Non-Communicable Diseases

1. Get out your Bellwork.
2. Answer this question: What does noncommunicable mean?
1. Get out your Bellwork.
2. Answer this question: What inherited traits?
Do you have any inherited traits?
• Disease- a harmful change in the state of health of
your body or mind.
• Non-communicable diseases- are diseases that are
NOT transmitted by pathogens
• Diseases can be caused by infections, lack of nutrients,
birth, or lifestyle behaviors
Examples of Non-Communicable Diseases:
 Chronic disease- diseases that are present either
continuously or off and on over a long time
 Degenerative disease- disease that causes breakdown
in body cells, tissues, and organs as they progress
• Can a chronic disease be generative?
Sign- fever
Symptom- sore throat
Some diseases have several signs and symptoms.
Different diseases may produce the same signs and
• It is possible to have a disease and not have
• Scurvy is an ancient disease, reported as far back
as 1550 B.C. It is a non-communicable disease
caused by a Vitamin C deficiency. It was a major
problem on long sea voyages in 1600s and 1700s
when sailors did not eat fruits and vegetables.
One many voyages nearly 2/3 of the crew would
die. James Lind, 1747 discovered that adding
lemon juices to sailors’ rations would help prevent
scurvy. An estimated one million men died
between 1600-1800. Scurvy is rare in developed
Many non-communicable diseases cannot be prevented
Some are inherited from parents
Some are present at birth, but are not inherited
Risk factors- characteristic or behavior that raises a person’s chances of
getting a non-communicable disease
Risk Factors with No Control Over:
 Age
 Gender
 Race
Risk Factors with Control Over:
 Amount of food
 Type of food
 Diet
 Smoking (risky behavior)- something that increases chance of getting a
non-communicable disease
Chemical waste
Certain construction materials
Household chemicals
Secondhand smoke
Improper waste disposal
Carbon monoxide
 Scientists study to find cures
 Most diseases caused by injury are
 Diet and exercise can help prevention of
some non-communicable diseases
 Not smoking or drinking can prevent some
non-communicable diseases
1. Get out your Bellwork and your notes packet.
2. Answer this question: List risk factors that
increase your chances of a noncommunicable disease.
3. Quiz on Monday over non communicable
 Most non-communicable diseases cannot be
 They can be treated
 Treatment is given to slow progress or stop
the disease
• News reporter and doctor, representing the
risk factors and treatment options for s noncommunicable disease
• Identify and describe a common noncommunicable disease.
• Concept Maps.
• Quiz next week.
1. Get out your Bellwork and your notes packet.
2. Answer this question: What is an allergy?
3. Quiz on Tuesday or Wednesday over non
communicable diseases.
 A disease caused by defective genes inherited by
a child from one or both parents
 Caused by changes in the structure of genes
 Genes determine the activities of cells and a
person’s physical characteristics
 Genes are passed from parent to child
 A gene change may cause a hereditary change
 Sickle Cell- caused by change to one gene
 Colon cancer- changes in more than one gene
 Breast cancer- changes in more than one
 Down syndrome- born with part or all of an
extra 21 chromosome
 Doctors can test for a number of hereditary diseases
 This helps to reduce problems that might cause
 Example: newborns tested at birth (Tested for PKU- it
can cause mental retardation. If it is caught at birth,
then newborns are put on a low-protein diet and if
started right away and carried throughout life, it will
be prevented).
 Down syndrome- effects the ability to learn
 Cystic Fibrosis- affects trouble breathing
 People with hereditary diseases may experience
medical problems
 These problems can be reduced if caught early
• Process by which the body converts the energy in food into
energy the body can use.
• Takes places after digestion
• Metabolic Diseases:
 PKU- happens before birth
 Diabetes- happens after birth
 Hereditary
 Nutrition and diet
 Some other causes
Nutrition is extremely important- low Vitamin D may cause
rickets (deformed bones), low Vitamin A (blindness) too much
Vitamin A ( hair loss or liver disease)
 A disease that prevents the body from converting
food into energy
 The body has to breakdown food into glucose
 To transport glucose cells, the body needs insulina hormone produced by the pancreas
 Types of Diabetes
o Type 1 Diabetes- condition in which the immune
system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas
o Type 2 Diabetes- condition in which the body cannot
effectively use the insulin it produces
 It is more likely to occur in people 40 and over who are obese
in physically inactive
 It is becoming more common in children and teens
 Diagnosing Diabetes
o Frequent urination
o Excessive thirst
o Unexplained weight loss
o Extreme hunger
o Sudden vision changes
o Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
o Feeling tired much of the time
o Very dry skin
o Sores that are slow to heal
o More infections that usual
o It is possible to have no symptoms for years
 There is no known prevention for Type 1 diabetes
 Treatment for Type 1 involves daily injections
 Healthy weight and physical activity reduce the
chance of developing Type 2 diabetes
 Type 2 involves oral medication or dietary changes
1. Get out your Bellwork and your notes packet.
2. Answer this question: Explain the difference
between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
3. Quiz most likely on Wednesday over non
communicable diseases.
