guided reading

American Literature
H. Melville..excerpts from Moby Dick
1. Identify the point of view in which the novel will be told from. Explain what the narrator tells
about himself and the mood that moves him to go to sea.
2. Identify the details in the final paragraph which foreshadow the fact that Ishmael’s quest will
be for the white whale.
3. Ishmeal prefers the lowliest of shipboard roles. Explain why he feels this wasy and what it
suggests about his character.
4. Ishmael calls on humanity as “water-gazers” you agree? Consider and explain why the sea and its
large creatures are often times symbolized as evil or destructive forces.
5. Describe the shipmates of the Pequod. What may this symbolize?
6. This ship sets sail on Christmas, what my this suggest?
7. Describe Captain Ahab.
“The Quarter-Deck”
8. Describe Moby –Dick at length.
9. Explain Ahab’s purpose in the meeting with the crew.
10.Toward the end of the scene, explain what Ahab tells the mates to do with their lances.
Explain how this may be a mockery of a religious ritual.
What is suggested about Ahab’s character when he says,”Talk not to me about blasphemyman, I’d strike
the sun if it insulted me.”?
11. Only Starbuck has misgivings about Ahab’s pursuit of the MD. What may that suggest about his
12. Identify and list other traits given the white whale in this chapter.
13. After Ahab’s encounter with Moby-“Dick, in which Ahab lost his leg, explain the transformation that
resulted in Captain Ahab which fuels the present situation on the Pequod.
Consider the litany(multitude) of biblical allusions within the four chapters of Moby-Dick. Explain
Melville’s objective and symbolism within his great masterpiece.