Accumbens functional connectivity during reward mediates sensation seeking and substance use in at-risk youth Title length: 96, limited to 100 characters Authors: Barbara J. Weiland1,2, Wai-Ying Wendy Yau1-3, Robert C. Welsh1, Robert A. Zucker1,2, Jon-Kar Zubieta1,3, Mary Heitzeg1,2 Institutions: 1 Department of Psychiatry, 2Addiction Research Center, and 3 Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Corresponding Author: Barbara J. Weiland, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Research Center University of Michigan 4250 Plymouth Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Phone: 248-766-4806 Fax: 734-232-0287 Email: Key Words: Adolescent, alcoholism, functional connectivity, nucleus accumbens, reward substance use. Abstract: 261 words ------- limit 250 Article: 4193 words ---------limit 4000 --- about 5 over now Figures: 5 Tables: 3 Supplemental Tables: 3 Background: Alterations in fronto-striatal connectivity have been found in substance users suggesting reduced influence of cognitive regions on reward-salience regions. Furthermore, an imbalance between reward and control systems in youth may influence their engagement in risky behaviors, including substance use. Parental alcoholism and sensation seeking represent additional vulnerability factors. We hypothesized that individual differences in accumbens functional connectivity during reward anticipation would mediate relationships between sensation seeking and drinking and drug use (DDU) in youth with (FH+) and without (FH-) family history of alcoholism. Methods: Seventy 18-22 year olds performed a modified monetary incentive delay task during functional magnetic resonance imaging (FH+:FH- = 49:21). Group differences in connectivity for incentive (reward/loss) vs. neutral conditions were evaluated with psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis, seeded in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). Indirect effects of sensation seeking on DDU through striatal connectivity were tested for each group. Results: NAcc connectivity with paracentral lobule/precuneus and sensoriomotor areas was decreased for FH- versus increased for FH+ during incentive anticipation. Task-related functional coupling between left NAcc and supplementary sensoriomotor area (SSMA), involved in both attention and motor networks, correlated negatively with sensation-seeking in FH-. In FH+, however, this correlation was positive and mediated the effect of sensation seeking on DUU. Conclusions: These results suggest preexisting differences in striatal reward-related functional connectivity between low- and high-risk youth. Alterations in NAcc functional coupling with attention/motor regions appear to mediate the association between sensation seeking and substance use in those most at-risk. Atypical accumbens connectivity with attention/motor systems may extend beyond the hypothesized imbalance between reward and control systems influencing vulnerability for substance abuse. Research on the neurobiology of substance abuse has provided evidence for the role of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system in positive reinforcement of drugs of abuse (1-3). Reward processing is associated with dopaminergic projections from the midbrain to the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens (4). Firing of dopamine cells are linked to encoding of reward (5), reward expectancy (6) and event salience (7, 8) suggesting reward circuitry modulates motivation for reward procurement and facilitates consolidation of memory traces connected with substance use (9). The ventral striatum also receives inputs from cortical areas and limbic regions (10) which are involved in cognitive control through both learning and motivational circuits (11). Reward processing has been studied using functional connectivity, seeded from the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), showing an extensive network, that includes insular and orbitofrontal cortices, amygdala, hippocampus and midbrain regions in healthy young adults (12). Further connectivity studies have evaluated relationships between reward and control systems in substance dependent adults, and suggest increased saliency responses and less prominent cognitive inhibitory influences in addictive states. For example, heroin users show stronger resting state connectivity between the striatum and both cingulate and frontal regions than control subjects (13). In heavy drinkers, correlations between prefrontal cortex, striatum and ventral tegmental area suggested strong connectivity between mesocorticolimbic structures during cue-elicited urges (14). Connectivity between these regions has also been investigated in the context of eating behaviors, under the hypothesis that similar reward circuitry may be involved with food intake behavior in obesity (15). In response to food cues, increased NAccorbitofrontal connectivity was found in obese versus normal weight women (16). Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis in healthy subjects found that viewing appetizing versus bland foods caused changes in connectivity between ventral striatum, amygdala, and premotor cortex that correlated with external food sensitivity, a measure associated with risk for obesity (17, 18), suggesting that ‘less efficient’ connectivity within the reward network potentially influences development of addictive disorders (19). Together, these studies suggest dynamic interactions within the reward and control networks that may be related to risk. However, they do not clarify whether connectivity differences between groups represent preexisting vulnerability, or are consequences of substance use or learned addiction-related behaviors. The transition years into early adulthood, ages 18-23, are a critical developmental period relative to onset of substance use concomitant to developmental changes in neurotransmitter activation and the brain’s patterns of function (20). Evidence suggests a developmental imbalance, between an earlier maturing subcortical reward-related brain circuit compared to a cortical control-related circuitry, may bias motivation toward immediate over long-term reward (21-23) resulting in risky behaviors, including experimentation with substance use (24-26). This cortical-subcortical imbalance may manifest in the high prevalence of substance abuse and dependence during this age range (27) Another significant risk factor for substance use disorders, is parental alcoholism (28) with genetic influence accounting for 40-60% of the variance in substance abuse risk (reviewed in (29, 30). Neurocognitive studies evaluating adolescents with a family history of alcoholism (FH+) have provided evidence of disrupted ventral striatal functioning in at-risk individuals. For example, during passive viewing of emotional stimuli, abnormal suppression of ventral striatal activation was found in adolescents identified as vulnerable based on early drug and alcohol involvement (31). Abnormal ventral striatal modulation was also found during response inhibition in high-risk adolescents (32). As the direction of abnormal ventral striatal reactivity varied between these domains, disrupted modulation appears contextually-driven in high-risk populations. Individual personality traits might provide additional insight to the role of the striatal reward system in substance abuse risk. Sensation seeking is characterized by the desire for intense and novel experiences (33) and linked with heavy alcohol use, early onset of substance use and poly substance use (34, 35). Furthermore, NAcc response during anticipation of reward has been positively correlated with sensation-seeking scores (36). This study investigated the role of functional connectivity of reward-related circuitry in vulnerability to substance abuse in transitioning young adults. Participants were recruited from the Michigan Longitudinal Study (MLS), an ongoing, prospective community study of FH+ families and contrast nonalcoholic families (FH-) recruited from the same neighborhoods (37). We used PPI to investigate how physiological connectivity is affected by psychological valence (reward or loss compared to a neutral condition) using a monetary incentive delay task (MID). We hypothesized that connectivity during incentive anticipation between the NAcc and other regions associated with reward processing would differ by family history. We further hypothesized that individual differences in connectivity during incentive expectation would mediate the relationship between sensation seeking personality and levels of substance use in high-risk youth. METHODS AND MATERIALS Participants Participants were 70 right-handed young adults (46 males, 24 females), aged 18.0-22.3 years (mean 20.1 ± 1.3), recruited from the MLS, an ongoing, prospective community study of families with parental alcoholism and contrast nonalcoholic families (37). Parental alcoholism was based on DSM-IV criteria; detailed description regarding MLS recruitment and assessments can be found elsewhere (37). During the 11-26 year period, subjects are assessed annually with psychosocial measures. Forty-nine participants in the current study had one or both parents with a lifetime history of alcoholism (FH+) and 21 participants had no parental history of alcoholism (FH-). All participants were Caucasian. Exclusionary criteria were: any neurological, acute, uncorrected or chronic medical illness; any current or recent (within six months) treatment with centrally active medications, including sedative hypnotics; and a history of psychosis or schizophrenia in first-degree relatives. The presence of most Axis I psychiatric or developmental disorders was exclusionary. However, externalizing disorders were not exclusionary as these may lie on a developmental spectrum with alcoholism risk (38) namely conduct disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or prior substance use disorder (SUD) using DSM-IV criteria. Subject characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Written informed consent, approved by the University of Michigan Medical School Institutional Review Board, was obtained. Measures fMRI paradigm. Brain response during anticipation of incentive stimuli was probed in a fMRI experiment using a modified MID task (39), see Figure 1. Each 6-second trial consisted of four events: incentive cues (five conditions: $0.20 win, $5 win, $0.20 loss, $5 loss, $0 no change); anticipation delay; variable duration target requiring a button press response to gain, or to avoid loss, of money; feedback. Subjects were instructed to respond to neutral targets despite no incentive