
The Great Project Report for
for projects held between August-2014 and August-2015
For Projects funded by Nottingham CDP
School Name
No. of
No. of Teachers attending
Sneinton Church of England Primary
Huntingdon primary
Heathfield Primary School
Melbury Primary School
Ambleside Primary School
Whitegate Primary
Dunkirk Primary
Rosslyn Park Primary
William Booth Primary
Snapewood Primary
Bentinck Primary
Rufford Primary
Southwold Primary
Bulwell St Marys
Cantrell Primary School
St Marys Hyson Green
Fernwood Junior
Springfield Primary
Glapton Primary & Nursery
Greenfields Community School
Rise Park Primary
Westglade Primary
Haydn Primary
Radford Primary (Academy)
Blue Bell Hill Primary
Henry Whipple Primary
Seely Primary School
Burford Primary
Forest Fields Primary
Djanogly Strelley Academy
South Wilford Endowed C.E. Primary
Portland Spencer Academy
Glenbrook Primary
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour RC
Primary School
Edale Rise Primary and Nursery
This report relates to The Great Projects facilitated by Equation and is based on questionnaires asked of pupils and
teachers at 3 points: prior to the project starting, at the end and one month later. We also ask teachers who
attended any Twilight sessions held in this period.
This allows us to generate baseline scores, measure change at the end and recognise one month later how much
change has been retained. We anticipate that the retention score or percentage will be lower but remaining higher
that the baseline score.
When we have asked for a score, this has been asked out of 10, with 10 being the most positive.
Responses to the Teacher Twilight Session
Responses to the Teacher Twilight Session held in this period were attended by 158 staff.
At the completion of the session those attending believed their understanding of domestic violence to have
increased by 29.19 %
At the completion of the session those attending considered that their confidence in being able to respond to
disclosures had increased by 27.17 %
Comments from the Teacher Twilight Session
"Good session and interesting to know what training is out there for children and young people"
"Very Engaging"
"would endorse the sentiments of the trainers. We know it had an impact of the children of the 2 classes we
taught, where it was delivered."
"would have liked further information of how to respond to children disclosing and where to refer/send them."
"It was really useful to set the context at the beginning, highlighting the prevalence of domestic abuse"
"A bit emotional - it stays with you..."
"A great session sharing and discussing the issues that some of our pupils face on a day to day basis was very
valuable, identifying impact and strategies - Very good"
"had never heard of the great project but very good idea to introduce it in primary in a child friendly way"
"The statistics were a great way to get the point across of the seriousness, severity and frequency of domestic
"I took part in the 4 week course with the children recently and found it very informative and feel they should
have more input like the Great project"
"This project is definitely something I would be interested learning more about and being more involved in"
"Stayed awake for a "twilight" so very interesting and useful, Thanks"
"I found the statistics shocking which makes you realise that we need to do more in schools."
Thank you for a very well-prepared course which was thought provoking. It has given me confidence in
recognising and responding.
Thank you. I think the project is important and helpful for our children.
Fantastic session. Very visual and great us of current, relevant data/research
I suddenly realised domestic violence is ALL violence within the home.
"A quick, yet scary insight into a horrible topic that unfortunately is occurring day to day."
Responses to The Great Project.
1550 pupils took part in The Great Project
At the end of the final session pupils gave The Great Project an average score of 7.56. One month later this
score was 6.84
The teacher scored the usefulness The Great Project as 8.51
64.31 % had spoken to their parents/carers about the project.
Changes in Knowledge
At the end of The Great Project 67.7 % of pupils were able to correctly identify examples of domestic violence.
One month later this was 71.76 %.
At the end of The Great Project 92.72 % of pupils were able to identify 2 places they could go to for help. One
month later this result was 94.53%.
At the end of the final session 86.09 % of pupils felt that The Great Project had changed they way they thought
about the differences between boys and girls . One month later this result was 81.34%.
The teacher believes that, because of The Great Project, their pupils' understanding of domestic violence and
abuse had increased by a score of 9.36.
