Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering EGR 270 Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Presentation for Lab #1 Instructor: Paul Gordy Office: H-115 Phone: 822-7175 Email: • Office hours • Related documents for Lab #1: o Lab #1 o Lab Report Format/Sample Lab o Pinouts (Lab Reference Sheets) o Lab #1 Presentation 1 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Overview of EGR 270 Lab The EGR 270 lab will expose the student to a wide range of digital circuits and software, including: • Discrete digital circuits – circuits built using basic logic gates, including AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XOR, as well as Small- to Medium-scale Integrated Circuits devices (SSI to MSI), including decoders and multiplexers. • Programmable logic devices (PLDs) – devices containing hundreds to millions of logic gates where interconnections are programmed using software. Digital designs will be specified and PLDs will be programmed in this course using the software Aldec Active-HDL. This can be done by: • Drawing schematics • Writing HDL (Hardware Description Language) programs • Using Aldec’s state diagram editor • Microprocessors – digital designs can also be implemented using a microprocessor. The MicroStamp11 microprocessor, a 68HC11-based system, will be used in this course. The microprocessor will be programmed using assembly language. (Note that the MicroStamp11 is programmed using C in the EGR 262 lab.) The following related software will be introduced: • Mini-IDE – a freeware assembler for the 68HC11 (converts assembly language into machine code) • Wookie Simulator – a freeware assembler for the 68HC11 for testing programs 2 • MicroLoad – for downloading machine code into the MicroStamp11 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Logic Gates Logic gates will be introduced shortly in the lecture portion of this course. A few basic logic gates are introduced here that will be used in Lab #1. Inverter (NOT gate) Truth table A' A " NOT A" " A NOT" A A’ AND gate AB = AB = “A AND B” AB = 1 if A = 1 and B = 1 A AB B A A’ 0 1 1 0 Truth table A B AB 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 OR gate A+B = “A OR B” A+B = 1 if A = 1 or B = 1 or both A A+B B XOR gate AB = “A Exclusive-OR B” Definition for two inputs only: AB = 1 if A B Definition for two or more inputs: AB = 1 if the input has odd weight where weight = number of inputs equal to 1 A B Truth table A B A+B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Truth table A B AB 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 AB 4 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Logic Gate Technology Logic gates can be implemented using many technologies. Logic families (and subfamilies) vary in voltage levels, current levels, propagation delay, power dissipation, noise margin, and more. These terms will be discussed in a later lab. Some integrated circuit technologies include: CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) - 4000 Series IC’s (Example: 4071 Quad 2-input OR gate) - Also available in some 7400 series (see under TTL subfamilies) - Static sensitive, low-power consumption, wide range of voltages ECL (Emitter Coupled Logic) - 10000 Series IC’s (Example: 10H101P Quad 2-input OR gate) - Extremely fast, but increased power dissipation TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) - 7400 Series IC’s (Example: 7432 Quad 2-input OR gate) - Inexpensive, wide assortment of functions - Older, slower technology, but still good for experiments - PSPICE EVAL library has a wide assortment of 7400 series devices - Many subfamilies (see next slide) 5 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering TTL Subfamilies - 7400 Series (Standard TTL) – Example: 7432 - 74H00 Series (High speed TTL) – lower propagation delay - 74S00 Series (Schottky TTL) - 74LS00 Series (Low-power Schottky) - 74ALS00 Series (Advanced low-power Schottky) - 74C00 Series (CMOS device with 7400 series pin connections) - 74HC00, 74HCT00 Series (CMOS, speedy, low power) - 74F00 Series (fast TTL) – lower propagation delays - etc So purchasing an OR gate may not be so simple! Which of the following do you buy? 4071, 10H101P, 7432, 74H32, 74S32, 74LS32, 74ALS32, 74C32, 74HC32, 74HCT32, 74F32, etc. For simple projects and experiments, it may not matter. When speed, power consumption, noise immunity, temperature range, and other factors need to be considered, more care should be taken. In this course we will primarily use 7400, 74LS00, and 74HC00 devices. 