LFSUS Meeting Minutes 2015-12

LFS|US Council Meeting Agenda
December 3rd, 2015
A) Call to Order and Adoption of the Agenda:
Called to Order:
Rita P
B) Attendees:
Stephanie Goh
Kristy Yee
Penny Pang
Gloria Sun
Shivakar Sivarajan
Hussam Zbeeb
Ava Maleki
Veronika Bylicki
Rachel Leung
Katie Mack
Khalid Jamal
Emerlin Law
Rita Pickett
Andie Waterhouse
Jacqueline Guo
Jessica Phung
Elizabeth Yu
Iva Jankovic
Carmina Paterno
Betty Tse
Queena Chung
Tori Uhl
Christine Leung
Carla Obando
Winnie Kwan
Esther Huang
Stephanie Chang
Rita-Louise Steele
Rachel Kao
A) Updates - Aggie week (hunger games themed) planning began, have outline:
i. Mon – free breakfast (yogurt parfait bar? Bike blender smoothies) 9:30-11:30am,
Penny/Shiv have prep 101 booth there
ii. Tues – archery tag, looking for a location (can either go to company location or have
them come to campus, new ballroom in sub?), weather permitting(?), possible
collab with forestry, kin, or science?
iii. Wed – WND hunger game feast + movie night
iv. Thurs – carnival “victory tour”, $1-2 per mini games where proceeds go towards
v. Fri – 19+ event @ Bimini’s, possible collab with other faculties, proceeds go towards
vi. Steph/Shiv ask faculties when their spirit week is
B) Student Leadership Conference attendance – Sat Jan 9th, 2016
a. Gloria, Kristy, Hussam, Steph will attend
b. Keep registration receipt for 50% reimbursement
i. LFS|US executive team approves of 50% reimbursement of Student Leadership
Conference registration fee to Kristy Yee.
Stephanie Goh, President
Rachel Leung, Secretary
C) Sci fair
a. Luke (SUS) is very imminent on limiting LFS companies to 5-8 out of 25 because SUS
provides more financial support (~$4000)
i. Last year, LFS did more labour and provided more resources (people, companies) to
make up for financial support  make this clear to Luke
ii. Is not reasonable for us to contribute ~$3000 for 5 booths, should be 10-15
b. Not inviting our usual group of companies hurts our relationship with the employers since
we have been inviting them every year
c. Contingency plan:
i. Our financial contribution would benefit our students more than just 5 booths
ii. Pull out and host in Agora for our students – host during our own career week
iii. Before Monday, Penny email Luke about (+Skype meeting (Hussam too)): are we
contributing 1/5 of the cost? Our other contributions via people and companies are
significant. Inform about our contingency plan if collaboration is not equal.
D) 4 Annual Sustainability fair – Thurs Feb 4th, 2016
a. LFSUS invited to host a booth in AMS Nest
b. Advertise initiative (i.e. Feeding 9 Billion (feature winning proposals and registration for
next year’s event))
c. Penny respond and apply for LFS|US – Hussam see if academic team wants to organize this
E) Exec review, goal setting through break
a. Steph will schedule 1-on-1 meeting (or Skype) to do performance review and goal setting
b. All execs – email 2-3 available dates for December
F) Council Position Know-What project
a. Internal document set up for each position on council: summarize position, what someone
would contact that position for
b. Steph set up template  all execs get committees to fill out
i. Deadline to complete: January 4th, 2016
G) LFS Faculty Christmas Party - Tues December 8th 2015 @3pm – Execs email Steph by tonight
Adjournment: 10:47am
Move: Shivakar
Second: Hussam
a. Jaqueline, Tori, Stephanie C, Queena, Kristy, Gloria, Stephanie G, Esther (tentative) want to
b. Will get reimbursed for 50%
I) Apple donations raised $64.91
J) Faculty cup Update – Friday January 29th, 2016 $5
a. Will obtain physical posters soon
b. Will make LFS-specific Facebook event
c. How to market more towards LFS? Marketing budget for whole campus. Send ideas to
d. Needs LFS Captain to be present at the event
e. Advertisement: WND, Facebook page, classroom announcement in beginning of January
i. If you aren’t participating, come out and support
ii. Change Facebook cover photo to faculty cup by January
f. LFS|US pre-purchase 10 tickets
Aggie week update
a. $2500 budget
b. See schedule in Exec meeting minutes above
c. Queena Finalize project plan and contact marketing team to make posters so that by
January we can start promotion
FYC update
a. Gloria will post the FYC pros and cons review on Facebook
APBI Night
a. Small turnout expected – 3 prof 4 students (Steph Chang included)
b. Conflict with WND in Agora space – next year don’t combine with WND (profs not that
interested in WND), just provide refreshments instead
Committee position project – see exec meeting minutes for details on this homework item
a. Community agreement – Steph will make a big poster
b. headshot - everyone send to Amandine
c. goals for term 2
Sustainability Fair – Andie and Hussam can get material from Rita to run the booth
Approval of the minutes as follows
Approval of LFSUS Meeting Minutes of November 26, 2015
Move: Esther
Second: Jacqueline
Adjournment: 1:42pm
Move: Kristy
Second: Betty