value. Trials were presented contiguously in pseudorandom order in two 5-minute runs of twenty trials/condition. Response target duration was calculated based on individual subject’s reaction time during a practice session prior to scanning and calibrated for overall success rate of approximately 60%. Participants were paid fixed participation rates plus additional money won during task. Drinking and drug use. The drinking and drug use variable (DDU) is a composite variable derived from the Drinking and Drug History (DDHx) Form (40-42). Participants were asked: how many days/month they drank over the past 6 months and the 6 months prior; and on a day when they are drinking, how many drinks they usually have in 24 hours over the same intervals and used to calculate drink volume/month. Participants were coded: 0 (0 drinks, n=11), 1 (<10 drinks, n=10), 2 (10-30 drinks, n=7), 3 (31-50 drinks, n=7), 4 (51-100 drinks, n=5) and 5 (>100 drinks, n=2). Participants were asked: How old were you when you first began to smoke at least once/week; and how frequently have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days (how many cigarettes/day)? Packyears was calculated: 0.5•(# of packs/ day • # years smoked). The multiplier (0.5) assumed participants smoked less when first starting to smoke. Participants were coded: 0 (non-smoker, n=25), 1 (light smoker, <1 packyear, n=14) and 2 (regular smoker, >1 packyear, n=5). Number of illicit drugs ever used was defined as total number of illicit drugs participant ever reported using during annual assessments since age 11. Participants were coded: 0 (none, n=17), 1 (1, n=12), 2 (2-3, n=11) and 3 (>3, n=4). DDU was calculated for each individual by summing codes for drink volume/month, packyears and number-illicit-drugs. The possible range of scores: 0 to 10; actual range:0 to 9. A one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test found DDU normally distributed within each group (p’s>0.21). Sensation seeking. The Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist (MAACL) (43) assessed Sensation Seeking, Positive Affect, Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility. Sensation seeking scores were normally distributed within each group (KS test, p’s>0.32). fMRI data acquisition. Whole-brain blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional images were acquired on a 3.0 Tesla GE Signa scanner (Milwaukee, WI) using T2*-weighted singleshot combined spiral in/out sequences (44), parameters: repetition time (TR)=2000 ms, echo time (TE)=30 ms, flip angle (FA)=90; field-of-view (FOV)=200 mm; matrix size=64x64; in plane resolution=3.12x3.12 mm; slice thickness=4 mm. High resolution anatomical T1 scans were obtained for spatial normalization. Motion was minimized with foam pads and emphasis on importance of keeping still. Data analysis Demographic, psychometric and task measures. Independent t- or χ2-tests examined group differences. Response time (RT) and success rate for each incentive condition were calculated and found normally distributed (KS test, p’s>.17). Repeated-measures ANOVAs were conducted for RT and success rate, separately, assessing performance differences between groups: valence (win/loss) x amount ($0.20/$5). Post-hoc t-tests determined the source of any differences. Pearson’s correlations evaluated relationships between variables. Functional data preprocessing. Functional images were reconstructed using an iterative algorithm (45, 46). Data were motion corrected using FSL4.0 (Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, UK) (47). Runs exceeding 2 mm translation or 2° rotation were excluded. Image processing and statistical analysis used statistical parametric mapping (SPM2, Wellcome Institute of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK). Functional images were spatially normalized to standard stereotactic space as defined by the Montreal Neurological Institute. Images were spatially smoothed with a 6mm isotropic kernel. Individual subject statistical maps. Individual analysis implemented a general linear model (GLM) with five regressors of interest (for each incentive condition) convolved with the hemodynamic response function (HRF). Motion parameters were modeled as nuisance regressors. Contrasts for anticipation of reward ($0.2 and $5.0 combined) minus neutral and anticipation of loss (combined) minus neutral, were calculated. NAcc Regions of Interest (ROIs). Anatomical 5 mm-diameter spherical masks for the NAcc were created as specified in Bjork et al (2008b) (48) using MarsBaR (49). Figure 1 illustrates mask location: the ventromesial intersection of caudate and putamen (50). Visual inspection of each dataset confirmed masks were accurately placed on the NAcc, repositioning up to 1 mm ensured accurate placement. NAcc activations were extracted from each individual’s contrast images using MarsBaR. Individual and group functional connectivity analysis. Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) is an exploratory analysis that determines regions whose time series of activation exhibit significant covariance with the seed differently in two conditions, i.e. an incentive (reward or loss) versus neutral condition. Regressing out the contribution of the seed ROI time series and that of the experimental context, the interaction is the contribution-dependent change in regional responses to the experimental factor, response to incentive anticipation (51). Based on a priori interest in reward, NAcc ROIs seeded the PPI analysis. For each NAcc, the first eigenvariate from the primary model was extracted and deconvolved with the HRF (52) and multiplied by a binary contrast vector for reward or loss anticipation vs. neutral. The product term was then convolved with the HRF (51). PPI model regressors consisted of the interaction term, contrast vector and extracted time-series plus motion regressors from the original design. Single subject contrasts for the first regressor (interaction term) were calculated for each valence for second-level analysis. Whole brain one-sample t-tests in SPM used single subject PPI contrasts of both incentive conditions to evaluate functional connectivity with right or left NAcc separately for each FH group. Contrasts identified brain regions with positive and negative connectivity with seed ROIs during incentive anticipation. Statistical significance was established at p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons at the cluster level. Single subject contrasts were also used for whole brain 2x2 ANOVAs in SPM with valence (reward, loss) and group (FH-, FH+) as factors for each NAcc. To identify brain regions showing significant group differences in functional coupling, two contrasts were created, FH+ minus FH- and FH- minus FH+, using the significance threshold above. For identified clusters, incentive connectivity was extracted from individual PPI maps. Post-hoc analyses of connectivity included repeated-measures ANOVAs (valence x FH) to confirm effect of FH on connectivity and correlations with psychometric measures, controlling for RT, with significance established at p≤0.025 corrected for multiple comparisons. Fisher’s Ztransformations determined differences in group correlations coefficients. Model of Connectivity as Mediator of Substance Use. To test for an indirect effect of connectivity, a bias-corrected bootstrapped mediation analysis used an SPSS macro (53) for each FH group. The dependent variable was DDU, independent variable was sensation seeking score, and mediator was incentive anticipatory connectivity change with NAcc. As our interest was in FH effects, connectivity effect for reward and loss anticipation trials was linearly combined for this analysis. A point estimate of the indirect effect was derived from the mean of n=5000 estimates and 95% confidence intervals computed using the 2.5% highest and lowest scores of the empirical distribution. Indirect effects were considered as significant when the biascorrected and accelerated confidence interval did not include zero (53). Mediation was tested for all ROIs identified in the PPI analysis. RESULTS Demographic and psychometric measures. Table 1 shows sample characteristics by FH, showing no group differences by sex, age, age at assessment of psychometric measures, IQ or substance abuse/dependence (p’s>0.41). The FH- group had a higher incidence of lifetime history of depression (χ2=4.34, p=0.037); however this should be interpreted cautiously given the small sample with diagnosis (n=2). There were no group difference for other disorders (p’s>0.39) or in DDU, substance use subscales, or MAACL measures (p’s>0.59). No correlations were found between sensation seeking and DDU for the entire sample or either group (p’s>0.76). Task performance and activation. Success rate for each condition did not differ between groups (p’s>0.24). The group x valence x amount ANOVA revealed a significant effect of valence on success rate (win>avoid loss; F1,68=5.0, p=0.028) and amount ($5>$0.20; F1,68=25.0, p<0.001), but interactions between valence, amount and/or FH did not meet significance (p’s>0.13). The group x valence x amount ANOVA revealed an effect of valence on RT (avoid loss>win; F1,68=9.5, p=0.003) and amount ($0.20>$5; F1,68=4.6, p=0.036), but interaction between valence and amount did not meet significance (p=0.068). A main effect of FH on RT approached significance (F1,68=2.6, p=0.111) and post-hoc analysis revealed this was due to slower RTs in FH+ to “win $5” (t=-2.2, p=0.030) and to “lose $0.20” (t=-2.0, p=0.049). There were no interactions by group with valence or amount (p’s>0.17). There was a group x valence x amount interaction (F1,68=6.7, p=0.012). Further group analyses controlled for RT. Table 2 presents a summary of task performance. Extracted task effect size for bilateral NAcc exhibited expected increase with amount. Post-hoc t-tests revealed no group differences in task effect size for any condition (p’s>0.13), see Figure 1 and Table 2. PPI connectivity analysis. Whole brain t-tests revealed positive connectivity changes between NAcc and occipital lobe in FH- and between NAcc and left thalamus in FH+. For FH-, negative changes were found between bilateral NAcc and inferior parietal, paracentral and precuneus regions (see Figure 2). FH+ had negative incentive coupling of NAcc with superior temporal and occipital regions. Extended results, at more lenient voxel-level thresholds of p<0.05 false-discovery-rate-corrected, voxel extent≥15, are available in Supplemental Tables 1 and 2. The whole-brain ANOVA revealed group differences in NAcc incentive connectivity with medial frontal and