Similarly the teacher believes that their pupils' understanding of gender equality had increased by a score of
9.23. One month later they recorded a retention score of 8.8.
Finally the teacher believes that their pupils' understanding of healthy relationships had increased by a score of
Changes in Attitude
The teacher recorded an increase in the levels of pupils confidence and self esteem at the end of The Great
Project of 10.86 %.
Prior to the project 65.48 % of pupils felt it was never right for violence to be used in a relationship. At the end
of The Great Project 78.44% agreed with this. One month later 82.22 % agreed.
Prior to the project 38.13 % of pupils disagreed with societal gender stereotypes. At the end of The Great
Project 66.45% disagreed. One month later 65.81 % disagreed.
Changes in Behaviour
88.96 % of pupils reported that The Great Project had made them think about how they behaved with
classmates. One month later this was 87.77%.
During the period of this GREAT Project 17 pupils disclosed their experience of domestic violence and abuse.
The illustrative lifetime savings of this project were:
Cost Saving to: Total Total of Known disclosure Total of Unknown disclosure
49485 15963
Criminal Justice 2945
Social Services
58544 18885
Comments from teacher
I think the core of the project is vital for all children, however"
"Well delivered Course Materials by Two very able Practitioners. Please come back for next years children, many
"A fantastic course, very appropriate for our children. Great resources and fantastic providers. Hopefully see
you next year"
"We have all thoroughly enjoyed the GREAT project. The content and delivery were excellent"
"Keep up the good work would recommend this to any school"
"The children's knowledge has increased which is what we wanted"
"The children have a greater understanding and are therefore able to speak out"
"The children have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and what they have learnt will help them through their
"Great GREAT Staff! very professional and approachable, Thank you"
Children seem to be showing each other respect
A great project making children think about healthy relationships
children are coming to me more about issues rather than trying to sort them out themselves
Children seem to listen to each other more
children are more aware of respecting each
other Very informative
Especially in P.E, equal opportunities works well with mixed pairs
Very child friendly and sensitively delivered.
Michelle and Kirby have been fantastic with the children. they have built a really good rapport with them all
getting the best from them, thank you to you both.
"All children got engaged and considered their actions. just hope they put them into practice"
Overall the great project has highlighted a sense of maturity from all children that will be carried through other
aspects of school life. Thankyou for helping my class understand the harsh reality behind the lives of children less
fortunate than themselves (some)"
"thank you for once again delivering an excellent programme staff are all friendly, knowledgeable and
"A worthwhile course which our students really enjoyed"
in the sessions very positive discussion plus relates to issues we have in the class so helps others understand
another person telling them, not just the teacher.
"Well presented. Sensitively delivered. Lovely to see year 6 so able and comfortable to discuss relationships."
"This was a fantastic project, and really well executed. Thank you!" Mainly for PSHE/RE
An absolutely amazing project. Pupils were engaged, motivated and challenged throughout. The content was
pitched at the right level and facilitators were outstanding.
Children have a better awareness of domestic violence than they did previously
"Despite being present for only a couple of sessions, the content coupled with the excellent delivery has clearly
had a positive impact on raising awareness of a variety of sensitive social issues within all the pupils."
Overall the GREAT project is exceptionally useful in educating children on matters of abuse, etc.
"It has challenged childrens' viewpoints on gender stereotypes and signposted to support agencies."
"Greater discussion amongst children regarding positive friendship relationships."
"Both staff and pupils enjoyed taking part in the GREAT project and it raised awareness in both about domestic
abuse and gender inequalities. Our school ethos is to promote and encourage respect, equality, etc. so the GREAT
project reinforces the messages we give out."
"I have noticed more productive discussions, rather than arguments, out on the playground."
"Useful dialogue over videos and children's feelings at various stages. The project is delivered in a professional
and sensitive manner."
"Brilliant! Delivered really well- thank you."
"Thank you! The sessions have been great - a difficult subject matter has been explained in a way that the
children can understand. Just to maybe consider - a lot of the input involved children sitting still and listening- are
there any more interactive ways of getting the info across?"
