Baseline Survey

We are requesting you/your firm to submit a proposal for Consultancy in conducting
The proposal submission is eligible to all consultant firms or individuals.
Instructions and Terms of Reference (TOR) are attached.
Kindly write on the Subject Line “Consultancy for Baseline Survey: INTEGRATED
DISTRICT, MTWARA REGION and send to the address provided below.
The deadline of submission is 15TH. May. 2014
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Please inform the Secretary of Tender Committee if you have received the inquiry and if
you will submit the quotation in hardcopy. DO NOT SEND PROPOSALS THROUGH EMAIL, the provided E-mail address is only for inquiries.
AMREF Tanzania Country Office
BOX 2773,
Dar es Salaam.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
The Method of Selection is Combined quality and cost method
The baseline survey is to be completed at most within 30 calendar days after
signing of contract and being paid an advance payment.
(If the Client envisages the need for continuity for downstream work it should
outline in the Terms of Reference the scope, nature, and timing of future work
and indicate here the manner in which this information would be considered in
the evaluation.)
Materials, equipments and supplies used by the Consultant are not permitted if
they have originated in those states under embargo by UN.
For clarification of proposals the Client ’s address is:
Address: P.O.BOX 2773 DAR ES SALAAM
Telephone: 2116610/2136731/2153104
Facsimile number: 255-22-2115823
The proposals shall be written in the English language.
Other documents required to be submitted with the proposal are:
Physical address and Telephone number, Business License, TIN Certificate and /
VAT, Registration Company (applicable for consultancy firms and not individual
The minimum required qualification and experience of the consultant and
professional staff details :
Members of the team to undertake this assignment will be expected to have the
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
1. At least a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Public Health or Monitoring
and Evaluation and with a basic degree in Health Sciences;
2. Demonstrated understanding of global strategies on integrated
approaches to provision of Malaria and Maternal, Newborn and Child
health interventions;
3. Sound experience in conducting baseline surveys especially in the area of
malaria, maternal, newborn and child health;
4. An understanding of the Malaria and Maternal, Newborn and Child
Health policies of Tanzania and related evaluation frameworks;
5. Demonstrated knowledge of multi-stakeholder consultations and
participatory data collection methodologies;
NB. Remember to attach the CVs of all your staffs.
Training is not a specific component of this assignment
Additional information on the proposal includes;
Interested consultants must provide information on their credibility to
perform the service by bringing their profile, description of similar
assignments in the past three years, availability of appropriate skills among
staff. You will also be required to provide names and addresses of your past
and present clients, indicating date and status of the projects.
The Procuring Entity will provide the following inputs and facilities: (unless
specified otherwise during negotiation)
1) AMREF will provide the funds, logistical support and programme documents
for review
2) AMREF will be the link between the Consultant and key partners as well as
the communities.
3) Provide technical oversight, quality assurance as well as quality control for
the evaluation as necessary.
4) AMREF will work with the partners to provide venues for discussions serve as
community guides and mobilize the required persons for interviews and
group discussions.
Proposal must remain valid for 90 days after the submission date.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
The proposal submission
3 hard copies with a soft copy in CD or Flash Sealed ( DROP AT THE TENDER BOX
AMREF Tanzania Country Office
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 1019
P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2131981/ 2116610/ 2136731
Mob: +255 - 767798081
Fax: +255-22-2115823
The proposal must be submitted no later than 4.00pm._15th .May . 2014
Criteria, sub-criteria, and points system for the evaluation of proposal are:
Criteria, sub-criteria
Points (%)
Firm’s general experience, reputation and experience in
previous similar assignments
-General experience of the firm
( 10)
-Experience in similar assignment (15)
(ii) Understanding of the terms of reference, methodology and
the overall quality of the proposal
-Comments on terms of reference (20)
-Work plan and Methodology
(iii) Qualification of key personnel
The number of points to be given under each evaluation sub
criteria for qualifications of staff are;
[General qualifications]
[Adequacy for the project]
(iv) Local Firm Participation
(v) Participation by national experts
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
(a) Team Leader…………………………….. 3 points
(b) Other Staffs…………………………….. 2 points
Total Points :
The minimum Technical Score St required to pass is: 75 Points.
