File - Astoria Beneficial Club

The Astorian
A Bi-Monthly Newsletter about Members and
Activities Volume 06_November-December 2015
The Astoria Beneficial Club Inc.,
“Celebrating a Rich Past:
Making a Difference In The Future
Message from the President
My Fellow Astorians,
Thank you for your unselfish support of the Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc. Your commitment to the high
ideals and mission of the Club says a lot about you and your integrity. We all know that our actions say a
lot about where our heart is when it comes to Astoria and the quality of service we render to both the
Club and the community. Keep up the good work in building our Club’s legacy of service.
I would like to take this opportunity to, again, welcome our newest member, Dr. Gerard Shephard, to
our Club. He has already hit the ground running as the new chairman of the Club’s Education
Committee that is responsible for coordinating monetary incentive awards for high school graduates
who are children of Club members. Welcome aboard, Dr. “M”!
Also, we are looking forward to welcoming additional new men into the Club. At our recent
Membership Drive Night Program, four outstanding men submitted applications for membership. We
look forward to welcoming them into the Club at our December fellowship meeting. Job well done
Membership Committee!
This year is rapidly coming to a close and there are several important activities that need your unselfish
support and/or participation. They are as follows:
(1) Anniversary and Awards Banquet on November 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM at the G.R.A.C.E. Center
(2) Astoria Club fellowship meeting on December 14, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. where a delightful meal will be
served, our new members will be welcomed into the Club, and our officers for 2016 will be installed
(3) Committee chairmen submits their annual written report at the December Club meeting indicating
that your committee is alive and well
(4) Astoria Wives Presidential Prayer Breakfast on December 12, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. at Fourth Baptist
Church where their officers for 2016 will be installed
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving
and, a Spirit-filled Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Peace and blessings,
Roy A. Carter, Sr., President
Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc.
Announcements and Reminders
The Next Regular Monthly Meetings;
Monday November 9, 2015,
Monday December 14, 2015
At the Letters Carriers Union Hall on Chamberlayne Ave.
Anniversary and Awards – This year’s Anniversary and Awards Banquet will be held
on Sunday November 15, 2015 @ 4 pm at the G.R.A.C.E. Center, 1302 Victor Street,
Richmond, VA... Our guest speaker will be Mr. Jack Gravely, Esquire: Radio Host and
Director of the Virginia State Conference NAACP. Anyone wishing to join this
committee can contact either President Roy Carter or committee vice-chairmen Alan
Foster, Sr. Astorians are asked to support this activity. Banquet Tickets are $40.00.
Club Website is ""
Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc.
Officers 2015
Roy A. Carter, Sr
Jonathan G. Johnson
First Vice President
Fred H. Vann, Jr.
Second Vice President
Dolson Anderson
Recording Secretary
Harry D. Reid, Sr
Corresponding Secretary
Marvin R. Tart, Sr.
Willie Williams III
Assistance Treasurer
James H. Lewis, Jr.
Financial Secretary
John Houze
Assistance Financial Secretary
Ronald Ford
Harvey Carey
Assistance Chaplain
Theodore R. Jones, Sr.
Sergeant At Arms
Alan J. Foster, Sr.
Legal Advisor
Hamlet Hood, Jr.
Astoria Calendar 2015
Executive Meeting
Dues are paid
Newsletters Sent
Dues Past Due
Historian Annual Report
Board Meeting
Newsletters Sent
Non-financial members are
declared suspended
Newsletters Sent
Annual Bylaws Report
File taxes
Social Function
Tax deadline
Education Committee Report
Nominating Committee Report
to Club
Board Meeting
Newsletters Sent
No Regular Club Meeting
Election of Nominating
Annual Picnic
Memorial Service
Ann. & Award Program
Board Meeting
Newsletters Sent
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson
Board Meeting
Fellowship Meeting
Newsletters Sent
Club Approve Budget
Installation of Officers
Audit Report
Fellowship Meeting
Written Annual Comm. Report
Happy Birthday
Banks, Jr. William I.
Edwards, Jr., Andrew
Jones, Sr., Theodore R.
Moore, Alphonso
Barcroft, Sr. Gerald W.
Dickerson, Tyrone E.
Kenney, Walter T.
Shelton, Lornell L.
Thornton, William A.
“Love Rejoices, When Righteousness and Truth Prevail”
Committees and Chairman
Anniversary & Awards Committee;
Wayne Rachel,-Chair.
Alan Foster, Sr.– Co-Chair
Civic Committee;
Marvin Tart, Sr.
Dolson Anderson
Kirk Jones
William Hite
Charles Woodie
John Houze
Clarence Drayton
Robert Morse
Andrew Edwards
Arthur Small
Ronald Ford
Edward Hamlin
Wallace Marrow
Norman McCowin
Joseph Jenkins III
Bernard Jones, Sr.
Bylaws Committee;
James Lewis, Jr.
