Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual 2014 Index Mission Statement Gain Retain Serve Vision Statement To provide world class customer service to everyone we meet and to provide the highest quality and value service possible. Customer First Concepts Page 3 to 5 Day Start and End Activities Page 6 to 7 Cleaning Skills Procedures Page 8 to 9 Quality Service Guarantee Page 10 Cleaning Product Tote Contents Page 11 to 12 Customer Service Reports Page 13 to 14 Acknowledgement Page Page 15 Company Policies The company policies are described in a separate Employee Policy Manual which is issued to each employee. Page 1 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Mission Statement Gain Retain Serve Vision Statement To provide world class customer service to everyone we meet and to provide the highest quality and value services possible. Core Value Statements To respect God in everything we do. To provide the quality and value service we expect ourselves. To provide employees with a challenging and rewarding opportunity. To treat each other the way we want to be treated. To do what we say we will do when we said we will do it. To make each customer feel as if they are our only customer. To appear and conduct ourselves in a professional manner. To respond to each person’s request in a timely manner. To demonstrate an understanding of our customer’s point of view. To not ask anyone to do anything we are not prepared to do ourselves. Page 2 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Customer First Concepts Purpose Our Mission Statement provides the general procedures for our Customer Service Guidelines. We are a Customer Service Company! We will provide the type, quantity, and quality of service, which meets the needs, and expectations of our external customers. We will accomplish this objective while providing for the welfare of our internal customers. We will not select the advantage of one over the other. In this manner, we maintain a “Win, Win” situation. This relationship is the hallmark of our “Customer Service Philosophy”. CAARE Concepts. Our Customer Service Philosophy is based on five general principals. These principals express the philosophy that “We Care” about ourselves and our customers, and that we are going to treat them in a professional manner. The CAARE Concepts are as follows: Credibility: the way we go about doing what we say we will do! Many companies in our industry promise the world, but find that they cannot deliver what they have promised. We take very seriously what we promise, and only promise what we can deliver. The mark of distinction for our company is that we deliver! If we promise that we will provide service, then we will provide service. We have an attitude of Teamwork. If one office is having a problem completing the schedule, then an available office will assist so that our company credibility is maintained. Appearance: the way we look and act in a professional manner! We take great pride in performing our mission in a professional manner. That means we will maintain our self-control in all situations and at all times maintain respect for our customers and ourselves. We wear uniforms so that a clean, neat, and orderly appearance is maintained. We consider it important to present ourselves to our customers in the best manner possible. Our equipment is to be clean and properly maintained in operational condition so that we can provide service in an efficient manner. Periodically, we like to compare ourselves with other companies to determine if we are in fact operating in a professional manner. We want to evaluate these other companies and determine if they are performing in a professional manner. We then bring that characteristic to our company to see how we are doing. We must continuously improve the way we look and act so as to maintain our professional appearance. Page 3 of 15 Attitude: the way we make each customer feel they are our only customer! Every person likes to be made to feel special. Our customers want to feel that we are focused and concentrating on their service. They want their service performed correctly and that is how we want to make them feel. We cannot use excuses such as weather, traffic, heavy schedules, or especially other customers, as the reason for not providing quality service. We must focus our attention, and their attention, on providing their service as specified in the Service Report. We also make our customers feel special by conducting ourselves in a pleasant manner. Talking about customers and using profanity in their homes is unacceptable. Responsiveness: the way we respond to customer requests in a timely manner! A very important part of our Customer Service Program is that we respond! As simple as it sounds, it is always surprising to find situations where a question, or a request, has been ignored. Our philosophy is that it is better to answer the question and provide the options for fulfilling the request than not to answer the question. We may not comply with the request; however, we must provide the options for complying. If a customer wants additional work to be done, we will provide the additional cost to complete the work. The customer now has the information to make