Quarter 1, 2007 BENCHMARK MAP July 31 – September 29 Today in Science 7/31/06 Review Contract (Due 8/3) (10pts) Safety Class Rules Lab Expectations in Lab book (10pts) Supplies Needed For Lab 3 ring binder Composition book – College ruled Science 8/1-2/06 1. 2. Place Lab Book and Contract on your desk Fill out Assignment Page 1. 2. 3. On page one of your Lab Book List: 1. 4. 10pts for Contract 10pts for Lab Expectations Lab Expectations #1 -#9 Bio Poem (10pts) Science 8/3/06 – 8/7/06 1. 2. Complete Bio-Poem Presentations(10pts) Work on Collage (20pts) 1. 2. 3. On sheet of paper make a collage of what science is to you. On the back of the collage write or attach 1page describing your collage. Present your Collage (10pts) 1. Due date: 8/7/06 Science 8/4/06 1. HYPERSPACE (electronic source, video) 1. Standard 2: The Scientific Process: NATURE OF SCIENCE— Understand that science, technology, and society are interrelated 1. 2. In your lab book list and explain (6pts total) 1. 2. 3. 4. The student: Explains how the evidence found in a wide variety of print and electronic sources (e.g., video, database programs, internet) can be used to develop conclusions. Three things you learned from Hyperspace Three Questions you still have from Hyperspace Work on Collage (20pts) Present your Collage (10pts) 1. Due date: 8/7/06 Science 8/7-8/06 1. Place Collage and Rubric on Desk (Due Today) 1. 2. 3. 2. Complete SELF ASSESSMENT Complete PEER ASSESSMENT Turn in Completed Rubric and Collage HYPERSPACE (electronic source, video) 1. In your lab book list and explain (6pts total) 1. 2. Three more things you learned from Hyperspace Three more Questions you still have from Hyperspace Science 8/8-9/06 1. Present your Collage (10pts) 1. 2. 2. Bring Complete Science Collage and Write-up with Rubric to front of class Peer and Self Assessment must be complete before presentation Get Ready for EGGHEAD Project!!! (100pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. Read grading rubric at home Ask questions you have next class period DUE: 8/17/06 Additional resource: www.wikipedia.org Science 8/10-11/06 1. Collage Presentations(10pts) 1. 2. 2. When called Bring Complete Science Collage and Write-up to front of class Peer and Self Assessment must be complete before presentation Don’t forget EGGHEAD Project!!! (100pts) 1. 2. Ask questions if you don’t understand the rubric DUE: 8/17/06 Presentation 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, SHOWTIME, then you start HI, My name is __________. Today I am presenting my Science Collage. This collection of pictures represent science to me because__________… Are there any questions? (wait 7 seconds) Answer any questions. SAY, Thank you Audience will applause (clap, clap, clap) Science 8/14/06 1. Don’t forget EGGHEAD Project!!! (100pts) DUE: 8/17/06 (THIS THURSDAY) 1. 2. 3. 2. Ask questions if you don’t understand the rubric Take out Formal Science Write-up for Get The Yolk Out Work on both write-ups and I will come by and check them for completeness and accuracy Review EcoColumn rubric and make plans with your team mates on collection of supplies needed for the project. (Supplies DUE: 8/21/06) Science 8/15/06 (P6: 8/16/06) 1. Don’t forget EGGHEAD Project!!! (100pts) DUE: 8/17/06 (THIS THURSDAY) 1. 2. 3. Ask questions if you don’t understand the rubric Review EcoColumn rubric and make plans with your team mates on collection of supplies needed for the project. (Supplies DUE: 8/21/06) OPEN TEXT Science Explorer From Bacteria to Plants to pgs.14-15 and READ Mystery Object 1. Start a Formal Write-up in your lab book that will allow you to reach the Goal presented to you in the project. Table 1: EcoColumn Observation Day Day 1 2 Growth of Plant in millimeter s (mm) Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Science 8/16/06 1. Complete EcoColumn Mystery Object draft scientific write-up in your lab book. 1. 