"Thank you! Four fantastic sessions provided by two thoroughly engaging people! The children have learnt loads
and I will be referring back to the sessions until the end of term."
has improved
Yes, has helped open discussion, challenge view points
Yes, made them think when sorting disputes, can use GREAT to remind children what being a 'good' friend is
Really good having an external delivery of some sensitive issues. Good use of statistics to support the
A superb project that was very well delivered. Hugely beneficial content for year 5 children, particularly before
they move into secondary school and start to have different types of relationships. Thank you!
Thank you! :)
"We have Referred to GREAT learning over the weeks to remind them of expectations in healthy relationships"
"The great project have delivered some fantastic workshops for the children and they have produced some
great art work. the staff meeting was very helpful and had a pretty big impact. Thankyou please come back next
"The content of the sessions is very valuable. I think it would have had more impact if it was more sessions but
a shorter length."
As good as every other time it has been delivered
Equality made a difference
"Thankyou for delivering this fantastic programme with a challenging group of children. The staff have been
excellent throughout and i look forward to working with them again in the future."
"the whole calss took part in all sessions and enjoyed them. Their graduation showed them their knowledge and
understanding of the situation.
They have certainly been well informed about the issues which will hopefully steer them in the right direction
very useful and informative for the children who understand the issues
A big thankyou to both Michelle and Kirby in your professional deliverance of the project you certainly got the
best out of all the students. Hopefully, through the GREAT project all students will be able to achieve healthy
happy relationships in their lives. Thankyou.
Children are much more able to talk about problems they are having within their friendships.
A very difficult class have really benefited from this project.
They have excellent subject knowledge and approach to educating youngskills in a fun way. Great delivery of
sessions by staff - engaging and nurturing."
"Class very engaged throughout due to great teaching (Anna) and resources - hand on."
"Super GREAT project facilitators, friendly and professional and warm and encouraging to the children! Look
forward to seeing you next year!"
Friendship have improved. There are still some problems between some of the girls.
I think they have helped the children with their relationships with one another and their ability to deal with
The children have enjoyed taking part in the project and I do think it has made them more aware of healthy
relationships and domestic violence. It has also given them the opportunity to resolve some of their differences
particularly amongst the girls.
Amazing project. Huge thanks to Anna and Kelly for all your hard work. Resources and activities were super and
pupils have enjoyed it.
"A super project that has impacted positively on all pupils."
"Achieving the language to have deeper discussions."
"Very useful and informative sessions - I wouldn't say the impact was obvious but it has raised awareness of
many difficult issues."
"Good for building knowledge of domestic abuse."
"It would be useful to explore why we hold certain stereotypes and what to do about them, moving beyond only
identifying them as wrong."
Good for building knowledge of domestic abuse.
Really motivating and informative. We have many children whose families are affected with DA. This will give
them the ability to recognise signs and hopefully get support sooner rather than later. Thanks.
Thank you giving the children the opportunity to talk openly and honestly about DV in a safe environment :)
It has been really useful to be able to refer back to the sessions when problems between pupils have arisen as
they are now more able to look at situations from the point of view of others. Thank you again for the sessions! :)
The content was good, however quite repetitive and the children were not always engaged in the learning. The
ladies who came were nice and the work was okay, but definitely not worth the cost.
Very valuable, just the right pitch. Thank you :)
A fantastic project! Extremely well delivered with excellent content.
Comments from Pupils
"I liked the posters and the test"
"Learning things and getting stickers"
"I liked the Activities and Manya and Kirby
"I Enjoyed Everything"
"I Liked The Animation, DVD, Learning about abuse, relationships and the two trainers"
"Everything the DVDs are great"
"To Never do domestic violence"
"I enjoyed The Video and the Great Gang the most"
"I will remember the Posters"
"I will remember that domestic abuse is a crime and that it is wrong"
"I will remember to treat people with respect"
"I will remember where to go for help and to treat people equally"
"I Liked that we could just say what was on our mind"
"I will remember not to be shy and to tell people what is happening at home"
"I will remember to never stereotype gender"
"I Enjoyed Making the Rap the most"
"I will remember the songs that we did"
"I will remember Saunya and Penny
"They taught us about the GREAT project"
"I will remember not to do domestic Abuse
"I will remember Manya and Kirby" "I liked the people they are kind" "I enjoyed making the posters"
"I will remember learning about happiness"
"I enjoyed Everything"
"I will remember 'Happy and healthy relationships'"
"I enjoyed singing the raps"
"I enjoyed watching the videos"
"I will remember the secret codes"
"I will remember the places to go for help"
"I will remember that Domestic abuse is a crime."