an informed decision. If a customer wants a schedule change, we must provide an answer that either we can or cannot met the requested change. By providing the options for meeting the customer request, we keep the situation in a “Win, Win” control mode and both the customer and ourselves feel good about complying with the request. Empathy: the way we demonstrate an understanding of each other’s point of view! As individuals, we all have opinions and points of view. Our objective in our Customer Service Program is to understand that different individuals have opinions and points of view that may not agree with ours. Recognizing this fact is very important in meeting our company objectives to provide customer service in a professional manner while not forcing either ourselves or our customers to agree on a point of view. What we want to agree on is that we will provide the type, quantity, and quality of service that meets the customer needs and exceeds their expectations. We must respect their individuality and maintain our professional focus. Facilitation Processes. The CAARE Concepts provide the philosophical approaches to customer service; however, they do not provide the opportunities for implementation. These opportunities are provided by the following processes: Yes, but…: the way we comply with a customer’s request is to respond with a “Yes, but” statement. “Yes, we will comply, but let me call the office”. The purpose for the call is to discuss the request and determine if a price has been given for that task. If a price has been given, we want to use the same price again. If a price has not been given, then we want to develop a price. If the request does not affect the content and therefore the price, then we can respond with “Yes, we can do it”. Whole Person Concept: the way we conduct ourselves as rational, responsible individuals. We want each person to come to work prepared to think as well as work. We want to use each person’s Page 4 of 15 intellectual skills as well as physical skills. As a group, we have greater opportunities for creation and improvement. Just Do It: the way we demonstrate a positive attitude in providing customer service. A characteristic, which separates us from other service companies, is that we strive to provide the service when the customer wants it. As long as we can remain in a “Win, Win” situation, we will meet their request! Support Network: the way we demonstrate support for everyone in our company family. We especially want to show support and encouragement for new members as they join our team. We want to encourage them to return to work the next day and assist in any way possible. Get It Right: the way we continually strive to understand the customer’s needs and perform the service as requested. This process is an iterative process in that it may take several attempts to “Get It Right”. This philosophy applies to every person in our company and everything that we do. It applies to telephone calls, directions, vacuum repair, etc. as well as on site performance. Just Tell Someone: the way we strive to improve the effectiveness of verbal communications. We are all responsible individuals and should be able to communicate a customer’s request for a change. “Just Tell Someone” is a way for us to record a requested change on a form and accomplish that change without having to be super memorizers. Accountability: The Mission Statement, CAARE Concepts, and Facilitation Processes are necessary to have, however, we must be accountable for our actions. We must be accountable to ourselves as well as for ourselves. We have a strong desire to maintain our “Win, Win” concept at all times, and maintaining our accountability is the way to insure that we do. Page 5 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Day Start and End Activities Team Activity Concept. The primary concept is that we function as a team in everything that we do. We start the day as a Team and we end as a Team. This concept applies especially to the movement of Team Equipment from the office to each job site and the return to the office. Team Assignment Book. The Team Assignment Book is issued to the Team Captain by the Operations Manager upon the Team Captain’s arrival in the office for the day’s activity. The Team Captain is responsible to review the day’s assignments and verify that all required equipment is available and useable. If there is to be more than one person in the team, the Team Captain has the responsibility to brief the Team Member(s) on the day’s activities. The Team Assignment Book with service records is to accompany the team into each home and be referenced during the cleaning. Team Kit Assignment. The Team Kits are numbered and assigned a Team Captain on a Daily basis. The Kit contains the equipment described in this manual, and as detailed in the file “Team Kit contents”. The Team Captain is to be accountable for the equipment and the operational condition of all components of the kit. Therefore, the Kit and all components are to be used by the assigned Captain and Team Mate only. Team Cleaning Cloth Sets The cleaning cloth set shall contain the listed number of each color cloth as specified in the file “Team Kit Contents”. The number of