Ch 12 and 13 take home quiz

Name: ______________________________
Date: __________
Beard – APWH
Ch 12 and 13 take home quiz
Part A
Directions: (1 point each) Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by
four suggested answers or completions. Circle the one that is best in each case.
1. The era of Tang and Song rule is called the “golden age” of China because
(A) it is the only period of Chinese rule in which foreign trade and ideas had little
(B) the Chinese abandoned naturalistic subjects like landscapes in favor for more
“modern” abstract, non-representational art
(C) the Chinese government seized the wealth and land controlled by Buddhist
(D) this was the era of the discovery of explosive powder, the abacus, moveable type, and
the first use of coal for energy.
2. The primary function of the scholar gentry class in Tang and Song China was
(A) to teach in the Confucian-based university system
(B) to spy on the land-based elites in the distant provinces
(C) to administer the imperial, provincial and local governments
(D) to create innovative scholarship, artwork, and technological advances
3. Why did Buddhism become a significant belief system in Tang China?
(A) Confucian scholars preferred it to Islam, which was banned as a foreign religion
(B) The scholar-gentry class embraced it as a means of insuring their dominance over
(C) It offered social opportunities to commoners, to women, easily mixed with Daoist and
Confucian ideas, and had royal patronage
(D) It was brought into China by humble slaves whose behavior the Chinese admired
4. Tang military expansion into central Asia
(A) led to constant warfare between the Chinese and the Muslims
(B) promoted renewed commercial contacts between China and west Asia
(C) obtained land to settle large Chinese population surpluses.
(D) was easily defeated by the Turks and other pastoral nomads
5. What were the long term consequences of new maritime technological advances such as
the sea-going “junk” and the magnetic compass?
(A) A renewed focus on engineering and scientific work in the universities
(B) Combined with the Grand Canal, they dramatically increased north-south trade within
(C) They facilitated dramatic increases in overseas trade in the eastern hemisphere
(D) The scholar-gentry class became worried about the power of the rising merchant-class
in the coastal urban areas
6. The Tang rulers were able to control potential nomadic threats to China by
(A) Bribery
(B) Playing one nomadic group against another
(C) Settling the nomads within Chinese borders on land to farm
(D) Intermarriage between the nomadic and Chinese ruling families
7. Which sect of Buddhism became popular in China for focus on prayer and salvation?
(A) Pure Land
(B) Chan
(C) Tibetan
(D) Mahayana
8. The only indigenous aspect of Japanese culture during the Heian era was
(A) the imperial administration
(B) written characters
(C) Shinto
(D) court etiquette and protocol
9. Local Vietnamese officials identified most with the interests of
(A) Confucian scholar officials
(B) the imperial court ad high administrators
(C) the peasants and local village culture
(D) merchants
10. During the political crisis following the fall of the Han, the Great Wall
(A) was destroyed and replaced by the Great Canal as a defensive barrier to nomadic
(B) provided the materials from which many Buddhist temples were constructed.
(C) became ineffective as a barrier to invasion, because it was held by many small
(D) continued to serve as a barrier to the penetration of nomadic peoples.
11. Excessive military expenses and grandiose building projects led to
(A) the reunification of China under the Shang dynasty.
(B) the downfall of the second Sui emperor and the collapse of the dynasty.
(C) the enslavement of the Korean peoples to serve as slave labor.
(D) a widespread Buddhist rebellion.
12. The Ministry of Rites was responsible for the
(A) examination of local administration and trial of poor ministers.
(B) administration of the Confucian examination system.
(C) coronation of the emperors.
(D) regulation of Buddhist monasteries.
13. Which of the following statements concerning the economy of China during the TangSong era is not accurate?
(A) the sophistication of Chinese commercial contracts and credit systems increased.
(B) the Chinese transportation and communication network deteriorated.
(C) the amount of land under cultivation and the productivity of Chinese agriculture
(D) the level of urbanization in China increased.
14. Compared with the Tang dynasty, the Song dynasty was
(A) shorter-lived.
(B) less centralized.
(C) equal in size.
(D) less militarized.
15. The practice of foot binding
(A) was to venerate family ancestors.
(B) discouraged peasant women from working in the fields.
(C) became universal in China by the end of the Song.
(D) placed women of the privileged classes under male supervision.
Part B: Timeline
Place the following Dynasties in the correct from 1 to 7, where 1 is the earliest and 7 is the latest.
(1 point each)
______ Sui
______ Qin
______ Song
______ Han
______ Tang
______ Shang
______ Zhou
Part C: Identification
In the blanks below, write Sui, Tang, or Song to identify to which dynasty each characteristic
belongs. (1 point each)
__________ Rule of Empress Wu
__________ Construction of the Grand Canal
__________ Development of the sternpost rudder
__________ Reunification of China after the period of 6 dynasties
__________ Revival of the scholar-gentry
__________ Li Bo’s poetry
__________ Defeated by the Jurchens in North and Central Asia
__________Mechanical clock