Testing Protocol for SCO GAAP Templates TESTING PROTOCOL FOR SCO GAAP TEMPLATES Legal to GAAP Reconciliation (General Fund, capital outlay funds and Special Deposit Fund) 1) Legal balances tie to FIRMS. 2) Descriptions of GAAP adjustments are clear and adjustments are reasonable. 3) There are no compound entries. 4) GAAP balances tie to GAAP FIRMS and TM1. Capital Assets 1) Beginning balances tie to prior year’s ending balances per the SCO GAAP submission. 2) Totals for beginning balances, additions, deductions, transfers and ending balances per worksheet tie to same totals in Note 5.1 in TM1. 3) Classifications of activity are consistent between the capital assets schedule and Note 5.1 in TM1 (e.g. a transfer in TM1 is not classified as an addition or deduction on the capital assets schedule). 4) Net capital assets per the worksheet ties to net capital assets in CSU fund 501 in GAAP FIRMS. 5) Depreciation expense ties to amount reported in TM1. 6) There are no balances for state fund 0997. Net Investment in Capital Assets 1) Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation/Amortization, ties to Note 5.1 in TM1. 2) Debt and Net Investment in Capital Assets tie to Note 18.1 in TM1. Cash Flow (Note: Program automatically populates the University column.) 1) All 3 tabs of the workbook (SNP, SRECNP, SCF) have been completed and all error messages have been cleared. 2) The net position as reflected on the SNP and the SRECNP are the same. 3) The depreciation expense reported on the SCF ties to the depreciation expense reported on the Depreciation Expense Schedule. 4) The state fund data on the SCF bears a reasonable relationship to data provided on other SCO GAAP schedules. Other Liabilities Detail Ties to balance in Other Liabilities. Pollution Remediation Ties to same amount in Other Liabilities Detail. Page 1 of 2 Testing Protocol for SCO GAAP Templates Due From/To 1) Balances by state fund tie to GAAP FIRMS and total due from and total due to tie to TM1. 2) Each balance in a fund matches entry in corresponding fund. 3) Balances net to zero on a consolidated basis. Transfers 1) Balances by state fund tie to GAAP FIRMS and total transfers tie to TM1. 2) Each balance in a fund matches entry in corresponding fund. 3) Balances net to zero on a consolidated basis. All Templates 1) Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. 2) Abnormal balances are explained in footnotes. 3) Schedules tie to each other and all rounding issues have been resolved. Data Integrity Signed by vice president, finance and administration. Page 2 of 2