"I will remember the characters from the great project"
"I enjoyed being creative and colouring"
"I will remember to be fair and remember what domestic abuse and healthy relationships are"
"I will remember most about the signs"
"I will remember the Rap/Songs"
"I liked that i learnt a lot"
"I will remember the posters and drawings"
"I liked how nice the people were"
"I will remember the people, Anna and Penny and also the Book"
"I will remember the shocking facts and figures"
"I will remember to always be fair and equal"
"I will remember that you are nice and caring, I will miss you :("
"I will remember that the people were so kind"
"I enjoyed the poster making"
"I will remember the Poster making and you and Ben"
"I liked when we made the class promise"
"I liked doing the posters"
"I will know what domestic abuse is when I see it"
"I liked the creative work"
"I will remember how boys and girls are equal"
"I enjoyed the Poster Making and Video"
"I will remember the DVD most"
"I will remember the Great Gang"
"I liked learning the Whole thing"
"I will remember everything and how people should treat each other"
"I Liked that you got to learn and have fun"
"I will remember what is in a happy and what is in an unhappy relationship"
"I liked the stories about Domestic Abuse"
"I will remember my wonderful teachers Sonya and Louise"
"I will remember the Help Services"
"I enjoyed actually learning properly about different things"
"I enjoyed playing hangman the most"
"I will remember the support the most"
"I will remember that you can share with boys and girls"
"The activitites were fun yet gave you the serious information if needed."
"I will remeber that Great Relationships Are Equal and Trusting"
"I liked that it will help people with their problems"
"I will remember learning about what women were and weren't allowed to do"
"I will remember matching the cards to a healthy relationship the most"
"I liked when I first met the Great Gang"
"I will remember what domestic abuse is"
"I liked the activities the best"
"I will remember to have a good relationship"
"I liked the things about domestic abuse and how much we learned"
"I will remember everything and the lines we can go to"
"I will remember the promise we made"
"I will remember to be kind and don't do domestic abuse"
"I will remember where to go for support"
"I liked learning about domestic abuse"
"I will remember about calling Child-line if my mum and dad have a problem"
"I will remember that men and women are both equal"
"I enjoyed doing the posters"
"I Liked that we could draw"
"I will remember the Domestic Abuse"
"I Enjoyed the Fun"
"I will remember Penny and the GREAT gang"
"I will remember to call child line"
"I will remember the film the most"
"I will remember that there is lots of help"
"I Liked Learning about the different abuses"
"I will remember the colouring the most"
"I Enjoyed making our rap the most"
"I will remember watching the videos the most"
"I enjoyed making the poems"
"I will remember the numbers for helplines"
"I will remember what happy relationships are"
"I will remember the fantastic people"
"i will remember that boys and girls are equal"
"I really enjoyed doing the poster"
"I will remember the Great Gang"
"I Enjoyed doing the activities together"
"I will remember all the people and life skills"
"I will remember being respectful"
"I will remember that you should always believe in yourself"
"I enjoyed the word search the most"
"I will remember the way people should be treated"
"I will remember that if you are experiencing domestic abuse, tell someone"
My GREAT Project book and the GREAT gang
the fun
What could happen in domestic abuse
It helps you to understand serious things
Learning with Louise!
everyone being together
That it is kind and full of nice things
"It was really fun"
"Learning about domestic abuse"
The teacher and what I learnt
Not to do domestic abuse
The group agreement
"I will remember the website"
"I enjoyed doing the activities"
"I will remember watching the videos"
"I will remember that good relationships are equal and trusting"
"The GREAT Book, the activities"
"I will remember to always keep healthy relationships"
"I will remember how to behave in relationships"
"I will remember that two nice people have come in, also I like the cute cartoon characters."
