Band Handbook

1019 S. 7th Street, Temple Texas 76504 - (254) 778-8141
Jacob Bridges -
Student/Parent Agreement
Please return the Student/Parent Agreement form by next Monday. It is important
that you fill out each space provided on the form. Although the handbook is detailed, most
of it is common sense. Please become as familiar with it as possible. It is our intention that
this handbook shows our sincerity in building a fine band program here at St. Mary’s
Catholic School. The goals and procedures presented in this packet will assist our students
in reaching the success that they deserve, not only this school year, but in the years to
Rehearsal Goals
o Build and reinforce the fundamentals of music.
o Establish procedure and discipline.
o Expand the current musical knowledge of the students.
Rehearsal Rules & Procedures
Be respectful: to the director, to other students, and to school and personal property.
Be in your seats, ready to play, at the beginning of the rehearsal.
Remain quiet when the director is teaching.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
No food or drink in our rehearsal room.
Remain in your seat during rehearsal.
All text books and homework are to remain in your locker.
These rules are in addition to the school rules and will be enforced.
Grading Policy
Grades will be determined from the following:
34% Participation – Being actively engaged in learning during the rehearsals. Not
causing distractions preventing others from learning, and having all the proper
materials for class.
33% Playing Test – Graded playing based on effort and accuracy. Participation in
required performances will be graded as a playing test.
33% Assignments – The class will be given regular written assignments or online
assignments to be completed and submitted.
Final Exam – Their final exam grade will be participation in our Christmas and Spring
Concerts. Grades for these performances will be averaged as a test grade.
Concerts & Performances
A grade will be given for all performances during and after school. Any student that
fails to attend, arrives on time, or in the proper attire, will receive a lowered grade or possibly a
“zero”. Playing in a band is a cooperative effort where the students rely on each other to insure
a successful performance. Therefore, excused absences will be limited to illness of the student
or an immediate family emergency. An unexcused absence of a performance may also result in
losing the privilege of band trips.
Home Practice
One of the most important aspects to a successful band is the element of home practice.
By taking a few minutes every night, students can reinforce the musical material learned in the
day’s rehearsal. They can work on various technical aspects at their own pace and continue to
refine their skills and improve their technique and musical tone quality. Students who practice
regularly at home tend to get the most pleasure out of band. They look forward to rehearsals and
performances and take a great deal of pride in performing to the best of their abilities. Please
take a moment to visit with your student about the importance of practicing at home.
Private Lessons
The quality of the band at St. Mary’s is reflected by the quality of its members. It is
important that students strive for excellence in all their endeavors. As students play their
instruments better, they seem to gain more from the musical experience. It is amazing to see
how this improvement is reflected in better attitudes, better grades and a brighter outlook on
life. As each child continues to improve, so does our ensemble. One of the most important ways
to improve as a musician is through private lessons. There is no substitute for weekly sessions
of individualized instruction by an instrument specialist. The helpful hints or minor adjustments
suggested by the instructor can greatly improve your child’s success. If you would like to
arrange for private lessons, please contact me, or your local music store, to locate a qualified
When looking for a qualified lesson teacher, ask yourself the following questions:
Does he/she have a degree in music, or currently working on a degree in music?
Is his/her primary instrument the same as your student?
Does he/she have teaching experience and references?
School Owned Instruments
Students that are issued school owned equipment are to be held responsible for the care
and upkeep of the instrument. School equipment is checked out in working condition and is
expected to be in the same condition when returned at the end of the school year. Repair of
school instruments throughout the school year is the responsibility of each student. We have a
limited number of school owned instruments, and the list that follows shows what instruments
we have and how many we have in inventory. The loaning out of these instruments will be on a
first come, first serve basis.
1 Flute
1 Bass clarinet
1 Clarinet
2 Tenor saxophones
2 Cornets
1 Trumpet
3 French horns
2 trombones
2 baritones
Instrument Rental & Purchases
Due to the limited amount of school-owned instruments here at St. Mary’s Catholic
School, students will need to either purchase or rent the instrument in which they play.
Instrument rentals and purchases can be made at The Band Room. Addresses for The Band
Room are below. Please contact the director with any questions regarding an instrument that is
to be purchased online or at a pawn shop.
Belton: 2805 N Loop 121, Belton, TX 76513
Phone: (254) 939-6200
Harker Heights: 212 W Veterans Memorial Blvd, Harker Heights, TX 76548
Phone: (254) 699-2263
Anticipated Expenses
Band fee*
To be paid through the school office
+/- $10.50
To be worn at all band performances
Trip (Junior High contest)
+/- $20.00
Trip fee will be determined after fundraising
Solo & Ensemble
+/- $5
Optional. Cost is per performance.
* The fee aids in the purchase of music and supplies for the band, general maintenance on
equipment used by the band, and with entry fees for band festivals and contests.
Recurring Expenses
Students are required to have four working
Reeds that they should rotate on a daily
Horn Maintenance
Maintenance of personal horns is up to the
Students. See above for school owned horns.
It is a privilege to have each of you in band. If we follow these simple rules and
procedures, we are sure to have a successful and enjoyable year.
Jacob Bridges
St. Mary’s Catholic School
Band Director
1019 S. 7th Street, Temple Texas 76504 - (254) 778-8141
Jacob Bridges -
I have read the rules and procedures of the St. Mary’s School Band, and I
understand what is to be expected of me while in band.
Students Signature
Parents Signature
Band Shirt Order Form
The band shirt is a royal blue polo shirt (Hanes 50/50
blend) with the logo (pictured on right) embroidered on the
left side of the shirt.
Student name:
size(child sizes) S
(adult sizes) S
of shirts
Total cost
Please return this order form ASAP with the appropriate amount of money.
Each band student, grades 4-8, will need to purchase a band shirt to be worn at concerts and other performances.