2. Title, Problem, Hypothesis, Questions (found in Get Started on pg.15), Procedure, Observations (including a table) should be complete today. (12pts) Each team discusses and then turns in one sheet of paper at end of class with Get Started Questions written out and answered. (10pts) Jungle IN YOUR LAB BOOK Three things you learned Three questions you have Science 8/17-21/06 Place EcoColumn supplies in proper box Write name, team number, and period on supplies Place EGGHEAD at your desk (100pts total) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Present your EGGHEAD to your Team Complete SELF and PEER evaluations on your pink sheets. Turn in complete graded rubrics (pink sheets) to me. If you do not have your egghead turn in 1 written page on a loose leaf paper telling me why you don’t have it, (if this page is not turned in you lose 20pts) Each team discusses and then turns in one sheet of paper at end of class with Get Started Questions written out and answered. (10pts) Science 8/21-22/06 1. Place EcoColumn supplies on your desk 1. 2. 3. Write name, team number, and period on supplies (Complete build by 8/24/06) Write on one sheet of paper team members names and what supplies they brought in. (turn this sheet in to me -2pts per day if you did not bring anything in) Construct your EcoColumn 1. 2. 4. Bring Bottles up to me with lines marked where you want me to cut them. Must wear GOGGLES when up in front of class with me EcoColumn Mystery Object Write-up Due 8/31 1. 2. 3. Must be in proper Lab Report Format Must include a table and graph in observation section Must include at least 7 days of observations Science 8/24/06 1. 2. st 1 ½, st 1 ¼ Place your Assignment sheet on your desk and fill it out You will be assessed on the following; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Contract Lab Expectations Bio Poem Collage Egghead Hyperspace EcoColumn Mystery Object Lab Book Daily Entries Peer Evaluation Total: 10pts 10pts 10pts 30pts 100pts 6pts 12 pts 12pts 12pts 202pts Rubric for Egghead Project 3. 4. List 1. Describe 2. Explain why famous contribution Construct Sources of Egghead Information 5. Construct Diorama 20pts 1 page describing what made them famous 1 page explaining contribution No holes or cracks showing – looks like scientist 4 sources of information listed Criteria 14 in shoe box size diorama 15pts ¾ page describing why famous ¾ page contributions No holes or cracks showing – does not look like… 3 sources of information listed 3 criteria in diorama 10pts ½ page why famous ½ page contributions Some holes or cracks showing – does not look like scientist 2 Sources of information listed 2 criteria in diorama 5pts ¼ page why famous ¼ page contributions Holes and cracks showing, egg not empty, no face on egg 1 source listed 1 criteria in diorama Science 8/28-31/06 1. 2. 3. PLACE your ECOCOLUMN at your desk Read pgs 16-23 From Bacteria to Plants Text Complete Section 1 Review p.23 (14pts) 1. 1. Complete Check Your Progress p.23 (10pts) 1. 4. Write out questions and answers in your lab book This is your first observation for EcoColumn Mystery Object write up. Start Skills Lab pg.24 (Controlling Variables) 1. 2. This is an example of how parts of your EcoColumn Write Up might look like. LOOK CLOSELY at the DATA TABLE 8/30-31/06 1. PLACE EcoColumn at your desk 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Life? Write EcoColumn Observations in Data Table (SHOULD BE MAKING OBSERVATIONS FOR DAY 3 OR 4 ) COMPLETE KEY term DEFINITIONS in your lab book as you read Section 1, pgs 16-23 (28pts) (key terms can be found on pg. 43) COMPLETE QUESTIONS p.23 (14pts) and CHECK YOUR PROGRESS pg.23 (10pts) AFTER ALL of the ABOVE is COMPLETE 1. Bring Egghead to front of room for presentation (10pts) Chapter 1, Section 1, Key Terms ORGANISM, CELL, UNICELLULAR, MULITCELLULAR, DEVELOPMENT, STIMULUS, RESPONSE, REPRODUCE, SPONTANEOUS GENERATION, CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT, MANIPULATED VARIABLE, AUTOTROPH, HETEROTROPH, HOMEOSTASIS. 9/5-7/06 Science Place EcoColumn at your desk Read Pages 25-42 in Text You should be beyond day 7 observation Write Final Draft for EcoColumn Mystery Object on Loose Leaf Paper for me to check TODAY! Define Terms for Sec. 2, Sec. 3, & Sec. 4 in your lab book. (Terms found on pg.43) (22pts) Due 9/7 Answer Questions for Sec. 2 pg 27, Sec. 3 pg 37, & Sec. 4 pg 42. (Write out Quest. And Ans. In your lab book) (24pts) Due 9/7 Bring Egghead to front of room for presentation (10pts) COMPLETED BY WEDNESDAY Tell what made your scientist famous and what his/her contribution(s) were to the science world Science 9/7-8/06 1. 