SPN 101 Please, take the time to read our syllabus carefully

SPN 101
Please, take the time to read our syllabus
carefully. Highlight it and refer to it
frequently. It has all the information you
need for the class.
Margarita Casas
Office & tel:
NSH 117, BC 102 A, Teléfono 541.917.4558
QUIA→ www.quia.com/pages/margarita101.html
LBCC→ instructor website
Office hours:
M-W 10:30 to 11:00 (or by appointment) and TR 10:00-11:00
(classes at the BC, available before and after class)
Required Text:
Exploraciones, early adopters edition
Text: 1-111-46404-9 Includes text, student manual and web access
Additional materials:
A blue examination notebook (you can make your own).
Bring Spanish to your life!!!
Read books from the Corvallis Public Library collection in Spanish.
Explore the internet in Spanish, including radio stations, audio files,
grammar and vocabulary resources. Check the links from the SPN 101
Univisión (Channel 31) and Telemundo (channel 30) broadcast in Spanish.
Select the subtitles option to read and hear what they say!
Use the SAP option on your T.V. to hear your favorite shows in Spanish.
Keep your eyes open for all Spanish around you (product instructions,
food, commercials, etc.)
Meet friends who speak the language!
Learn how to use your textbook!
Get familiar with your book
Bookmark important pages like grammar
Use the internet resources in the Quia website,
and make sure to complete your homework
Use the audio resources beyond completing your HW.
About the class:
We use Spanish as much as possible.
We move FAST!
You should dedicate a minimum of two hours of studying for every contact hour.
Take the time to meet your classmates. You have
the same objectives and can support each other.
Use the tutoring services! (Don’t assume it is
only for when you are in trouble –it’s not!)
Exams (25%) and pruebas (21%): All dates are in the calendar at the end.
Composiciones (15%): The topics are explained in the syllabus.
The dates for the FIRST and FINAL DRAFT are also indicated in the calendar.
Tareas (homework) [20%]: Pages are indicated in the calendar.
Participación (10%)
¡Hablamos en español!
Learning Journal (4%): Allows to track your progress and take action.
Tips for success in this class:
BUILT COMMUNITY! Make friends in the
class. Study with them. Have a coffee with
them and speak Spanish!
Be realistic about your expectations: No one learns to speak a
language in one school term. It takes time, motivation and hard
Not everyone learns the same way. It is important that you
discover your own learning style
It is normal to experience frustration at the beginning
Use the resources we offer, like tutors, office hours, web resources and
books at the library.
Make connections between the Spanish language and
your life... Use the language, meet new friends!
Try to have fun!!!