglyphic script, as did the Egyptians) and Old Persian, though the latter merely used
the same instruments, and the letter shapes were unrelated
The Elamo-Dravidian language family is a hypothesised language family which links the
Dravidian languages of the Indus Valley Civilization (India) to the extinct Elamite language of
ancient Elam in Lower Mesopotamia. The Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis proposes that the extinct
Harappan language (the language or languages of Elam) may also be part of the same family.
L.A. Waddell also noted:
Besides this, it is now proved that the ancient Vedic sages and kings and people [ancient
India]wrote and spoke in the “Sumerian” tongue - a language which is now disclosed to be the
parent Aryan speech, the parent of the Sanskrit, Hindi, Maratha, Bengali, and the other Aryan
70 Excerpted from: Makers of Civilization in Race and History By L.A. Waddell
In the Shadow 0f the Apocalypse
dialects of India (Dravidian languages), as well as of Europe and especially of the British or
As noted earlier, the Aryans71 and their land are referred to as Ari-iki, Land of the Ari or Aryans,
a land the which Assyriologists suppose to be in Upper Mesopotamia. Some believe this term to
refer to Shining Ones. In the Badaga language, a southern Dravidian language ari has a literal
meaning of “sun-like” as in shining.
In Summary
As we close this first book of our planned series we have covered alot of ground and brought
various ideas together. It is our hope that we have presented this information in a instructive way
and that all the ideas have been linked together.
For those who are seeking to understand the prophesies of the End of Days, foretold by various
cultures, it is imperative to first look to the ages of antiquity, at our primordial beginnings. What
happened in our distant past is foundational to our current dilemma’s and problems as a
civilization. Wicked leaders and their elite puppet masters are working in concert with an ancient
evil to finally completely subjugate the human race and destroy our destiny, as the imagers of
God. May HaShem destroy all their plans.
71 The term Aryan is derived from the Sanskrit term arya meaning “noble” or “spiritual.”