Aligns with ISTE/NETS Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital

Technology Standard 1: Critical Thinking and Inquiry
Learning Outcomes
Tech Examples
Emerging Proficiency
Student Inquiry
Analyze the role of
technology in learning,
especially in support of
second language acquisition
Employ software for
brainstorming, scripting, or
comic panel creation; use
word clouds, use electronic
Use technology to create
materials (such as picture
files) in support of English
Use technology to promote,
support, and model creative
and innovative thinking and
Student Engagement
Use tools of technology to
evaluate, analyze,
synthesize, and solve
problems in support of
effective learning
Use electronic jig-sawing,
employ collaborative play
techniques to solve realworld problems, use smart
boards, use clickers
Create a teaching strategies
book; use electronic
research and presentation
Engage students in realworld issues and authentic
problem solving using
digital tools and resources
Student Reflection
Summarize research that
analyzes the effects of
teaching tools and
approaches on literacy and
second language acquisition
Create and facilitate blogs,
set up theme-based RSS
feeds, create electronic
concept maps and thought
webs, generate pen-casts
Use journals to reflect on
best teaching strategies and
Promote student reflection
using tools to reveal and
clarify conceptual
understanding and thinking
Student Collaboration
Discuss and reflect on the
role of technology in
teaching and learning
Create and facilitate wikis,
use electronic collaboration
Use collaborative
communication tools (such
as Google Docs) to
collaborate with other
learners and educators
Model and advance
knowledge by collaborating
via synchronous and
asynchronous electronic
[Aligns with ISTE/NETS Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity]
[Aligns with AASL Standard 1: Inquire, Think Critically, and Gain Knowledge]
[Aligns with CSTP Standard 1: Engage and Support All Students in Learning]
Technology Standard 2: Learning and Assessment
Learning Outcomes
Tech Examples
Emerging Proficiency
Learning Design
Connect tools and student
modalities of learning with
content understanding
Create and use visual
lessons, interactive media
and lessons, participatory
learning tools, and mediarich experiences
Create lesson plans using
electronic templates
Design relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote
learning and creativity
Learning Environment
Create integrated and
materials for teaching
Format content for mobile
delivery, create off-line
ancillary content and
electronic artifacts for
asynchronous referencing
Develop ancillary course
materials for posting to a
course management system
Develop media-rich learning
environments that enable
students to actively
participate in their own
Learning Activities
Identify and apply
technology to unique
learning styles and
Assign database searches,
decision papers, digital
portfolios, and/or electronic
learning modules
Create seating charts;
develop electronic
gradebook criteria
Customize and personalize
electronic learning activities
to address diverse learning
styles and abilities
Learning Assessments
Analyze, assess, and judge
electronic data
Send Jing grading videos,
use electronic rubrics,
visually present assessment
data, create interactive (e.g.
Articulate) lesson modules
Use a course management
system gradebook
Provide students with
formative and summative
assessments aligned
standards to inform
learning and teaching
[Aligns with ISTE/NETS Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments]
[Aligns with AASL Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge]
[Aligns with CSTP Standard 4: Plan instruction and designing learning experiences for all students, and CSTP Standard 5: Assess student learning]
[Aligns with Bb Standard 1: Address elements of instructional design, and Bb Standard 3: Measure progress toward learning outcomes]
Technology Standard 3: Fluency and Research
Learning Outcomes
Tech Examples
Emerging Proficiency
Digital Fluency
Evidence literacy with
hardware, software, and
aggregated data tools for
Use presentation tools,
media-rich visual media
presentations (e.g. Prezi);
create media-enriched
material for teaching
Access online course
materials, reference web
sites, post assignments to a
course management system
Inspire innovation and
professionalism in a global
society by modeling digitalage fluency and technology
Digital Collaboration
Use technology for effective
lesson design, interpersonal
interaction, evaluation, and
Publish open courseware,
use electronic messaging,
oversee collaborative
documents, supervise online
chats, blogs, and wikis
Send electronic messages,
post announcements to the
course management system
Collaborate with others
using digital tools and
resources to support
student success and
Digital Communication
Contribute to shared values
and social implications of
teaching and learning
Create and deploy podcasts,
vodcasts, Jing instructional
videos, RSS subscriptions;
use digital camera images
Respond to email, post
feedback to blogs
Communicate relevant
information and ideas using
a variety of digital-age
media and formats
Digital Research
Use technology to develop
effective lessons based on