parietal cortices (FH+>FH-) and occipital regions (FH->FH+), see Table 3. For left and right NAcc, the former contrast found a peak cluster centered in the paracentral lobule extending into the precuneus and supplemental motor area, mapping onto the supplementary sensoriomotor area (SSMA) designated such based on electrical stimulation studies (54, 55). Extracted connectivity data were entered into post-hoc repeated-measures ANOVA (valence, FH) with RT as covariate. A main effect of FH (all F67,2>5.7 , p’s<0.019) was confirmed on connectivity change for all ROIs. There was a valence-by-FH interaction (F67,2=10.8,p=0.002) with connectivity between right NAcc and right lingual gyrus; post-hoc ttests revealed that FH- had increased NAcc-lingual coupling for reward>loss, (t=3.16, p=0.005) whereas FH+ did not show this effect (t=-1.83, p=0.07). There were no main effects of valence (p’s>0.08) or interactions with FH (p’s>0.23) on connectivity with other ROIs. Further post-hoc analyses revealed medial and parietal areas had positive functional coupling changes with NAcc in FH+ as opposed to negative changes for FH-. In contrast, occipital regions had positive incentive connectivity with NAcc in FH- and negative in FH+, see Figure 3. PPI ROI correlations with psychometric measures. Left NAcc-SSMA, incentive connectivity and sensation seeking correlated positively in FH+ and negatively in FH-, (test between correlation coefficients, z=-3.72, p=0.0002) and showed a trend with DDU for FH+, see Figure 3 and Supplemental Table 3. Correlations for other ROIs showed similar directional relationships (Supplemental Table 3). Test of mediation. The mediation model showed a significant indirect effect of left NAcc-SSMA connectivity on the relationship between sensation seeking and DDU for FH+ subjects with the bootstrapped bias-corrected estimate, see Figure 5. No significant effects were found for other ROIs for either group (p’s>0.05). DISCUSSION We used a monetary incentive delay (MID) task to probe the reward network of young adults hypothesizing that reward system connectivity would differ based on familial risk for substance abuse and these differences would manifest in the relationship between sensation seeking personality and levels of drinking and drug use (DDU). This is the first study to demonstrate differences in anticipatory reward-related functional connectivity based on family history using psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis seeded from the NAcc. We tested a mediation model proposing that task-related coupling with the NAcc would mediate the effects of sensation seeking on DDU. These analyses showed that left NAcc connectivity with supplementary sensoriomotor area (SSMA) is a mediator for this effect in high-risk youth (FH+). Striatal functional connectivity with the SSMA, as well as other frontal and parietal regions including the paracentral lobule, precuneus and sensoriomotor areas, was not only significantly different by group, but these couplings changed in opposite directions during task. The FHgroup demonstrated reductions in coupling between these structures during incentive anticipation while FH+ had increased coupling potentially representing a heritable neurobiological difference related to vulnerability for substance abuse. Sensation seeking, specifically in adolescents, has been associated with risk for early onset of substance use, use of multiple substances (34), and high levels of alcohol use (56, 57). Here we report that sensation seeking scores, DDU, reward task performance and anticipatory striatal activation were not significantly different by familial risk in young adults. However we observed group differences in reward-related functional connectivity between the striatum and SSMA that influenced the relationship between personality and outcome . The NAcc is considered a key node in reward circuitry involved in assigning salience (58, 59) and hypothesized to be involved in vulnerability for drug and alcohol addiction (50, 60). Functional connectivity mapping during resting state in healthy subjects has shown positive connectivity between NAcc seeds and regions including the orbitofrontal, lateral temporal lobe and precuneus (61). Within-group PPI analysis in our control group revealed decreased taskrelated connectivity (Figure 2) with some of those same regions consistent with the brain’s default mode network (DMN) shown to decrease in activity during attention-demanding tasks in healthy subjects (62-64). Areas positively correlated in resting state may have competing functions when focus is necessary for a task (65). Therefore task-related reductions in connectivity with DMN regions during reward processing may represent expected decoupling as focus shifts to process and react to incentive stimuli. Of further interest, the between-group PPI identified differences in connectivity with regions that map onto multiple functional networks. Neuroimaging has mapped large-scale networks as distinct functional systems including the DMN, attention/control, visual, auditory/phonology, motor and self-referential networks (66-72). These networks, which closely represent underlying anatomical connectivity, maintain a high level of coherence at all times (66). The FH+ subjects in our study had significant increased striatal couplings