TEST ~ UNIT 1: Discovery of the New World PART 1: Multiple Choice “To oppose those hordes of northern tribes, singly and alone, would prove certain destruction. We can make no progress in that way. We unite ourselves into one common band of brothers. We must have but one voice. Many voices makes confusion. We must have one fire, one pipe and one war club. This will give us strength. If our warriors are united they can defeat the enemy and drive them from our land; If we do this, we are safe….And you of the different nations of the south, and you of the west, may place ourselves under our protection, and we will protect you. We earnestly desire the alliance and friendship of you all…” – Chief Elias Johnson, Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquis, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians, 1881 1. According to Johnson, which of the following was the primary reason for the tribes to unite? a. To increase trade b. To provide for self-defense c. To gain additional land d. To make the Tuscarora leaders 2. Which of the following factors best explains why Native American efforts to unite were rare? a. Most tribes were isolated from each other b. Europeans discouraged tribes from uniting c. People had different foods and cultures d. Tribes had traditions of independence “Concerning the treatment of Native American workings: When they were allowed to go home, they often found it deserted and had no other recourse than to go out into the woods to find food and to die. When they fell ill, which was very frequently because they are delicate people unaccustomed to such work, the Spaniards did not believe them and pitilessly called them lazy dogs, and kicked and beat them; and when illness was apparent they sent them home as useless, giving them some cassava for the twenty-to eighty league journey. They would go then, falling into the first stream and dying there in desperation; others would hold on longer, but very few ever made it home. I sometimes came upon dead bodies on my way, and upon others who were gasping and moaning in their death agony, repeating ‘Hungry, hungry.’” – Bartolome de Las Casas, priest and social reformer, In Defense of the Indian, c. 1550. 3. Which of the following best explains the underlying cause of the Spanish actions described by Las Casas? a. Racism b. Religion c. Desire for wealth d. Fear of native power 4. Which of the following factors that affected Native Americans is directly implied but not stated in this excerpt? a. Many Spaniards were sympathetic to the Native Americans b. The Catholic Church was trying to help the Native Americans c. European disease were killing millions of Native Americans d. The Spanish faced strong resistance from Native Americans “Instructions to you, Vicente de Zaldivar….of the expedition to New Mexico…for the punishment of the pueblo of Acoma for having killed…soldiers…. Since the good success of the undertaking depends on the pleasure of God our Lord in directing you to appropriate and effective methods, it is right that you should seek to prevent public or private offense to Him in the expedition….You will proceed over the shortest route….At the places and pueblos that you pass through on the way you will treat the natives well and not allow harm to be done them…. If God shall be so merciful as to grant us victory, you will, arrest all of the people, young and old, without sparing anyone. Inasmuch as have declared war on them without quarter, you will punish all those of fighting age as you deem best, as a warning to everyone in this kingdom.” 5. Don Juan de Onate , Colonizer of New Mexico, 1599 According to Onate, the Spanish saw the ultimate justification for their actions with the natives of America based on their belief that they a. Had a right to seek revenge on those who killed soldiers b. Had permission from the natives to travel by the shortest route c. Should treat all people equally d. Were carrying out God’s will 6. Which of the following best explains why the natives of America became so important to the Spanish empire? a. Natives could be enslaved by the Spanish settlers b. Natives provided most of the labor on Spanish land c. Natives often joined the Spanish military d. Natives were primarily trading partners of the Spanish “Their world, quite literally, changed before the Indians’ eyes as European colonists transformed the forest into farmland….In the Southeast, hogs ran wild. Sheep and goats became permanent parts of the economy and culture of Pueblo and Navajo people in the Southwest. Horses transformed the lives and cultures of Indian peoples on the plains. Europeans also brought honeybees, black rats, cats, and cockroaches to America.” 7. 8. Colin G. Calloway, historian, First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History, 2012. 9. The process described in the excerpt most affected The excerpt describes effects of the Europeans through a. Columbian Exchange a. An increase in cooperation among European b. Great Awakening nations c. Middle Passage b. A decline in religious activity and the d. Triangular Trade secularization of Europe c. Significant population growth and economic American Indian societies most commonly reacted to the development in many parts of Europe changes described in the excerpt by d. Widespread epidemics of American diseases a. Embracing European religious and agricultural that decreased European population practices b. Adapting European material goods while 10. Europeans most typically explained the process attempting to preserve cultural autonomy described in the excerpt in which of the following ways? c. Borrowing European political structures to a. Denying that such changes had taken place organize their own societies. b. Interpreting it as evidence of a need to protect d. Encouraging European colonists to accept the rights of artisans and farmers c. Viewing it as proof of the higher level of American Indian cultural practices. civilization among Europeans d. Asserting that all people were equal and deserving of the same rights PART 2: Short Answer – Briefly answer the questions in complete sentences. A thesis is not required. Question 1: Answer a. “This boundary or line shall be drawn straight, as aforesaid, at a distance of three hundred and seventy leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands….And all lands, both islands and mainlands, found and discovered already, or to be found and discovered hereafter, by the said King of Portugal and his vessels on this side of the said line and bound determined as above, toward the east, in either north or south latitude, on the eastern side of the said bound, provided the said bound is not crossed, shall belong to and remain in the possession of, and pertain forever to, the said King of Portugal and his successors. And all other lands, both islands and mainlands, found or to be found hereafter…by said King and Queen of Castile, Aragon, etc. and by their vessels, on the western side of the said bound, determined as above, after having passed the said bound toward the west, in either its north or south latitude, shall belong to…the said King and Queen of Castile, Leon, etc. and to their successors.” – 1494 a) Briefly explain the historical event being described in the document above and the event’s