"I will remember good relations are equal and trusting."
"I liked best where you got to learn about relationships."
"I will remember to be nice to your partner when you get older and have one."
"I will remember that any type of abuse is wrong."
"I will remember that we didn't have break."
"I will remember to not hit anyone."
"I will remember good and bad relationships."
"I will remember to not be mean or nasty to others."
"I will remember learning about Home Truths."
"I liked learning different ways to help."
"I liked learning about domestic abuse."
"I will remember the great gang and Kirby and Manya."
£I will remember that boys and girls are allowed to like anything they want."
"I liked how much we have learned to do with a happy relationship."
"I will remember that men and women are equal."
"I will remember what things could be in a relationship, for example respect."
"I will remember, don't be mean."
"I will remember you and all the Great Project teachers."
"I will remember the pledge."
"I liked that they helped me learn about domestic abuse."
"I will remember that compromising solves everything, also that Kirby and Tasha are really nice."
"I liked them teaching us about happy relationships."
"I will remember what to do and what services to go to."
"I will remember that it's not just the man that does it."
"I liked the interesting facts and activities."
"I will remember the different abuses and that domestic abuse is wrong."
"I will remember that domestic abuse is serious."
"I liked that they are very helpful and caring."
"I will remember the abuses and respecting each other."
"I liked that it made me understand abuse!"
"I will remember the characters, I love Ruby!"
"I liked talking about heaalthy relationships and doing the activities."
"I will remember that everyone deserves a healthy, happy relationship."
"I liked being with my friends."
"I liked when we got to write a song."
Learning that everyone is equal
Having the best time of my life
I will remember that if you want a happy relationship have a healthy relationship.
The great gang and everything
the people who worked with us over the four weeks
I will remember not to be racist
when we made a relationship song
Meeting new people and things
The teachers
Kirby and Michelle
The Great gang
Not to do any sort of abuse or violence
"Learning what to do in a situation like that."
"To give respect and treat the person kindly you are having a relationship with."
"Having fun and now being able to help someone having domestic abuse."
"The teachers that tought (sic) is because they were really good."
"The lovely teachers."
"The class promise."
"The characters."
"The teachers, characters and booklets."
"I will remember the learning we had and the great project worker."
"How it made me think."
"The videos helped me a lot."
"I will remember that boys and girls are equal."
"I will remember the things that I learnt."
"I will remember not to do any abuses to anybody.!
"I liked that you get to know more stuff."
"I will remember trust and respect and listening to people."
"I liked where we learnt what's wrong or right."
"I will remember the childline number..."
"I like it because it's talking about important things."
"I will remember that domestic abuse is wrong."
"I like that the teachers were fun."
"I will remember how they made serious things in fun ways."
"I will remember that you have they right to have a happy, healthy relationship."11
"I like that it tells you what you need to do if you need help."
"I will remember where to go if I need help and that I can trust many people."
"I will remember the workbook."
"I will remember the different abuses and places you can go for help."
"I like that they showed you how to get help if needed."
"I will remember the activities we did to help know about domestic abuse."
"I like that they explained things in detail."
"I will remember that domestic abuse can be hidden by buying gifts to stop them telling someone."
"I like doing some fun activities."
"I will remember the great gang."
"I will remember to be fair."
"I will remember that it helps you prepare for the future."
"I liked learning respect."
"I will remember to not be abused."
"I will remember never to be sexist."
"I like the people who were treated correctly."
"I liked learning things I didn't know before."
"I will remember how much fun I had."
"I will remember what makes a fair relationship."
"I will remember to be fair, kind and helpful."
"I liked creating the rap."
"I will remember the help and support services."
"I liked that it helps you decide what's wrong or right in a relationship."
"I will remember what domestic abuse is and the support lines."
"I will remember never to hurt anyone no matter what."
"I will remember that boys and girls are equal."
"I will remember never cheat on somebody in a relationship."
"I will remember the abuse names and what to do."
"I will remember what not to do in a relationship."
"I will remember that domestic abuse is wrong."
"I will remember to be in a healthy relationship."
" I will remember never to be abusive or prejudiced."
