Annual Report Department of Tourism Briefing to Portfolio Committee on Tourism October 2010 1 Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) split • Financial year 2009/2010 – Vote 25 shared by Dept of Tourism and Dept of Environmental Affairs • The tourism report is based on: – Programme 1 (Administration) – Programme 4 (Branch Tourism) – Programme 6 (Sector Services and International Relations) 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3 AUDITOR-GENERAL REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Unqualified Audit • Unauthorized and irregular expenditure: No unauthorized or irregular expenditure was incurred in the current year . • Disclosure items in the Financial Statements The department complied with all disclosure requirements, classifications and policy frameworks as prescribed by Treasury. • Transfers to Agencies and other organizations All transfers made are per prior Management approval, Treasury approval and disclosure requirements. • Delays in submission of performance information 4 Budget and Expenditure Review for 2009/10 Programme Budget 2009/10 Expenditure R’000 R’000 Expenditure as per % of Final Appropriation R’000 1. Administration 273 101 273 101 100.0 2. Environmental Quality and Protection 286 436 285 820 99.8 3. Marine and Coastal Management 624 668 621 615 99.5 4. Tourism 812 529 812 529 100.0 5. Biodiversity and Conversation 387 647 386 853 99.8 6. Sector Services and International Relation 1 126 260 1 123 420 99.7 Total 3 510 641 3 503 338 99.8 5 Departmental Expenditure Trends Year Budget R’000 Actual R’000 % Expenditure 2004/2005 1 652 268 1 633 882 98.9% 2005/2006 1 753 307 1 746 154 99.6% 2006/2007 2 061 804 2 059 664 99.9% 2007/2008 2 790 521 2 788 757 99.9% 2008/2009 3 206 557 3 198 878 99.8% 2009/2010 3 510 641 3 503 338 99.8% 6 Expenditure for the 2009/2010 Financial Year per Programme (Summary) Programme Original Allocation Adjusted Estimates Final Appropriation Expenditure Variance R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 1. Administration 217 504 55 597 273 101 273 101 0 2. Environmental Quality and Protection 293 929 (7 493) 286 436 285 820 616 3. Marine and Coastal Management 583 626 41 042 624 668 621 615 3 053 4. Tourism 750 292 62 237 812 529 812 529 0 5. Biodiversity and Conservation 413 310 (25 663) 387 647 386 853 794 6. Sector Services and International Relations 1 222 122 (95 862) 1 126 260 1 123 420 2 840 Total 3 480 783 29 858 3 510 641 3 503 338 7 303 7 Actual Expenditure per programme Administration 8% 32% 8% Environmental Quality and Protection Marine and Coastal Management 18% Tourism 11% 23% Biodiversity and Conservation Sector Services and International Relations 8 Expenditure per Economical Classification (Summary) Economical Classification Original Allocation Adjusted Estimates Final Appropriation Expenditure Variance R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Current Payments 815 962 80 532 896 494 893 806 2 688 -Compensation -Goods and Services -Financial Transactions 432 810 383 152 0 25 873 54 501 158 458 683 437 653 158 458 683 434 965 158 0 2 688 0 Transfers and Subsidies 2 506 066 (40 628) 2 465 438 2 463 876 1 562 -Departmental Agencies and Projects - Foreign Governments -Universities and Tech -Non-Profit Institutions 2 406 095 9 000 0 90 971 (54 978) 0 798 13 552 2 351 117 9 000 798 104 523 2 350 966 9 000 797 103 113 151 0 1 1 410 Capital Assets 158 755 (10 046) 148 709 145 656 3 053 -Software - Machinery and Equip 318 158 437 155 *(10 201) 473 148 236 473 145 183 0 3 053 3 480 783 29 858 3 510 641 3 503 338 7 303 Total 9 Actual Expenditure per high level item 4% 26% Current Payments Transfers and Subsidies 70% Capital Assets 10 Expenditure for the 2009/2010 Financial Year Programme 4: Tourism Sub-Programme Adjusted Estimates Final Appropriation Expenditure Variance R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 5,006 9,145 9,145 0 Tourism Support 23,103 34,795 34,795 0 Tourism Development 14,675 17,003 17,003 0 South African Tourism 684,489 699,489 699,489 0 52,097 52,097 52,097 0 779,370 812,529 812,529 0 Business Trust Total 11 Actual Expenditure per Sub-Programme (Tourism Programme) 1% 7% 2% 4% Management Tourism Support Tourism Development 86% South African Tourism Business Trust 12 Expenditure for the 2009/2010 Financial Year Programme 4: Tourism Economical Classification Adjusted Estimates Final Appropriation Expenditure Variance R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Current Payments 35,532 45,331 45,331 0 -Compensation -Goods and Services -Financial Transactions 19,555 15,977 0 24,060 21,261 10 24,060 21,261 10 0 0 0 Transfers and Subsidies 743,586 766,586 766,586 0 -Departmental Agencies -Non-Profit Institutions 684,489 59,097 699,489 67,097 699,489 67,097 0 0 Capital Assets 252 612 612 0 - Machinery and Equip 252 612 612 0 779,370 812,529 812,529 0 Total 13 Actual Expenditure per high level item (Tourism Programme) 94% Current Payments Transfers and Subsidies Capital Assets 6% 14 PERFORMACE INFORMATION 15 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable tourism growth and development Key Performance Area: Skills availability in the tourism sector Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures % implementation of Tourism Human 50% strategy 75% of the National THRD Strategy was Resource Development (THRD) Strategy implementation implemented % implementation of Tourism Service 50% strategy 65% of the Tourism Service Excellence Strategy Excellence Strategy implementation was implemented Number of existing tourist guides up- 160 tourist guides A total of 120 tourist guides were trained skilled and new