each color may vary by office due to the age and construction of the majority of homes in that customer base. A typical set will contain: (4) Yellow Microfiber Cloths, (3) Pink Microfiber Cloths, (2) Blue Microfiber Cloths, (2) Green Microfiber Cloth, (1) Yellow Microfiber Scrubbing Cloth, or (1) Pink Microfiber Scrubbing Cloth. The Team is responsible for taking the appropriate number of sets needed to complete their schedule, and returning the same amount of cloths to the office to be laundered. If additional cloths are needed to complete the schedule, additional sets should be taken and return any clean, unused cloths to the office at the end of the day. The Designated Team Captain will be responsible and accountable for the return of all cloths at the completion of the Daily Schedule. The number of each color of cloths is recorded on the worksheet “Cleaning Cloth Accountability Worksheet” by each designated Tem Captain on a Daily basis. Team Kit Movement. The Team Kit movement is the responsibility of the Team! If the Team is two people, then two people are responsible to move the kit. If the Team is three, then three are responsible. If the Team is one person, then that person is responsible! Page 6 of 15 This Kit movement responsibility includes all movement segments from the office to each job site and return to the office. The movement responsibility ends when components have been cleaned, bottles have been refilled, cloths have been counted and placed in the laundry, and when all components are properly stored in the assigned Kit Stall. Team Book Completion. The Team Captain submits the Team Assignment Book to the Operations Manager as soon as the Team Kit has been properly stored and cleaned. The Team Captain is responsible to verify that all customer service records, customer keys, and payment documents are accountable. Designated Team Captain If the two members of a Team are both Team Captains or Team Mates, the Passenger will the Designated Team Captain as outlined in our Policy Manual. Page 7 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Cleaning Skills and Customer Service Training Purpose The purpose for the Cleaning Skills Training and Customer Service Training is to provide the quality and quantity of service we have promised our customers, and to enable each Team to provide the consistency with each skill that is required. The Service Report provides the content of cleaning that is to be provided each customer. This training is to ensure that the quality of service provided is the same for all Teams. Cleaning Skills Training Procedures The detailed Cleaning Skills Procedures are contained in the Cleaning Skills Training Manual that is located in each office. The actual training may be conducted using a computerized version of the manual along with written procedures. Each office also has a written manual which contains both printed slides as well as written procedures. The Day One Focus is Introduction to Products and Equipment and the Introduction to Customer Service Training for entering a home and meeting a customer. The Day Two focus is Cleaning Skills Training for Basic Rooms, such as Living Room, Dining Room, Bed Rooms, Family Room, Hallways, and Stairs; and the Customer Service Training for In Home Touch Points. The basic steps for cleaning Basic Rooms are: High Dust Pickup and Straighten Dust/Wipe Glass and Mirrors Customer Pleasing Upholstery and Floors The basic movements we will be using are: Back to Front Top to Bottom Left to Right Return to Start The Customer Service In Home Touch Points will include responding to Special Requests and Concerns, and Exiting the home. The Day Three Focus is Cleaning Skills Training for Kitchens, Laundry and Utility Rooms. The basic steps for cleaning Kitchens, Laundry and Utility Rooms are: High Dust Pickup and Straighten Page 8 of 15 Dust/Wipe Major Appliances Glass and Mirrors Sinks Customer Pleasing Upholstery and Floors The Day Four Focus is to Cleaning Skills Training for Bathrooms. The basic steps for cleaning Bathrooms are: High Dust Pickup and Straighten Soak Dust/Wipe Glass and Mirrors Sinks Showers/Tubs Toilets Customer Pleasing Floors The Day Five Focus is Cleaning Skills Training for Special Attention Cleaning, Vacuum Maintenance, and Team Kit Replenishment, and to become more familiar with our Service Reports. The Day Six Focus is to discuss our Customer Service Procedures and to demonstrate an understanding of our desire to provide World Class Customer Service. The Day Seven Focus is to gain an understanding of the Three Cleaning Condition Categories and the changes to the Team Kit Contents required for each condition. The Day Eight Focus is to gain an understanding for the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) and the involvement we expect from all employees. The Day Nine Focus is to review and gain a more thorough understanding of our Company Policy Manual, our procedures, and company Benefits. The Day Ten Focus is to review the New Employee Training Program and discuss any points that may need clarification. The Lesson Plans and attachments are available in each office copy of the Technical Training Manual, and contained in a separate file “New Employee Training Plan”. Page 