English - Monken Hadley CE Primary School



Reading & Writing

Traditional Tales from different cultures


Poetry: playing with words


Year 1

Begin to use capital letters for proper names, & days

Begin to punctuate sentences with a capital letter, full stop, ?,!

Year 2

Use punctuation correctly, incl. capital letters, full stops, ?, !

Use conjunctions (and, or, but) to join simple sentences

Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify

Begin to use present and past tenses correctly

Comparative form of adjectives; adding er


Year 1

Read and write more Phase 3 sounds, mostly two letter graphemes

Say letter names

Read and write simple two-syllable words and captions

Year 2

Read and write words with ed suffix

Words where a follows w, as in wash and qu, as in squad

Add e to a word ending with a v sound (have, give etc.)

Add suffix ing to verbs

Add suffix est to adjectives


Know the name, location and history of the church attached to the school

Identify the priest and know what his job entails

Recognise and identify the cross both inside and outside the local church & know its importance for Christians

Be familiar with the inside of the local church and why

Christians go to church

Be able to recall information about the church as well as feelings of being there

Realise the Church is like parts of a body working together with each part having an important role in making the body work; think about belonging and taking part

Appreciate how many years the church has been in the community and how many Christians have worshipped there


Please refer to the separate half termly Maths plans.


E-Safety and Digital Literacy

Using technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private

Identifying where to go for help and support when there are concerns about content or contact on the internet

Chestnut Class



Half Spring Term 2016


Year 1

Name the five senses.

Understand that we use our ears to hear.

Investigate their amazing senses and how they help them in everyday life.

Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.

Investigate senses and how they help in everyday life.



Strategies for being a good learner

Big questions: I wonder…?

Solving problems step by step


Understanding feelings, and why and how they lead us to behave the way we do

Self-awareness – feeling good about myself, taking risks

Managing feelings – relaxing, coping with anxiety

Standing up for ourselves – assertiveness, standing up for our views

Year 2

Identify and sort living things

Use simple equipment to take measurements, make observations and carry out simple tests

Investigate how shapes of solid objects can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting & stretching

Investigate which balls can change their shape and which are fixed.

Learn how the body is affected by exercise.

To learn that exercise is important to stay healthy.


Taking off

Understand what is meant by pitch

Respond to voice pitch & respond to changes in pitch

Relate sounds to symbols

Recognise that different tunes are made of different pitches

Recognise that percussion instruments produce different pitches

Participate in a Class Performance

Art/D & T

Year 1

Use lines to represent a shape or outline.

Design a superhero face mask.

Use a template to design their own superhero character.

Design and make a superhero using modelling material such as plasticine, daz and clay.

Dress up as superheroes and create comic style storyboards with a digital camera.

Year 2

Plan and make a bouncy ball using appropriate materials

Plan and create a balloon powered car using recycled materials

Evaluate the way in which artists show bounce/movement in their work


Year 1

Find out what is meant by the term hero/heroine

Find out about the significant historical figures of

Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole.

Understand how their actions in the past have impacted on the world today

Year 2

Establish what pupils already know about sporting events and sporting personalities

Show some understanding of the past as a concept

Describe an experience so that the main points are clear

Use the stories of famous historical (sporting) figures to compare aspects of life in different times
