Medieval Art

Medieval Art
Byzantine Art
 Eastern Culture- Western Europe
 Mosaic Work
 Small ceramic tiles, pieces of stone, or glass => large murals
 Largely Christian
 Hagia Sophia (532-537 C.E.)
Early Medieval Period
 (c. 375-1025)
 Art of nomadic Germanic peoples
 metalwork
 Vikings- Scandinavia
 Seafaring culture
 Invasions=> artistic style eventually merged with Anglo-Saxon
England and Celtic Ireland => Hiberno-Saxon
Later Medieval Period
 (c. 900-1500)
 Architecture of Churches
 Romanesque
 Roman arch
 Barrel vault- tunnel of arches
 Vault- arch-shaped structure that is used a ceiling or as a
support to a roof
 Massive walls
 Window and door openings were kept small and often
decorated with carvings and relief sculptures
Later Medieval Period (cont.)
 The Gothic Style
 Developed in the first half of the twelfth century, remained
popular into th esiteenth century
 Used for some secular buildings, but largely applied to the
construction of churches
 Pointed Arches
 Ribbed Vaults
 Flying buttresses
 Directs attention heavenward
Gothic Architecture