9 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Quality Service Guarantee Purpose: Our Vision Statement is to provide world class customer service to everyone we meet, especially our customers. Our goal is to get it right the first time, however, if we are not successful on the first try, we will return to complete the job correctly. There is no additional charge for getting it right, that is our commitment to being the best we can be. Redo Concept We offer a Customer Service Guarantee that states we will perform the cleaning services in a professional manner so that the customer will be satisfied with the resulting cleaning conditions. If a customer is not satisfied with the result, we ask that they call within 24 hours and we will return to correct the conditions. The Team that returns may or may not be the original Team. We would prefer that the original Team return so that we can compare the conditions to what we expect, and to use the opportunity as an educational experience, however, the customer may request that a different Team perform the guarantee services. Cleaning Tasks to be Performed The cleaning tasks to be performed during a Redo Cleaning are limited to those tasks not performed satisfactorily during the original cleaning. The customer is to specifically list those tasks not satisfactory, however, any other tasks noticed by the Team Captain or our Quality Control personnel that are required to be performed to bring the conditions to Merry Maids Quality Standards are also to be performed. The objective is to bring the conditions to an acceptable level. Professional Attitude The attitude to be displayed by the performing Team is to be a professional, positive, and appreciative attitude. We are to be appreciative that the customer has given us the opportunity to deliver our Customer Service Guarantee. Cleaning Guidelines The Cleaning Guidelines that were to be used with the original cleaning are to be used with the Redo Cleaning. If the original cleaning were a Regular Cleaning, then the Regular Cleaning Guidelines are to be used. If it were a Special, First Time, or a Deep Cleaning; then the Deep cleaning Guidelines are to be used. The Team Captain performing the Redo has the responsibility to achieve Customer Satisfaction and is to use the Cleaning Guidelines that will achieve that result. Page 10 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Team Kit Products and Equipment Purpose One of the advantages we provide for our customers is the fact that we bring all the necessary equipment and supplies required for the successful cleaning of each home. We strive to include the most effective products and equipment in each Team Kit, and be as environmentally friendly as possible. Team Kit Contents The contents for each Team Kit are contained in a separate file “Team Kit Contents”, is an official part of this manual, and is the focus of Day Seven Training. All items contained in the Team Kit, especially the Team Book, are to be taken into each home and made available for use during the cleaning. Customer Cleaning Condition Definitions In order for each Team to be prepared for the cleaning tasks to be completed, we have classified each cleaning assignment as follows: Traditional – the majority of homes we service on a regular periodic frequency. Green Certified – customers who have requested we comply with the criteria established for a Green Certified Home. Challenge – conditions where the mold, mildew, and soil presence justify the use of bleach and bleach derivative products. The Team Kit Contents will be selected based on the definitions applied to each cleaning assignment, and are included in the “Team Kit Contents” file. Team Kit Accountability A Team Kit with the contents as described will be assigned to a Designated Team Captain for each day. The Designated Team Captain will be responsible for the proper use of all equipment, products, and cloths, making sure all items are taken into each home, and ensuring that all items are returned to the office at the completion of the Daily Schedule. Team Kit and Equipment Maintenance The Team Kit equipment is to be inspected for operational condition on a daily basis as outlined in Day Five of the New Employee Training Program. The Product Bottles are to be refilled on a Daily basis at the end of each day as outlined in this manual. The Microfiber Cleaning Cloths are prepackaged into sets for each home. A separate bag is provided so that all cloths can be collected as you leave each home and returned to the office for laundry purposes. Cleaning Cloth Sets A prepackaged cleaning cloth set is provided for each cleaning assignment. The number of cloths by color are specified in the file “Team Kit Contents”. Each color of cloth has a specified application and will be used only for that application. All cloths are to be collected and placed in a designated bag prior to departing each home. The used sets are to remain in the Team Vehicle until they are returned to the Page 11 of 15 office. The Designated Team Captain is responsible for the return of all cloths to the office at the end of the schedule. Team Work with Kits Our Team Work Concepts will be applied for the movement of the Team Kits from the