significance on settlement of the New World. STUDENT RESPONSE AND TEACHER NOTES “The passage describes the Treaty of Tordesillas, an agreement between Spain, Portugal and the Catholic Church that gave most of West Africa and Brazil to Portugal, while possession of most of the Americas to Spain. Besides preventing future conflicts between the two colonial powers, this treaty exemplified the European belief that they had a god-given right to claim these lands despite the native inhabitants claim to the land. In addition, Spanish control of the Americas resulted in a strong influence over the modern development of the Americas, as seen in language, religion, and other social customs that exist today.” - Must identify and describe the Treaty of Tordesillas accurately Must demonstrate an understanding of at least one element of the treaty’s significance in regard to colonization of the New World Be careful or at least explicit when talking about direct effects and indirect. In this case some students argued that the Treaty led directly to the Columbian Exchange, when this is not truly the case. Question 2: Answer a and b. Historians argue that geographic and environmental factors were instrumental in shaping the development of Native American societies in the New World prior to European settlement. a) Select ONE of the regions below, and explain how the geography and/or environment shaped the development of Native American societies in that particular region. (hint: connect the geog/envt cause to either the economic, social, political, or technological effect) - Southwest - The Great Plains - Pacific Northwest - Northeast - Mississippi Valley - Atlantic Seaboard b) Provide and explain ONE piece of evidence that would support the argument you wrote in A. STUDENT RESPONSE AND TEACHER NOTES 2A “With suitable soil for agriculture and the constant competition of resources in the Great Plains the Native tribes in that region were characterized as hunters. These geographical and environmental factors not only led to tension between tribes, due to the hunting competition, but also made these tribes follow a nomadic lifestyle, because they constantly need to move when resources ran out in their area or another tribe attacked.” 2B - “Nomadic tribes in the Great Plains, such as the Sioux, mainly hunted bison or buffalo. The animal was considered the lifeblood for many native tribes as the meat provided food, while bones were used for tools and furs and skins for clothing, blankets, and housing. The teepee, a temporary and mobile home, was common among the native tribes on the Great plains, demonstrating their nomadic way of life.” Did Part A and B match up with each other, by arguing the same region and at the same time building on the arguments from a into b. Needed to explain specifically how the geography or environment caused the specific characteristics of the tribes in that region. Do not be repetitive nor waste words. Be succinct, exact and to the point. Question 3: Answer a and b. a) Explain one specific similarity between Vanderlyn’s (left) and Rivera’s (right) paintings. b) Explain one specific difference between Vanderlyn’s and Rivera’s paintings. STUDENT RESPONSE AND TEACHER NOTES 3A - “Both Vanderlyn and Rivera’s depict Spanish domination in the New World and the importance of religion on Spanish culture. In Vanderlyn’s painting, the Spanish explorers, led by Columbus, are holding weapons, flags, and crosses, illustrating that they are conquering the land in the name of the Spanish Crown and God. Similarly Rivera’s painting shows that the Spanish are dominant over the Native Americans and are using Christianity and their military power to enslave the native populations.” Reference the author/artist directly if you have the citation information to avoid confusion Use key indicator language ie. Likewise, similarly, in addition to Be explicit and clear as to how you arrived at your conclusion, what about the painting or document led you to this argument. Use examples and explain your thought process 3B - - - “While Vanderlyn’s painting praise the European conquest of the Americas, Rivera’s painting shames the Spanish takeover of the New World and subjugation of Native populations. With the use of lighting and Columbus’s stance, combined with the grandeur of the flag and religious symbols, Vanderlyn depicts the Spanish conquest as a heroic deed. On the other hand, Rivera uses images such as the Native slaves being whipped, branded, and hung from trees to display the cruelty of the Spaniards and the exploitation of the Native people.” Use key indicator language, ie. by contrast, on the other hand, whereas Do not be afraid to comment on or criticize the author’s opinion, by offering up a counter argument or viewpoint, just be sure to do so academically and with facts to back it up. (not good enough to simply say the author is biased, we all are.) If you know about the authors background or motivation in producing the document, you can use that as part of your analysis of the work. For example, Diego Rivera was a Mexican political muralist wo advocated for national pride whereas Vanderlyn was commissioned by Congress in the years leading up to the Civil War to create a piece honoring Columbus that might unify the young U.S. together. In a compare and contrast, it is not enough to just say what is different or similar, but rather to come to some larger historical judgment based on those qualities. Either you argue why they are different/similar (causation) or simply say the impact of these differences (effect) PART 3: Introduction and Thesis 1. Write a concise introductory paragraph to answer one of the following prompts. (Your Choice!) Make sure you have an intro that clearly presents a thesis that accounts for all aspects of the question and lays a foundation for more detailed paragraphs. A. Analyze the extent to which early European colonists viewed the Native Americans as inferior people who could be exploited for colonial benefit. B. Assess the ways in which European colonization transformed the Americas in the sixteenth century. TEACHER NOTES ON INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHS Introduce the audience to the main TOPIC and TIME PERIOD in the first one to two sentences Set up the arguments, i.e. what would the topics of each body paragraph be. It might be thematic (Political, Social, Economic, etc), or chronological or some other format, but lay out this structure and organization in one to three sentences Do not include specific evidence in details rather summarize using themes, topics, and general conclusions. Save that ammunition for what will become the body paragraphs. (for example an essay on Prompt A would likely include the Encomienda System, it doesn’t need to be in your intro) Lead into your overall claim/thesis which must answer the entire prompt, make a clear historical argument that can be argued. If you are talking about a big impact or a lot of changes, then summarize what those impacts or changes are. Example, how were Native’s inferior? and what benefits did colonists get from exploiting them?“It greatly transformed the Americas in many ways.” Uhhhhh super vague and boring, you must explain what those “ways” are….did the Native population decrease significantly, did over