Eugene Mason
Eugene C. Harden,
Hamlet Hood
Kirk Jones
Eugene Mason
John Purnell
Alan Foster
Arthur Smalls
Edward Hamlin
Keith Hicks
Auditing Committee;
Harry Reid
Roy Carter
Cory Nichols
Benevolent Committee;
Arthur Smalls-Chairman
Memorial Committee;
Andrew Edwards
Harvey Carey-Chairman
Marvin Tart Marvin Tart
Jonathan Johnson
Arthur Smalls
Robert Morse
Ronald Ford
Algenon Brown
Membership Committee;
Keith Hicks, Chairman
Herman Carter, Jr.
Entertainment Ways & Means Committee;
Norman McCowin, -Chairman 264-9190
Lionel Alford, Co Chairman
James Armstead
Roy Carter, Sr.
Michael Adkins
Henry Coleman
Fredericks Douglas
Clarence Drayton
Jonathan Johnson
Frank Evans
Todd Loney
Alan Foster, Sr.
William Hite
Charlie Garner
Louis Robinson
Edward Hamlin
Chet Russell
Eugene Harden
Herbert Southall, Jr.
Keith Hicks
Wallace Marrow
John Houze
Joseph Jenkins III
Wayne Williams
Jonathan Johnson
Kirk Jones
Barry Kemp
Special Projects Committee;
Eugene Mason
Edward G. Hamlin-Chairman 639-6060
Roland McDaniel
Alan Foster, Sr.
Arthur Smalls
Floyd Smith
Eugene Harden
Andolo Brunson, Sr.
Marvin Tart
Kent Taylor Kent Taylor
Warrick Taylor
Astorian (newsletter) Committee;
Fred Vann
Harry D. Reid, Sr.-Editor
Mr. Archer Dabney
Outside Appeals Committee;
Wayne Williams-Chairman
Program Committee;
Dolson Anderson-Chairman
Willie Williams III-Co Chairman
Barry Kemp
Clarence Drayton
Joseph Jenkins III
Winston Taylor
Ronald Ford
James Hunt
Sick Committee;
Charlie Garner-Chairman
Publicity Committee;
Russell Menefield
Fennon R. Henderson,-Chairman
Alan Foster
Hamlet Hood
Leon Jones
PALS Committee;
Bernard Christmas
Willie Williams III
Eugene Harden
Hamlet Hood
Burial Committee;
Keith Hicks
Marvin Bell,- Chairman
Charles “Jake” Woody
Clarence Drayton
Kirk Jones
Charlie Garner
David Norville
Russell Menefield
Gary Young
Hamlet Hood, Jr., Chairman
912 5284
The C.F. Foster Scholarship Foundation met at the North Park Library on September 21, 2015
and was called to order at 6:30 by President Alan Foster.
Invocation was given followed by the minutes of the previous meeting being read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Scholarship Committee
 Shania D. Maultsby who is a graduating senior at Richmond Community High School
and is the recipient of the C. F. Foster Scholarship for $1,500.00. She was unable to
enroll at J. Sargeant Reynolds due to financial aid and missed deadline issues. The
Foundation has agreed to fund her $1,500 scholarships in the Spring 2016 and Fall 2016
 Douglas A. Smith, III is enrolled at VCU and the first semester scholarship amount of
$750 has been sent to the school. All necessary paperwork was received to verify his
enrolment. He will major in Information Systems with a minor in Economics.
 Gary Young has accepted the position of new Scholarship committee, chairman.
Fund Raising Committee
 We will not have a raffle this year. We will attempt to raise funds through donations. We
are asking club members to support our efforts.
 We will be modifying our tri-fold and writing an “Ask” letter to send out to local
corporations and individuals.
Bylaws Committee
 Need to review by-laws for updates – scheduled for our October meeting.
 1 additional trustee is needed.
 Seeking other investment opportunities through our financial advisor. Foundation.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2015
Alan J. Foster, Sr., President
Fennon Henderson, Secretary
The Anniversary & Awards Committee; The Anniversary & Awards Committee met October 15th &
October 27th to continue the process of finalizing the Annual Anniversary & Awards Event. The following awards
will be given at the event: Astorian of the Year-Keith Hicks, Citizenship-Monica Smith-Callahan, CorporateFeedmore and Astorian Neophyte- Bernard Christmas, 25 year award-Jonathan Johnson, Special award-Karen
This year’s event will be held on November 15th at the Grace Center- Our Speaker will be Jack Gravely.
Cost is $40 per person. Tickets are available tonight, please see Alan Foster if you would like them. Thank you for
your support
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Rachel, Sr.-Chairman
Alan Foster, Sr.-Co-Chairman
PALS committee
Newsletter Committee;
The next Astorian (newsletter) will be sent land mail December 29, and email December 30,
Harry D. Reid, Sr. - Newsletter Chairman
Civic Committee
The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University is currently accepting
applications for our MPLI Leadership Program. Please share this information with members in your
MPLI 2016 (Applications are due December 1, 2015)
MPLI is an intensive seven-month leadership development experience for individuals interested in issues
important to minority communities including: community economics, political climate, civic engagement,
and equity. MPLI offers insights regarding personal leadership, policy and legislative processes,
leadership legacy and culture, responsible stewardship, public service, and integrity for future leaders.