"I will remember how to make a healthy relationship."
"I liked learning something that I didn't know."
"I will remember and tell people about the Great Project."
"I will remember the staff."
"I liked making our own songs and raps."
"I will remember about spending too much time with a partner."
"I will remember the things said in the discussions."
"I will remember to be kind to everybody."
"I liked that it helped us to solve problems we didn't know before."
"I will remember to always be kind and respectful to everyone."
"I liked finding out about gender inequality."
"I will remember what to do when getting bullied/ abused."
"I liked that they went into detail."
"I will remember how to help people who are experiencing domestic abuse."
"I liked that they show what really happens in a fun way."
"I like doing the activities."
"I will remember to be fair and equal."
"I will remember that it's never ok to hurt someone. It's never the child's fault."
"I liked that it helped me understand different things in life."
"I will remember the forms of abuse and that you should never abuse someone."
"I liked that there was a fun booklet to fill in."
"I will remember what it was like some time ago when rules were different."
"I liked that we talked a lot as a class."
"I will remember the qualities of healthy/ unhealthy relationships."
"I like the class promise."
"I will remember that any kind of abuse is NOT OK!"
"I liked when we drew our promise in a hand."
"I like watching the videos to sort out the problems."
"I will remember what domestic violence is and how to solve it."
"I will remember Emma's story."
"I will remember about relationships and people."
"I will remember the characters and the gang."
"I liked when you said that boys and girls can wear whatever."
"I will remember my promise."
"I will remember not to do domestic abuse."
"I liked the way it was taught to us."
"I liked everything because it was fun!"
"I will remember to be nice."
"I liked doing the work."
"I liked that it was interesting."
"I will remember the workbook."
"I will remember how to have a healthy relationship."
"I liked cooperating - I loved it."
"I will remember Louise and Liz."
"I liked learning new things."
"I liked learning new things."
"I will remember how to notice domestic abuse."
"I will remember the people who did it and different strategies."
"I will remember the important phone numbers."
"I will remember not to hurt people."
"I liked having so much fun."
"I will remember talking about all the different abuse."
"I liked fun and working together."
"I will remember about relationships and abuse."
"I will remember learning about the healthy/ unhealthy relationships."
"I will remember both of the teachers because they helped me when I was getting bullied."
"I will remember the class promise."
"I will remember abuse and it's not right."
"I will remember gender roles and I learnt more about abuse."
"I will remember the people that taught us."
"I will remember the people that taught us."
"I will remember the information about relationships."
"I liked the cards on the people."
"I will remember gender inequalities."
"I liked doing the characteristics that they would like."
"I will remember watching Home Truths."
"I will remember learning about where to go for support."
"I will remember how to get support and where to go."
"I will remember not to do domestic abuse."
"I liked when we did fun activities."
"I will remember the videos."
"I will remember who to go to if there is something wrong."
"I will remember all of the types of abuse."
"I liked the Home Truth video."
"I will remember learning about being kind."
"I liked the last lesson."
The teachers that teached us about the Great Project
That it helped me for the future
What can happen in real relationships. Places you can go for support.
It's fun and whatever they say it's true
It doesn't matter if your a boy and you're want to be a beautician or a girl who wants to be a mechanic.
Learning how to treat people the same
To always be nice and that I need to keep my promise
To be respectful for relationships
"The washing line and excuses."
"Name and characters."
"The GREAT helpers."
Meeting Kirby and Manya
If you witness domestic abuse go find some help
We learned how people can always look for help
How many children have had domestic abuse
Learning about equality
To make things equal
The characters and Kirby and Michelle and Manya and Yvette.
I liked it when they told us to have a great relationship
how to be honest and trusting to my partner
Being able to share things that are going on
When somebody abuses you always tell an adult or somebody you trust
I enjoyed all it all. I can't choose.
I will remember the people who taught me and not to do domestic abuse.
The GREAT gang and the members of staff from the GREAT project.
Writing the pledge.
Good Relationships are Equal and Trusting! GREAT!
All the places you can go for support.