with attention and motor structures, specifically the medial SSMA, precuneus and pre-and postcentral gyri while the FH- subjects decoupled these regions during incentive anticipation, representing distinctly different network utilization. For example, the precuneus has been identified as a key node within the DMN in functional connectivity analysis (73). The precuneus has among the brain’s highest glucose metabolism consistent with a role requiring high levels of information processing relative to both orientation within and monitoring of external environment (74). In a recent resting state study of chronic heroin users, left NAcc had reduced connectivity with left precuneus compared with controls (75). Our PPI results complement these results. PPI provides a measure of changes in correlations between structures activity as a function of task manipulation (51), here between reward or loss and neutral conditions reflecting the effect of incentive. The connectivity differences between heroin users (less) and controls (greater) in resting state is seen in the reverse direction between FH+ subjects (greater) and FH- controls (less) during incentive processing. The failure to decouple the NAcc and precuneus during incentive anticipation may suggest a pre-existing dysfunction related to coupling between reward and DMN networks in our non-addicted, yet high-risk sample. Our results are also consistent with recent PPI analysis of eating behaviors (19). That study found reduced negative connectivity change between NAcc and premotor areas in response to viewing appetizing vs. bland foods in subjects with higher food sensitivity. The authors propose the premotor cortex may mediate the transformation of desire generated by the striatum into preparation for action and suggest inefficient coupling between reward and feeding networks, potentially marking vulnerability for abnormal behaviors such as overeating (19). As similarities have been suggested between eating behaviors in obesity and drug use in addicts (15), the sensorimotor cortex may have a similar preparatory role in use of addictive substances. In FH+ subjects, the striatal-SSMA connectivity change was not only less negative than for FHduring reward anticipation, but actually positive, potentially representing significant inefficiencies between salience assignation and action. Furthermore, we found NAcc-SSMA connectivity correlated with sensation seeking in opposite directions as a function of family history, with higher sensation seeking associated with increasingly positive connectivity in FH+. Incentive-related connectivity mediated the relationship between this personality trait and DDU in at-risk subjects, suggesting that individual variations in neural connectivity, and not only single brain regions, influence the relationship between personality and outcome. The SSMA, encompassing the mesial portion of the superior frontal gyrus, paracentral lobule, cingulate gyrus and precuneus (54), incorporates structures within both the attention and motor networks (66). As such, it is involved in initiation and integration of motor function with visual sensory and emotional guidance, or an “urge to move” (54, 76, 77). The atypical reward-related coupling in high-risk subjects may reflect inefficient communication of incentive salience processed through the NAcc and linked with internal mentation through the precuneus and sensoriomotor regions. As PPI does not yield information regarding causal or directional relationships between functional coupled regions but infers context-driven changes in interregional correlations between structures, interpretation of our results is limited. In addition, as a developmental imbalance between control and reward regions in adolescents has been proposed to influence risky behaviors (25), it was interesting that we did not find connectivity differences with executive/cognitive areas as initially hypothesized. These results do not rule out developmental differences based on familial risk. Indeed as competition between functional networks has been shown to mediate task performance (78), this highlights the need for additional study to illuminate maturational trajectories of competing networks. This study found that functional connectivity with the reward/salience regions, specifically the NAcc, may represent a preexisting neurobiological difference in FH+ youth. Despite similar performance and NAcc activation, reward processing in the high-risk group involved positive striatal functional connectivity with attention, motor and DMN structures versus decoupling seen in FH- subjects, suggestive of inefficient inter-network communication in the FH+ group. Importantly, NAcc-SSMA connectivity mediated the relationship between the personality trait of sensation seeking and DDU in high-risk subjects representing a potential model of vulnerability. Abnormal coupling between the reward system and multiple functional networks may extend beyond the currently hypothesized imbalance between reward and executive control systems influencing vulnerability for substance abuse. Table 1. Subject Characteristics. FH21 8:14 20.1 (1.3) 19.6 (1.6) 112 (9) 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 3.24 (3.07) 29.2 (40.4) 0.32 (0.93) 1.2 (2.4) FH+ 49 16:32 20.1 (1.3) 19.5 (1.5) 110 (12) 5 4 