Task #1 - Apple of my i

Apple of my i
0422 Marketing Principles
Introduction to Marketing Functions and Careers
 Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy (Task #1)
 Describe marketing functions and related activities (Task #2)
 Explain employment opportunities in marketing (Task #4)
 Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures (Task #1, 2, & 3)
Everyone here has heard of Apple, whether it be Mac Computers, Ipod’s, Ipad’s , or Iphones… Apple
has won multiple marketing awards because of their policies and practices. In this unit we will become a
secret shoppers or applicants for www.apple.com to help us learn from their example. We will analyze
apple in a global context and compare it’s internet marketing (websites) to the competitors. We will
look at jobs in the marketing industry by using Apple as an employer.
What can we learn about careers and the global economy from researching how Apple and other
computer companies meet their marketing challenges?
To complete this project, students will use basic terms and concepts, to complete the following
academic, technology, and entrepreneurship activities:
1. Academic activities – textbook review, website research, critical thinking and writing skills;
2. Technology activities – website research, use of MOS Word and tables;
3. Entrepreneurship activities – determining what shoppers would like on a website and
developing a Core marketing Concept Diagram
Students will choose a marketing job at Apple of their choice, they will decide what online shoppers
would like to see, and pick one product of their choice to create a marketing concept cycle and explain a
marketing philosophy for it.
 Discuss & review of topics from the textbook to introduce Task 1
45 min
 Evaluate Apple’s website with research and an essay. - Task #1
60 min
 Review functions from the textbook, then introduce Compare and Contrast exercise,
45 min
 Create a table showing different site characteristics in Task #2
45 min
 Instruction & discussion on approaches & jobs, then research a marketing job at Apple
60 min
 Summarize Apple’s approach to marketing using question handout & poster in Task #3
90 min
 Show posters and discuss pros and cons of marketing approaches
30 min
 Create a presentation on marketing jobs as directed in Task #4
120 min
 Show presentations & discuss concepts to wrap up unit
45 min
Specific instructions on handouts
Armstrong, Gary, and Kotler,Philip, “Marketing, An Introduction” Prentice Hall 2000
Computers, Websites as listed above, Word software, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint software.
 Task #1 - Research and Essay.
18 pts
 Task #2 - Create a Compare & Contrast Table
24 pts
 Task #3 - Question handout & poster creation
35 pts
 Task #4 - Presentation on marketing jobs
20 pts
Total points per unit
97 pts
Authentic assessments will be evaluated with the rubrics that are located on each activity
Block scheduling-6 days, periods-12 days. This includes time for lecture, textbook readings, and
discussions. Depending on student’s ability, extended time may be needed on some projects.
Day 1
Begin with discussion & review of topics from the textbook to
45 min
Introduce Task 1 and start research for essay.
45 min
Day 2
Finish essay (15 min), Review functions from textbook (30 min)
45 min
Introduce Task 2 (15 min), Complete site review & start table (30 min)
45 min
Day 3
Finish tables (15 min), Instruction & discussion on approaches, (15 min)
30 min
Research a marketing jobs at Apple (45 min) Intro Task#3 (15 min)
60 min
Day 4
Complete task 3 question handout (30 min) & create poster (45 min)
75 min
Students show posters and discuss pros and cons of marketing approaches
15 min
Day 5
Finish showing posters and discuss pros and cons of marketing approaches
15 min
Introduce Task 4 (15 min) Research marketing jobs as directed (60 min)
75 min
Day 6
Continue creating presentations
45 min
Show presentations (30 min), discuss concepts to wrap up unit (15 min)
45 min
Using Apple.com students will learn about marketing, careers, global effects, and the companies
marketing philosophies and procedures.
Task #1 - Apple of my i
____ of 18 pts
The Marketing Concept
Today’s marketing is more global in nature due to the power of the Internet. Companies can
demonstrate the marketing concept on their Web sites by including features that are important
to customers and prospects. Web users want to know about product benefits and where they
can purchase the firm’s products. However, sites that give users something of interests beyond
product descriptions create additional value for the customer. Many sites attempt to target
customer segments by language (global), gender, degree of technical understanding, and age.
Finally, an important sign of customer orientation is having an email address that is easy to
locate, remember, use, and communicate to the consumer. Evaluate www.apple.com on it’s
perceived attentions to the marketing concept.
Consider the following:
1. What do you think is the most important customer benefit stressed on this site?
2. What new products did you find?
3. To what extent does this site employ the marketing concept? Support you judgment.
4. Is there anything missing from the site? How could Apple improve the site enhance the
marketing of its products?
Write a one page essay, double spaced, 11 point Calibri font with one inch margins discussing
the questions above.