The formula for determining the financial scores is the following:
Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F
the price of the proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical and Financial Proposals are:
T = 0.75 and FP = 0.25
The address for contract negotiations is:
AMREF, Alli Hassan Mwinyi Road-Upanga, P.O.Box 2773 Dar Es Salaam
The assignment is expected to commence on 24th May 2014
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
The African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) is an international health
development organization based in Africa dedicated to finding African solutions for
lasting health change in Africa and was founded in 1957. With its headquarters in
Nairobi, the foundation has country offices in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa,
Ethiopia and South Sudan, conducts programmes in over 30 African countries and is
currently expanding into West Africa. AMREF’s Vision is “For Lasting health change in
Africa-communities with the knowledge, skills and means to maintain their good health
and break the cycle of poor health and poverty” and it believes “The power for lasting
transformation of Africa’s health lies within its communities. AMREF works side by side
with individuals in communities to empower them to build the knowledge, skills and
means to transform their own health”, and focuses on “Improving the health of women
and children in Africa’s communities”.
Communities are at the heart of AMREF’s approach to lasting health change in Africa.
This is what sets AMREF apart from many other health development organizations.
AMREF listens to, gains respect and becomes a part of the community by empowering
its members to build on their resources and inherent strengths to take charge of their
own health. AMREF helps communities connect and integrate with formal health
systems and acts as a powerful catalyst for lasting health change from within. AMREF’s
programmes are guided by three health system strengthening building blocks: Human
Resource for Health, Health Management Information System and Community Systems
This project will work with Community Health Workers (CHWs) to raise awareness of
maternal, newborn and child health among community members. The CHWs will
encourage community members to seek care at health facilities. The project will also
train health workers to provide a quality service. In addition, the project will strengthen
the capacity of local authorities including the District Health Management teams and
community based organizations (CBOs) in their response to maternal, newborn and
child health. This project follows on from a previous malaria control project funded by
Overall Goal
The goal for this project is to contribute to the sustainable reduction of maternal, child
and newborn morbidity and mortality in Tanzania through strengthening maternal,
newborn and child health services in Tandahimba, Mtwara.
Specific objective of the project:
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
To increase the access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH)
services by pregnant women, newborns and children under five in Tandahimba.
Project Objectives
1. To increase community knowledge, demand and access to maternal, newborn
and child health services.
2. To strengthen the capacity of health workers to provide quality maternal,
newborn and child health services.
3. To strengthen the capacity of district, ward and village authorities in their role
and responsibilities in the project.
4. To build capacity of Community Based Organizations in the provision of malaria
and MNCH information and services
Direct beneficiaries: Women of reproductive age and Children under five
Indirect beneficiaries: People in Namikupa division in Tandahimba district.
Community Health workers and Community based organizations.
Baseline Survey
The main objective of the survey is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP
study) of people in Namikupa division in Tandahimba district. The baseline survey will
assess behavior among the people towards use of insecticide treated nets, use of
malaria Intermittent Preventive Therapy (IPT) and early treatment seeking behaviors so
as to obtain preliminary results.
AMREF uses a results based management approach as a basis for its M&E framework.
The baseline assessment will be conducted to identify the gaps experienced from the
previous implementation of the same project and set benchmark for monitoring
Specifically, the survey seeks to:
1. Establish the prevailing levels of knowledge, attitude and practices of people
around maternal health and childhood illnesses.
2. Identify what are the challenges on accessing quality health care services.
3. Establish the capacity of health care workers in diagnosing malaria and provision
4. Establish the capacity and readiness of local community structures on referring
pregnant women and children upon recognition of danger signs.
5. Identify the key social cultural barriers on early treatment seeking behavior
among community members.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
6. Identify the key social cultural enablers to mobilizing community fund for
emergency transport for pregnant women and under five children.
Scope of work
The selected consultant, working in collaboration with the project implementation
team, will fulfill the following objective. The main objective of the baseline survey is to
establish baseline status for all project indicators and provide benchmarks for target
setting and effectiveness during implementation and after completion of activities.