1 1 6 0 1 0 5 3.47 (2.95) 31.2 (42.2) 0.27 (0.48) 1.5 (1.7) N Males: Females Age at Scanning (years) Age at Most Recent Assessment (years) IQ (WISC-III)a Alcohol Abuse or Dependence Marijuana Abuse or Dependence Nicotine Dependence Other Drug Abuse or Dependence Any Substance Use Disorder Dxb Depression Dx Conduct Disorder Dx Attention Deficit Disorder Dx Any Dxc Drinking and Drug Use (DDU) Drink Volume (drinks/month) Packs/year Cigarettes Smoked # Illicit drugs ever used Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist Anxiety Youth 1.25 (1.45) 1.43 (2.18) Depression 1.20 (2.28) 1.09 (2.05) Hostility 1.05 (1.50) 1.48 (2.00) Positive Affect 10.95 (4.90) 10.13 (5.18) Sensation Seeking 5.25 (2.47) 5.37 (2.25) Mother/Father/Both Alcohol Abuse NA 4/6/1 Mother/Father/Both Alcohol Abuse or Dependence NA 3/22/24 d,e Mother/Father/Both Abused other Drugs 1/2/0 5/15/7 FH-, family history negative; FH+, family history positive; Dx, diagnosis. a Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 3rd edition. These data were collected when participants were between the ages of 12 and 14 years as part of the ongoing Michigan Longitudinal Study. b Includes alcohol abuse or dependence, marijuana abuse or dependence and/or other drug abuse or dependence c Includes conduct disorder, attention deficit disorder and/or any substance use disorder, excluding nicotine. d Includes endorsing at least one of the following: amphetamines, cocaine, sedatives/hypnotics, opiates, or marijuana. e For FH- group: 2 marijuana only; 1 marijuana and amphetamines. Data presented as Mean (Standard Deviation) where applicable. Table 2. Task Performance and NAcc Activations by Family History. MID task performance Hit Rates (%) Lose Small Lose Big Neutral Win Small Win Big Hit Response Time (msecs) Lose Small* Lose Big Neutral Win Small Win Big Hit* MID task activation (effect size) Left NAcc Lose Small - Neutral Lose Big - Neutral Win Small - Neutral Win Big Hit - Neutral Right NAcc Lose Small - Neutral Lose Big - Neutral Win Small - Neutral Win Big Hit - Neutral FH- FH+ 58 (17) 62 (22) 48 (21) 62 (15) 68 (19) 57 (17) 65 (18) 48 (17) 57 (18) 67 (19) 172 (35) 175 (40) 172 (33) 176 (33) 159 (40) 190 (37) 187 (37) 183 (41) 182 (42) 182 (41) -0.004 (0.586) 0.608 (1.005) 0.889 (0.889) 1.657 (1.324) 0.030 (0.800) 1.000 (0.966) 0.780 (1.058) 1.807 (1.502) 0.238 (0.612) 0.797 (1.713) 0.897 (0.804) 1.756 (1.282) 0.032 (0.741) 0.935 (0.917) 0.752 (1.011) 1.756 (1.296) FH-, family history negative; FH+, family history positive. *Significant differences between groups (described fully in text). Table 3. Brain Regions with Group Differences in Functional Connectivity with Nucleus Accumbens during Incentive Anticipation. MNI Cluster Cluster Brain Region Brodman’s space Size Peak Level p Areas x y z (voxels) t (corrected) Left NAcc FH+ > FHR/L SSMA 4/6 6 -34 68 746 5.6 <0.001 R Precuneus 7 16 -64 44 221 5.4 0.006 R Postcentral gyrus 2 46 -28 42 547 4.9 <0.001 L Postcentral gyrus 2/40 -44 -34 44 447 4.5 <0.001 R/L SMA 6 -6 -4 50 205 4.1 0.008 Right NAcc FH+ > FHR/L SSMA R Superior parietal gyrus 6 5 FH- > FH+ R Middle occipital gyrus R Lingual gyrus 18/19 18 -6 -16 18 -46 50 58 609 248 32 -84 14 26 -86 -10 163 281 4.2 4.2 5.1 5.0 <0.001 0.004 0.027 0.002 L, left; R, right; NA, not applicable; NAcc, nucleus accumbens; SSMA supplementary sensoriomotor area; SMA, supplementary motor area. Figure 1. A) Schematic illustration of the monetary incentive delay task performed by subjects in the fMRI scanner. B) Location of 5-mm diameter spherical nucleus accumbens mask at the ventromesial intersection of caudate and putamen (y=13 MNI). C) Activation in bilateral nucleus accumbens during reward and loss by family history groups. Error bars: ± 1 Standard Error. Figure 2. Task-related negative functional connectivity with NAcc during Incentive>Neutral for FHcontrols maps onto regions identified in default mode network resting state regions, cluster-level p<0.05 corrected, representing areas significantly decoupled during incentive processing. Figure 3. Extracted strengths of task-related functional connectivity with NAcc during Incentive>Neutral anticipatory processing by family history group. Figure 4. A) Statistical parametric maps identifying large cluster designated supplementary sensoriomotor area (SSMA). B) Correlations between left NAcc–SSMA incentive connectivity and sensation seeking by family history group. C) Correlations between left NAcc–SSMA incentive connectivity and Drinking and Drug Use by family history group. Figure 5. Meditation model of vulnerability with unstandardized coefficients testing indirect effect of connectivity on relationship of sensation seeking on drinking and drug use. Supplemental Table 1. Brain Regions with Functional Connectivity to Left Nucleus Accumbens during Incentive Anticipation. MNI Cluster Voxel Cluster Brain Region Brodman’s space Size Peak Level p Level p Areas x y z (voxels) t (FDR-corr) (corrected) FHNegative Connectivity R Inferior Parietal Lobe L Paracentral/Precunes R Superior Frontal Gyrus R Paracentral Lobule L Inferior Frontal Gyrus L Precentral Gyrus L Inferior Parietal Lobe R Precentral Gyrus L Superior Frontal Gyrus R Precuneus R Middle Frontal Gyrus 39 6 8 4 45 4 48 NA 11 7 47 48 -6 26 4 -50 -52 -52 34 -14 14 36 -2 -34 22 -36 30 -4 -28 -12 62 -62 50 38 