Weekly Unit Plan Hannah Spencer April 11th 2011 Green = Physically Active Blue = Physical Activity Plan Yellow = Health Lesson Miss. Spencer’s First Grade Class Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 Friday Morning Work Calendar Morning Work Calendar Morning Work Calendar Morning Work Calendar Morning Work Calendar Bathroom/ Snack Reading Bathroom/ Snack Reading Bathroom/ Snack Reading Bathroom/ Snack Reading Bathroom/ Snack Reading 10:30 Phonics/ Centers Science Phonics/ Centers Grammar Lunch Lunch Phonics/ Centers Social Studies Lunch Phonics/ Centers Science 11:00 Phonics/ Centers Social Studies Lunch 11:30 Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity 11: 45 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess 12:00 1:00 Math Workshop Pack Up Math Workshop Pack Up Math Workshop Pack up Math Workshop Pack up Math Workshop Pack Up 1:25 Specials Specials Specials Specials Specials 2:10 Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal 8:10 8:40 8:55 9:30 Early Arrival at 7:30 Specials Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A Week P.E Music Art P.E P.E. Lunch B Week P.E. Art P.E. Computer Lab with Music Teacher Art Daily Physical Activity Plan Monday Subject: Calendar Name: Good Morning To You Materials: None Estimated Time: 15 minutes Activity: Calendar usually consists of students sitting on the carpet and answering questions about the days of the week, weather, months of the year, money and time. Allow students to become more engaged by physically acting out answers for example using their arms to represent the hands on a clock. If the day is sunny, have the students represent with their bodies how the sun makes them feel. If the date is Tuesday April the 12th 2011, have students complete 2 skips, four jumping jacks and twelve seconds of holding a good stretch. If students answers ten pennies makes up a dime, have them run in place for ten seconds. Music is also incorporated into calendar time. Children love to dance! Allow students to move and act out lyrics in a safe manner. Reference: Original Tuesday Subject: Reading Name: Stop and Scribble Materials: Paper, Pencil and flash cards Estimated Time: 10 minutes Activity: Students will pair up with a partner using the back-to-back pairing method. Once they have a partner the students will be given a piece of paper and a pencil. The students will take turns being the writer and the reader. The writer will write a word the teacher announces. While the writer is writing the reader is engaged in a physical exercise until the word is correctly written. Then the reader will turn over a flash card. While the reader is reading the word the writer is engaged in a physical activity until the word is read correctly. Then the partners switch roles. Reference: Modified energizer presented in ‘Health and Physical Activity in Elementary School’ class PHED 4650 Wednesday Subject: Phonics Name: Race on Phonics Materials: Matching phonics cards Estimated Time: 15 minutes Activity: Student’s chairs are arranged into even rows facing the front of the classroom. Tables with matching phonics cards will be placed face down on the tables in front of the children’s chairs. The students in the first chair will race to the front of the room where the tables are located. Before the students flips over two cards they must complete ten exercises for example jumping jacks, push-ups or running in place. Once the cards are turned over if the beginning letter matches the ending blend to make a complete word (not including nonsense words) they can leave the cards facing up and be seated at the end of the line. If they do not match, the cards will be flipped back over. The next person will repeat the action until all the cards are matched. Reference: In ‘Health and Physical Activity in Elementary School’ class activity PHED 4650 Thursday Subject: Social Studies Name: History Holiday Hustle Materials: None Estimated Time: 20 minutes Activity: Students can choose to play games significant to different time eras or simple energizers. In the game “Turkey Trot”, students play tag by normal rules but walk instead of run. They must choose a team name related to the content area. When studying the history of Thanksgiving team names could be the turkeys, pilgrims or Indians. Once the students start to play, if they “get out” they must answer a history question correctly in order to get back in the game. After each round every student has the opportunity to answer a question correctly until they can resume play. Reference: How to integrate social studies and physical education activities. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how_7697237_integrate-studies-physicaleducation-activities.html Friday Subject: Math Workshop Name: Active Aerobics and Arithmetic Materials: None Estimated Time: 10 minutes Activity: Gives arithmetic questions and physical exercises to students. Read aloud a math problem and a physical activity. The problem's solution is the number of times the students need to perform the exercise. Allow the children to warm up with easy questions and slow, stretching movements. Once the children have stretched, go on to more difficult problems. Do not forget to cool down. An example would be twenty subtract seven, the correct answer is thirteen, so the students would complete thirteen spring jumps. Reference: Physical math games for children. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/list_6471674_physical-math-games-children.html Hygiene Monday: Self-Worth and Appearance Subject: Phonics/Centers Name: You Are So Very Special NHES Standard: (7) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice healthenhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. (4) Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Estimated Time: 1 hour Materials: “I Am Special” worksheet Small decorative box A mirror Activity and Strategy: Stand in front of the class holding a box. Inside holds the mirror. Explain that every student will have the opportunity to see what is inside but they must a) not repeat to another student what they see and b) identify what is special about what is inside the box. Move around the class showing each student what is inside. After students have the chance to see their faces reflected in the mirror, have them share what was special about what they saw. Explain what is inside the box is a gift. Gifts make people feel good, and we must have good hygiene to be healthy, positive gifts for people. Define hygiene and examples of how students can stay healthy by using good hygiene. Then have the students brainstorm ways to use good hygiene. Distribute the “I Am