Grammar and
Page Layout
1 pt-5 or more mistakes
2 pts-1-4 mistakes
3 pts-0 mistakes
1 pt-makes no mention of Consideration 1
2 pts-mentions Consideration 1 and briefly relates it to Apple
3 pts-essay addresses Consideration 1 and discusses is fully and entirely
1 pt-makes no mention of Consideration 2
2 pts-mentions Consideration 2 and briefly relates it to Apple
3 pts-essay addresses Consideration 2 and discusses is fully and entirely
1 pt-makes no mention of Consideration 3
2 pts-mentions Consideration 3 and briefly relates it to Apple
3 pts-essay addresses Consideration 3 and discusses is fully and entirely
1 pt-makes no mention of Consideration 4
2 pts-mentions Consideration 4 and briefly relates it to Apple
3 pts-essay addresses Consideration 4 and discusses is fully and entirely
1 pt-did not follow an page layout instructions
2 pts-followed all but one page layout instructions
3 pts-followed all page layout and formatting instructions
Total Points
18 pts
Task #2 - Compare/Contrast Table
____ of 24 pts
Go to www.compaq.com, www.dell.com, and www.ibm.com and compare these sites to the
www.apple.com site in terms of how well they apply the marketing concept. Develop a list of
important site characteristics and construct a grid or table in which you compare the sites on
these characteristics and marketing functions.
Make your list first. Ask yourself what you expect or would like a website to have when you are
doing a web search, or if it were YOUR business.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________
You may create a TABLE on Word and complete the compare and contrast.
List the websites across the top and the characteristics down the side.
You must have one sentence telling how one site meets that characteristic, for each
characteristic you will have 4 sentences.
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
3 pts
7 different characteristics listed
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
One sentence comparing the three sites based on
characteristic 1
characteristic 2
characteristic 3
characteristic 4
characteristic 5
characteristic 6
characteristic 7
24 pts
Task #3 - Question/Answers
_____ of 35 pts
For many years, Apple Computer’s share of market had dwindled, stock prices fell, and
consumers lost confidence in what, in the beginning, was one of the computer industry’s most
dynamic and fun companies. Things started to change when the company introduced its iMac.
It was designed to set up in less than 5 minutes, have a sleek design, and be an all in one
machine. However, peoples complained that is only had a CD drive, a small 15 inch monitor,
and a 4 gb hard drive. Since then things have turned around for Apple. Years later after the
iPhone and iPad, Apple is now working on the Macbook Pro.
1. What elements of the marketing concept, does Apple appear to be applying with
the MacBook Pro?
2. Go to a retail outlet that carries the MacBook Pro or go online and review it
yourself. What seems to be the advantages and disadvantages of the product?
What are the primary target markets for the MacBook Pro?
3. Keeping in mind the marketing concept, relationship marketing, and customer
value, design a strategy to overcome any criticisms (or reasons why someone would
choose a competitor’s product) of the MacBook Pro and help it maintain profitable
sales past it’s introductory period.
Points Criteria
5 pts Address question 1 and explain what elements and how Apple is applying
4 pts Addressed question 2, you can use personal experience or information from
the website.
6 pts Address the questions thoroughly, use terminology, and your own reasoning.
15 pts
Choose another product from Apple and create a Core Marketing Concept Diagram based on
that product. Choose a marketing management philosophy and describe how that philosophy
or concept would best sell that product.
You may design your Core marketing Concept Diagram on the computer or create a poster.
Points Criteria
1 pt
Name of Product __________________________
4 pts List each part of the Core Marketing Concept and how that product meets
each concept.
4 pts Choose visuals/graphics in the diagram that are appropriate for the product.
7 pts One complete paragraph giving a marketing philosophy specifically for the
chosen product
4 pts Project is neat, creative, and demonstrates a well thought out concept
20 pts
Task #4 - Presentation
____ of 20 pts
Go to the www.apple.com/jobs/us/corporate.html.
Find the following.
What are some things that Apple recommends you do as a college student if you want a
career with them? How are these opportunities marketing related?
Look on the website under retail. Look at each position. Choose one you would be
interested in.
o How does your chosen retail job relate to marketing?
Under corporate, under job functions choose marketing. Choose a job.
o Salary
o Responsibilities
o Requirements
o Find a college that you find interesting that offers the program of study you need
to have taken to get that job.
Use PowerPoint to create a virtual essay.
Use the following rubric for your guide.
1 pt
4 pts
4 pts
4 pts
4 pts
3 pts
Slide, content, criteria
Slide 1- (Title Slide) Make a Creative Title, remember you are
dealing with Apple. Include your Name, Class, Period, Date
Slide 2- Students Slide-Tell me what opportunities Apple has for
students. Be sure to tell me how they opportunities relate to
Slide 3-Retail Slide-Tell me about a retail opportunity with
Apple. (For example, working in the store). How is this position
related to marketing?
Slide 4-Corporate Marketing-Tell me about a marketing job at
Apple. What do you need to do in order to eventually get this
type of job?
Slide 5-Apple Marketing-Tell me what you have learned about
Apple and what they do with their marketing.
Slides are easy to read with appropriate graphics, colors,
themes, etc.
20 pts