Specific objectives of the study are;
 Assess the availability of trained medical doctors and nurses in selected health
facilities who can effectively manage maternal health, newborn and childhood
 Assess the current community awareness on issues regarding maternal health
and childhood illnesses.
 Identify what are the key challenges and bottlenecks in providing maternal and
child health services in health facilities.
 Assess the availability of guideline, job aid, essential equipment and supplies for
diagnosis and treatment of maternal, newborn and childhood illnesses.
 Assess the capacity of local community structures in supporting pregnant
women, newborns and children upon recognition of danger signs.
 Identify the key social cultural barriers which delay treatment seeking behavior
among community members.
 Assess the data collection tools if they suffice to capture the project indicators.
Approach to be used
This shall be a participatory assessment and will involve methodological triangulation of
qualitative and quantitative approaches and involve the local community, selected
health facilities, government (MOHSW) and civil society. The survey will be conducted
by an experienced research consultant who has conducted MNCH/Malaria surveys in
the past.
i. Inception Report detailing the study design, methodology, tools, work plan, budget
and resources needed to be submitted within seven days after being selected but
before contract signing
ii. Data collection tools to be submitted together with the inception report for AMREF
iii. Complete evaluation data set and codebook in soft copy
iv. The first draft of baseline survey report should take 30 days from the contract
signing. The report should highlight the key project indicators addressing the specific
objectives based on quantitative and qualitative methodologies applied (3 bound
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
hard copies and a soft copy). The consultant should also plan to de-brief the AMREF
team after submitting the first draft of the report.
The final report concisely written and with AMREF’s comments incorporated should
be submitted within 15 days of the end of the survey.
Expected profiles of the Consultant
The consultant should have a good understanding of national health sector policies,
plans and systems, Malaria, Maternal Neonatal and Child Health policies and strategies
and frameworks in Tanzania as well as human rights and gender related issues in
communities in Tanzania. S/he should have previous consultancy experience in the area
of public health and reproductive health.
The suitable candidate should possess postgraduate training in public health, social
sciences or related disciplines, and have a minimum of five years of experience
evaluating health and development programmes. Experience in evaluating CSOs’
organizational capacities in Tanzania is highly desirable. Technically should have the
ability to carry out the survey as stipulated in the TOR by having; Proven evidence of
documentation skills; Organizational development Skills; applicants with specialization
in MNCH and M&E will have added advantage; previous experience conducting baseline
surveys in Tanzania and in particular RH; proven record of excellent documentation skills
in English and Swahili knowledge an added advantage.
In addition the consultant must be proficient in data analysis and report writing and in
the use of computers, especially the use of statistical analysis software packages for
qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
Role of AMREF (and Partners)
AMREF will provide the funds, logistical support and programme documents for
AMREF will be the link between the Consultant and key partners as well as the
Provide technical oversight, quality assurance as well as quality control for the
evaluation as necessary.
AMREF will work with the partners to provide venues for discussions serve as
community guides and mobilize the required persons for interviews and group
Duration of the consultancy
The baseline survey is expected to take a maximum of 30 days. The final report is to be
submitted within 15 days of completion of the baseline survey.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
The consultant will submit a full proposal for conducting the Baseline Survey with a
technical and financial component reflecting the following:
 Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
 Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment.
 Time and activity schedule
 Profile of the Consultant
 Curriculum vitae of key personnel
Detailed cost proposal in Tanzania shillings for the consultancy work; that is
 Consultancy fees i.e. consultant’s daily rate in Tshs.
 Activity costs
 Other costs for the consultant (only) e.g. perdiem while in the field and travel
costs for the consultant will be met by AMREF
Organizational and Personnel Capacity Statement
 Relevant experience related to the assignment
 Appropriate references
 Curriculum Vitae of key personnel
Some detailed activities to be included in the technical proposal
 Conduct desk review including key project documents i.e. project proposal, log
 Interviews with key district partners
 Interviews with project beneficiaries
 Present the draft report to AMREF technical team and use feedback to finalize
Submission of Proposals
The consultant is expected to submit a detailed response containing:
 A technical proposal
 A financial proposal
 Individual consultant’s capacity statement including relevant experiences related
to the assignment and contact of organizations worked with
 Curriculum vitae of key personnel who will be involved in the assignment
 Date of submission
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
AMREF will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and
financial feasibility. AMREF reserves the right to accept or reject in part or the whole
proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the
highest bidder.