Special” worksheet. Have the students draw their faces and show their pictures to the class. Then on the back of the paper they are to write sentences about a) what makes them special and important b) how they look c) how others are different and c) how they can have good hygiene. To close the lesson, show the students the short YouTube video related to self-esteem. Technology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9eB3Zbaaqw&feature=related Reference: LInda Meeks, P. H. (2011). Comprehensive School Health Education. New York: McGraw-Hill. Wednesday: Dental Hygiene Subject: Math Name: Teeth with a Bite NHES Standard: (1) Students comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. (6) Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. Estimated Time: 1 hour Materials: “How I Care for My Teeth” worksheet “Which Do My Teeth Need” worksheet A carrot or hard vegetable Pictures of white clean teeth and dark dirty teeth Toothbrushes, Dental Floss, Toothpaste Activity and Strategies: Tell the class that they are going to review why having healthy teeth is important. Call on a student to be used for a demonstration. Ask the student to take a bite of a carrot, chew well and then swallow. Then ask the student to bite the carrot as is he or she did not have any teeth. Placing the lips over the front of the teeth does this. The student will not be able to bite the carrot because he or she is not using teeth. Explain to the students that they have just observes what it is like to try to eat or bite without teeth. What is the purpose of our teeth? One purpose of teeth is to help people chew food. Next show the students a picture of a person with teeth that are bright, white and clean. Ask the students what they notice about the person in the picture. Then show the students a picture of a person with teeth that are dull, drowning and dirty. Ask the students what they notice about the person in the picture. Compare the two pictures and give examples of things that are different. Explain that another purpose of teeth is to help people have a nice appearance. Talk about the number of teeth a person is born with and how that can change over time and in time. Remind students that it is normal for students their age to loose teeth, but they must pay extra attention to the permanent adult teeth so they can stay healthy and not fall out. Write the tongue twister “She sells seashells by the seashore” on the board and have the students repeat after you. Then have the students cover their teeth with their lips again and repeat the saying. Ask the students why you could not understand what they said the second time they pronounced the tongue twister. Indicate that another purpose of teeth is to help people speak clearly. Remind students that there are behaviors students can follow to help ensure that their teeth remain healthy. Emphasize brushing teeth, flossing, avoid sticky foods but eat dairy products. Distribute the “How care for My Teeth” worksheet and have students. After the students have completed the worksheet have them fill out the “Which Do My Teeth Need?” worksheet and close by watching a YouTube clip on when to brush your teeth. Technology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ifXiGOawEg&feature=fvwrel Reference: LInda Meeks, P. H. (2011). Comprehensive School Health Education. New York: McGraw-Hill. Friday: Spreading of Germs Subject: Science Name: Don’t Cough Any Closer NHES Standard: (7) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice healthenhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Estimated Time: 30 minutes Materials: Glitter in several colors Lotion or Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) Baby whips “Germ Buster” Worksheet Activity and Strategies: The teacher will ask for 2 volunteers. The two students will each receive lotion the must put on their hands but not rub in all the way. One student will receive a color glitter and the other student will receive another. Once the glitter is sprinkled in each hand the students will shake hands. When they shake hands the glitter mixes together. Explain to the students they have just witnessed what it is like when germs are exchanged when we touch other people. After the two students have cleaned their hands, ask the students what a germ is and how they spread. When germs spread it causes sickness, which affects our bodies in negative ways. Students will then be reminded of how to cover their mouths when they sneeze and cough by using their elbow. Discuss with students when to wash their hands and for how long. Have the students complete the “Germ Busters” worksheet where they draw each step when washing hands. Close the lesson by watching a video on washing hands. Technology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDe3wmOLvk0 Reference: Modified health lesson presented in ‘Health and Physical Activity’ class PHED 4650 Reflection After completing the weekly unit plan, I am confident in producing activities for my students to become more physically active and apply health into their lives outside the classroom. Energizers are incorporated into almost all the content areas, one for each day of the week, and are engaging and exciting. Physical activity will not be viewed as punishment in my future classroom but as a toll to help students learn. The health lessons are seamlessly placed into content areas three days a week and are designed to make students think about taking care of themselves with pride instead of one more thing their guardians suggest they do. Incorporating health into my future classroom will be a less difficult because of the experience gained from completing the weekly unit assignment. I also have a greater knowledge of NHES Standards and how to better help students apply each one. Resources where not only found in the text but also online. The Internet has a variety of resources to integrate health into all subjects and grade levels. Because students are so young in the first grade, they have a better chance of grasping the material because they can be easily manipulated. Collaboration was implemented into a majority of the activities so students could work together and share ideas. Each lesson or energizer was designed to stay in the original class schedule and to not exceed those limits. Materials were inexpensive and could easily be made, brought from home, or found in the classroom in order to save money. The energizers where designed to keep the students engaged by moving while each of the health lessons incorporated technology. YouTube videos are a different way to keep a student focused on a lesson instead of listening to a teacher talk.