 Important to have a normal life- nutritious diet
 Proper balance of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and
 Poor nutrition can lead to malnutrition
 Eating the right amount of food is just as important as eating
the right food ( need to try and get 2,000-2,500 calories a day)
 If you take in more energy than you use, your body stores it as
 Too much fat stored can lead to obesity
 Obesity is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, some
types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and a variety of other
 Minimize computer and TV time
 Don’t eat snacks while watching TV
 Exercise (20-30 minutes in vigorous exercise a day)
 An overreaction of the immune system to something in the
environment that is harmless to most people
 Our body will react to a foreign substance by trying to
weaken or eliminate the substance
 Part of the process is releasing antibodies, which fight
foreign substances in the body
 Some people develop allergies- abnormal immune reaction
to an ordinarily harmless substance
 Allergens cause allergic reactions
 Between 40-50 million people are affected with allergies
 Most common forms- food, plants, pollen, medications,
mold, animals with fur or feather, insect stings, synthetic
materials, poison ivy
 Some may affect a small portion of the body (poison ivy) or
the entire body (food reactions)
 Stage One: Contact is Made
 Stage Two: Attack is Launched
 Stage Three: Symptoms Appear
 The body responds to allergens by releasing
histamines- chemicals in the body that cause
 Common symptoms:
o Watery eyes
o Sneezing
o Skin rash
o Hives- small raised bumps on the skin that are very
 Diagnosing is fairly easy- hives after eating
peanuts, sneezing beside a cat, and many more
 There is no cure for allergies, just ways to cope
with them
 Most basic way is to avoid the allergen
 Take antihistamines- medicines to help control
the effect triggered by histamines- when you
cannot avoid them
 Take allergy shots- these help build immunities to
the body, process usually takes five years
 A chronic serious condition that causes air passages in
the respiratory system to become blocked or
 More than 17 million people in the United States has
 Some outgrow it at puberty, while others develop at
 Bronchial tubes are sensitive to certain substances in
asthma patients
 Asthma triggers- smoke, pollution, foods, or
 Cold air, strenuous activity, strong emotions, or stress
can trigger attacks too
 Asthma triggers vary from person to person
1. Get out your Bellwork and your notes packet.
2. Answer this question: What is an
3. Quiz TODAY.
 There is no cure for asthma
 Those with asthma learn how to manage it and live
healthy lives
 Coping with asthma means avoiding triggers when
 There are medicines used to treat it
 Some medicines block swelling the bronchial tubes
and decrease to reduce the amount mucus being
 Bronchodilators- are medicines used to relax the
muscles that have tightened around the airways
 Autoimmune diseases- are diseases where a
person’s immune system attacks certain cells,
tissues, and organs of the body
 Most allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases
cannot be prevented
 Genetics play a role
 There are treatments-specific to each one
• Name one way that allergies, asthma, and
autoimmune diseases are similar and one
way they are different.
 A disease in which cells grow uncontrollably and invade and
destroy healthy tissues
 Cells die and are replaced in the body daily
 Sometimes cells DNA instructions get changed- the size,
shape, and behavior can cause the cell to be abnormal
 As cells grow, they cause tumors- mass of abnormal cells
 Tumors may be malignant or benign
 Malignant- are cancerous and can be life threatening
 They can spread through the body, invade other organs and
tissues (metastasis) , and tend to get worse
 Benign- are not cancerous and not usually life threatening
 They do not spread to other organs or tissues
 Cancer can affect any tissue or organ in the body
 Common cancers in women
o Breast
o Ovarian
o Lung
 Common cancers in men
o Prostate
o Colon
o Lung
 Common cancer in children
o Leukemia
 Skin cancer is one of the most common types
o Basal cell carcinoma( BCC) is the most common type
o Melanoma is the most serious type
• Assessing Your Health: Self-examination:
• Asymmetry- look for moles or markings that are not
• Border irregularity- look for moles or markings with
edges that are crooked or wavy
• Color- look for markings or moles that vary in color from
one area to another
• Diameter- look for moles or markings that are larger than
a pencil eraser
 20-40 years in age have a cancer check-up every 3 years
 40 and over need one yearly
 Heredity
 Lifestyle behaviors
 Exposure to carcinogens- substances that
cause cancer
 Look for warning signs (pg. 486)
 When a warning sign is described to a doctor they will call for a biopsy
 A biopsy is a sample of tissue removed to see whether cancer cells are
 If they are detected then the doctor will order tests to determine size
and location
 Types of Treatment
o Surgery-removing cancer cells from the body