Reporting requirements
Share the zero draft of the report to be reviewed by the technical project team then
present the first draft to AMREF and partners. Submit final report with comments from
AMREF and collaborators incorporated.
AMREF report format
The baseline evaluation report is expected not to exceed 40 pages excluding annexes
and should conform to the following format:
 Executive summary
 Introduction
 Methodology
 Results/Findings
 Discussion
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
 Acknowledgement (very short like five lines)
 References
 Annex
Evaluation and Award of Consultancy
AMREF will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and
financial feasibility. AMREF reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received
without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest, the highest or any bidder.
Only the successful applicants will be contacted.
Intellectual property right
The product of this survey is AMREF’s property. Under no circumstances the Consultant
will use the information of this survey for publication or dissemination without official
permission (in writing) from AMREF authority. The consultant will be required to handle
over the electronic copy of a database to AMREF on the day of presenting the final
Reporting Lines and Supervision of the Work
The lead consultant will be reporting to the Clinical Programme Manager and
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager at AMREF Tanzania Country Office.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
Consultant will neither assign nor sub-contract this assignment. AMREF reserves
the right to terminate the consultancy in the any event with regard to the above
notice or breach of any clause of the contract.
Delays in submission of deliverables by more than 5 business days without prior
negotiated adjustments will result in a 5% deduction of the total consultancy fee
and a 0.5% additional penalty will accrue per business day that deliverables are
not received.
The consultant must make a request for extension of time in writing three days
before deadline. Provided decision regarding such request will be made before
the expiry of the consultancy duration.
Once completed the evaluation will be the property of AMREF. Any replication of
deliverables to any third party will only be accepted when approval is given by
AMREF with clearly defined boundaries for its use.
Evaluation and award
AMREF will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and
financial feasibility. AMREF reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received
without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest, the highest or any bidder.
Only the successful applicant will be contacted.
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
Annex 1
Logical framework
Key results
Goal : To contribute to the sustainable
reduction of maternal, child and
newborn morbidity and mortality in
Tanzania through strengthening
maternal, newborn and child health
services in Tandahimba, Mtwara.
Specific objective of the project:
To increase the access and utilization
of maternal, newborn and child health
(MNCH) services by pregnant women,
newborns and children under five in
 Maternal mortality Ratio
 Under five mortality rate
 Infant mortality rate
 Neonatal mortality rate
1. To increase community
knowledge, demand and access
to maternal, newborn and child
health services.
2. To strengthen the capacity of
Baseline needed
% of women delivering at
health facility
% of pregnant women who
attended at least 4 Ante Natal
Care visits by skilled
% of women withnewborns
attending Post Natal Care
% of children attending
health facilities within 24
hours of onset of fever.
% of pregnant women
receiving Intermittent
Preventive Therapy
% of care givers able to recognize 3
signs and symptoms of malaria
% of women and men who are able
to recognize 3 danger signs related
% of people benefitted by the
Community referral fund of those
seeking support.
% increase of pregnant women
newborns and children accessing
services in the health facility
% increase of men attending the
health facility with their partner or
% of health workers providing
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara
health workers to provide
quality maternal, newborn and
child health services
3. To strengthen the capacity of
district, ward and village
authorities in their role and
responsibilities in the project.
4. To build capacity of Community
Based Organizations in the
provision of malaria and MNCH
information and services
quality Malaria and MNCHs services
(to be defined).
% of health facilities that have
diagnostic equipment
% increase in health budget for
Malaria & MNCH services at district,
ward and village level
% of plans and reports that are
timely submitted to the responsible
health unit.
% of reports that are compiled in
the district Malaria and MNCH data
% of identified CBOs with their
annual Malaria and MNCH plans
in CBOs network
TOR for Baseline Survey for Integrated Malaria and Maternal Newborn and Child Health project in
Tandahimba, Mtwara