office to each home, from home to home, and for the return of all items to the office at the end of the schedule. All employees assigned to the Team will equally participate in this Team Kit movement. Page 12 of 15 Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual Customer Service Reports Purpose: The purpose of our Customer Service Reports is to document the cleaning content as requested by each customer. Our procedure is to individualize the cleaning content for each customer, and not rely on the memory of any individual for the cleaning content for each customer. The Service Record will specifically include special requests that are to either be included, or not included, compared to a typical cleaning content as discussed in the New Employee Cleaning Skills Training. The Service Record for each customer is to be taken into the home, and made available for each Team Member during the cleaning. Customer Service Report. A typical Service Report is attached to illustrate the various sections and discuss the information contained in each section. Customer Information Section. This section contains the Customer Name, Address, and Telephone Number as well as the Customer Number, Type, and Frequency of service. The “Entry” tells how we are to gain entry into the home, the “Time” is the sequence on the schedule for the days and the “Zone” is the Map Reference where the home is located in our geographical area. A map is located in the back of every Team Assignment book. The assigned key number will be stated in this section, if the customer provided a key. The “Captain” and “Mate” are the Team Members scheduled to perform the service. This section also includes the type of service. The 8 types of service are: 1 = Weekly 3 = Tri-weekly 5 = Monthly 7= Daily 2 = Biweekly 4 = Week Basis 6 = Special 8 = On Call Room Information Section. This section is located on the left side of the Service Report and lists the names and number of rooms scheduled to be cleaned. Room Comments Section. This section is located on the right side of the Service Report and lists specific phrases, which represent the procedures that are to be performed in a room. Special Instructions & Directions Section. This selection contains information, which may be necessary to complete the efficient cleaning of this home. Examples may include placement of garbage bags, pet names, specific items for attention, etc. Payment methods will also be stated in this section. The methods for payment are: CCMO: Check, Cash, Money Order, TEA: Trade Exchange, Master Card, VISA, Discover, American Express, and Invoice. Page 13 of 15 Special Entry Instructions Section. This section provides information for gaining access to the home. Examples may include alarm instructions, key placement, etc. Directions Section. The directions are the instructions, which make it possible to locate a home or office. The directions are listed in a specific format. The first phrase is the “Major Intersection” (MI), which is the closest to the home or office. This “Major Intersection” is to be identifiable on the Typical Street Maps. The first street is to mark “mile road” placement. Example: MI = Eleven Mile Road The second street is to mark the crossing intersection. Example: Eleven Mile Road and Coolidge. The instructions, which follow, are to guide the Team from that intersection to the home. The instructions are to use phrases such as “Take (Street)” or “Turn (Direction) on (Street). The directions are to be “North, South, East, or West.” The street names are the specific street to be followed. The Directions are to be used with the Zone Numbers to quickly locate a destination. Team Reporting Section. This section contains the starting and stopping times, the beginning and ending mileage, and the designated driver to be used for payroll purposes. The Type of customer payment will be recorded in this section and is to be verified by the Team Captain. The Payment Type may be changed by the Customer and is to be recorded on the Service Record. The Type of Payment and the actions required are: (1) Check – record the Check Number and Amount of Payment, (2) Cash – record the Amount of Cash received, (3) Direct Payment – no action required as this payment is completed by the Office, (4) Charge Card – the Type of Charge Card should be listed and no action required, (5) Trade Exchange – no action required as this payment is completed by the Office, (6) Invoice – no action required as this payment is completed by the Office, (7) Gift Certificate – the Type and Amount is to be recorded on the Service Record. If two Types of Payment are necessary or if the Cleaning Fee is to be calculated, the Team Captain must call the Office to discuss. Each employee is responsible for ensuring the payroll information is recorded correctly and completely. Page 14 of 15 Merry Maids #372/373/458/946/947 J. R. Nichols Company Technical Training Manual Acknowledgment I hereby acknowledge receipt of the J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Technical Training Manual. This Training Manual applies to all Merry Maids #372, #373, #458, #946, and #947 business operations. _______________________________ Name _______________________________ Date Page 15 of 15