6 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering IC Packaging IC’s and other electronic devices are available in a variety of packages. The table below was taken from a Jameco Electronics catalog. Most of the IC’s that will be used in lab will be DIP (Dual In-line Packages). 7 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering IC Packaging - Two IC packages will be discussed below: Surface mount • For use on soldered boards without needing to drill holes for pins • Pins may be on two sides or 4 sides SOIC Surface mount IC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit) Surface mount IC on a flash drive (reference: Wikipedia) DIP (Dual In-line Package) • Two rows of pins • Commonly available with 8, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 40 pins and more • For use in breadboards or on soldered boards with drilled holes for pins • We will use DIP packages in lab since we will breadboard circuits. 8 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 DIP Packaging Pin Numbering • DIP packages have a dot or a small semicircular cutout on one end. • If the dot or cutout is on your left (top view), then: Pin 1 is at the lower left. Numbering continues counterclockwise around the IC. 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 8-pin DIP IC 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 14-pin DIP IC 8 7 9 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Pinouts • A “pinout” is a diagram showing the connections for an IC. • See the document Lab Reference Sheets (Pinouts.doc) for pinouts of ICs used in lab. You can cut and paste the pinouts into your lab reports. • What do the terms dual, triple, quad, and hex mean? 1K 1Q 1Q Gnd 2K 2Q 2Q 2J 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 14 13 11 12 10 9 8 Vcc CLR • • • • Dual: Triple: Quad: Hex: PR K Q J CK Q 7427 CK J Q K 7476 PR Q CLR Gnd 1 2 1CK 1PR 3 4 5 6 1CLR 1J Vcc 2CK 7 8 2PR 2CLR 13 12 11 10 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 7427 Triple 3-input NOR 7476 Dual JK Flip-Flop 14 1 8 Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 5 6 8 Vcc 7408 7404 Gnd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7408 Quad 2-input AND 7 1 2 3 4 7404 Hex Inverter 7 10 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab Equipment Before beginning Lab #1 next week, let’s take some time to become familiar with some of the equipment in the lab. Refer to handouts on equipment. Agilent 34401 Multimeter Use to measure voltage, current, resistance, frequency, and more. PS280 DC Power Supply Two 0-30V variable supplies and one fixed 5V supply. Breadboard Circuits will be constructed on solderless breadboards 11 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Agilent 34401 Multimeter 12 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering PS280 DC Power Supply 0-30V 0-30V 5V 13 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering PS280 DC Power Supply 14 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Breadboard SK-10 Solderless Breadboard (or equivalent) A B Internal Connections on the SK-10 Solderless Breadboard Notes: 1) Lines indicate which holes are connected under the breadboard. 2) To connect two or more wires together, plug them in the same row of holes. 3) Holes A and B are connected on some breadboards (as well as the similar holes on the other horizontal rows). 15 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Example: Building a resistive circuit on the SK-10 solderless breadboard. 5.6 kW 10 V + _ 3.3 kW 1.0 kW 2.2 kW 1.5 kW Connections to 10 V power supply Jumper + _ Jumper 16 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 Example: Building a digital circuit on the SK-10 solderless breadboard. Jumper OFF 7408 7432 ABC ON Jumper + _ 7805 Switch_A Switch_B 13 U1 9V Battery 11 12 + 6–35V _ in + 5V _ out 7805 5V Regulator 12 U2 Switch_C 13 11 LED 17 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Resistor Color Code The resistance of carbon resistors is indicated by colored bands on the resistor. The first three bands (A,B,C) indicate the value of the resistance and the last band (D) indicates the tolerance. Values for Bands A, B, and C R is calculate using: ABCD R = AB x 10C or A = First Digit B = Second Digit C = Number of Zeros D = Tolerance Code Values for Band D Gold – 5% tolerance Silver – 10% tolerance None – 20% tolerance Examples: Yellow, Violet, Brown, Silver: R = 47 x 101 = 470 W, 10% tolerance Brown, Black, Orange, Gold: R = 10 x 103 = 10 kW, 5% tolerance 18 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Resistor