entrants trained upskilled and new entrants trained. Challenge: Target was not achieved due to budgetary constraints Number of training and placement 150 training opportunities created internationally and placement nationally opportunities created Corrective measure: Training will continue during 2010/11 and 63 people were exposed to both local and international training opportunities Evidence received after the close of the audit period confirms a total of 128 16 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Quality of tourism products and services Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Number of accommodation 9044 accommodation 8 236 accommodation establishments were graded establishments graded establishments graded Challenge: There was a drop in the number of renewals for grading % of public sector reporting on 45% of national public 18 (47%) national departments submitted their reports procurement from graded sector departments establishments National guidelines for Research international • Three provinces namely Kwazulu Natal (KZN), mandatory registration in place and national guidelines Mpumalanga and Western Cape submitted their for mandatory registration respective frameworks of tourism businesses. • Legislative processes on mandatory registration for Namibia and Scotland were reviewed Structural arrangements for Review legislation and tourism quality assurance for make recommendations South Africa reviewed to create a tourism quality assurance agency for SA Due to the establishment of the Department Tourism as a Department separate from the Department of Environmental Affairs, this key performance indicator is now part of tourism legislation review which will be done in 2010/11 financial year 17 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Promote responsible tourism Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Awareness material on the importance Brochure containing of energy efficiency for the industry tips for the industry to published be energy efficient published Frequency of Imvelo awards on Annual Imvelo awards responsible tourism hosted in for responsible tourism partnership with Federated Hospitality hosted Association of Southern Africa (FEDHASA) National minimum standards for National minimum responsible tourism (NMSRT) standards for framework in place responsible tourism in place with buy-in from the industry 18 7 380 energy efficiency brochures were distributed Imvelo awards were successfully hosted, in partnership with FEDHASA on 11 November 2009, with a record number of entries • Draft NMSRT framework is available with buyin from the certification agencies and ready for publication • Launch of the National Minimum Standards for Responsible Tourism (NMSRT) by the Minister for public comments scheduled for Indaba 2010 ( ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Promote the development of products in the tourism sector Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Number of proposals developed 2 proposals developed • 37 Proposals for funding were received from Kwa per province per province. Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape Province • 35 projects to be included in the investment publication were identified in all nine (9) provinces • A GCP-aligned TFCA signage project for Maloti/ Drakensberg was funded to an amount of R350 000 19 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Promote the development of product in the tourism sector Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Number of second economy 2 establishments per • Phase 1 of the project for short listing the candidates establishment per province province supported. was completed with 28 finalists responding to the supported assessment forms forwarded • 20 out of 28 finalists were short listed and visited by the provider in all nine provinces • Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year Award (ETEYA) finalists were supported as part of piloting implementation of the Tourism 2nd Economy Strategy • 45 entrepreneurs and ETEYA finalists of previous years in all provinces were selected. 41 were interested in the programme • 17 entrepreneurs attended the Business Think Workshop for a week • 6 entrepreneurs were considered for funding from RAIZCOP and Identity Development Fund (IDF). Funding to the amount of R4, 5m were signed so far in North West and Limpopo. 20 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Promote the development of products in the tourism sector Key Performance Indicator Target Report on the feasibility study Undertake feasibility for cruise liner tourism study of cruise liner tourism and complete report Partnership to host investment Partner with the Tourism conferences for product Business Council of development South Africa (TBCSA) to host the Hospitality Investment Conference for Africa (HICA) Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures A cruise liner impact study was finalised and submitted to the National Department of Tourism by the Cruise Liner Steering Committee HICA was successfully hosted in partnership with TBCSA on 04 November 2009 21 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Sustainably grow the tourism sector. Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Number of annual transactional linkages 600 annual transactional 1 197 annual transactional linkages were created between Small, Medium and linkages created between created between SMME's and established Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and SMME's and established tourism enterprises established tourism enterprises tourism enterprises Key Performance Area: Maximize Tourism and Development Potential of 2010 FIFA World Cup Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective Measures % implementation of 2010 tourism plan 50% implementation of 85% of 2010 Tourism Plan was implemented the 2010 Tourism Plan Number of Tourism Ambassadors Total of 500 • Trained 347 volunteers during the first phase recruited and trained ambassadors recruited • 20 officials were trained on module “know your and trained. Country Know your City” in Free State • 3 200 volunteers were trained in Nelspruit and Ellis Park 22 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Facilitate transformation and job creation within the sector towards poverty eradication Key Performance Area: Implementation of poverty alleviation and job creation programmes and infrastructure projects (DEAT) Key Performance Indicator Target Number of person days training 69 525 accredited created Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 79 733 person training days were created Number of permanent jobs created 409 186 permanent jobs created Number of temporary jobs created 27 563 21 138 temporary jobs created Number of SMMEs (empowerment) used to 350 Number of youths benefiting from 500 the DEAT component of the National Youth Programme (NYP) 369 SMMEs were used 995 youth benefited from DEAT’s component of the NYP 23 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Position DEAT as an employer of choice Key Performance Area: Ensure availability of adequate human capital (DEAT) Key Performance Indicator % of Vacancies Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 18% 17.9% of the establishment was vacant 50% • 96% posts on the establishment are described and graded • DEAT structure consisted of 1874 posts on April 2009. • At 31 March 2010, DEAT had 81 newly proposed posts which were not described and graded 12.7% of employees left DEAT % employees departing from 15% DEAT per year % Implementation of Performance 90% Management development system (PMDS) Framework. % of Staff Performing at threshold 80% 95% implementation of PMDS 90% of staff performed at threshold for 2008/09 financial year % implementation of Human HRD Strategy • 80% implementation of HRD Strategy. Resource Development (HRD) implementation • A WSP for 2009/2010 financial year and an Annual Strategy Plan approved & Training Report for 2008/2009 submitted Public 60% 0f the plan Services Sector Education training Authority (PSETA) implemented 24 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure availability of adequate human capital Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures % of employee relations 95% cases processed within prescribed timeframes % Implementation of 100% Employee wellness Schedule 80% of employee relations cases were processed within prescribed timeframes % of employee relations 95% cases processed within prescribed timeframes % Implementation of 100% Employee wellness Schedule 80% of employee relations cases processed. % Achievement of EE targets 54% 83% 1.0% 50% women 79% black 2% people with disabilities 100% of the employee wellness schedule was implemented 100% implementation of employee scheduled during the 1st quarter. 25 wellness ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Provide a secure, efficient and pleasant working environment Key Performance Indicator New DEAT Building Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Appropriate Treasury • Evaluation process for the new building project has been approvals for the PPP completed • Evaluation recommendations were approved by Project Evaluation Committee and Departmental Adjudication Committee • Value for Money (VFM) report was in the process finalisation for submission to National Treasury. Key Performance Area: Promote the development of a positive DEAT Culture Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures % implementation of Develop intervention • DEAT Culture Audit report in place culture change plan for culture change • Split process and cost of further interventions prohibited further intervention action on this matter 26 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Enhance Efficient Service Delivery Key Performance Area: Improve, standardise and manage business processes Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures MSP implementation Continuation of MSP • New Enterprise Architecture and IT/Business Blueprint Phase 2 implementation documentation completed • Developments of the new framework that will cater for all new applications development was approved Number of Priority business 3 • All the business processes were for the office of the DG processes mapped were prioritized for mapping • 90% of all those processes have been mapped 27 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure Alignment and cooperation with public entities Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures % compliance by Public 100% compliance Public Entities complied 100% with governance protocol Entities, with agreed as per schedule requirements during the 2009/10 financial year governance and performance requirements 28 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management Key Performance Target Indicator % of both tourism products 50% and services mapped Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures • 100% of the database received from SAT of both tourism products and services was mapped • Tourism GIS was launched at Indaba 2009 • A consolidated database was developed using data received from provinces, SAT and TGCSA • Spatial viewer was updated with latest information received from TGCSA and provinces – all the records on the