o Chemotherapy- chemicals used to destroy cancer cells
o Radiation-High-radioactive substances help destroy or shrink
cancer cells
o Immunotherapy- used in combination with another treatment, it
stimulates the body’s immune system to fight infection
o Hormone therapy –cancer is treated with hormones or medicines
that interfere with production of hormones
 When cancer signs and symptoms disappear the patient is in
 Cancer in remission is not necessarily cured
 The return of cancer after remission is-recurrence
Eat nutritious foods
Be physically active
Limit sun exposure
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
• Create a concept map using the following
terms: cancer, tumor, malignant, benign,
carcinogens, biopsy, chemotherapy,
 Any condition that weakens the heart or blood vessels or
interferes with the functions they perform
 More adults in the U.S. die from heart disease than anything
 Depends on age, lifestyle behaviors, and hereditary
 Arteriosclerosis- is when arteries become hardened and
become more rigid
 It reduces the amount of blood flow through arteries
 Atherosclerosis - is a form of arteriosclerosis, where fatty
substances in the blood build up on walls of the arteries
 Buildup in coronary arteries can lead to heart attacks
 Build up in blood vessels can lead to stroke
 Blood pressure is the force of blood on the inside walls of
 High blood pressure is when your blood pressure is
consistently higher than normal for your age
The top number is the pressure when the heart beats
The bottom number is the pressure when the heart rests
Blood pressure 140/90 is normal
Heart attack- is a condition where blood flow to a part of the heart is
greatly reduced or blocked ( if it is more than a few minutes then cells
can be damaged and die)
 Signs of heart attack
o Pressure, fullness, squeezing, or pain in the chest
o Pain in the shoulders, neck, or arms
o Chest discomfort with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea,
or shortness of breath
 Stroke- conditions where a blood vessel bringing oxygen to the brain
bursts or is blocked
 Signs of stroke
o Sudden numbness or weakness ( on one side of body)
o Sudden confusion or difficulty with speech or understanding
o Sudden difficulty seeing
o Sudden dizziness, or loss of balance and coordination
 Medication
 Angioplasty-putting a stint when plaque builds up
in artery walls
 Bypass surgery- taking a healthy vein from leg or
chest to put a detour around a blocked vein
 Heart valve surgery- replacing a faulty valve with
an artificial one
 Pacemaker- a small device that sends steady
electrical impulses to the heart to make it beat
Manage stress
Manage weight
Manage physical activity
Manage poor eating habits
Manage tobacco and alcohol use
***Though it is not detected until adulthood,
it can develop in childhood. Start managing
your health now
• Three ways to prevent heart disease are….
 People with arthritis have more than 100
conditions marked by pain and swelling in
body joints
 It can affect people of any age
 Two most common types: rheumatoid
arthritis and osteoarthritis
 A chronic disease caused by pain, inflammation, swelling,
and stiffness of joints
 Most serious of the most common forms
 Joints become deformed and often no longer function
 Joints affected: hands, feet, elbows, shoulders, neck, knees,
hips, and ankles
 It is usually symmetrical in the body: both hands will hurt
 The cause is unknown
 Treatment
o No known treatment
o Medicines to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and keep joints
functioning as normal as possible
o Exercise, rest, joint protection, and physical therapy are
 Characterized by the breakdown of cartilage in
 Areas affected: hands, knees, and hips
 Most affected are over the age of 45
 Treatment
o Medication
o Hot or cold therapy
o Joint protection
o Weight reduction on joint
• Compare and contrast osteoarthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis.
 Your environment is all of the living and non-living
things around you
 Some parts can be harmful
 Chemicals are necessary and useful, but some are
poison- can cause illness or death if swallowed or
 Some are clearly marked and some aren’t
 Poisons can be solids, liquids, and gases
 Some poisons are toxins- produced by a living
 Example-snake
 Air pollution-triggers asthma attacks or allergies
 Cigarette Smoking air- birth defects or emphysema
 Vinyl chloride- makes plastic products- liver
cancer/brain tumors
 Lead in materials- effect kidneys, liver, organs,
convulsions, death
 Learning possible dangers is the best way to avoid
 Accidents are unexpected events that cause
damage , injury, or death
 Most are minor, but some can cause traumatic
 Traumatic injuries- are caused by physical force
 Head injuries (example)
 Injuries can cause disease
 Brain injury can cause- loss of memory,
coordination, function of body parts, seizures and
those similar to other brain diseases
 Do not drink alcoholic beverages
 Do not play with guns
 Always wear a helmet and other safety gear on
bikes and skateboards
 Always wear appropriate safety gear when playing
a sport
 Learn CPR
 Wear a seatbelt every time you are in the car