BTA3OC Major Project Due: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Your major project is worth 15% of your final mark. Your term work is worth 70%, with your exam making up the remaining 15%. For your major project, you will choose from one of several options. The options are summarized below. You can find the full description, with marking rubric, etc. on the full description. Option 1 – Business Plan (FedNor Business Plan Challenge) In this project, you will create a business idea/plan as if you were applying for the FedNor Business Plan Challenge. This project will incorporate all of the major aspects of the course, including: Microsoft Word – business proposal Microsoft Excel – Financial documents Microsoft PowerPoint/MovieMaker/other presentation software – propose your idea to the board. Microsoft Access – customer database Macromedia Fireworks / Corel Draw - logo You will create a business idea. You will create the sales forecasts for the company, create a presentation for the class, create a customer database, create a logo(s) for your company, and create a website for your company. Option 2 – Super Project for another Class For this option, you will use the major project from another class to complete the requirements for this class. You will then be able to hand in your project to both teachers. You will need to carefully plan what this will look like with me, BEFORE you start. You will create the following documents: Corel Draw - Related, original artwork that is related to the topic Excel – statistical analysis PowerPoint/presentation software – presentation for your project Access – Database of information; to be discussed Word – essay or report, using your teacher’s format, and using the formatting tools we used in class Option 3 – Restaurant In this project, you will create a restaurant. This project will incorporate all of the major aspects of the course, including: Microsoft Word – Menu, newspaper advertisement Microsoft Excel – Financial documents Microsoft PowerPoint/MovieMaker/other presentation software – propose your restaurant to a major corporation to hold their conference at your restaurant Microsoft Access – supplier database (where you get your raw food from) Macromedia Fireworks / Corel Draw – logo Option 4 – Application for Summer Company In this option, you will create an application for Summer Company. There are sample applications on this site which outline what you will need to do. They will include: Microsoft Word – proposal and application Microsoft Excel – Cash flow forecast Microsoft PowerPoint/MovieMaker/other presentation software – propose your idea to Small Business Bureau Microsoft Access – customer database Macromedia Fireworks / Corel Draw – Create Logo