specific learning theories
Use and display aggregated
data; use database RSS
feeds to populate personal
readers, use reference and
formatting packages
Use electronic databases to
research specific topics
Use and facilitate open
digital tools to locate,
analyze, evaluate, and
distribute research and
[Aligns with CSTP Standard 3: Understand and organize subject matter for student learning]
[Aligns with Bb Standard 2: Collaborate between and among learners and instructors]
Technology Standard 4: Global Citizenship and Responsibility
Learning Outcomes
Tech Examples
Emerging Proficiency
Laws and Ethics
Examine personal attitudes
of linguistic, cultural, and
socio-economic diversity
Plot a “P.A.I.N.” copyright
guidelines grid
Evidence an understanding
of copyright and fair use
laws in education
Advocate and model safe,
legal, and ethical use of
information and
technology, including
appropriate attribution
Social Justice
Examine personal attitudes
of racial, ethnic, gender,
and lifestyle diversity
Create a visual
representation of a cultural
proficiency continuum
Create ELL adaptations, and
use multiple intelligence
modality change-up in
lesson plans
Employ diverse learnercentered strategies, and
provide all students with
equitable access to digital
tools and resources
Responsible Interaction
Recognize and describe how
self-esteem and self-worth
are formed and changed by
communication styles
Identify social protocol
appropriate to electronic
Teach code-switching
between class-based
registers of language
Promote and model
responsible social etiquette
and interaction related to
using technology and
Global Understanding
Actively engage with people
of diverse backgrounds in
various settings
Electronically collaborate
with fellow educators in
other parts of the world
Post to education-based
public blogs and wikis
Nurture global
understanding through
multi-cultural engagement,
communication, and
collaboration tools
[Aligns with AASL Standard 3: Share knowledge, and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society]
[Aligns with CSTP Standard 2: Create and maintain effective environments for student learning]
[Aligns with Bb Standard 4: Make support resources available to students]
Technology Standard 5: Professional Growth and Leadership
Learning Outcomes
Tech Examples
Emerging Proficiency
Reflection of Learning
Author reflective supervised
teaching journal entries,
commenting on theories
and strategies of lesson
Electronically share rubrics
and lesson plan ideas
Utilize electronic resources
for teachers
Participate in local and
global learning communities
to explore creative
applications of technology
in learning
Reflection of Community
Attend and reflect on
seminars and retreats
associated with the
teaching internship
Attend technology-related
educational conferences;
read technology-related
educational journals
Contribute to an electronic
blog or online journal
Infuse technology, share
decision-making, build
community, and develop
the leadership and
technology skills of others
Reflection of Practice
Author a reflective journal
entry after each completed
lesson taught, commenting
on effectiveness
Reflect on electronic
educational conferences or
Author journal entries
Evaluate and reflect on
current research and
professional practice with
existing and emerging
digital tools and resources
Reflection of Teaching
Redesign each lesson
taught, as needed, based on
Build on personal electronic
teaching portfolio
Outline a personal
electronic teaching
Create an electronic
teaching portfolio that
contributes to the
effectiveness, vitality, and
self-renewal of teaching
[Aligns with AASL Standard 4: Pursue personal and aesthetic growth]
[Aligns with CSTP Standard 6: Develop as a professional educator]
STANDARDS REFERENCED / Works used (latest available):
AASL (American Association of School Librarians), 2007
Bb (Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Rubric), 2010
CCTC (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing), 2002
CCTE (Council on Technology Teacher Education), 2010
CSTP (California Standards for the Teaching Profession), 2010
CTAP (California Technology Assistance Project), 2007
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 2008
ITEA (International Technology Education Association), 2010
LPA (Learning Point Associates), 2005
NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education), 2010
NETS (National Educational Technology Standards), 2008
Technology Taxonomy (Tomei/IDEA Publishing), 2003
WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), (references 2008 ISTE/NETS standards)
1. Examine all of the major educational technology standards and rubrics listed above
2. Use the ISTE/NETS standards as a foundation (WASC references only those)
3. Align commonalities from AASL, LPA, Bb, and CSTP standards with the ISTE/NETS standards
4. Divide the TE core requirements into four logical sections (“key transition/assessment points”)
5. Assign each newly-created Tech standard one or more “focus courses”
6. Create two-point rubrics (emerging/integrated) for each new tech technology standard
7. Develop learning outcomes and tech examples for each new technology standard
“Technology is the medium. We are the message.”
Rubric compiled by John & Linda Bartelt, 2014