Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo Methods
H. Rieger, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Summerschool on Computational Statistical Physics, 4.-11.8.2010
NCCU Taipei, Taiwan
Monte Carlo Methods =
Stochastic evaluation of physical quantities using random numbers
Example: Pebble game on the beach of Monaco
= computation of  using random events
Kid‘s game:
„Direct sampling“
Adult‘s game:
„Markov chain sampling“
[after W. Krauth, Statistical Mechanics, Algorithms and Computation, Oxford Univ. Press]
Direct sampling
„hard spheres in 2d“ – hard!
No direct sampling algorithm for hard spheres
(NOT random sequantial adsorption!)
Markov chain sampling
What to do,
when a stone from the lady
lands here?
1) Simply move on
2) Climb over the fence, and continue
until, by accident, she will reenter
the heliport
3) ….?
Move a pebble in a 3x3 lattice probabilistically
such that each site a is visited with the same probability p(a) = 1/9
w(ab) = ¼
w(aa) = 0
w(aa) = 1/4
w(aa) = 1/2
Detailled Balance
The following condition for p(a) must hold:
Together with
This yields:
This condition is fulfilled when
This is called „detailled balance condition“
– and leads here to w(ab,c)=1/4, w(aa)=1/2
Adult‘s pebbel game – solution: if a stone lands outside the heliport, stay there
put a stone on top of the present stone and continue,
i.e. reject move outside the square!
More or less large piles close to the boundary due to „rejections“
Master equation
Markov chain described by „Master equation“ (t = time step)
The time independent probability distribution p(a) is a solution of this equation,
if the transition probabilities w(ab) etc. fulfill
detailed balance:
For a given p(a) one can, for instance, choose
Which is the „Metropolis“ rule
Monte Carlo for Thermodynamic Equilibrium
a are configurations of a many particle system,
E(a) the energy of configuration a.
Thermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T is then described by the
Boltzman distribution
 = 1/kBT inverse temperature
is the normalization,
called partition function
Thus the Metropolis rule for setting up a Markov chain leading to
The Boltzmann distribution is
Hard spheres
a = (r1,r2, … , rN)
- configurations = coordinates of all N spheres in d dimension
All spheres have radius , they are not allowed to overlap,
otherwise all configurations have the same energy (no interactions):
H(a) =  if there is a pair (i,j) with |ri-rj|<2
H(a) = 0 otherwise
Define w(ab) in the following way:
In configuration a choose randomly a particle i
and displace it by a random vector  - this constitutes configuration b.
w(ab) = 1 if b is allowed (no overlaps),
w(ab) = 0 (reject) if displaced particle overlaps with some other particle
Hard spheres (2)
Tagged particle
Iteration: t
Tagged particle
Soft spheres / interacting particles
a = {(r1,p1),(r2,p2),…,(rN,pN)}
- configurations = coordinates and momenta of all N particles in d dimension
Partition function
Peforming the
momentum integral
 Left with the
configuration integral I
LJ (Lennard-Jones)
L = box size
MC simulation for soft spheres: Metropolis
Choose randomly particle i, its position is ri
Define new position by ri‘=ri+,  a random displacement vector, [-,]3
All othe rparticle remain fixed.
Acceptance probability for the new postion:
Repeat many times
Energy, specific heat, spatial correlation functions, structure function
Note: Gives the same results
as molecular dynamics
Discrete systems: Ising spins
System of N interacting Ising spins Si  {+1,-1},
placed on the nodes of a d-dimensional lattice
a = (S1,S2,…,SN): spin configurations
Jij = coupling strengths, e.g. Jij = J > 0 for all (i,j)  ferromagnet
h = external field strength
For instance 1d:
with periodic
poundary conditions
Quantities of interest / Measurements
Average energy
Specific heat
How to compute:
where at are the configurations generated by the
Markov chain (the simulation) at time step t.
Ising spins: Metropolis update
H(S,S‘) = H(S‘)-H(S)
Procedure Ising Metropolis:
Initialize S = (S1,…,SN)
label Generate new configuration S‘
Calculate H= H(S,S‘)
if H  0
accept S‘ (i.e. S‘S)
generate random numer x[0,1]
if x<exp(-H)
accept S‘ (i.e. S‘S)
compute O(S)
goto label
Single spin flip Metropolis for 2d Ising
Procedure single spin flip
Input L, T, N=L*L
Define arrays: S[i], i=1,…,N, h[i], i=1,…,N, etc.
Initialize S[i], nxm[i], nxp[i],…., h[i]
step = 0
while (step<max_step)
choose random site i
calculate dE = 2*h[i]*S[i]
if ( dE <= 0 )
S[i]=-S[i]; update h[nxm[i]], h[nxp[i]],…
p = exp(-dE/T)
x = rand()
if ( x<p)
S[i]=-S[i]; update h[nxm[i]], h[nxp[i]],…
compute M(S), E(S), …
accumulate M, E, …
Output m, e, …
Implementation issues
Periodic boundary conditions
Neighbor tables
Implementation issues (2)
With single spin flip E(S) and E(S‘) differ only by 4 terms in 2d (6 terms in 3d):
Flip spin i means Si‘ = -Si, all other spins fixed, i.e. Sj‘=Sj for all ji
Tabulate exponentials exp(-4), exp(-8)
to avoid transcendental functions in the innermost loop
Use array h[i] for local fields, if move (flip is rejected nothing to be done,
if flip accepted update Si and hnxm[i], hnxp[i], etc.
Study of phase transitions with MC
Ising model in d>1 has a 2nd order phase transition at h=0, T=Tc
Magnetization (order parameter):
2nd order
phase transition
as a function of T
at h=0!
1st order
phase transition
as a function
of h!
Critical behavior
Singularities at Tc in the thermodynamic limit (N):
Specific heat:
Correlation function:
Correlation length:
Scaling relations:
Finite size behavior
w. Periodic b.c.
Finite Size Scaling
FSS forms:
4th order cumulant:
Dimensionless (no L-dependent prefactor)
- Good for the localization of the critical point
Critical exponents of the d-dim. Ising model
Slowing down at the critical point
Quality of the MC estimats of therodynamic expectation values depends
on the number of uncorrelated configurations –
Need an estimate for the correlation time  of the Markov process!
 for TTc
Configurations should decorrelate
faster than with single spin-flip!
Solution: Cluster Moves
Cluster Algorithms
Construction process of the clusters in the Wolff algorith:
Start from an initial + site, include other + sites with prbability p (left).
The whole cluster (gray) is then flipped
Here c1=10, c2=14
„A priori“ or construction probability:
Detailled balance condition: p(a) A(ab) w(ab) = p(b) A(ba) w(ba)
Wolff algorithm (cont.)
Once the cluster is constructed with given p, one gets c1 and c2 ,
with which one can compute the acceptance probability w(ab)
But with p = 1-e-2 the acceptance probability w(ab) becomes 1!
Thus with p=1-e-2 the constructed cluster is always flipped!
Remarkable speed up, no critical slowing down at the critical point!
Wolff cluster flipping for Ising
Randomly choose a site i
Draw bonds to all nearest neighbors j
with probability
If bonds have been drawn to any site j draw bonds to all
nearest neighbors k of j with probability
Repeat step (3) until no more bonds are created
Flip all spins in the cluster
Got to (1)
for S=S‘, and = 0 for SS‘, such that p=0 for SjSk)
Swendsen-Wang algorithm
Similar to Wolff, but
Draw bonds between ALL nearest neighbors
with probability
Identify connected clusters
Flip each individual cluster with probability 1/2