database were spatially mapped • The accommodation database and the GIS system were continuously updated • Accommodation databases were developed with around 19 000 establishments on record • Data was verified through geo-coding and mapped on spatial viewer • Buy-in was obtained from key role-players such as MATCH • Database of all police stations incorporated • Worked with provinces and South African Tourism (SAT) to ensure the launch of the National Contact Centre 29 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Annual tourism trend report 2008/09 trend report • Draft Tourism trend report for 2008/09 was developed developed and published published • Revised draft document on National and Provincial indicators was developed • Quarterly tourism fact sheet was developed • Draft trend reports were finalised • Draft Recession Strategy was updated and presented to the Governance and Tourism Development Working Group Meeting held on 03 September 2009 • Work was initiated and facilitated with the assistance of Econex to quantify the impact of the recession for the special MIPTEC meeting • Service Excellence Research done 30 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management Key Performance Indicator Number of United Nations World Trade Organisation (UNWTO) workshops on tourism statistics for Africa hosted Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 1 Regional • 3rd UNWTO Capacity Building workshop successfully hosted: 80 workshop held Participants from 16 countries attended (Angola, Botswana, on 31 November Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, 2009 Mozambique, Nigeria, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Rwanda) Report for • South Africa is seen as a leader in the field of tourism statistics in Workshop III Africa finalized by 31 • Report for the 48th UNWTO-CAF meeting was finalised March 2010 • South Africa’s annual membership fee for UNWTO was finalised 31 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management Key Performance Indicator Number of Communication on Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Pilot with tourism stakeholders Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 2 communication • Satellite Account was launched at Tourism Indaba on 08 initiatives held with May 2009 and presented to the National Tourism Research tourism stakeholders & Knowledge Management Committee on the TSA pilot • First and second initiatives to communicate TSA pilot were held • Presentations on the TSA was done at the UNWTO workshop and seminar • The department presented work that was done in South Africa on the Tourism Statistical System at the UNWTO Seminar - this work guides the other African countries in setting up their Tourism Statistical Systems • The department presented a paper on the TSA including arrival statistics to UNWTO in Madrid at an international forum and shared South Africa’s experiences 32 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Equitable and Sound Corporate and Cooperative Governance Key Performance Area: Facilitate departmental risk management Key Performance Indicator Auditor General's opinion. Target Unqualified Audit reports % compliance with relevant 90% compliance prescripts and service standards % expenditure of Departmental 98% MTEF budget, Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Unqualified audit report for 2008/09 Financial Year received from Auditor General Achieved 100% compliance 99.9% expenditure occurred on departmental MTEF budget Key Performance Area: Facilitate affirmative procurement Key Performance Indicator % of expenditure on procurement 58% from BBBEE or BEE enterprises. Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 62% of procurement expenditure was allocated to BBBEE and BEE enterprises 33 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Strategic Objective: Enhancement of Reputation and Collective Ownership of the Sectors Key Performance Area: Improve inter-departmental cooperation and coordination Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures Participation in % of metro and district 100% metros and 60% 100% participation in metros and district IDP municipality IDPs reviews of district reviews municipalities 34 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Improve access to information Key Performance Indicator % response to requests received Target 90% % of call centre requests 90% processed as per service delivery standards % Website uptime 95% Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures • 2 PAIA requests were finalized and 3 are still outstanding • PAIA workflow was operational 98% of call centre e-mails were processed as per service delivery standards • 95% uptime for both Environment and Tourism websites • New Tourism website developed and went live on 31 July 2009 and the official launch by Minister of Tourism took place on the 27 August 2009. 35 ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Key Performance Area: Ensure strong corporate image identity Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures % of government media coverage on environment 35% and tourism in comparison with other players in the sectors. Overall share of voice was 50%. Key Performance Area: Enable Parliamentary oversight Key Performance Indicator % compliance with statutory tabling requirements. Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures 100% compliance Achieved 100% compliance % of parliamentary questions for which responses 90% have been provided within specified timeframes. • 100% compliance • All the Parliamentary questions received were finalised within timeframes 36 THANK YOU 37