2. Complete Chapter 1 Sections 2, 3, and 4 key terms (11 total) (22pts) and 12 review questions (24pts). (Look on pgs 25-43) If I call your name come up and collect your EcoColumn MYSTERY OBJECT Formal Lab Report 1. 2. Complete Self and Peer Evaluation using BLUE rubric. Complete SLC Peer Evaluation using PINK rubric Science 9/11/06 (P1) 1. 2. Complete Chapter 1 Sections 2, 3, and 4 key terms (11 total) (22pts) and 12 review questions (24pts). (Look on pgs 25-43) If I call your name come up and collect your EcoColumn MYSTERY OBJECT Formal Lab Report 1. 2. Complete Self and Peer Evaluation using BLUE rubric. Complete SLC Peer Evaluation using PINK rubric Science 9/11-12/06 P4, P5, P6, P7 1. 2. Complete Chapter 1 Sections 2, 3, and 4 key terms (11 total) (22pts) and 12 review questions (24pts). (Look on pgs 25-43) DUE 9/12/06 Bring Egghead to front of room for presentation (10pts) COMPLETED BY TODAY 1. Tell what made your scientist famous and what his/her contribution(s) were to the science world Read Botanical Field Trip Handout: 1. Define Highlighted Terms and Words you do not know. Science 9/12-14/06 1. 2. Collect UH Botanical Field Trip Guide from front of room (write partners/group members name on paper) Highlight or Underline Terms in you are unfamiliar with. 1. 2. 3. Define these terms in your lab book. Fill in answers to questions as we review the field trip. JUNGLE: Write 3 things you learned about on your green handouts next to the tree the video discussed Science 9/14/06 JUNGLE: Write 3 things you learned about on your green handouts next to the tree the video discussed Write 3 and 3 in your lab book Draw a Jungle (Community Ecology) Food Web that represents what you saw in the video FOOD WEB Science 9/16/06 Botanical Field Trip today Science 9/18-20/06 1. 2. COMPLETE Botanical Field Trip (BFT) handout, and all requirements on BFT rubric. Complete Rubric with Peer and Self Score (Blue Sheet) 1. Due 9/21/06 (100pts) Science 9/21/06 1. 2. 3. Exchange both BFT write ups, guide book, and blue rubric with a teammate Present your plants to your teammate Complete Rubric with Peer and Self Score (Blue Sheet) 1. 4. Due Today (100pts) Turn EVERYTHING in to ME at the end of class Science 2nd ½ , 1st ¼ Grade Start on EcoColumn Food Web after you give me grades You will be assessed on the following; Chap. 1 Sec. 1 voc Mys. Obj. EcoColumn obs. GLO worksheet EcoColumn Write up Jungle Lab Book Botanical Field Trip Blue Botanical Field Trip Map Chp.1 Sec. 2,3,4, voc. Chp. 1 Sec 1,2,3,4, Ques. 14pts 10pts 39pts 100pts 6pts 24pts 100 pts 20pts 22pts 32pts Science 9/25-27/06 Complete your EcoColumn Food Web on the yellow paper (20pts), AND Food Web Worksheet on white paper (23pts). NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CONCEPT MAP Include arrows showing which way the energy is flowing throughout the system Label all organisms (including type of organism) Include organisms you would like to see in your ecocolumn as well as those that are already in there Create a grading rubric for this activity (must add up to 20pts) Due 9/28/06 Thursday Start Project 4 “Become a Moss Expert” pg.109 Read project and complete GET STARTED Answer the 2 questions, make your list and compare. EcoColumn Food Web Rubric Complete Rubric TODAY Energy Flow in EcoColumn is Described using arrows 4 Arrows used are pointing in the correct direction (pointing to the organisms that are doing the eating), and starting with the Sun. 3 2 1 Organisms are Labeled with common name Organisms are labeled by type of organism Included organisms presently in ecocolumn and organisms you would like to see in the ecocolumn Used Creativity and Color Common Name of organism is written under the organism and spelled correctly Type of organism is written under common name and spelled correctly. All organisms presently in ecocolumn are displayed including at least 4 additional organisms that could go in your ecocolumn Food web is an accurate representation of your ecocolumn and color is used throughout the food web. The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Living Thing -- YOU The Ultimate Guide to the HUMAN BODY Write 3&3 in your lab book. (6pts) Answer the following Questions in your lab book (6pts) What systems were discussed in the DVD? How is this DVD related to your EcoColumn project and food web?