"Everything the staff are fun"
"I will remember all the different teachers we had for the project"
"I liked when we did the differences between boys and girls"
"I will remember the DVD animation"
"I will remember that Domestic Abuse is a No-No!
"I enjoyed making the poster"
"I will remember relationships and being very kind"
"I will remember Manya and Kirby"
"I will remember to be nice together"
"I Enjoyed the Poster Making"
"I will remember the Videos the most"
"I will remember the people who taught me what I have learned"
"I will remember where to do for domestic abuse"
"I will remember that Domestic Abuse is a crime"
"I Enjoyed The Activities The Best"
"I will remember that Domestic Abuse Is Not Ok"
"I will remember the posters and working together"
"I Enjoyed when we did the code breaking"
"I Enjoyed Finding Out New Things"
"I will remember writing the little raps about domestic abuse"
"I enjoyed the Rap the most"
"I will remember the recipes the most"
"I Enjoyed the DVD the most"
"I will remember all of the symbols like physical financial sexual and domestic abuse"
"I will remember that Domestic Abuse is Wrong"
"I will remember how to have a good relationship"
"I will remember doing the Raps"
"I will remember about speaking about my problems"
"I enjoyed watching the film and learning to go for help."
"I will remember that there are ways to solve problems by compromising"
"I liked doing the quizzes"
"I will remember who to talk to"
"I enjoyed the Word search Poster"
"I liked making the posters"
"I will remember how bad child abuse is"
"I will remember to never do domestic abuse"
"I liked how much I learnt
"The places you can go when dealing with domestic violence"
"I liked that we got to learn what domestic abuse was"
"I will remember that hitting people is wrong"
"It was so cool"
"I really liked Anna"
"I will Remember and Miss Anna"
"I will remember no to do domestic abuse to anyone"
"I will remember what domestic abuse is so if someone is doing something ill know if it is domestic abuse"
"I Liked it when we watched the videos"
"I will remember to never make fun of people"
"I liked the wordsearches the best"
"I will remember not to hit anyone i am in a relationship with"
"I enjoyed watching the video the most"
"I liked it when we did the rap"
"I will remember what we learnt about relationships"
"I will remember the graduation"
"I Liked that it was fun and you learnt new things"
"I will remember the people who taught us"
"I will remember that men/women boys/girls are equal"
"I will remember becoming part of the GREAT gang"
I will remember the Rap and Clips
"i will remember the gender stereotypes"
"I enjoyed when I learnt all about the hurtful things"
"I will remember your amazing people who taught us"
"I will remember how much it has helped"
"I enjoyed doing the posters and learning more"
"I will remember how nice and helpful the ladies were"
"I enjoyed that there was always someone to talk to"
"I enjoyed the way we used good language"
"I enjoyed doing the GREAT poems"
"Males and females have the same rights"
"I will remember that you can talk to people about their problems"
"I will remember not to be abusive"
"I will remember all of the lovely people who taught us"
"I liked it because it was fun."
"I liked making the poster about Stop Abusing."
"I will remember that we were learning about excuses."
"I liked hat we learned about being equal."
"I will remember that Good Relationships are Equal and Trusting."
"I liked listening to the rhyme for treating people (well)."
"I will remember the gang video about the crew for the Great project."
"I liked that the people were friendly."
"I will remember that it is bad to hurt people."
"I will remember the different types of abuse."
"I liked the chance to be able to ask questions."
"I will remember videos, workbooks, certificate (a lot more things."
"I will remember that the police get a call every minute about domestic abuse."
"I will remember that 1 in 4 people will experience domestic abuse."
"I liked best when we were seeing what boys and girls can have,"
"I liked the funny characters."
"I will remember what domestic abuse is."
"I liked when we did the promise."
"I loved it all!"
"I will remember that it's all right to wear pink."
"I will remember that it helped me a lot and I'll remember everything."
"I will remember learning different types of abuse and being equal to one another."
"I will remember to not hurt your partner."
"I will remember the relations and support we could go to."
"I will remember the Great Gang, the animations and making the poems."
"I will remember not to hurt the children and don't blame it on the children."
"I will remember that boys and girls can like anything they want, pink or others."
"Everything was awesome!"