Each program year participants engage and interact with communities across Virginia and learn about
unique strengths and issues facing different regions of the Commonwealth. MPLI is an ideal professional
development program for individuals with strong interest in public service, diversity and inclusion,
community impact, community leadership, and serving the needs of minority and underserved
communities. MPLI is a collaborative initiative of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Foundation and
The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute. For more information about MPLI and/or to submit an
application please visit our website: Please contact the Grace E. Harris
Leadership Institute at 804-827-1169 or if you have any questions.
Marvin Tart-Chairman
Organized August 8, 2001
The remarkable tradition of the Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc. began on August 8, 1901 by 22
men who believed in firm religious values, high moral standards, intellectual growth, civic and
social responsibility. Astoria also became a club of vision and recognized that the barriers to full
citizenship eventually could be eliminated with patience, planning and timely action.
Astoria has earned a significant place in Richmond’s history because of the vision of its
founders. They believed that the barriers to full citizenship could be eliminated with patience,
planning and timely action. Their vision became the guiding light for a rich history of pioneer
efforts to gain voting rights, equal opportunity employment and to end segregation of public
eating facilities. The Astoria creed has inspired outstanding men from every walk of life to
"higher moral, intellectual, civic and social standing" for almost a century.
Twenty Year Perspective
This year marks the twentieth year I’ve been a member of the Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc. As I look back I could
dwell on the negative and talk about it and then talk about the positive (human nature), but because my like has
changed so much as I venture in the aging process my thought and comments as all positive. The fact is I’ve been
encouraged, changed, transformed and molded by some of the best men God has to offer. Just thinking about it
makes me wonder where would I been mentally, physically and spiritually if not for my wonderful association with
this Club. I was nervous when I came to my first Club meeting, so many questions, concerns and where and how I
would fit in. I’ve had never associated with a continuous organization with so many positive black males. As I sat
through meetings and listen to various men speak, I thought to myself I really would like to be a part of this. Since I
didn’t know who was who and what was what I asked questions to whoever was setting next to me as various
meetings. I asked what was that front table about he explained that was the President of the Club and the secretary. I
asked how do you become President and was told it was a line process. I asked how do you get in line and who was
the next in line? I was told it was Ed Hamlin, I asked who was Ed Hamlin? The brother James told me he was
always easy to spot he’s the guy standing near the table with the suit on. What make him always easy to spot?
(“He’s always well-dressed just check him out”) I did. Ed Hamlin was and still is my inspiration for fashion, the
man can dress, and I decided to always to be well dressed in attending Club meeting and affairs. I will always look
up to Eddie, he has inspired me in so many ways. I sat next to him as secretary when he was Elected President and
as Chairmen of the Board of Governors ironically he sat next to me at my first meeting when I suddenly inherited
(not elected) the position of President at my first meeting. I also learned about patience from him.
There were and are so many Astorians that has inspired me through my wonderful journey. Men I will never forget
(some have traveled on but I will never forget them). Men like Willie Munford, Benjamin Spencer, Bob Dance,
Beverly Bell, Harvey Smith, Walter Gaines, Lewis Loving and The Foster Men (who told me Astoria is not a nickel
and dime store operation, the President of Astoria carries weight in this town so stand tall”). Bernard Jones once said
to me “if you don’t read and understand the Club Bylaws and Rules as President you will be worthless”. Today I
look to men like Marvin Tart (vouched me into the Club) Alan Foster (who shook his head more than once as FirstVice President when I was President), Fred H. Vann, Eugene Hardin(who said “you can’t just read the Bylaws you
need to understand what you are reading and this Club is made of committees not individuals.”) Arthur Smalls (my
silent counselor), Kirk Jones, Hamlet Hood, Roy Carter, Charles “Jake” Woody, Gary Young, James Hunt,
Francisco Newman, Clarence Drayton, Warrick Taylor, James Taylor William Ford and many others.
Thank You Guys…
What’s Happening in The World Now
Astoria Song
(To the tune of Born Free)
Once more we gather together
Regardless of Weather
To salute The Astorians
Forward, onward and upward
Onward and upward
Forever that is our goal
Our weakness heeds
And strengthen our faith
Wit hope and love, and faith
Inspire our hearts
Forward, onward and upwards
Onward and upwards
The Astoria
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James and Wanda Hunt.
Past President James W. Hunt, Jr., was honored at an appreciation banquet given by Sub
District No. 5, the Grand Order of Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdictions on Saturday,
October 17, 2015 at the Holiday Inn Crossroads. The banquet is in recognition of Most
Honorable Grand Master Emeritus James W. Hunt, Jr.’s outstanding leadership, untiring effort,
monumental achievements, unselfish contributions, and dedicated service.
THE FIRST EDITION OF THE ASTORIAN Online (newsletter) version was launched January
2009 by Newsletter Editor Harry D. Reid, Sr. this is an online version of the original newsletter
land mailed to all active members of the Club. The online version is an in depth perspective of
the Club activities, Presidents Message, History, Upcoming event, Astorians in business, Health
issues, Just-For- Laughs, Editorial, Business, Retirement and an opportunity for members to
present issues of concern.
Send all articles and comments to;
Harry D. Reid, Sr.-Editor
3611 Montclair Rd.
Richmond, VA 23223