Color Code – Carbon resistors typically have 4 color bands that indicate their value and tolerance. You can determine the value of resistance and tolerance using the handy online Resistor Color Code Calculator shown to the right. It is available at: resist_calc.htm 19 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 Diode A diode is a semiconductor device that acts somewhat like a voltage controlled switch. The symbol for a diode is shown below. The positive terminal of the diode is called the anode and the negative terminal is the cathode. anode cathode + V _ Diode Symbol anode cathode _ + V Diode Appearance Pictures of diodes (Reference: 20 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 LED (Light emitting diode) LED’s are diodes that emit light when they are forward biased (a positive voltage placed across the LED from anode to cathode as shown below). The amount of light produced is proportional to the current through the LED Luminous intensity anode destruction cathode + V _ Forward-biased LED anode (long) cathode (short) LED: Physical appearance I (mA) 12 20 Typical LED characteristics Pictures of LEDs (Reference: 21 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering LED (Light emitting diode) The resistance of an LED is sufficiently low such that if a few volts is placed directly across an LED, it will be destroyed. Therefore, a current-limiting resistor should always be used with an LED. The resistor must be chosen to yield a current such that an appropriate brightness is obtained. Common values for current-limiting resistors: 200 W, 220 W, 270 W, 330 W 220 W LED lights when output is HIGH LED and current-limiting resistor used to indicate output logic level 22 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering DIP Switches • DIP switches are groups of simple slide switches in DIP packages. • DIP switches are commonly used on circuit boards to select options. You may have seen them used in printers, modems, remote for garage door openers, etc. • DIP switches are commonly available with 2-12 switches (poles). • DIP switches usually have OFF or ON marked next to one switch position, where • ON = closed switch • OFF = open switch 12-pole DIP Switch 4-pole DIP Switch (Reference: (Reference: 23 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering DIP Switches 1 2 3 4 4-pole DIP Switch: Schematic 4-pole DIP Switch: Appearance (Reference: Slide switch to ON position to close. 24 Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Using DIP Switches to provide HIGH and LOW inputs Since a DIP switch simply makes or breaks a connection, a resistor needs to be used to in order to use it to provide either a HIGH or LOW input to a logic gate. +5 V Discuss how this switch works: 2.2 k switch output ON or closed (LOW) DIP switch OFF or open (HIGH) 25 Lab #1 26 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Using a 4-pole DIP switch to provide 4 circuit inputs +5 V 2.2 k +5 V 2.2 k +5 V +5 V 2.2 k 2.2 k A B F C D F = AB + CD DIP Switch OFF = Open Switch = HIGH input ON = Closed Switch = LOW input Note: Look again at the example of the digital circuit on the breadboard shown earlier and closely study the DIP switch connections. Lab #1 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Drawing schematics with PSPICE • PSPICE has a schematic editor that is easy to use. • The EVAL library contains a wide variety of 7400 series devices. • Most devices in PSPICE use exact pinouts and labeling. • Simple logic gates are an exception. For example, rather than showing four 2-input AND gates if a 7408 part is used, only a single 2-input AND is used. However, exact pin numbers for the 14-pin 7408 can be used by referring to the 4 gates on the IC as A, B, C, and D as follows: 14 Vcc 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 Gnd 7 C D 7400 A 1 2 B 3 4 5 27 EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Lab #1 Example: Implement F1 = AB + CD + EF + GH using the 7408 and 7432 IC’s in PSPICE. Since four 2-input ANDs and three 2-input Ors are needed, only two ICs are required. By default PSPICE uses seven IC numbers U1A – U7A. However, if U3A below is changed to U1C, the corresponding pin numbers change! U1A A 1 B 2 U1A A 1 B 2 3 3 U5A U2A 1 1 7408 3 7408 3 2 2 U2A C U1B 1 C 7432 4 7432 3 D 6 D 2 5 U7A 7408 1 U3A 2 U2C 7408 9 U1C 10 3 F1 E E 1 3 F 8 F1 9 7432 8 7432 F 10 2 U6A 7408 1 U4A 2 U2B 7408 4 U1D 5 3 G G 12 1 3 H 6 7432 11 7432 H 13 2 7408 PSPICE schematic using 7 ICs (U1 – U7) 7408 PSPICE schematic using 2 ICs (U1 – U2) 28