56 42 66 12 28 24 40 -6 46 0 66 93 32 57 32 33 16 18 32 36 33 5.75 5.15 4.96 4.94 4.83 4.82 4.80 4.76 4.75 4.67 4.62 0.034 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.020 0.005 0.146 0.033 0.146 0.137 0.415 0.364 0.146 0.046 0.137 FH+ Negative Connectivity L Superior Temporal Gyrus R Inferior Frontal Gyrus R Precuneus R Orbital Frontal Gyrus R Parahippocampal Gyrus L Middle Occipital Gyrus R Orbital Frontal Gyrus L Medial Occipital Lobe L Inferior Occipital Lobe R Inferior Frontal Gyrus R Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 47 23 NA 36 39 11 17 19 45 21 -46 36 10 2 28 -40 4 -16 -20 48 54 -2 32 -62 18 -14 -76 36 -60 -76 32 -54 -12 -12 22 -16 -24 24 -16 6 22 6 12 138 47 44 98 63 30 42 55 143 18 18 5.78 5.40 5.00 4.82 4.77 4.72 4.57 4.49 4.48 4.47 4.25 0.005 0.006 0.012 0.014 0,014 0.015 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.017 0.020 0.006 0.174 0.004 0.023 0,089 0.363 0.216 0.124 0.005 0.600 0.600 L, left; R, right; NA, not applicable; FDR-corr, false discovery rate corrected. Supplemental Table 2. Brain Regions with Functional Connectivity to Right Nucleus Accumbens during Incentive Anticipation. MNI Cluster Voxel Cluster Brain Region Brodman’s space Size Peak Level p Level p Areas x y z (voxels) t (FDR-corr) (corrected) FHPositive PPI R Middle Occipital Lobe 27 32 -82 14 15 5.91 0.011 0.035 Negative PPI R Precuneus/Paracentral L Superior Temporal Gyrus R Middle Occipital Lobe L Lateral Parietal Lobe L Hippocampus R Middle Cingulate L Superior Frontal Gyrus R Superior Frontal Gyrus R Insula R Anterior Cingulate R Lateral Parietal Lobe L Angular Gyrus R Superior Frontal Gyrus L Orbital Frontal Gyrus R Precentral Gyrus R Superior Frontal Gyrus L Superior Frontal Gyrus R Thalaums L Orbital Frontal Gyrus R Paracentral Lobule R Caudate L Middle Cingulate R Putamen L Thalamus L Middle Cingulate FH+ Positive PPI L Thalamus Negative PPI R Calcarine Fissure 48 11 23 48 48 10 19 39 11 47 48 19 20 NA NA 4 48 48 -12 NA 45 17 47 39 23 8 -38 50 -52 -32 16 -24 16 36 10 68 -40 14 -28 52 12 -12 14 -12 8 10 -4 34 -8 -6 -50 44 -24 2 -62 32 -28 20 -8 -28 24 32 36 34 8 54 -16 20 46 22 -24 28 -68 36 44 0 48 -2 2 36 60 8 50 13 -26 10 60 -8 -36 66 12 -8 -4 34 -12 -4 -26 12 -42 40 3188 433 312 275 126 157 295 132 110 59 20 80 118 44 32 47 28 22 72 52 37 16 23 18 34 5.98 5.87 5.45 5.36 5.02 5.02 4.97 4.58 4.49 4.39 4.39 4.28 4.18 4.15 4.14 4.11 4.00 3.99 3.93 3.89 3.79 3.73 3.67 3.61 3.43 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.017 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.031 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.005 0.143 0.066 0.003 0.123 0.214 0.693 0.997 0.445 0.175 0.871 0.964 0.839 0.981 0.995 0.533 0.781 0.933 0.999 0.993 0.998 0.953 NA -2 -20 6 53 4.68 0.130 0.029 19 18 -86 2 22 5.08 0.071 0.034 L, left; R, right; NA, not applicable; FDR-corr, false discovery rate corrected. Supplementary Table 3. Statistics for Correlations of Functional Connectivity during Incentive Anticipation with Left NAcc Controlling for Response Time. Family History Family History Negative Positive FH- vs. FH+ + Sensation Drinking Sensation Drinking Sensation Drinking Seeking Drug Use Seeking Drug Use Seeking Drug Use r r r r z z Brain Region p p p p p p L NAcc FH+ vs. FHR/L SSMA R Precuneus R Postcentral L Postcentral R/L SMA -.652** .054 .378** .304 -3.72++ -0.82 .003 .825 .016 .056 0.0002 0.412 -.020 .232 .328* .284 -1.14 -0.18 .934 .339 .039 .075 0.252 0.857 -.247 .212 .069 -.041 -1.02 0.81 .309 .384 .674 .802 0.308 0.418 -.048 .383 .080 -.181 -1.91 1.85 .846 .106 .622 .265 0.056 0.064 -.108 .180 .035 -.042 -0.45 0.72 .659 .461 .829 .798 0.653 0.478 -.228 .244 .177 .100 -1.30 0.47 .348 .314 .275 .539 0.194 0.638 -.474* .131 .102 .216 -1.95 0.28 .040 .495 .529 .182 0.051 1.780 -.090 -.239 .293 .410** -1.24 -2.14+ .713 .324 .066 .009 0.215 0.032 -.199 -.312 .221 .308 -1.35 -2.03+ .414 .193 .170 .053 0.177 0.042 R NAcc FH+ vs. FHR/L SSMA R Superior parietal FH- vs. FH+ R Middle occipital R Lingual *significant ≤0.05, **significant≤0.025 corrected for multiple comparisons, + results of Fisher’s Z-transformation for testing differences between correlation coefficients, ++ significant difference between group correlation coefficients. NAcc, nucleus accumbens; RT, response time; L, left; R, right; SSMA, supplementary sensoriomotor area; SMA, supplementary motor area. REFERENCES 1. Le Moal M, Simon H. Mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic network: functional and regulatory roles. Physiol Rev. 1991;71(1):155-234. 2. Koob GF, Le Moal M. Drug addiction, dysregulation of reward, and allostasis. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2001;24(2):97-129. 3. Robbins TW, Everitt BJ. Drug addiction: bad habits add up. Nature. 1999;398(6728):56770. 4. Schultz W. Predictive Reward Signal of Dopamine Neurons. J Neurophysiol. 1998;80(1):127. 5. Tobler PN, O'Doherty JP, Dolan RJ, Schultz W. Reward Value Coding Distinct From Risk Attitude-Related Uncertainty Coding in Human Reward Systems. J Neurophysiol. 2007;97(2):1621-32. 6. Volkow ND, Wang G-J, Ma Y, Fowler JS, Zhu W, Maynard L, et al. Expectation Enhances the Regional Brain Metabolic and the Reinforcing Effects of Stimulants in Cocaine Abusers. J Neurosci. 2003;23(36):11461-8. 7. Horvitz JC. 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