"I will remember how much people are in danger from domestic violence."
"I will remember the fun we had and the Great gang and the films."
"I will remember about healthy relationships."
"I will remember how to work as a team."
"I liked talking about healthy relationships."
"I liked learning how to be responsible."
"I liked learning how to get on with people."
"I will remember to care about other people."
liked that they helped you understand words you don't know."
will remember all the fun activities we did."
will remember it's not ok for someone to hit a person they're in a relationship with."
will remember the places for support."
will remember the number for Childline."
"I will remember what I should do when I'm Older."
"I liked that they explain in depth."
"I will remember that to have a happy relationship you need fun."
I can get help
To respect your wife
The actions for the abuses
That you should tell if something is bothering you
No one is the boss
that you should stand up for yourself and call someone when you need help
Having the best sessions EVER
About always going somewhere to get help if you are living with domestic abuse
That it's never okay to do any kind of abuse
The GREAT gang
Kelly and Anna explained well
Kelly and Anna were really good and brill at teaching
It's fun and easy to talk to Kelly and Anna
"I will remember to never domestic violence."
"I liked the very polite people."
"I liked the Graduation best."
"I liked knowing where to go for help,"
"I liked how they made it fun for us."
"I will remember to be nice to people if you want people to be nice to you."
"I will remember what domestic abuse is."
"I liked the characters Ruby and Isabelle."
"I will remember that healthy relationships are good."
"I will remember to have a healthy relationship."
"I will remember not to do any domestic abuse to a girl."
"I will remember the video of the children. I did not like it."
"I will remember the poems and raps."
"I will remember never to hurt your partner and don't argue with them."
"I will remember to not hurt my kids and wife."
"The kind people that taught us."
"The graduation posters. Working with my friends."
"Stereotyping is wrong. Everyone is the same."
"The gingerbread man."
"They did not mind if you got anything wrong."
"How nice they were."
"The meaning of the word 'GREAT'."
"The people who did it, but mostly Kelly."
How to treat my friends or family like they want.
That healthy relationships are the best. Thank you!!!
To have a happy relationship.
That abuse is wrong and it should not happen.
How to have a fair argument.
When we saw the Great gang
How to be fairer.
That it is not okay for someone to hit their partner
That domestic abuse can be stopped.
That it's your choice to choose who you marry
What makes a good relationship
The teachers were fun
That everyone is equal
The places you can go if you need help
Being part of a team
That girls and boys should always be treated equally
The Great Gang
The people who you can call for help
To respec and be nice to everyone
How they explain it well
I will remember how to help someone
Getting the full knowledge
Not to stay quiet if someone or yourself is being hurt
We got involved and it was really fun
It is never the child's fault in domestic abuse
I liked it all.
The people who did the great project.
The stories about the other children
Making promise hands
How harmful domestic abuse can be and how to stop it
How to stay safe
The teachers
I learned things that I didn't know
That domestic abuse is wrong
How to make relationships fair and where to go to for help
Men and women, boys and girls are equal
Not to abuse anyone. Have a healthy relationship.
Making the poem
That domestic abuse is a crime
The teachers were nice and I liked the posters
Treating people fairly
That everyone deserves a healthy relationship
Everything it was great!!!
Domestic abuse and healthy relationships
Learning and having the book to help me.
That everyone is equal and they deserve to have the right to an opinion.
The whole idea of it
Kirby and Michelle and the GREAT project team
Everyone got to join ni
Being hit is not a part of your religion/culture
I will remember all the support places.
How to be in a happy relationship
What domestic abuse is and how to get support
I will remember the people teaching us
Where to go for support in a negative relationship.
Knowing a healthy relationship to an unhealthy relationship.
That everyone is equal.
Learning about feelings
Places where I can go for help. Nav, Michelle and Jenie.
If something is wrong go to someone you can trust.
I will remember always to be in a good relationship
Where to get help and what to do if somebody you know is being abused.
Talking to each other, sharing thoughts
What we have learned and to stay safe and get help when it's needed
There is always someone to help
If you require further information about this report, please contact Yvette Khouri-Bent by email: or by phone 0115 9623237