Moby Dick Study Guide Herman Melville was a writer of the

Moby Dick Study Guide
Herman Melville was a writer of the Romantic period of American Literature. He published Moby Dick in
1851, at a time when the American whaling fleet numbered over 700 ships and exemplified the country’s
confidence to expand its influence throughout the world. Moby Dick is a story told on two levels: a great
sea adventure and a story about man’s relationship to the universe. In particular, America’s enthusiasm to
expand its control and influence in the world.
The ship featured in the novel; had 30 crewmembers, the exact number of states in the United States of
America at the time Melville wrote the book. The varied crew members (African, Polynesian, French,
Chinese, and Americans) stand for all humanity in general and for the melting pot of America in particular.
A whaling ship often went on hunts lasting 3-4 years in length, bringing home about $80,000 of whale oil, if
the hunting was successful.
Write down the first words spoken in the film (and the book).
Why does Ishmael decide to travel? What are the biblical allusions of his name?
What concerns Ishmael about spending the night at the inn in Nantucket?
Who is the frightening man with tattoos?
What does Queequeg share with Ishmael (name at least three things)?
What did Ishmael formerly do?
Who owns the Pequod?
Why is Queequeg hired as a shipmate on the Pequod?
How is Ishmael hired as a shipmate on the Pequod?
What is unusual about the pastor’s pulpit when Queequeg and Ishmael visit a church?
What is the topic of the preacher’s sermon?
The men eating dinner on board the Pequod are very diverse. How is the ship a microcosm of the
world, or America?
To “christen” Ishmael as a new sailor, he is forced to drink what?
The ship’s captain wears a wooden peg leg. What happened to his natural leg?
What is the Pequod captain’s name?
What does Ahab offer the man when he calls them together that first day at sail?
What is the name of the whale that Ahab wishes to pursue? Why does he want to find that
particular whale?
What type of whale is it?
Starbuck is concerned that Ahab seems determined to hunt a particular whale instead of just going
whale hunting and collecting profitable whale oil for the ship owners. What does Starbuck say to
Ahab about this hunt?
What is the motto that Ahab spouts to his crew?
Starbuck seems to be the voice of balance and reason. What is his ultimate goal?
How does Starbuck view Moby Dick?
How does Ahab see Moby Dick?
What is the philosophy of this ship’s captain about Moby Dick?
What does Boomer warn Ahab about?
“Life holds us. We do not hold it.” Who says this, and what does it mean?
27. The young African-American boy is named Pip. He steals away on the one of the harpooning boats.
What happens to him?
28. Pip is abandoned in the sea for a long time while the whale chase goes on. What happens to him?
29. The ship Rachel pulls up alongside the Pequod and asks for what kind of help? What is Ahab’s
30. Rachel’s captain exclaims that “________________________ will not forgive” Ahab for what?
31. Queequeg loses faith in Ahab and decides that it is time to ______________________. He asks the
ship’s carpenter to build a floating ________________ for him.
32. Ahab’s harpooners hit Moby Dick for the _____________ time when Moby Dick surfaces very close
to the harpoon boat.
33. Moby Dick pulls the harpoon boat along on a wild ride and then does what?
34. Moby Dick jumps out of the water in an almost vertical yet majestic leap and does what?
35. In his last moments of consciousness, what do Ahab and Moby Dick do?
36. When Moby Dick next surfaces, the crews see what attached to Moby Dick?
37. Moby Dick cracks each of the harpoon boats like matchstick toys. In what condition does Ishmael
find Queequeg?
38. What happens to the Pequod?
39. What is symbolic about the ship’s last moments?
40. How does the ship disappear from sight?
41. Who is the lone survivor? How does he survive?
42. The last line in the film is, “She found another orphan.” How do the opening and closing lines of the
film connect to each other?
Romantic Literary Period Characteristics Found in Story:
43. Story told on _______________________ levels.
44. A surface level: ____________________________ adventure
45. Philosophical level: ______________________________________________________________
46. Imagination and intuition are revered are r___________.
47. An individual’s _________________ is emphasized more than church/tradition.
48. Nature stirs powerful ________________________ in people.
49. What are some possible themes of Moby Dick? (Need to be complete thoughts and don’t use
character names in statement of the message/theme.)
Possible topics to formulate themes:
Man and the Natural World
Fate and Free Will